=DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (Full Version)

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Mritha -> =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/21/2013 21:34:16)

Care to tell a tell of your adventures during this war? Post it here!

Please remember that only one post is allowed per person. If you have more to add, please edit your post. All commentary for the stories goes here

Dragonman -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/21/2013 22:52:57)


Day 1:

Welcome to TDLNND. This is Dragonman, saying protect my fellow Dravir!

This'll be short as my communication orb is bugging out, but all I can say is Battleon, and Vote for Dragonman.

To clarify, since some people are confused, this is a 2-front war, like Ravenloss, not a 2 way war like Pirate Vs. Ninja.

Both the Dragons and the Rose are our enemies this time, and we have to protect the freedom of the Dravir.

Battleon Soldiers (and expect periodic updates!)

Vote Dragonman for mayor, because he is for freeing magical creatures unlike certain political enemies.

Many people (Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzdor, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, Glais, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Break Eventide, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, Legendium, dkfreak11, Supersei, Warmonger Starsaber, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, Craze's Dragon, and flashbang.) support the man (It's in his name in fact) freeing these magical political prisoners. Do you?

*Sponsered by the the Campaing to Elect Dragonman For the First Time. (CEDFFT)*

Day 2:

Welcome to TDLNND. I'm Dragonman, pleased to announce that it is way to hot where I am right now...

This reporter blames the Red Dragons. Those good-for-nothing disgraces to dragonkind, having slaves... We all know that they don't need to, and most Dragons don't hagve slaves, but these guys, oh they think they're so great...

Anyway, the Rose forces have started attempting to take down the Dragons, which has resulted on deaths on both sides. It's a bitter, three-way war, with the side with the least casualties being us.

This reporter has attempted to get an interview with Magus Hansa, about how the Rose will justify salvery, but she was unable to comment.

The Dragons were also unable to comment without attempting to eat me. So I didn't ask. In all honesty, I should have asked before I killed 1001 waves of them, but Cie la Vis.

In other news, King Alteon's *CRZZCHT* has proposed to *recording cuts out*... said no. He's spending his time crying right now.

We're having some techincal difficulties, due to the energizers atttempting to destroy my camera Orb. So the rest of this program will be replaced with advertising... Battleon!

Many people (Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzdor, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, Glais, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Break Eventide, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, Legendium, dkfreak11, Supersei, Warmonger Starsaber, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, Craze's Dragon, flashbang, bokterier, Coldkick, salene, sithdragon123, and Warmonger DragonJax.) support the man (It's in his name in fact) freeing these magical political prisoners. Do you?

*Sponsered by the the Campaing to Elect Dragonman For the First Time. (CEDFFT)*

Buy new Hney nut Her-Os They're.......

Day 3:
Welcome to TDLNND. So far this war has been going on for three days and our side has had just one casualty, the 4th wall.

The 4th wall could not put up with all the strain of constantly being broken, and has passed out, luckily our top healers and wall-builders tell us that the 4th wall will recorver fully in 2 to 4 weeks. However, it won't ever be able to resist eating a pancake again.

In other news, Mellisa4Bella and Gingkage accidently caused the timeline to split, without creating another universe, when they "double-locked a thread". While this reporter only knows what that means because the 4th wall is currently on sick leave, he also knows that both timelines had a large fight. Everybody from the Gingkage creating the new thread timeline was sucked through a vortex into an empty universe which they are populating, except their Dragonman.

After much despute, we determined that he would be a co-anchor for TDLNND. Now to you Dragonman.

Thanks, Dragonman. In other news, the frontlines are still slowly, but surely losing Rose and Dragon troops. There have been reports of "Muffin Bombs" being thrown at waves of Rose member, killing and/or seriously injuring them. So to the Muffin Bombers, I salute you. Now for an advertisement from CEDFFT

Dragonman is an awesome candidate for mayor, so awesome, he's not going to waste time making up an ad that hardly anyone reads. Instead he'll say this.... "Schlammo"

Well, in other news, Robina the Hood is suing a movie for being based on her adventures, it is called Robin Hood.

That's it for today, I'm Dragonman

And I'm Dragonman, and this is TDLNND


Day 4:

Welcome Back to TDLNND I'm Dragonman

And I'm Dragonman

And today we've got a special treat for you

Yes, I'm going to interview a prime candidate for the Mayor, next election... Dragonman!

So Dragonman what are your positions?

Umm.... vote for me? Nah, just kidding. Well let's see, I'm pro peace, and pro magic. Both of which have become very controvertial, lately.

Wait a minute... You are pro peace? You've taken out tens of thousands of waves of enemies! There are reports that you've taken out over 1000 waves of enemies in one day!

Yeah, that was two days ago. I didn't mention that I'm anti-slavery and anti-getting taken over by bad guys then I am pro peace. If I have to, I'll crush the bad guys, but not for no reason.

There are rumors you weren't born in Falconreach, any comments on that?

You don't have to be born in a town to become it's mayor! That'd be a dumb rule... Plus, I'm older than Falconreach is, it's only a few years old!

True... what about the rumor that you are one-quarter elemental? Is it true, and if so which element?

Actually, that is true, and I don't see the relevence in the question, but all of them, except bacon, or void.

Any final statements?

Tune in tomorrow for more exciting news. And eat at Starsaber's Buffin's Muffins!

Well, that's all for tonight. I'm Dragonman

And I'm Dragonman, signing off!

Day 5:

Welcome to TDLNND... today I'm sad to announce that Dragonman has caught a cold


So naturally, because I'm like that, he will be doing all the stories tonight.

Fank you Dragobma'!

Doday, I foun' one gol' on the s*ACHHOO*ibewalk. *Cough Cough*

Theb, I trieb to ea' ih. So I caugh' dis col' from da germs on da sibewalk.

Dat's awll for doday! See you domorrah on TDL-eh-eh-D

*Behind the scenes: I said all those words out loud, as if I had a REALLY bad cold to figure out how to spell them*

Dragonman's announcement on Day 6, just after the Challenge was revealed:

I too, shall take a vow of silence, and also postpone my quest to do 50 waves on each armor, solely to focus on getting as many waves done as possible.

This is the last you shall hear of me, until my next newscast, which will be after 30% on both sides.

I will miss you all, as you will miss your elected leader (or at least the one I know you wanted to elect). But fear not, we shall see eachother again, hopefully later today!

So farewell Friends, neighbors and Falconreach-ites!

I have one thing left to say


Day 15:

Welcome to TDLNND. This is Dragonman announcing that miracles do happen. 50% of the Rose troops are now gone. we just need to CHARGE!!!

This reporter wishes he could help.

Good warring everyone!

Day 17:

Welcome to the final TDLNND update this war.

Somehow, we defeated the remaining 12% within the time limit, the General of the Rose army has been defeated, and nobody was enslaved.

The defeated Clawking are currently being freed, and now is time for something I'm sure we were all excited for, my final wave count is.....

9455 (Dragonman , what's my total waves? It's OVER 9000!)

Anyone who did more is an honaray Deputy Mayor, and should seriously tell me.

Thank you, it's been an honor fighting alongside all of you!

Dragonman, out!

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/22/2013 2:02:23)

No real story from me, did come up with a poem though.

Heroes, elves and dravir, come hither
Because I've got a story to tell
Of the first steps, on making the Rose wither
How for the first time, we gave them hell.
We rose up, swords and staves in our hands
And with our battle cry, they could hear the Bells
And we proved, to human or drake, that these were free lands
And we showed just how fiercely we'd fight
To keep and maintain our way of life
Whether that be in darkness, or in the light
But Lore was wounded, and oppression was the knife
So Rally, my friends and my rivals
To tell your children of this day
How you brought back freedoms revival
Would that not be a great thing to say?
So gather your blades, your staves, and your bows
'Cuz we're about to kill a Rose.

Artezza Trigger -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/22/2013 11:21:44)

The Price of Complacency

While war was nothing new to Artezza, he had made a critical error that took root long before this day. Since the rise of the Rose and their subsequent oppression of magical races, there had been very few calls to battle over the recent years. The aversion to magic that had been slowly creeping into the denizens of Lore had also weakened the trust between them and magical based fighters such as the Dragonlords, making opportunities to sharpen his skills few and far between, as dimplomacy and hiding those who were targeted took priority. The rare skirmishes with Rose soldiers who had caught him unawares were simply not enough to keep him vigilant, and he had begun to neglect his training.

The consequences of this showed as he moved onto the battlefield. He had the unfortunate luck of running into the dragons first, and it soon became apparent that even with magic, his body simply wasn't in a fit state to combat the larger, more ferocious creatures. This was compounded by the fact that his dragon, Exitium, had always been uneasy in fighting his brethren, more so now that they were among the many races being oppressed by The Rose. This led to sloppy co-ordination in their initial conflicts, causing them both to take many hits that could have otherwise been avoided.

Like many, it frustrated them both with how they couldn't be in two places at once. In the end, they decided to transfer to The Rose front, for two reasons: 1) Even after settling back into the throes, the initial failure had discouraged them from taking on the scaly beasts, and 2) While the Dragons only had the Dravir as their target, The Rose did not, for lack of a better word, discriminate between their targets: if its in any way linked to magic, it has to go.

After returning to battle on The Rose front, Artezza and Exitium felt a boost in morale. Dragonlords had always been good with defensive tactics, and while the enemy soldiers were light and fast, their strength was sub par. All the pair had to do was tank hits and cut down the enemy as they left themselves open for attack. However, they knew this battle was going to be a long one, and were mindful to conserve their stamina when possible.

This war was going to teach them a harsh lesson, they felt, and so the pair vowed to train harder than ever before once the dust had settled.

deather98 -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/22/2013 12:14:14)

As deather98 (aka Dragonknight the riftwalker) was sleeping near a dravir camp he experiences a very rude awakening from both The rose, and some young dragons. "What do you want?" as he frowns at them, while deciding wether to slay them where they stand or make an example of them. He begins to get furious as they say they plan to take him in (the rose) and destroy him (the dragons) "Is that so? Come on out Wraith." as he stands up before the foolish dragons and rose members. "THIS IS MY BOOOOOOOMMMMVOICE!" as he stuns one of the dragons before turning around backflipping over the rose members as Wraith uses Frenzy on them. Then he cuts a hole into the rift below their feet sinking them into the void. "I don't know who started this battle of this war, But I guarantee tonight there will be a lot less dragons without respect and rose members foolish enough to bother me when I'm sleeping." as deather98 begins to walk into the battle with his sneevillegion minion by his side to cause chaos and destruction among both parties.

We sons, (and daughters) of lore, born from the flames of war. Tonight we dine in the blood of our enemies and break the chains of thorns from the poison called rose. Far are we from our old glory having been frozen for nearly all eternity. Long have we hunted the dravir and clawkins like hounds...but now we are their TOGS OF War. Warlic in shame has hidden himself in his tower while xan hides somewhere unknown to us. KING alteon foolish at last has sold his soul to the rose endangering lore while we heroes fight our wars. BASH the Chains of fate and create your destiny. FORGE Your soul into your own desire for if we fail to save the magical races with this first war then we are the hero who destroys lore! COME AND DINE In the battle of The WAR of the DRAGON ROSE!

*marches into battle singing this song while felling rose and dragons all around as he stand beside the purple dragonlord and the dragonkin of the dravir. And on his other side stands the wind elveness with the clawkin refugees.*

Faerdin -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/22/2013 18:38:14)

Rune Knight, Book Three
I. Twenty-Five Years
II. Why Do You Fight, Rune Knight?
III. Nightingale
IV. Twenty-Five Eternities
V. Whispers in the Night
VI. Why Do You Fight, Doom Knight?

Why Do You Fight, Rune Knight?
He Who Stands Between Crossover

"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

The words of the Blue Mage still echoed like enduring remnants of his past. "You cannot control that which eludes all efforts."

Shades of that fateful night five years ago suffocated Faerdin. On all sides was the oppressive weight of the Mysterious Stranger's efforts, within his mind was the unending misery of dissonance rampant across the land, and in his soul rested the restless core of an uncertain identity. He fought the powers that sought to consume him to no avail. But then, just as his body and spirit neared their breaking point, time itself stilled around him.

Another voice rang true through the shadows. It was Magus Hansa.

"You rage against the bars of a cage that are of your own making, Rune Knight. Yes, I know what you are. It was upon your order, the Hand of the Avatars, that my beloved Rose founded its ideals. Its methods. 'Take action and right the wrongs of the world should the balance be disrupted. It is true that we nurture and preserve the elements, but we cannot shirk from the thought of striking at them as well.' Do you remember that, Faerdin? Those are the words of your old master, Gredal. The Rose does not hate magic. We want only to contain it and keep it within order, as the Rune Knights kept the elements within order. Why do you fight us?"

Why do you fight?

Who are you, Rune Knight?

A bump in the road wracked the shoddily crafted wagon. Faerdin awoke with a start.

He found to his dismay that the iron shackles still clung to his wrists. That pressure he felt all around him had not been borne of his memories of the Final 13th, but of his own imprisonment. Proud creations of a man called Z, they limited his usage of mana and veiled him in the web of magical energy that inadvertently triggered his nightmares. The shackles, cold as the moon's silver carriage, fooled him once again. But that is not the first time, Faerdin wistfully reflected.

The magical veil was not unlike those pillars of darkness that threatened to destroy him on the night of the Shattering. But these were constant. He wished it were not so. He eventually came to realize after his discussion with Magus Hansa that it was necessary, but there was still a deeply rooted part of his being that opposed it.

"Still not used to it, eh?"

The familiar tones coaxed a tired smile from Faerdin. "Not quite, Cinquefoil. What are you doing here?"

Cinquefoil returned his grin from beneath the navy hood, his eyes hidden in the shade. "I was stationed here to guard you while you were transported to the battlefield. It's a nice opportunity to catch up. How are the shackles?"

"Still tight and uncomfortable, but I have grown used to being in uncomfortable places."

"Speaking of that, there is someone who I think you'd like to-"

The wagon came to an abrupt halt. Their expressions grave, Faerdin and Cinquefoil dispelled the lighthearted air with a determined glance while they rose to their feet. Moving was difficult with his arms and legs bound in chains and the young Rose soldier had to wait while he caught up to him. Very little could have prepared them for the sight they were about to see.

Soldiers bearing the silver insignia of The Rose streamed from the many wagons arrayed before them. Such was the number of the infantry that the force repelling them seemed only impressively smaller. Several warriors- clearly the "Freedom Fighters" he had been told of- were single-handedly keeping the surging tide of Rose retaliation at bay. It was inspiring.

So inspiring that he hesitated where he stood. They fight for what they believe in...

It was at this moment that Magus Hansa had chosen to step forward. Rather than choosing more battle-appropriate attire, she continued to wear her midnight robes. She did not seem to think that she would be injured during this skirmish. With a gentle smile, Hansa murmured, "You know what needs to be done, Faerdin. Honor the memory of your order in the suppression of this rebellion."

Thus, Faerdin was bound in fetters beyond the physical.

He had to make a decision.

Just a brief introduction. Choose what action Faerdin takes by fighting in the war currently afflicting Dragonfable!
The next episode will occur next Saturday.

Great: Faerdin questions Hansa's motives. Requires a minimum of 25% in both wars.
Good: Faerdin continues to grapple with his internal crisis. Requires a minimum of 15% in both wars.
Poor: Faerdin confronts the warmongers.

"What are you waiting for? Those warmongers need to be destroyed so that our forces can advance on the Freedom Camp!"

Though Magus Hansa searched his face with a threatening snarl on hers, there was no stopping the mind which raced beneath like a cornered wolf. Faerdin glanced from the moons that shone white with confusion in her face to the warmongers- felling soldier after soldier and growing only all the more confident with every victory. He had bared witness to many displays of evil and greed during his time as a defender of the world's elemental balance, and he did not see those evils in the warriors.

Some indeterminate emotion solidified their position and wrenched them in place like statues. They would not yield, and for all the criticism they received, Faerdin knew in his heart that they had unquestionable motives. Power beyond Faerdin's understanding similarly compelled the Rose soldiers all around them- unmistakably cemented in their cold, vitreous eyes- though he knew it was different.

Then it struck him. Fear. The Rose soldiers were afraid.

"Well?" Returning his gaze to the young spellweaver, he realized that he was not even aware of what her motives were. Faerdin opened his mouth to speak, and on the edge of his vision one warmonger broke away from the struggling mass of bodies. They wound back their arm in preparation to throw something. Something aimed directly at Magus Hansa. What are they doing?

The object soared through the air while Hansa bit her lip in thought. Before Faerdin could react, Hansa stopped him with a raised hand. "Perhaps it would be best if-"

A small cake seemed to crumble against the back of Magus Hansa's head. She whirled around with her staff raised, channeling her Mana to create a cloud of acrid, pitch black magic about herself. "Cowards! Show yourself to me so that I can personally dismantle you for your audacity!"

The warmonger stepped forward with another treat in his hand. He now recognized what the man had thrown at her. It was a muffin he had thrown at Hansa. "I've got plenty more for ya!"

"Starsaber, get back here! We'll deal with her later!"

"Not until I give her a piece of my mind," Starsaber yelled in return. A chorus of laughter came from the Rose forces.

"You want to give me a piece of your mind? I am right here, hero." Magus Hansa lifted her staff and showered the warmonger Starsaber in crackling bolts of dark energy only to have them sent back by an unseen force. An enemy magician had advanced in Starsaber's defense.

"Be calm, friend. The Rose is our enemy, but even our enemy deserves our respect on the battlefield." Turning his attention to Magus Hansa, he smiled and nodded his head. "A pleasure to meet you here, Magus Hansa. I am afraid to say that you will pay dearly for having condoned slavery."

Iron clattered against iron as Faerdin's bonds shuddered with the closing of his fists.

"Elryn," Magus Hansa murmured. "I had a terrible feeling I would be fighting against you. Can you not see the righteousness of our goals?"

"I only see the righteousness of a tyrant."

The WarMage lifted his maul just in time. A ferocious war cry rent the air as Magus Hansa launched a torrent of arcane energy at him, battering against the hastily worded ward he had conjured in his defense. But in a single bound, Elryn tore through the arcane torrent and slammed against Hansa's stomach with an open palm, winding her and sending her flying several yards away. She struggled to rise as she leaned against her staff.

"Cinquefoil! Faerdin! Maneuver around the warmongers and infiltrate their defenses from behind! I will deal with these pests."

Faerdin turned to see Cinquefoil still standing by his side. He blinked. In his conundrum he had almost forgotten he was there. Cinquefoil nodded in affirmative while Magus Hansa blasted the chains that bound Faerdin, leaving only the shackles clasped tightly around his wrists and ankles.

They saw no more of the confrontation. The war cries of a dozen warmongers and the infuriated howls of The Rose rang behind their backs as Faerdin and Cinquefoil ran. They ran out of the sun's light and into the shade of the canopy, casting themselves into the hands of Fate even as a criminal may recklessly dive wherever they might find salvation. But in that darkness, they would not find salvation.

They would find only the forces which their hearts sought to escape.


I can't believe it, Cinquefoil thought dumbly.

What the might of The Rose could not accomplish in perilous weeks of battle, Faerdin had accomplished in little less than half an hour. He kicked absentmindedly at a sizable crack in Lore's crust- a remnant from the fraction of power Faerdin had released in order to overtake the Clawkin village. The ground itself had trembled and he could have sworn that the tremble had emanated from Lore's very core.

It was enough to ease the warriors' grasp on the Clawkin village. Soon, The Rose would attempt the same feat with the Freedom Camp. Cinquefoil scoffed and swung his foot at a loose chunk of soil. Or Faerdin will.

The rock rolled across the ground and startled an injured Vind warrior nearby. Another patted the first on the shoulder as they took refuge with the Clawkin- fear's shadow swimming in the depths of warriors and Clawkin alike. They did not know what would become of them, but Cinquefoil did. He preferred not to think about it.

I should have told him sooner, Cinquefoil reflected.

"Attention!" Magus Hansa's voice reverberated through the air, echoing off every structure like the world was mimicking her speech. "Refugees and Rose personnel to the center of the village, please."

A tightness settled around Cinquefoil's chest, and he receded into the shade of a tree while the nearby soldiers and Clawkin set off for the village's center. He knew that Magus Hansa would continue projecting her voice whether everyone was there or not. The more people to hear, the better. I'll be hearing, but I refuse to see.

One second became one minute. One minute became ten. The silence grew only more uncomfortable for Cinquefoil, shifting against the tree as though being assaulted by a persistent fly, before Magus Hansa's voice returned.

"You fled the security we have provided for you, for all of Lore, in favor of such insubordination. I call your actions insubordinate because, part of The Rose or not, you have accomplished all within the realm of possibility to make our task difficult. We seek the security of our dead, the protection of small villages from power-hungry magicians, the vengeance of those who have fallen against those who would use magic irresponsibly. But what do you do? You fight us. You show only contempt for us despite the purity of our message. And for that, you will pay the ultimate price.

"Faerdin, the Rune Knight who decimated your forces, will be executing the Clawkin young within this hour. It will be upon your hands that their blood rests, and so will it be upon your hands that anymore shed blood rests."

So the voice echoed into silence, and so too did the doubt in Cinquefoil's mind.

Round Two! Will Faerdin strike down the Clawkin children in the name of The Rose, or will he side with Kara and the Vind defenders?

Great: FAERDIN SMASH! Requires 100% in Dragon Front Meter and 75% in the Rose Front Meter.
Good: Faerdin refuses to act. Requires 90% in the Dragon Front Meter and 60% in the Rose Front Meter.
Poor: Faerdin executes the Clawkin children.

Naught but the nearby chorus of birds managed to penetrate the veil of silence that had suffocated both Vind warriors and Rose soldiers alike. There was a weight to the air, touched not by acrid fumes that climbed with rising vigor from the smoldering Clawkin homes- The Rose had begun their ceremonial sweep through the village for resources and decided to destroy what remained- nor even by the gravity of the situation. Instead, human and elf alike shared fleeting glances and found in one another, despite all differences, that their thoughts pressed upon the same question: what now?

But they would not find that answer. Nor would they find that answer in the broken homes that encircled the clearing in the village's center, hunched over together like the sole survivors of some wretched holocaust to ask the very same question.

A figure appeared among the ghostly shells to impose their own answer: Magus Hansa. Beside her stood the plate-bound harbinger of their loss, the man known as Faerdin. A helm wrought of spell-woven steel shone proudly upon his head, his eyes locked behind the visor in shackles of shadow. Those which adorned his wrists and ankles had been removed for the occasion- one that The Rose believed to be quite special.

None would believe given his blatant display of support that Faerdin would not harbor that belief.

With nigh unnoticeable relish, Magus Hansa lifted her arms. Her moon-white eyes grew hazy with tears. They saw everything and nothing. "This is what you have brought upon yourselves for refusing us, children of Kara. You blindly followed your leader in faith that she would show the world that her precious magic was nothing more than what it has always been: an irresponsible power. You gave yourself to power that has disturbed our dead, torn asunder our homes, and become responsible for the travesty you have brought upon yourselves this day.

"For the good of Lore and its people, we shall remind you not to make this mistake again." Turning her head, Hansa called out, "Z! The prisoners!"

A decrepit soul arose like a specter from the crowd with chains in his hands, pulling with him a cluster of confused Clawkin. They were smaller, more meek than the others encountered both by The Rose or the Vind. Despair swam in their round, dark eyes and their whimpering, though wordless, recalled to life the memory of calling for mother and father in youth. With the understanding that they were merely children, the Vind forces grew pale and the faces of the Rose soldiers were as masks before the shed blood to come.

One of the young glanced to the clearing and directly into the veiled visage of the Rune Knight. Their eyes reminded him of the fear that similarly afflicted the warriors of The Rose only several hours prior. It evoked from his heart the feeling of receding, shrinking into the ocean's black abyss. He was sinking, his spirit waterlogged and under the pressure of a vast, midnight expanse all around.

Why do you fight us?

The old figure, a man named Z, raised the hood of his cloak and cast himself into anonymity with all the authority of an executioner.

You cannot control that which eludes all efforts.

Then- against every ounce of pressure- a spark flickered into being in Faerdin's breast. A sense of wrong. A sense of injustice. No matter the justification given to him, there was something- a something that eluded all efforts at being grasped or twisted- that felt profoundly wrong. If this is how our order had once been, reflected Faerdin, I am ashamed to have been inducted into their ranks. My father would be ashamed. Gredal would be ashamed.

I deserve it.

"Faerdin... You know what must be done. Do it now." Hansa. She manipulated him. Faerdin trusted her and she used him, regardless of her intentions.


"What?" Magus Hansa's bearing hardened from a feeling of bliss to stern disbelief. She would manipulate him again. She would manipulate anyone if it served her purposes, and Faerdin would ensure it never came to pass again. A rune, woven befittingly of the judgment he felt Hansa deserved, formed within the illuminated caverns of his mind. The air grew thicker as Faerdin lifted his hand and, the eyes of every soldier present following, breathed the only words he could think of at that precise moment.

"Suffer, wench."

A golden gleam of light was all that the spectators had been able to see before the discharge of darkness. The force of the blast brought all to their knees and forced the onlookers to shield their gaze from the gale of energy that wracked the village. Hansa was little more than a hollow frame, her cries of agony lost before the whipping of pitch black tendrils which split and tore from the silhouette that remained of The Rose's magician. The spell reached a fever pitch, and then-

Silence. Magus Hansa was nowhere to be found. And with her disappearance came an explosion of action.

While the Rose soldiers were baffled by the turn of events, the defenders of the Vind sprang into action. With admirable synchronization, the elves flicked their wrists and wrenched the blades from nearby warriors of the Rose, catching them and turning them against their former masters. Yet another pastry splattered against the face of a Mana Hunter whose weapon had not yet been disarmed, and as he wiped away the concoction, he found Starsaber charging and ready to cut him down.

Not far behind was the WarMage Elryn, clutching his flanged maul with waves upon waves of warmongers by his side. A warrior in violet armor raised her sword while the cry of a dragon tore through the heavy air, liberating and instilling a sense of hope to all. "For freedom!"

Even as the echoes of conflict rang at his back, a cacophony of eternal struggle forged with the heat of passion and the battles endured across time itself, Faerdin turned once again to the ebony mantle of the forest's canopy. And he ran. Once again, he tore away from the choice he had made, but this time was different. He had been following before. He allowed the will of another to dominate who he was.

But from now on, he was only ever in the lead.

Begin Faerdin's story here.

Mortarion -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/22/2013 19:14:37)

Reborn into shadows:

A shade of madness

Mortarion moved himself, his bones cracking in his shadowy cave. He smelt the air, his nostrils widening to take in the odor of charred corpses and blood soaked earth. His pitch black eyes opened, seeing all the souls of the dead on the battlefield.

He focused for a second, flashbacks of his rebirth during the time where all of Lore had been covered in shadows sliding quickly in his eyes, and retook his normal form except for one thing, he was covered in tattoos all over his body each one writhing along his chest, arms and legs. He went out, into the open battlefield, and a rose member spotted him.

"Die, monster!" Shouted the man as he charged towards him, his sword raised against him; the blade soon made contact against his shoulder, he smiled as the blade got struck there -shadowy tendrils holding it- with the man trying to force it out. He grabbed the man's face, covering it in a shadowy prison.

A cry of fear ran out of the enveloped man's head, soon Mortarion could feel tears running down through the face of the man, he was probably traumatized by the events that engulfed the world of Lore into the shadows. "Let me out, please I have a family" He cried; Mortarion formed a cruel, twisted, smile on his face, his black eyes shinning with a wicked fire.

"I too once hand a family, people like you killed it" He whispered softly as he began to crush the man's head, the blood running down his hands, an horrible crushing sound was heard, and the man went limp. Mortarion's hand returned to normal, as he made his way back to the camp.

He smiled at the warmongers who hadn't seen him for years, and spoke loudly; "I am back" He said as a fake smile appeared on his face, he was only here for the war so he could feed on the souls of the dead. His smile widened as he heard the soul of the dead rose soldier screaming inside of him.

Jaden -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/22/2013 20:40:34)

"Silent Doubt"

Jaden gazed out across the Freedom camp, marveling at what the dravir, a race he had previously thought to be evil and mindless, had built. The large cliff that entered into the valley towered high above, a stone sentinel that watched over the huts that the rebel dravir inhabited. They were made of stone blocks at the base, with giant plant leaves serving as the roofs and walls. Here was a whole civilization that had existed without anyone's knowledge for decades, possibly centuries! Jaden smiled to himself, remembering this very feeling when he made contact with the clawkin as well. Humans certainly weren't the only civilized beings on Lore, he thought to himself.

As his eyes wandered around the camp, he saw that what would have been a beautiful view was now marred by the preparations for war. Several cooking fires blazed and crackled, armor clanked and clattered as the more heavily attired heroes moved about. Shouts and laughter erupted from the campfires, as warmongers told their brothers and sisters in arms old war stories. From the portable smithy set up in the center of camp, Jaden could hear the constant clanging sound of the smith's hammer striking mercilessly on an anvil. Here and there, small brawls sprung up between over-anxious war mongers seeking to blow off some steam. But above it all, Jaden could feel it. The tension that struck even the most hardened of veterans. The tension that came from the anticipation of battle. He could feel it building up inside of him, to the point where he thought he would burst.

As he silently wrestled with his anxiousness, he found himself thinking about the opposing armies that he would be forced to face. While he realized that the encroaching dragons were slavers seeking to subjugate the dravir race, he couldn't help but feel conflicted. He had a great reverence for dragons, and killing any of them, even evil ones, troubled him. His Dragon, Emeraldus, had it worse than he did. It wasn't easy for him to kill humans, and he could imagine that it wasn't any easier for Emeraldus to kill dragons.

Then there was the Rose. Ever since he met with Magus Hansa, his feelings toward the Rose had become muddled and confused. While he hated of the senseless violence and cruelty that some of their members employed against magical beings, he also realized that many members of the Rose sought a more peaceful route. He actually found himself agreeing with some of their points. Yes magic was dangerous and unpredictable, and it had the capacity to harm a lot of beings. However, throughout his travels, he found that it wasn't magic itself that caused the danger, but people meddling with it. Perhaps the Rose should target those who abused it, rather than everyone associated with it?

"What's up?"

Jaden looked up abruptly, to see who the speaker was.

There stood Elysia, who had been called to the camp by Mritha in the hopes of communicating with the dragons more effectively. She stood tall, although Jaden could tell that she was uncomfortable with such an influential position being handed to her. She wore her usual white robes with the gold trimming. Her hood was up, but her purple hair was still visible, the evening light casting a dull sheen over it. She walked over with grace that she hadn't possessed 5 years ago. She sat down next to him and looked at him sideways, those beautiful storm-grey eyes gazing at him with concern.

"It's okay, I won't blab." She said when he didn't speak up, flashing an encouraging smile.

Jaden grunted and looked away. That smile was distracting.

"I realize that you don't like to talk, but we've known each other a while, so you can trust me." She said, then added "If you keep your mouth shut like that it'll freeze."

The corners of Jaden's mouth twitched and he let out an amused snort. A pause. "I want to find a better solution with-"

A horn blared, cutting through the conversations around the camp. It was time.

Jaden sighed."I have misgivings, but for now, I'll have to put them aside for the greater good." He stood up, as did Elysia.

"Come, we need to find Emeraldus and get to work.

Evil Torn -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/26/2013 13:37:22)


Doubt unsettled him once more. Doubt that led him to think that this was not the path he should traverse, that this was not the right way. Jaania had convinced him that it was, that magic was evil and had to be stopped, or at least controlled; now, however, doubt planted its roots again deep within the dark recesses of his mind. He did not voice his concern publicly, though, for war raged outside the tent. After all, a Lieutenant Commander of the 37th Battalion who voiced doubts of whether the Rose's ways were right would certainly cause more doubts to arise. Instead, he sought to catch his Commanding Officer at a time in private, yet the war seemed to do everything to stop it.

They were launching an all-out assault on a Clawkin hideout, and rumors said that it also harbored Dravir. Apparently they were not the only ones fighting against the base. Dragons were spotted not far away flying towards the base, and with the inclusion of them, the war suddenly became extremely valuable. They could not lose this, for if they did, Jaania would be very displeased. If they won this, not only would they have the Clawkin and the Dravir at their command, but they could then divert their attention to the Dragons. However, the war was not in their favor.

He stood in the tent, surrounded by his Commanding Officer and six Rose Enforcers. He forced himself out of his deep thought and focused on the conversation at hand. His Commanding Officer noticed and commented.

"Lieutenant Commander, glad to see you're back with us. Not like there is anything important going on, there's just a war outside! Now, as I was saying, we're focusing all our attention on the front of the base. Enforcers, I called you in here because you're the best of the best right now, and you're the only ones we have to spare. The assault on the front is fine and dandy for myself, but higher authority insists we find another way into the base and diminish their forces from inside. That's where you come in. Your squad is to sneak around and find a different entrance. Key word is 'sneak'. If you get caught, don't come back. If you manage to find another entrance, mark it on the map that I gave Enforcer Erik and double-time it back to my tent. Off you go, now!" the Commander said, and the small team of Enforcers did not hesitate in leaving. Realizing an opportunity, the Lieutenant Commander spoke up before his Commanding Officer could leave the tent to survey the war.

"Commander, wait! I have been doubting whether the Rose is correct or not...correct in whether Magic necessarily needs to be stopped. I mean, it's done Lore quite a lot of good lately, despite what Jaania may believe!" he said, finally voicing his concern. The Commander walked slowly to him, hands behind his back.

"Have you told anyone else of your doubts, Lieutenant Commander?" the Commander asked, his gaze locking with the other man's. He spoke menacingly slow.

"No, sir."

"Have you thought of defecting, Lieutenant Commander?"

"The opportunity arose once, but I did not take it, sir," the Lieutenant Commander replied carefully.

"You should have," the Commander said before jabbing a dagger into his lesser officer's neck. A ruffle at the tent told him that someone had just entered. Turning, the Commander saw the Enforcer, Erik. Erik stood completely still, waiting for the Commander to speak. When it was clear that he was not going to say anything, Erik spoke.

"We have found a different entrance, Commander. We lost four of our men, however. The other Enforcer is at the Medical section of the camp."

"Good job, Enforcer Erik. Report to the Medical section as well for them to tend to your injuries," the Commander said. As Enforcer Erik turned to exit, the Commander added, "Oh, Enforcer Erik, you've just been promoted to Lieutenant Commander."


The Rose seeks an end to Magic
As heroes fight against their rule
This story is one that is tragic
A tale of a mistaken fool

Jaania seeks the end
To contain magic for her own 'good'
But the heroes shall send
Jaania back to where she stood

In a time where Lore is in upheaval
And there is only one to end it all
Where even the Rose prosecutes a Sneevil
Will it be you or the Rose that falls?

He has Returned

They say that he has come back
From the prison of ice
And now the world shall not lack
Someone who plays nice

For the hero has returned
To the land of Lore
And now, the Rose shall fall
Evil will last no more

Rumors spread of his tale
Of liberation from the Rose
Some say the mighty warriors fell
To a hero who arose

For the hero has returned
To the land of Lore
And now, the Rose shall fall
Evil will last no more

And now the hero fights!
For freedom of all slaves
The hero sets his sights
On putting the Rose in their graves

For the hero has returned
To the land of Lore
And now, the Rose shall fall
Evil will last now more

Hold the Line

It's not in the way that the Rose fights
It's not in the way that the Dragons attack
It's not in the way that they aren't exciting
It's not in the way that we'll keep fighting
It's not in the way that they enslave or the things that they do

Hold the line!
They shall all fall in time!

Hold the line!
They shall all fall in time!

It's not in the words that they say
It's not in the way that they spit their lies
It's not in the way that they twist their words
It's not in the way that they keep slaves in herds
It's not in the way that they enslave or the things that they do

Hold the line!
They shall all fall in time!

Hold the line!
They shall all fall in time!

It's not in the words that they say
It's not in the way that they spit their lies
It's not in the way that they twist their words
It's not in the way that they keep slaves in herds
It's not in the way that they enslave or the things that they do

Hold the line!
They shall all fall in time!

Hold the line!
They shall all fall in time!

kors -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/26/2013 15:47:43)

Chains And Shackles
The sounds of the fight echoed throughout the small room Kor and dozens of others took a break to check their wounds and heal themselves. The Chronomancer looked out the window as several Clawkin slashed at a manahuntress. The Rose were the greater threat here, it would all be for naught if the Rose were able to win and eventually eradicate all of Lore’s bountiful mana. Even if the Dravir are enslaved once more they can still be saved again, and perhaps set truly free.

Ever since he was freed from his icy prison, the Lore he returned to had spun his knowledge onto it’s head and made the world an ever more confusing place to Kor. Many things he never would have learned if he avoided Jaania’s spell. It has not been long since he was freed, but the changes Lore has seen in these five years was more than enough shellshock this hero.

Mirtha came up to Kor and clasped his shoulder, or as close to it as his armor would allow, and gave him a little shake. “Come on,” she said as she let go of Kor, “No need to be so glum about this! Get back out there and lets make some very black and blue(not to mention purple) Roses!” She slapped him on the back and pushed the reinvigorated Chronomancer out the door and into the fray.

He pulled out the sword the Black Market Moglin gave him a couple of weeks ago. It was perfect for beating back the human army of the Rose. It’s ice Dragon scales held an intense hatred of the race that took the scales and remade them into their current form. Despite it’s origins it had proven to be a weapon meant for good, oddly enough.

It was not long before his first foe found it’s way to him. Chronus lead it straight his way. A chained Clawkin ran at his dragon with every intent to harm the dragon. With a quick slap with the blunt side of the sword managed to bring it down. Before it could try and get the Chronomancer slashed at the magic shackles that enslaved it.

The vile glow that clouded the creature’s mind vanished. Another pair of Clawkin came, ones who had so far avoided the fate that their brother had only just been freed from. They helped him stand up, and as they walked into the medic’s room the newly freed Clawkin whispered to Kor, “Thank you. I am in your debt.”

A blur moved past Kor. “Oh no you don’t, you oversized squirrels!” An Energizer made her way towards the three Clawkin. A smirk on her face, and mana gathering into the set of shackles in her hands.

Kor barely had enough time to react, by the time everything around him slowed a large burst of mana had surrounded the four. “Damnit! I can’t just let that Rose put those chains back on that Clawkin!” he shouted as he ran into the burst of raw magic and attacked the first silhouette he saw.

When the world returned to it’s natural pace and the dust settled the Time Mage saw another had also attacked the Energizer. A purple mark ran through the enemy’s plate, and a purple shield stood in both him and the Energizer’s way. “Heh, and here I thought I would be too late. Thanks for that little boost!” Mritha watched as the very surprised Energizer fell to the ground, unconscious.

“Wait, what? How did you...,” the Chronomancer was silenced as a shout from behind brought him back to the battlefield. He turned to face a Manahunter making a beeline for him. The warrior raised his sword.

And then several spheres of magical Nature energy darted around Kor. Each sphere exploded into a sea of plants as they struck the Manahunter. He fell as a jumbled mass of roots and leaves and branches covered almost every part of him.

“Uh... woops? I missed the dragon I was aiming for!” a mage ran up and helped Kor up. A dagger in hand, and the robes of a mage seemed like an odd pairing to the armor clad, and sword swinging, time mage as he stood up. Just as quickly as she arrived, Niki was off and fighting off a couple Dragons.

The battle drew closer and closer to the freedom camp as the war erupted into full blown chaos. Dragons and Roses fought the other as eagerly as against those in the camp. In the end no one could tell who was to be the victor of this war over chains and shackles and those who bore them.


“There, does this look a little better?” Kor asked, “It is a little snug yet, but I think I can get used to it.”

Mritha smirked, seeing how the hood she had given him only barely fit the Chronomancer. “Looks good, now you should be able to hide away better. The people of this Lore may not care, but you sure are wanted back home,” she said as she set a crate on one of the large moving carts.

They may have lost the camp but they beat back the swarm of Rose at the final hour, defeated the Agent who lead the charge, and stopped the imminent destruction of two races who had taken refuge there. All in all, a normal war in this timeline and another reason Kor kept on returning to this version of Lore. It was an impressive comeback though, no one could refute that.

Kor glance over at the purple Dragonlord with his newly hidden eyes. “So what reason do you have for not trying to bring me back? It’s not like we even know eachother, and you seem to know that I am a wanted ‘criminal’,” he paused for a second, “But... ah... Thanks anyway. I would not want to get in another fight like that one anytime soon.” He thought back at part of the reason he was on the run, and shook his head sadly.

Mritha replied, a strange smile on her face, “I don’t see why you are so wanted back home. They never said why we needed to bring you in, and the reward... eh, I have seen more gold drop from some of the monsters here. Personally I don’t see it being worth it really.” She looked away from Kor and continued moving the large crates.

The Chronomancer himself got up and continued helping prepare for the large move to wherever they were to go. It was moving along as good as one could expect for the number of people working on salvaging, packaging, and moving all that was left. “Once this is over...,” Kor thought to himself, “Will Lore be as it was in the days before I was frozen? Or just simply shrug its shoulders and just replace the Rose? Perhaps they might even win, if we pull many more close calls like this one it may just happen.”

He sighed noticeably at the last thought. And then he said to Mritha, “You know... you never did tell me how you managed to hide your eyes. You just tossed me this hood. It can’t be that hard can it?” He looked more closely at the purple clad Dragonlord.

“It’s not that easy you know. I am not even fully sure why. I tried teaching it to some else a while back, it worked as well as any bad illusion spell. A hood or mask worked better than the spell,” she retorted. Kor did not ask Mritha anything thing else.


The final crate landed on the large cart, bound for it’s new home far away. Kor stood a fair distance away from everyone as they celebrated. He figured it was time to move on, to see what the other Lore was like at the moment. He pulled down the large hood and watched as the world faded into the pale blue light. Soon he would return and figure out why the Rose were like this, eager to destroy, eager to ruin their world

The Odor -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/26/2013 22:51:50)

The Odor looked on the black box at his feet. Malus had flown as fast as he could to get it for him when the word of war was brewing. He had been training for this. Ever since he bought his first Doom Staff he had been preparing, studying and strengthening himself.
Layer after layer of mental guards and magical wards lay on his mind to prevent the worst from happening. And now the time had come. It had been some time since he acquired the final piece of the armor and even then he had decided against using it beyond light testing until war was upon them… And here it was.
As many times before he thought about turning back… He had fought without these kinds of means a long time and he had done well. And the path he was going to take had high risks of death and madness… But he had to use it. He had long stopped deluding himself into thinking this was only to improve his fighting ability.
This was the final test of his theory. Could the ultimate force of Darkness be used for good? He had to know. His hands trembled slightly as he opened the box and looked down on the armor.

Leonard walked through the forest, the rest of his squad spread out around him, hunting the magical critters infesting it. It felt… Silly. These guys looked like oversized rodents and he had seen no magic from ‘em. He had joined the Rose to eliminate magical threats to Lores population. Like dragons or Chaosweavers. Not acting pest control.

“OVER THERE!” One of his allies called and pointed up a tree where a pair of yellow eyes gleamed for a second before a form vaulted away and ran through the undergrowth.

All of them dashed after it. Another fault with fighting these things. They were too fast! He ran on, almost tripping on roots and getting slapped by branches until he and his squad stumbled into a clearing, no sign of the clawkin. He looked around.

“Where did it go?” He asked.

“I don’t know.” The groups energizer answered.

“… Why didn’t it disappear before the clearing?” a manahuntress he was fairly sure was called Miranda asked while studying the trees.
“Why would it lead us here?”

“Because I asked it to.”
A thunderous voice sounded as a red armored man stepped out from behind a tree. He carried a spear, covered with skeletal parts and tipped with a wide black blade and wore a mask of a demonic skull. From his back a pair of bone wings extruded.

As he kept walking into the clearing the groups Energizer threw up her gauntleted hand and launched a blast of energy that the man batted away with a sweep of his hand before throwing his spear into the offending force, sending her flying into a tree.

Two Manahunters rushed him from either side but he grabbed the left ones wrist and slammed him into the right one sending both of them tumbling to the ground.

As the manahuntress leaped at him he drew both his hands in towards his chest and then as her daggers where cnetimeters away he splayed them both outwards, sending shards of shadows out of his body, striking the woman mid jump, breaking her momentum and sending her to the ground. He kept walking slowly towards Leonard, stepping over the groaning Miranda without breaking his stride, raising his hand towards the tree where the Energizer was lying.

Leonard shook uncontrollably as he raised his sword, the tip constantly moving as the mans spear flew back to his hand. He desperately tried to remember what his fencing instructors had taught him but his mind was flooded with an urge not to die. The man drew closer and Leonard closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to prepare himself for the end.

The man walked up next to him and spoke a single word before continuing his march. Leonard opened his eyes, felt his sword drop from his hands as he saw the two Manahunters struggle to their feet. He ran over to the Energizer who was clasping her shoulder where the spear had hit and helped her up as one of the manahunters dragged Miranda onto his shoulder. They exchanged one look and started running back through the woods, leaving their weapons behind, the mans one word echoing in Leonards mind.


Noel stepped out from his hiding spot as the Rose soldiers left. The Odor was walked past him.

“… Was it really wise to let them go?” He asked the man as he followed him.

“Yes. They will spread the word to others.” The Odors distorted voice sounded.

“… Can you not do the voice?”

“… No. Another target?”

“… I have to do the test first.” Noel said.

“Do it then.” The Odor said as he continued walking.

“What is your name?”

“The Odor.”

“What is my name, and what am I to you?”

“Noel Woodsoul, you are my friend.”

“What is your dragons name and where is he?”

“Malus. He is finding targets for me to battle.”

“What is your mothers name?”


“What was your fathers pet name for your mother?” The Odor stopped.

He stood there for a few seconds, lowering his chin in thought.

“… Sam.” He said afterwards.

“… Do you hear the voices of the armor yet?”

“…Yes but they are still far away, further than when we were testing. I can keep going.”
Noel looked at his friend for a second before making up his mind.

“There is a group of dragons attacking Freedom camp in the west. The path is cleared. We can be there in three minutes.”

“Good. Lets go.” The Odor said and started walking again. Noel followed suit.


While they had been walking The Odors head had started pounding. It was like heavy hammers were slamming the inside of his skull and with every blow he heard indistinct whispers. It was to be expected though. The armor was far more tiring to wear when he was out of battle… It seemed the spirits living inside it preferred to focus on external conflict before trying to crush his mind. They had had a few skirmishes on the way but nothing worth even stopping for, wastes of time, pointless, boring… He shook his head. That was the armor talking. He wasn’t sure how long he had been in it but he was pretty sure it was pushing the max time he had tested it. He looked out from the tree line overseeing the field that the dragons had been heading for and an odd joy flushed over him as he saw the large amount of dragons moving around the area, even more in the air, looking for landing spots…
“Someone’s coming.” Noel said and indicated from where they had come.
The Odor turned around and saw the two men coming. He didn’t recognize one of them, a man in moss green and dirt brown armor, carrying a green long sword. The other one he had seen before… He had probably fought with him in an earlier war… Yes… The Flying Darkness war… What was his name…

Assa followed Tobias Legendium through the woods. They had both spotted a large group of dragons heading towards Freedom Camp and met up on the way there. Suddenly Tobias stopped in front of him as a dark voice rang out.

“Greetings Assa.” They both drew their swords and pointed them at the source of the sound as a man in Doom Knight armor came out from behind a large tree followed by a boy with black feathery wings, dressed in black mage robes and a black hood with… Cat-ears? The Doom Knight had chosen a rather different set of accessories than the normal cloak and helm. He wore a skull mask with dark red horns and bone wings and carried a wicked looking spear... He did not recognize the man…

“How do you know my name?” He asked and stared into the red dots that constituted the eyes of the demonic skull mask.
“Oh right I wore something different at the time… Sorry.” The doomknight said and reached up to unbuckle his helmet.

The Odor lifted the heavy helmet of his aching head and blinked as the light came in from all angles. For a few seconds Assa looked at him before recognition gleamed in his eyes.

“The Odor!” The tall, black haired man said with an odd smile. “Nice… Outfit.”

“Just… Testing it out.” The depth of his voice was even stranger without the helmet. “Here for the Dragons?”

“Yeah.” The man in the green armor butted in, looking between the two older men. “… You too?”

The man Assa had called… The Odor, turned towards Tobias, red fire in his eyes. The air grew denser for a second and Tobias could almost feel those eyes, measuring and pondering him… Then a smile softened his features and he nodded.

“Yes. I don’t think we have been introduced.” He stabbed the tip of his spear into the ground and offered him his hand. “The Odor, Warmaster of ASIL.”

Tobias looked at the clawed gauntlet for a second before grabbing it and shaking it. “Tobias Legendium. Dragons Dirges The League of Ignis.” The Odor nodded slowly.

“Good to have you Tobias.” The Odor said as he let go of his hand and indicated the boy next to him. “The quiet one is Noel. Noel Woodsoul.” The boy bowed his head quickly and mumbled something.

“How does it look out there?” Assa asked and nodded towards the dragons landing ground.

“Loads of dragons, all colors in the fight, both airborne and on the ground.” The Odor turned towards the forest line and chuckled. “It’s like Frostvale came early.”

Tobias went up next to him and looked out on the many scaly beasts.

“I don’t think they have noticed us.” Noel said.

“Then lets make ‘em notice.” Assa said with a grin while sweeping his heavy stone sword through the air.

popinloopy -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/27/2013 2:12:47)

Well, deather98 and I decided to take this song and give it some lyrics for this war to inspire any warmongers. Just use these lyrics to the tune of that, and you will be fine.

Out from the Inn
Into the fray
Blades covered in sweat and victory
Staves in the air
Casting the spells
Knights of Doom quickly fill XP caps

Dante, wherever you are
We beg for aid
We the mongers of war
Obey thy every word
Born for greatness
for all Heroes we stand
And now wrongdoers shall die
Their bodies scattered
The battlecries sound
Let loose the togs of war!

Out from the Inn
Into the fray
Blades covered in sweat and victory
Staves in the air
Casting the spells
Knights of Doom quickly fill XP caps

Now is the time
To risk all in the fight
None can withstand our power and might
Now Falconreach is calling us Saviors
We are Warmongers

Avatars Here The Fallen Wait
To Join Thee By Thy Side
Let Death's Gates Open Wide

Born Under The Sign
Of The Hammer They Lived
And Here They Fought And Died
Their Blood On The Ground
The Battle Horns Sound
Let Thy Dragons and Dravir Fly

Down From The Sky
Into The Fight
Hearts Full Of Rage
Full Of Thunder And Glory
Swords In The Wind
Crossing The Sky
Lords Of Doom
Bring An End To Their Story

Today Is The Day
We Die In The Fight
None Shall Remain
To Pass One More Night
Now Death's Realm's Calling Us
We Are Gods Of War
We Are Gods Of War

Down From The Sky
Into The Fight
Hearts Full Of Rage
Full Of Thunder And Glory
Swords In The Wind
Crossing The Sky
Lords Of Doom
Bring An End To Their Story

It might not match up as well as we'd like, but it works I think.

blaze656 -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/27/2013 10:20:41)

The new form of a Kathool Adept

Zack dashed through the trees towards the dock, arriving he used his tentacles to rip the doors open and others slap the Rose members away. He dashed forward leaping over the remaining members with a dive into the lake towards Atlantis. He swims down quickly landing as the gravity takes affect from him being in his Kathool Adept armor.

Aquella: Zack, how did you get down here so quickly?

Zack: it's a new trick

Aquella: you know what happens if you wear that too...

Zack: (interrupts) yes yes, I know, and that's kind of why I'm here, (pulls out a shard of the Ultimate Orb) I found this in the sea near where the tower crashed, I want to infuse it with my armor

Aquella: But... that will make the voices of darkness in your head much louder!

Zack: yes, but it will also give me a power boost along with a voice of light helping me fight, I found the spell to let me do it, I just need to find Kathooloo because i need some of his blood, so I will have to cut off one of his limbs, which will not make him happy.

Aquella: I don't like it, but if you must (hands him a golden compass) it always points to Kathooloo, be safe, when you find him, you'll be in his territory.

To be continued...

Speech before I return to the story, special shoutout to nield, to show you, you are a monger

Today, my friends and fellow mongers, I come to give you inspiration, and two simple commands.
First, the inspiration, To the Mongers fighting long and hard, I salute you, and am working my hardest to add my 2002+ to the effort.
Now, to the reason of me writing this, some will say, "I am not a monger, for I do not have enough speed" or, "I am not a Monger, because I refuse to go by that title until I have achieved 1001 waves in a war" but listen here, heed my words, a Monger is not defined by numbers on a CP, that simply serves to remind them of happy times, what a Monger truly is, is someone willing to stand beside their friends, devote their precious time, to help, and add their numbers to the force, because it is something they enjoy, whether the time is long, or if your harvest is plentiful, are of no matter, if you complete these requirements, you are a True Monger in my eyes.
Now, the commands
1. Vote for Dragonman
2. Battleon!
Blaze, in dragonman66's cabinet (help, it's dark!), and retired muffinman

Signature removed. Please remember in the future that signatures are not allowed in the Archive. Thank you! -Faerdin

Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/28/2013 1:12:57)

Got a comment about my story or a grammatical error with a sentence? Click this fancy link over here -> (DF) Stephen Nix Works!

The opening scene is about an evil penguin with a plan....for you see people have been asking, "What side does Stephen Nix stand with?" But with an opportunity to gain from a two front war, how could he not pair up with both of them secretly?

Stephen Nix: So where do you need me?
???: On the battlefield and simply creating confusion.
Stephen Nix: What do you mean?
???: Fight with them, but realize your true intentions are with me!
Stephen Nix: Oh you have nothing to worry about. Just remember my terms...
???: If the Rose do not meet up with my kind, you have nothing to worry about.
Stephen Nix: Then, I'm on the job!

Scene changes to another area near the battlefield...

Stephen Nix: The dragons will be planning your defeat. They are there to claim what is rightfully yours!
???: Do not disappoint me then.
Stephen Nix: I got that, thank you. Though the heroes are in the way of you claiming your clawkin.
???: Actually, you should try to stop the lizards from getting too close to the clawkin. Allow my people to take care of the magic user humans!
Stephen Nix: Do I qualify?
???: Yes, and you shall be paid handsomely!
Stephen Nix: *tilts hat* You have nothing to fear. Hehehhehehheeheh!

The war had just begun with the Freedom camp under siege by Dragons and The Rose. One man was ready to be sent with a crew of others towards the East side of the Freedom camp. His name was...

Mritha: Raharu Ydra!!!!!!!!!!!
Raharu: I'm comin'!

A young warrior finally makes his way toward Mritha and a few other soldiers. He was wearing an orange and black armor with a Glaive of the Orb scythe armed and ready for battle. He may seem human, but has a secret ability to transform into his VurrMan form. With his blue hair, this Fighter stands still as he approaches Mritha, his commanding officer.

Mritha: Late again soldier?
Raharu: I came here as fast as I could. I just didn't know which weapon to bring.
Mritha: Ok...
Raharu: It won’t happen again sir!
Mritha: Excuse me? *takes a step closer to get face to face with the soldier*
Raharu: Umm, I mean, ahhhhhhh. Ma'am.
Mritha: *turns around* Let's go.

The team makes their way out East, eventually making camp until they hear a scream...

Villager: ATTACKERS!

Everyone wakes up from their sleep in their tents and moves towards the villager to give aid.....well, all but one. Unfortunately for that one soldier, no one else knew he wasn't accounted for.

Unfortunately for Raharu Ydra, he is a very very very very very very deep sleeper. He does finally wake up in the morning however, he was all by himself.

Raharu: *shakes head* Aww man. What have I done?

A crying commander calls for Raharu...

Commander: Soldier, we need some help over here!
Raharu: On my way sir.

Raharu runs with a commander that is working the battlefield and gives out assignments to a crew of soldiers. Finally after settling down from the coming attacks and given a chance to plan further, assignments are given out left and right by the commanding officer.

Commander: So I have been discussing Assignment 47. Who wants that one?

No other soldier says a word.

Commander: Ok will, Travis I think it's your time to shine--
Raharu: *speaks up* I'll do it.

Everyone laughs

Commander: No, from what I've read about you Ydra, is that your new.
Raharu: Hey I can do anything you put me up to. And I mean ANYTHING! Bring it on, I'm not scared of anything or anyone!
Commander: *sighs* Alright, it's yours. Take your pack and weapon and make your way slight due North and prepare for his arrival.

Once again Raharu's young and inexperienced personality has put him in another tough situation. He makes his way North and finds himself alone in the forestry region. The birds start to sing and wildlife starts to move around in the woods. Raharu sits down by a rock and takes out an envelope.


Raharu: Well I might as well take my time to read dis card here.
Raharu: *reads out loud*

"Assignment 47, meet up with a mercenary for The Rose, named Stephen Nix.
Do not let him pass by you. He is very dangerous and he will more dan likely not be alone.
Take caution and start setting up a zone for yourself to make sure you have de field advantage.
Set up traps nearby so you have a chance of getting an early hit on him.
Make your way back to base when it's over! Good Luck!"

Raharu: Alright, what can I do to set up here? I don't think I have anything to take him by surprise.

Just then an approaching penguin from a far with two Rose members make their way towards the camp.

Rose Member 1: Why are we listening to you again?
Stephen Nix: Seriously, you've been asking that for a solid 30 minutes.
Rose Member 2: I think he's got Alzheimer's.
Stephen Nix: Probably does. Ok well I'm here to make sure the humans pay for trying to hide the magical creatures from you. I've dealt with these people before so I know what they act like! I mean who are they to judge what should be kept secret from us?
Rose Member 1: I know you said that the last time, but why are we listening to you?
Stephen Nix: Done.

Stephen Nix points his Skull Cane at the Rose member and freezes him on sight...

Stephen Nix: *looks at the other Rose member* How many of us came up here?
Rose Member 2: O.O Ahh, just you and me sir.
Stephen Nix: *continues to waddle forward* I thought so.

Rose Member 2: Nix, someone's here. *points at Raharu*
Stephen Nix: Well don't just stand there, ManaHunter, GET HIM!

Raharu picks up his glaive and rushes towards the ManaHunter in a jousting charge. When the ManaHunter makes his way towards the warrior he slides in a mud puddle and starts to lose his balance. At the same time Raharu steps in the mud and his glaive flies in the air, but just so happens to land on top of the ManaHunter. As the slain hunter lays on the ground motionless, Raharu stands up and after tripping two more times, finally walks towards Stephen Nix.

Stephen Nix: Hmm. How unfortunate. Who are you?
Raharu: My name is Raharu Ydra and I am a protector of the Clawkins. Dere is no way you will get drough me!
Stephen Nix: Huh?
Raharu: I said you will not get drough me!
Stephen Nix: Do you have a speech impediment or something?
Raharu: I can't pronounce my "T's" and my "H's" together, I make a "D" sound.
Stephen Nix: Ooooookkkkkkkkk. Seriously they sent you? Too many heroes around these parts. Well, ok what do you do?
Raharu: Why don't you find out, penguinmancer!

Raharu holds his glaive in the air with water as this warrior was not so simple. For he has a deep past dabbing into the powers of water magic. While all of this is happening, Nix continues to waddle towards him and eventually just as Raharu is prepared to throw the glaive, Stephen takes the weapon out of Raharu's hands and tosses it aside. He then headbutts Raharu, and as the young warrior holds his head in pain, stands back three paces and freezes Raharu on the spot.

Stephen Nix: *walks by the frozen warrior* Where do they get these people?

Stephen Nix makes his way towards the campsite.


Days had gone by and eventually a team of heroes found the orange warrior and brought him back to base thawed out.

Raharu: I'm s-s-so c-c-cold.
Mritha: I cannot believe this.
Niki: Raharu, it was your job to be with your standing commander.
Mritha: You overslept on call....you traveled to a different commander without asking how to meet up with your correct squad.....you took on a mission that you clearly had no idea how difficult it was going to be...
Niki: I believe what Mritha is trying to say as politely as possible, *nudges Mritha* your way too inexperienced. I think in the end, we may have to let you go.
Raharu: Please! I can do better, I just need to be trained and to learn from the best! I will prove it to you guys what I'm capable of, I swear.
Mritha: I don't know Raharu.
Raharu: Just give me one more chance! I mean, you haven't even seen the VurrMan side of me get into action!
Mritha: Hmmm.....alright we'll give you another shot and we will send you off to some of our finest soldiers!

Niki: *whispers to Mritha* I'm thinking that Lyserus, and Dart Ichimonji are available!
Mritha: *whispers back* I'm thinking also, Assa and Deatharrows along with Break Eventide and ummmm....
Niki: Saphier Legend.
Mritha: R-r-r-right! Totally!
Niki: Ok we have decided. Make your way to the Southern border and prepare yourself to learn from the best when it comes to magic. A Phoenix Risen! You will meet up with Saphier Legend and Break Eventide. From there you will learn whom to go to next and so on.
Mritha: Good luck and we hope to have you back here soon!
Raharu: 'Dank you, I shall not disappoint you! Dough I may have to do something bold to stand a chance against Nix...dat may mean my humanity could be at risk.

Raharu makes his way out of the camp and makes his way towards the first set of trainers.

To Be Continued!


Raharu eventually made his way down to the edge of the southern border of the freedom camp, where he read a sign on the ground...

Raharu: *reads sign* Before you hero is your challenge. De game is simple, without destroying the turret about 100 yards away, your objective is to get past it. Be warned, dis is no ordinary turret for it shoots out magic bolts at you with precise aiming. You need to focus and dink how to get past this turret and make it safely to us on the oder side to our base. Good luck!
Raharu: Well, ok lets do dis!

Raharu took about 5 steps forward and what sounded like a gunshot from the turret, a tiny bolt of blue plasma shatters Raharu and his armor which threw him back a few paces.

Raharu Ydra: Oooooooow, dat really hurt.

Raharu gets up and takes covers behind a rock. As he recites the message left for him, he thinks up a few strategies. One where he tries to summon up a shield around him, that didn't work as the shield is never powerful enough to take on exact aiming on a target. He tries to blast his water magic at the turret at the same time the gun goes off, however this doesn't work either as the turret is much faster than he is. That thought of how fast the gun was gave him an idea to time out the seconds he would have between blasts and then duck and cover before the gun fires off.

Raharu: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. DUCK! *gets down on the ground under cover*


Raharu: *gets up and continues walking*

From behind the turret, Saphier Legend looks at Raharu and nods his head as Break Eventide turns to Legend and says...

Break Eventide: He's learning faster than most people do! *smiles*

Raharu eventually gets within 5 yards and is quickly able to dodge the last blast of magic from the turret and walks his way towards two soldiers whom look like they are ready for battle. One was a Dargonlord with his longsword, and the other a Soulweaver with one hand holding onto two black and a silver katanas. These two men were built strong, and were some of the great warriors that made up the clan of A Phoenix Risen.

Raharu: Hi!
Break Eventide: Good afternoon, friend. We were given word that you would show up, are you ready to learn?
Saphier Legend: Another useless citizen with a giant sword. Great. Like we need more of those around here.
Raharu: What about dis?

Raharu takes out his Glaive of the Orb and summons a small tide of water to circulate around the blade, however the circling only lasts for so long until Raharu yawns and the water is thrown onto Saphier by accident.

Raharu: I'M SO SORRY!
Saphier Legend: *tries to dry himself off*
Break Eventide: HAHAHHHAHAH!
Saphier Legend: *stares at Break*
Break Eventide: ALRIGHT! *grabs a few cloths and tries to soak up the majority of the water left on the armor*
Saphier Legend: Clearly, he needs focusing skills-------and Break?
Break Eventide: Yeah?
Saphier Legend: You need drying skills, give me the cloths.
Break Eventide: *stares at Saphier in anger* Hey look, *points behind Legend* A DOG!
Saphier Legend: *freezes then shrikes and runs around like a little girl* EEEEEEEEKKKKK!
Break Eventide: HAHAHHA!
Break Eventide: Sowwy.
Saphier Legend: Come on bro, what if that was a real attacking dog?
Break Eventide: I'd save you in a heartbeat!
Raharu: Awwwww. You two are a cute couple!
Break Eventide: Hug it out?
Saphier Legend: Apology accepted! *hugs Break*
Break Eventide: *turns to face Raharu* So, You think you’re ready kid?
Raharu: Lets start!

The three walk to a part of the field with a blue urn in the middle of them. Break and Raharu each sit around the urn with Saphier standing up and walking around the two.

Saphier Legend: Your here with two members from A Phoenix Risen. We understand magic and how to control it, to a point where it can even be timed. You passed the first test, now it is time for the second!

Raharu: You have magic skills Break?
Break Eventide: Indeed I do. See this is my cover, I may appear to be a melee attacker, but I also control my chi. What Saphier can do with this urn is unheard of, he is very strong when it comes to his imagination. Yet, that is what magic is all about Raharu.
Raharu: My....imagination?
Saphier Legend: That's right, now watch! You go first Break, show him how it's done!

Break holds out his long sword as the blue urn starts to glow bright green and rapidly changes into a potted fern.

Raharu: Wow.
Saphier Legend: I can teach you how to do that!
Raharu: Alright!
Saphier Legend: *holds Raharu's hand out and points it out straight* Focus your deep breathes on that object.
Break Eventide: *Starts to get a bit jealous of Raharu and simply watches Saphier*
Raharu: *takes a few deep breathes*
Saphier Legend: That's right, *looks at Break who's now sweating buckets and smiles* Deeeeeeeeeeep Breathes.

The pot starts to slowly transform into a half treasure chest...

Saphier Legend: Keeeeeeeeeeep Going! *looks at Break again and winks at him*
Raharu: *stares at the object and his hand starts to shake*
Saphier Legend: You can do it Raharu, now take a breath and breathe out.

The treasure chest turns whole and the transformation is complete.

At this point Breaks is shaking nonstop and about to burst.


Raharu again stares at the treasure chest and starts changing it into an axe.


The axe is now completely done a lot faster than Raharu thought he could do it.

Break Eventide: STOP! STOP!

The two sit back and stare at Break...

Both: What?

Break Eventide: Ahh umm, nothing. My turn to teach him something!
Raharu: *turns around and faces Saphier* Dank you! I think I understand, I need to focus my magic, yet move at a reasonable speed. Now I think I got my focus!
Saphier Legend: Not a problem, you just needed that extra push!

Eventually the team of three sit down and talk about their latest battles, but when Raharu talks about Stephen Nix, the two Phoenix Risen members stand up and become quickly alarmed.

Saphier Legend: Should've told us that a bit quicker!
Break Eventide: Before we send you off with the night shift, I need to teach you about utilizing your magical skills!
Break Eventide: The basics are when it comes to enhancements is that Red equals strength, Blue is defense, Green is evasion/speed, Yellow is field advantage, White is a focusing enhancement, Purple is misdirection, and etc.

The three unsheathe their weaponry and walk towards the battlefield and approach a small band of Dragons.

Break Eventide: Ok, here's the plan Raharu. See I specialize for my clan the ability to enhance my teams brute force before and while in battle. I take a few steps back from the actual combat, if necessary I will jump in, but I stay behind mostly and give aid to others in front of me.
Saphier Legend: Ok, so how about that time in Wargoth's war where you let two fire monsters set me on fire?
Break Eventide: Not now, Saphier.
Saphier Legend: Or what about that time when Sepulchure's two undead minions beat me down with their clubs and tried to eat my legs?
Break Eventide: I said, not now Saphier!
Saphier Legend: YOU SAT UNDER A TREE AND SAID, "Duhhh, don't worry babe, you’re doing fine (puts shades on)."
Raharu: *looks at the dragons that are now within 5 feet* Umm, guys, dey are getting closer!
Break Eventide: *grinds his teeth and stares at Saphier* YOU HAD IT UNDER CONTROL! YOUR JUST EXAGGERATING AGAIN!
Raharu: *takes a few steps back* Gggggguys...


Break without warning summons a magical red essence to go around his blade as he attacks 3 dragons and slays each of them with his longsword. After he breaks away his own enchantment , he quickly stares at Raharu.

Break Eventide: Quickly you’re up!

Raharu starts to get flustered, but focuses on the task and before the next 3 dragons approach, Raharu's glaive glows bright green and he points that end at Break as the enchantment begins to glow over Break's body.

Break Eventide: HAHAH! YOU'VE DONE IT!
Saphier Legend: Wow, first try Raharu!
Raharu: *smiles and nods*

Break's new enhancement of speed is put to use as Break slices through the three dragons and in a flash makes it back to Saphier and Raharu.

Break Eventide: Wow, that was fun, I haven't had a a speed enhancement in a long time. How'd you do it?
Raharu: I focused on the speed of the dragons wings going back and forth and how fast the wind is blowing!
Break Eventide: *smiles* I think one last test is right for you.

Break whistles to four dragons that were a hundred yards away and are now charging towards Break.

Break Eventide: Your next task, use your enhancements and slay those dragons! I want to see 4 different uses of your magical skills! One for defense, another for strength, one for dueling purposes and lastly one for taking advantage of your battlefield. NOW GOOOOOOOOOO!

Raharu steps forward. A bit wary, but charges with his glaive, he approaches the first dark dragon and focuses till his blade turns blue. The dark dragon breathes dark fire but the blue glaive summons around Raharu a shield which blocks all the dragons attack. Raharu, then steps forward and jumps at the dragon and slays the beast down. An ice dragon picks up Raharu and soars with him on his claws in the air, Raharu commands his body to go red and with his glaive. He breaks free from one foot of the ice dragon and flips himself to land on the ice dragon's back and stabs it with his blade.

Break Eventide: THAT'S TWO RAHARU!

As the ice dragon crash-lands into a cliff, a red and blue dragon fly towards Raharu. Raharu's glaive turns purple and he throws it past the dragons and as they move closer to him, the weapon returns and slices through each dragon. Raharu catches the blade and lastly turns it bright yellow. He takes a few steps back and points at the ground as the two dragons walk towards him, the dragons fall into a giant pit in the ground. Raharu then jumps in and slays each dragon. Slowly he picks himself up and gets out of the pit, alive. He then starts to walk back towards Break and Saphier.

Raharu: Now DAT, was FUN! Wow! Did you guys see me?
Break Eventide: HAHAH! That was classic dueling my friend!
Saphier Legend: We've been thinking, it's time to let you move forward!
Break Eventide: You passed each test with flying colours! You may even be one of my best students, I must say!
Raharu: I can't tell you how helpful dis training session was!
Saphier Legend: It's our pleasure, Soldier!
Raharu: *looks at Saphier* I will not forget to focus my magic at my enemy and form objects to help my side become victorious. Dank you, Knight of Justice.
Saphier Legend: *nods*
Raharu: *looks at Break* You are totally more dan meets the eye. I will use my new enhancement abilities to my advantage on the battlefield. You are worthy of your title, Lieutenant of Guidance!
Break Eventide: Remember there are plenty of enhancements when it comes to battle, the basics are Strength, Dexterity, and Defense. Use them wisely!
Break Eventide: Now, I don't mean to be rude at all, but seriously....KICK THAT PENGUIN'S TAIL-FEATHERS IN, RAHARU!
Saphier Legend: You now need to go West to the Warmonger Skeleton Crew. Meet up with Deatharrows and Assa, there specialty is working through the night. It's going to be a late night for you my friend! *waves*

Raharu walks away with a smile on his face of determination.

Raharu: I'm getting stronger dat is for sure. Prepare yourself Stephen Nix.....Redemption! Redemption! Redemption!

Back to the two Phoenix Risen...

Saphier Legend: And you thought he was going to be a waste of time!
Break Eventide: That was you....not me.
Saphier Legend: Oh and what was that about him being your favorite student?
Break Eventide: *kisses Saphier* I lied, you were.
Saphier Legend: *blushes* And don't you forget it.

Saphier hugs Break and the two walk together back to their camp zone.


Raharu moved towards the West region where he was quickly greeted by heroes fighting from what seemed at all times of the day. For as of right now the clock was at 11pm, and to a particular group of Warmongers, it doesn't matter what time it is, just as long as their was a war. These special clan members are sent out during a war and are the reason why wars actually get accomplished. But don't let this narrator tell you, let's get the story rolling...

Raharu finally made his way to the campsite of these warmongers and just crossed over a bridge, upon the other side were two gargoyle like statues. One of them as soon as Raharu came near it, quickly came to LIFE!

Raharu: Dis area looks dangerous, dis late at night!
Raharu: I best be on my guard den to make sure no one tries to attack me!

Raharu walks past the twin gargoyle statues and one of them awakens from its frozen like slumber and scares Raharu.

Gargoyle: Evenin' lad.

The second statue awakens...

Gargoyle 2: HAHAHA! I'll take my raven scraps now, Greg!
Gargoyle: Pfft, always....you always win, you little bugga'
Gargoyle 2: One of these days you'll realize our kind is feared by most humans....well one of these days.
Gargoyle: Ah, shut your trap, Steve.

Raharu: Your an English speaking Gargoyle?
Gargoyle: Tis, I am! Rough life you know, people pickin' on you. Nuff' 'bout me though lad. I need to go through protocol first.
Raharu: Ok...
Gargoyle: Name and Class, please.
Raharu: I'm Raharu, new soldier learning de ways of the Skeleton Crew. My class is Warrior with a touch of Dragon in me.
Gargoyle: Reasoning for you here, please.
Raharu: Again, I'm here to learn what it takes to be a Warmonger Skeleton Crew member.
Gargoyle: Have ye got any appointments, please.
Raharu: Supposed to meet up wid an Assa and a Deatharrows.
Gargoyle: Let me check, please.
Raharu: Why do you say please all de time?

Gargoyle: Steve, he's picking one me 'gain!
Gargoyle 2: That's what you said about the last guy......yet you clearly do not notice this one's hairs! Raharu, are you part of an animal?
Raharu: *nods* Only part....for now.
Gargoyle 2: Bird? Wolf? Or VurrMan?
Raharu: VurrMan sir.
Gargoyle 2: Beautiful! Hey Greg, this guy can transform into his VurrMan side whenever he chooses! *nudges Raharu* Tell you what, transform now and kill off Greg and I'll split his gold with yeah?

Gargoyle: ENOUGH! Let's move, please!

The Gargoyle takes a lantern with him and makes his way towards a specific side of the West area about 3 kilometers out from the bridge.

Gargoyle: Section 238, Assassin Training Grounds. Striker Assa and Veteran Deatharrows be with ye in a second. Good luck in your trainings, please.

The gargoyle vanishes in the darkness...


Raharu: Hello?
Raharu: Anyone around?

Several flames from nearby lanterns activate and flames appear in each as the first trainer shows himself. A warrior with green armor steps in and greets Raharu.

Assa: Hello there Raharu. We've been expecting you!
Raharu: We?

Assa steps back as a mysterious shooter fires 10 arrows circulating around Raharu...

Raharu: O.O What's going on here?

Deatharrows appears from the building roof of the training grounds and jumps onto the ground...

Deatharrows: You must be Raharu. We've heard a lot from your friends the Phoenix Risen.
Assa: They may see your potential, but I see a flaw in you already.
Deatharrows: Well, let’s first give him a chance. He may surprise us!

Assa walks around Raharu and simply looks at every piece of his armor...

Assa: Alright. So you're a Warrior. I too am a Warrior.
Deatharrows: Put him through phase 1 Assa?
Assa: *nods*
Deatharrows: Then let the games begin!

Assa vanishes and appears on the battlefield fighting dragons...

Deatharrows: Your first test to see what you're truly worth is to simply fight till you drop.
Raharu: Haha! Dat seems easy.
Deatharrows: Forgot to mention, you have to last longer than Assa.
Raharu: Ah! A challenge! Alright, I'm off den!

After two hours of fighting passed, Raharu arrives back with Deatharrows, who's sitting at one of the catapults simply firing away at Rose members.

Deatharrows: YYYYEEEAAAHHH! TAKE THAT YOU BLASTED MONKEYS! *notices Raharu* Oh hey there! Done already, wow that didn't last long enough!
Raharu: What do you mean?
Deatharrows: Well see, we are members of the night crew. The Warmonger Skeleton Crew.
Raharu: Yeah, I wanted to ask you guys why dat name?
Deatharrows: Simple answer friend. We fight till we die! Even if our bones are sticking out due to injury, we're always there fighting the great fight! The skeleton part comes out only because we fight 24/7. However the majority of us start the fighting late at night. We are the reason why wars are won at night. The Warmonger Skeleton Crew fight at night if you didn't catch my hints there.
Raharu: Oh, so you guys are de relief when people go to sleep?
Deatharrows: Correct, Raharu! Well, as you can see Assa will probably have to be forced to stop, but why not have you go through my test first? *turns around and fires an arrow without thinking at a dartboard as it lands near the bulls eye* Your objective....beat that shot!
Raharu: I don't have accuracy like you....how can I possibly compare.
Deatharrows: Hmm, first off. *smacks Raharu with his hat* GAIN SOME CONFIDENCE!
Raharu: You’re a marksmen. How can I match you?
Deatharrows: Get out that pretty little weapon of yours and give it a try!

Raharu focuses on the target and tosses his Glaive of the Orb at the target but misses the board completely.

Deatharrows: *whistles* Oh man, this could be a while.

Deatharrows: Alright, leave your glaive over there! *gives Raharu his bow and arrows* Let's move within 10 feet!

Raharu and Deatharrows move closer to the target.

Deatharrows: Using my arrows, hit the target! *stands behind Raharu*
Raharu: Ok, I'll try.

Raharu holds back the bow and fires the arrow backwards as it pierces through Deatharrows hat.

Deatharrows: *shakes head* Focus Raharu.

Raharu holds up the bow and tries again.

Deatharrows: Use the fletching to make your guideline. You can do it!

Raharu fires the next arrow and it bounces off the side of the bow.

Raharu: I can't do dis. I'm good at focusing but I'm not good with weapon throwing.
Deatharrows: *sigh* Yet it carries the same principles as throwing your glaive! *picks up the weapon and pretends to line it up like a bow and arrow* Follow through.
Raharu: Ok, I see it now.
Deatharrows: Your last shot bounced off because you had the back feathers pointing towards the bow weapon piece! *shows Raharu* See the feather part at the back here would fire off in your straight line, but would bounce off the wood piece here and fire sideways!
Raharu: Ahhhhhh! OKAY!
Deatharrows: Being in a traveling sideshow, I can fire bows sideways, I've done it multiple times! You were close, but you simply needed less strength. Well, not to mention the bow has to be sideways, but let’s skip that part!
Deatharrows: Try again!

Raharu once again holds up the bow, remembers the feather is not supposed to be facing the wooden part of the weapon, breaths in and out.

Deatharrows: MISS FIRE! *shakes Raharu*
Raharu: What happened?
Deatharrows: Your stance! Your firing with both legs together. How can you possibly aim with that stance!
Raharu: Alright.
Deatharrows: Shoulder-width apart. 90 degree angle, Raharu. *places Raharu's legs in the right spot* Full hand off! *takes only 3 fingers of Raharu's hand and places them in a bend on the string end of the bow*
Raharu: Done.
Deatharrows: Let the arrow string touch your face for complete anchor control! Lastly Raharu, aim slightly over the target. The farther the distance, the higher you go.
Raharu: OK!
Deatharrows: Of course now, put the bow down and try it all at once but remember take a deep breath before you put the strings near your cheeks! You’re a righty i see!
Raharu: How'd you know?
Deatharrows: *chuckles* Simple, friend! You fire the arrow with your right hand and hold the bow up with your left! Power hand gains the control! You’re indeed right handed! Now you ready?
Raharu: Yes sir!
Deatharrows: Good luck! *stands about 20 feet away from Raharu and whispers* Is this a safe enough distance, I wonder....

Raharu takes a deep breath, makes his stance, readies his bow and arrow and exhales while firing the bow. It lands dead on the targets bulls eye.

Raharu: I DID IT!!!!!!!!!
Deatharrows: HAHAHAH! Well, look at you now, deadly assassin!

As time passed, Raharu continues to his mark from 20 feet, 40, and even 100 feet out. He even takes this same training and uses his glaive to hit the target 150 feet away. Confident he can take on anything, he moves onto the 2nd challenge...

Deatharrows: Ok now's the time you take up your weapon and back up other soldiers.
Raharu: Sounds good.

Deatharrows pulls back Assa to Raharu to bring challenge two...

Assa: Ok ready Raharu?
Raharu: *nods* It's game time!!!

Assa: My job is to teach you quickly while you’re on the battlefield how to be stealthy and to have someone's back at all times. It's your job as the leader of the charge to make sure everyone comes back!
Assa: Sense we only got about 10 minutes left in this lecture, I have to speed things up. So I have left certain obstacles out here to test you on how you should approach them.
Raharu: Right. When do you want my VurrMan side?
Assa: NOW!

Raharu forces himself into a rage and starts to slowly transform into his VurrMan side. Claws starts to form in his hands and his blue hair starts to cover his entire body and armor.

Assa: WE GO NOW!!!!!!

Raharu takes out his glaive and rushes with Assa to the 1st of 3 sections of the battlefield!

Assa: The idea, is to move within the bushes as a side assassin. Your big now that you are in this beast mode, but with these high bushes and plants, you'll be fine! Once you get through them and approach your enemy, fire your arrow at the front dragons and approach the others in a fast pace kill.

Raharu takes to the high grass and fires 4 arrows and kills off the front dragons and then jumps onto a tree stump 10 feet away and pounces onto the last dragon.

Assa: You call that stealthy? I call that stupidity!

Assa shows Raharu by going through the grass and approaches 3 more dragons that are trying to find the ones that killed the first five. Assa runs while on the tip of his toes towards the 3 dragons, takes out his long sword and cuts through each of the dragons silently, but at a fast pace. Once he approaches the last dragon, he stabs it through the heart of the beast.


Assa and Raharu approach the next area, and try to do the same thing again, except Raharu does everything perfectly the first time, by slowly making his way through the grass, he cuts the throats of 2 dragons and finishes off the last in a quick fashion.

Assa: Your starting to get the hang of this now! Next section I have not actually cleared, so its new territory. Cover my back if I need help assassin, you're there with me!

Assa makes his way up a hill with Raharu following behind. Assa takes out his blade and points in the direction he wants Raharu to go, the two make their way to a post with 3 Rose members while Assa takes out 2 Rose Guards. Raharu quickly, yet softly, approaches the tent and throws his voice to a side of the tent, which one of the Rose members picks up, walks towards the sound, but as he gets closer to the other side of the tent, Raharu grabs the Rose member and knocks him unconscious. Curious where his buddy went, the 2nd rose member also walks towards the end of the tent, and Raharu quickly grabs him, however the 3rd one spots him. As Raharu kills of the other Rose member, the last Rose member stands firm with his blade out and prepares for battle. He runs towards Raharu, but right before they clash, Assa sneaks up from behind the Rose member and stabs him through the chest.

Assa: Test 2 complete. Not bad, just remember to------

A Rose guard wakes up from Assa's attack and approaches Assa to strike him down with his blade, Raharu quickly takes to action and somersaults towards the Rose member and thrusts his glaive through the chest of the Rose member.

Assa: Thought that would be a better test.
Raharu: You let him live?
Assa: I knew you'd have my back! Now let’s get back to Deatharrows.

The two slowly make their way back to base, when they see Deatharrows quickly ambushed by 6 Rose members. He is then tied up and held aside.

Raharu: NOOO! What do we do?
Assa: *looks Raharu in the eyes* My buddy Deatharrows may be a new guy at times, but he's been in this situation enough! Trust me, he's a pro! We can help him out though.

Assa: Let’s look at the situation here from an assassin's perspective.

Assa and Raharu pear from behind a giant boulder to Deatharrows.

Assa: We use code to speak quickly and effectively as Assassins. I see this situation as a 6 man operation. 3 Guardsmen are holding the keep with a rotating position.
Raharu: I see dem!
Assa: 1 Wing-man, he tends to stay near the treasure at all times.
Assa: 1 Scout, his job is to find anyone near here, it's our goal to make sure he doesn't spot us! In other words, once we take out the guards we take him out next.
Raharu: Gotcha!
Assa: Last but certainly not least is the King.
Raharu: Why King? He looks like every other Rose member.
Assa: He takes a few steps, and he constantly circles the treasure! You know what the treasure is right?
Raharu: Deatharrows.
Assa: Perfect. Now tell me how to approach this in a quick summary!

Raharu draws out THIS plan...

Raharu: Hmm. We take out the Guardsmen at the edges of de camp, next is de scout before he alarms anyone else, De Wing-man will be distracted as he moves outwards and realizes no guards are around, eliminate him. Take out the Scout silently beside de building out of de king’s eyesight, lastly is de King.
Assa: Right and right! Now let’s move...*points to the King* what’s the endgame?
Raharu: End game?
Assa: The last move to eliminate the King?
Raharu: Jump off de building and execute the King!
Assa: That.....is how an assassin quickly comes up with a plan!

The plan executes flawlessly. Each guard is eliminated with bow and arrow shots from Raharu. The wing-man looks for the guards, and as he checks for them, Assa jumps to a tree branch up high and silently drops down. The scout moves towards the building, Raharu grabs him and knocks him out. Raharu then climbs to the roof of the small building and Assa quickly demonstrates how Raharu should land on the ground. Raharu jumps high up and with claws out, lands on the last Rose member and kills him off. Deatharrows is then untied...

Deatharrows: Wow.......what took you guys so long? XD

Assa, now with excitement in his eyes, starts to shout and change in appearance to a red warrior...

Raharu: *transforms back to his human form* Now dat was sooo much fun! I've learned a ton from you both!
Deatharrows: We're glad you enjoyed yourself Raharu!
Deatharrows: Not many rescue missions though.....you guys were sloppy at times.
Raharu: Now what will you guys do now?
Deatharrows: *sigh* We will continue the war front from here.
Raharu: And where do I need to go now, Deatharrows?
Deatharrows: The Dark Knights will have a visit with you in the Mid Northern region of the freedom camp site! Both Lyserus and Dart are awaiting your arrival.
Raharu: Dank you kindly. Also danks for showing me the power of accuracy, and you Assa for the stealth assassinations.
Deatharrows: *nods* Your welcome. Your target soon will be Stephen Nix. You can do it, just focus on the prize! Your welcome back here with us at any time, we can fight all night if you want! HAHAHAH!

Raharu shakes both their hands and slowly walks away once again, waving goodbye to them both...

Assa starts running towards the dragons on the battlefield...

Deatharrows: Are you kidding me? I get tied up and you have the nerve to continue fighting for the night? Come on Assa, give it a rest.
Deatharrows: You alright? *sigh* I was hoping it wouldn't come to this.....it was my last bar too. *pulls out a Moglin candy Bar*
Deatharrows: Hey Assa, eat a MoglinBerry Bar!
Deatharrows: Cause you get a little crazy when you war too much.

Assa takes a bite...

Deatharrows: Better?
Assa: Better.


After leaving the Skeleton Crew alliance grounds, Raharu knew he was to make his move to the Dark Knights. As he had tirelessly worked hard to train at a rapid rate, Raharu decided to take a quick nap near a few boulders on the way to the Dark Knights area. He awoke to find himself, already there, what a coincidence!


???: *pokes Raharu's neck* Someone already got em!
???: You foolish Soulweaver, he's still alive!
???: He's one of us then!

Raharu wakes up and checks his neck as it appears someone tried to bite him...

Raharu: What happened to me? Where am I? *touches his neck* OH COME ON!
???: You haven't been turned into a vampire Raharu, relax!
Raharu: Den how did I get these marks then?
???: *points at a random member of The Dark Knights* Tigirosa...yeah that one may be the healer in The Dark Knights, but always tries to bite people.
???: A strange one at that!

Raharu: Are you guys Lyserus and Dart?
Dart: Where are our manners?
Lyserus: *stares at Dart* We are an evil clan trying to destroy the world or dominate in it---
Dart: Enough--
Lyserus: I mean even you want to create a world of endless conflict. And your worried about manners?
Dart: Shut up Necromancer, know your place!
Lyserus: *sighs* Sorry, Knight Commander. *muffles as he walks away from Raharu and Dart* And we hunt moglins for breakfast.

Raharu: O.O
Dart: Yeah, *scratches head* about that.....see we are an evil clan. We despise those goody two shoes! When it does however come to a war such as this one, we put our differences aside and work together to face the common foe.
Raharu: Dat's very noble of you.
Dart: Also, if you haven't noticed go ahead and look around...

Raharu starts checking out the location which is a dark fortress full of undead type creatures just wandering around the base. Dark forest trees literally come alive and walk around with their roots as feet. Raven's take off the eyes of some of the undead minions walking around. Truly this was a dark part of the East...

Dart: Welcome to the Mid East! This is our castle and we are in charge of this area. I warn you first off before we even begin trainee, what you will see in this castle is not for the weak stomach. We "do" things differently around here.
Raharu: Like what Dart?
Dart: See, we do not eat dragons in this war.
Raharu: Well, dat does make some good karma for your clan here, and I'm sure you guys find ways to eat without resorting to killing just the dragons.
Dart: Yeah, ummm funny thing. Though we don't eat the dragons, we ahhhh.........ummmm......how can I say this?
Raharu: *takes a step back* Nnnnoooo!!!!! You have to be joking!
Dart: Yeeeeeeeeah....I wish
Raharu: *throws up in a nearby trash bin*
Dart: Yeah, you didn't make it far at all. But hey The Rose taste delicious with BBQ sauce! Especially the Manahunters! We can't seem to figure out why....
Raharu: *turns a bit green* Dat's sick!
Dart: Oh come on! A VurrMan like you.....you eat garbage worse than that!
Raharu: Yup, and not proud of myself! Though I wish that one day, I'll be able to stay this way, my human form lacks in strength.
Dart: I can help you on that, you know!
Raharu: Really, because I'm not sure....if people would accept who I am.
Dart: A limitation, Raharu......if you desire to be simply one part of a race, all you have to do is ask. See, we Dark Knights are horrifying in the eyes of the citizens around L.O.R.E. They hate us for what we choose as a lifestyle, but WE KNOW IT'S OUR CHOICE! Not there's! Even to this day we may be hated, but we like the way we are put together, and you should to!
Raharu: Hmmmmm.
Dart: *makes quick notes* Alas, we must begin your training, I fear Stephen Nix quickly approaching the main areas of the battlefield soon. Not to mention The Rose's general and the Dragon's overlord. Quickly to the main study, follow me!

Dart takes Raharu to a secret basement full of undead creatures walking around...

Dart: Don't mind them, *claps twice and the undead form a straight line* they are your targets!
Raharu: What do you need me to do?
Dart: Niki, Mritha and others do not agree, alas I have to ask you this question, Human. What if I was to help you become a full-time VurrMan, like you requested?
Raharu: I've always thought about this...
Dart: Correct.
Raharu: Why do you want me to do dis?
Dart: You may not even realize this yourself, but after your last transformation, your strength and endurance increase thrice fold from what I was told by Assa! I've done my research on you Raharu. However, what happened to your parents?
Raharu: I was born as an alchemist in my VurrMan form. I don't even know if I ever HAD a mother or a father.
Dart: Ah yes. Your sadness brings me joy---but enough about me. What do you say, shall we change you permanently?
Raharu: I know I keep telling myself that I seem to be rushing into dings, however, I've always wanted to be just.......ONE. Alright, I accept.
Dart: *mixes a few potions* Here, drink this.
Raharu: If your sure....I trust you.... *drinks the potion and transforms into his VurrMan form*
Dart: Ah, splendid! You are now WHOLE, congratulations! Now for the test! *dashes towards one of the undead and rips its head off and takes out his blade and cuts him into pieces just for the pure excitement*
Raharu: Awwww man, poor guy!
Dart: He's undead, he's poor enough as it is! HAHAHAHAHA!
Raharu: *shakes head* You sir are insane!
Dart: *chuckles* Just a pinch.

Dart: Now I have your kit here of advanced potionry...I want to add a few things to your arsenal and want you to create advanced potions.
Raharu: I know de basics when it comes to potions.
Dart: So here's the list: 5 potions total, 1 Explosive, 1 Poison, 1 Invisibility, 1 Evasion, and 1 Damage Amplifier. Seeing as how this is only part 1, I'll even show you how to form the potions.

Dart shows Raharu how to make each of the potions step by step. As Dart finishes, Raharu attempts to do the same and does successfully...

Raharu: I'm learning quite a bit from dis. I need to remember these mixtures!
Dart: Now let's test them out *throws a potion on each undead monster* Your goal, *fades away into the darkness of the basement* is to kill each of these 5 undead creatures with their new special abilities!

Raharu notices the fast undead charging first, Raharu takes out his glaive and quickly fires it towards the monster and knocks its head clean off. After he picks up his weapon he clashes with the blade of the poisoned undead. Eventually Raharu kicks the monster back and Raharu slashes downwards to end its movement as it crumbles to the ground. Another undead rushes towards Raharu and knocks him off balance and weakens him greatly.

Raharu: *slowly picks himself up* Dese potions can make mice look dangerous. *picks up his glaive and sighs* Back at it.

Raharu throws his weapon at the undead and it simply slashes it away. He then tackles the undead creature and pounds both fists together at his stomach to shatter the chest ribs and stop the undead. He then counts how many are left, leaving two, an Undead Explosive and Invisible.

Raharu: Wait a second, I don't even see the explosive guy. Where is he atttttttttttttt------

The undead whom sneaked up behind Raharu exploded itself to throw Raharu across the room and out of any possible strength.

Raharu: I can...barely...move.
Dart: *from the shadows* Don't give up, Raharu. That's the true test.
Raharu: I...can't even sense it.
Dart: Don't quit on the task. A warrior NEVER quits, even when all odds are against you, persevere.

Raharu sits down and tries to hear the undead moving but before he could get a correct guess the undead shoves Raharu towards the wall.

Raharu: Dart, I'm not sure I can do this.
Dart: Keep pushing yourself, do not fall to this one.

Lyserus walks down the basement staircase but sneaks beside Dart....

Lyserus: Raharu, now is the time for my test within this test.
Raharu: Lyserus? *looks around to try and find him*
Lyserus: I need to teach you this quickly yet carefully before the undead creature attacks you. My job is to train you on how to exploit weaknesses on your enemies!
Raharu: How can one exploit a weakness when its invisible?
Lyserus: You put the field to the test! If you look at it as a balance equation, then everything becomes easier. Fire weapons will always defeat ice creatures, and vice versa. This can also be said for Darkness and Light, Stone and Wind. So in order to defeat something that's invisible...
Raharu: *grabs some of the past skeleton's undead dust and throws it in the air, filling the room* Make it visible!

Raharu sees the dust covering the last undead and right before it tries to grab Raharu, he takes his glaive and summons a water cycle around it and blasts water at the undead, which causes it to be pushed back towards the wall and breaks apart. Lyserus and Dart appear from the shadows.

Dart: Unexpected, Raharu! You fought bravely!
Raharu: Dank you! Dank both of you!
Dart: Remember, that the mind is the key to the body. If you place a limitation there, or you turn away from your goal, you limit what you can do for yourself.
Raharu: Right.
Dart: Thanks to my blade, the Ichimonji, it tells me when an enemy is approaching. Want to try and hold it? *holds out the weapon*

As Raharu tries to wield the blade, he grabs his head in agony and drops the weapon.

Raharu: Awww, my head. What happened? Like a jolt of lightning.
Dart: My blade's special ability, to any whom try to take the weapon will have their mind crushed!
Raharu: Really...no warning first?
Dart: MUHHAHHAA! That was fun, no?

Lyserus: The last thing we want to teach you Raharu has to be done here and now.
Dart: So I've taught you to never give up, even when all seems lost, also to never think of limitations, or your body will work against you in combat. Now you have to duel Lyserus.
Lyserus: Stand Raharu. *helps him to his feet* Dart may have given you a new look and allowed you to become stronger, but there are times you simply cannot win. *takes out blade and holds it in battle stance* Defend yourself!

Raharu grabs his glaive and begins clashing his weapon with Lyserus's. Raharu pushes Lyserus back towards a wall but would use his Soulweaver abilities to quickly dash to a side and turn the advantage in his favor. The fight lasts for an hour before Raharu loses his weapon and is forced back to the ground.

Lyserus: *holds his blade near Raharu's face* The duel is over!
Raharu: Yet it is you, whom has lost.

Raharu grabs a nearby skull and throws it towards Lyserus along with some undead dust which blinds Lyserus and Raharu is able to get up and move out of sight of Lyserus.

Dart: Awww, how droll. Lyserus will lose this one.
Lyserus: *whom has dust particles still in his eyes* I don't need to see you, to defeat you kid.
Lyserus: WHERE DID YOU GO?!?!?!?

Lyserus tries to listen for movement but hears nothing.

Lyserus: I know you're still here, just Give---

Raharu slowly sneaks up behind Lyserus as he's talking and places his glaive just touching Lyserus's neck.

Raharu: --Give up?
Lyserus: *drops his weapon in defeat* You win. *shakes head* Looks like you know my weakness...

Dart moves forward once again...

Dart: Yeah, you talk way too much and you let your guard down.
Dart: Well done Raharu! You've passed all of our tests!
Lyserus: *gets the remaining dust out of his eyes* That means it's time!
Dart: To face Stephen Nix.
Lyserus: Dart will teleport you right to him...best of luck Raharu.....we have faith in you!

Dart prepares a teleportation potion and spreads it around Raharu until the line almost touches....

Dart: You have now learned from all of us. You are a great trainee! Now I would go there myself and take out Nix simply by attacking his mind, but that wouldn't teach you anything.
Raharu: Hahaha! Dank you once more for your work.
Dart: We are The Dark Knights, Raharu. Failure on your part after being trained by us is unacceptable. Lose to Nix and we'll have Tigirosa finish you off for good.
Raharu: *gulps*
Dart: Nah, I'm kidding.
Raharu: *sighs* Had me worried for a moment!
Dart: I'd eat you personally, instead! *finishes off the line and taps the ground three times* GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD LUCK! MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Raharu vanishes...

Dart: Ever had VurrMan before Lyserus?
Lyserus: No, but I'm willing to try. *grins* You DeathKnights know exactly what's good to eat around here!
Dart: Hmmm. I can taste him already!
Lyserus: I bet he tastes better than pizza!
Lyserus: Except humans...
Dart: ...And moglins!

Both laugh as they walk up the stairs to the battlegrounds...

Raharu lands near the camp base site as both an Agent Rose member and Enslaved Young Dragon are laying down in defeat as Stephen Nix finishes off Niki and Mritha.

Stephen Nix: Pathetic. Mritha, go back to your loser Beacons of Hope. *bludgeons his skull cane in her face*
Stephen Nix: And Niki, go back to whatever it is you came from. HAHAHAHAHAHA! *eyes turn bright blue as he attempts to freeze them both* I may have already collected my prize from both The Rose and dragons, but that doesn't mean I can't take your heads with me!

Raharu quickly gets into action and takes a quick moment to summon an enhancement on his body turning his VurrMan self bright green and dashes towards Nix and the two ladies. He picks them up and carries them aside.

Stephen Nix: WWWWAAACCC!!?!??!! *looks around*

Mritha: Raharu... *touches his face* you changed. Why.....I thought you liked being human.
Raharu: Actually Ma'am, I accepted it!
Mritha: You did soldier?
Raharu: I've always wanted to be just one, sure before I was picked on by everyone due to how I talk, but now, I feel complete.
Mritha: *nods* I accept your new look, even though Dart will have to answer for this one...give that penguin hell, Raharu!
Niki: *nods* For the clawkin!

Nix waddles towards the three...

Stephen Nix: HOW ADORABLE! A rat is here to save the day!
Raharu: Don't remember me?
Stephen Nix: I do...THAT VOICE...HAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHHHAHAH! I froze you last time...it's true. Left you for dead... *cackles* quite right. *turns his head sideways to show how crazy he can be* THIS TIME AFTER I FREEZE YOUR CARCASE, I'M GONNA SHATTER YOU LIKE A GLASS CASE OF EMOTIONS, RAT MAN!
Raharu: Bring it on!

Raharu and Nix rush to each other in combat...


Raharu takes out his Orb of the Glaive and begins clashing with Nix's Skull Cane. Raharu takes a quick moment and somersaults towards one of the boulders and dodges Nix's attack as the cane touches the boulder, it shatters to pieces.

Stephen Nix: Get back here, you little rat!

Nix's eyes glows bright blue and Raharu quickly turns to the pieces of rock from the shattered boulder and uses the rocks to form a giant cup which surrounds Nix.

Stephen Nix: *freezes the container and taps it as it shatters once more.* PATH-ETIC!

Raharu's weapon starts to have waves of water circling it...

Stephen Nix: How adorable. Your gonna throw that at me again aren't you?

Raharu points his glaive at Nix as it blasts him with water, but just before it touches Stephen Nix; Nix's eyes fires an ice beam that freezes the water before impact, Nix touches it and it breaks apart. Then he waddles towards the sidetracked Raharu.

Stephen Nix: Such a pity. *takes away Raharu's weapon and tosses it aside, picks up Raharu by the neck and begins to choke him* You lose again. HAHHAHHAAH! Too easy. *looks at Mritha and Niki* This was your champion?
Raharu: *places his feet on Nix's chest* I'm like The Dark Knights!
Stephen Nix: What about them?
Stephen Nix: Clearly.....now get your feet away from me, before I freeze them and cut em off! For this battle is faaaaar overdone!
Raharu: Couldn't agree more!

Raharu uses his legs to back flip from Nix's grasp and land back on his feet, he then glows white, forms two nearby twigs into vines as they grab a hold onto Nix's fins.

Stephen Nix: Hey, what's the deal!!!!!
Raharu: That was for the Phoenix Risen.

Raharu then rushes towards him quickly and takes away his skull cane.

Raharu: *tosses it aside* Your weakness, like Dart told me, is your cane. Like your stupid book you've been after for so many years, your power source is this cane, without it, your just an average Avian.

Stephen Nix: *struggling with the vines wrapped tightly around his fins* AVERAGE!!!! I'm Stephen Nix, the Undead Penguinmancer! *cowls under his breathe* WHAT ARE YOU!???????
Raharu: *takes his Glaive of the Orb out and throws it at Nix* THIS IS FOR DE WARMONGER SKELETON CREW!

Just as the blade is about to hit, the vines fade away from Nix's flippers, Nix looks up but it's too late. A razor cut sound is heard in the air. The scene backs off to Raharu's extended arm and Nix just standing there with a glaive perfectly stuck in his chest, motionless. Raharu turns around, holds his hand out as his blade returns to him and walks towards Mritha and Niki as Stephen Nix falls to the ground, defeated.

Mritha: *cheers* HE DID IT!!!!! Victory!
All Heroes of the Freedom Camp: YEEEAHHHH!!!!!

Victory had indeed arrived. The Rose and Dragons were pushed back, and Nix eventually picked his pieces back together again like a good undead necromancer and made his way back to his lair for more fiendish plans!

Raharu overcame his fear of his opponent and fought bravely and ultimately overwhelmed Nix in what he thought was his finishing blow. What does this mean? It means that any hero can overcome all odds and defeat their opponent even when things look bleak. Use whatever knowledge you are bestowed upon and give it your best shot!

Thank you for reading! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did! A huge thanks to Raharu for sending in his information and being the star of the show, as well as the clans heroes whom participated in this war and gave their info. Wanna be the star in the next war story? Who knows maybe next war... *points at your screen* IT COULD BE YOU!

deatharrows -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/28/2013 13:39:07)

Bulls Eye

War Story Discussion Thread---------> click here

War Special
The Future of Despair

Note: This is a war special for my story, Bulls Eye. It is cannon to the world of Lore, as is the true story. The time line however is in the present as opposed to being in the past, like the story. Just wanted to clarify that. Now without further ado, enjoy the war special of Bulls Eye. By the way there won't be a secret code. Don't bother looking, I decided not to add one into this.

Within Lore there are plenty of good heros and plenty of villains but there are always some people in between like our protagonist Deatharrows. Deatharrows went on many adventures filled with secrets, conspiracies, and giant monsters, but this is not a tale of the past adventures of our anti hero, but the present adventures. Our story begins, or more accurately continues at the battle field of the war of freedom.

"Hey Nort, do you ever wonder why the adventures of Lore fight against us?" one Rose member named Rick asked. "You know, honestly I do." said Nort. "However I have a theory. The adventures fight for magic but I think it's not honestly there choice." "What do you mean by that?" Rick asked. "Well think about it Rick. The adventures mostly just do as the people of falcon reach and the other towns ask, mainly because they blindly trust these people do to the experiences they shared. If I told you that the people of the rebellion secretly worshipped evil deities and were fighting for them, since you had no proof you'd doubt it but if something hinted at it, even if it was something as small as a dead animal, you'd start believing me."

"Um I don't follow." said Rick. "Could you try to simplify what your saying?" "Fine." said Nort. "Basically the adventures do stuff for people and share experiences, so the gradually start to trust in these people more and more. There for when they say we are bad just because Rose is flawed, as are all thing that exist, the adventures grow to share their opinion on us. If they were introduced to the Rose by a Rose member, they would likely agree with our cause and methods. It's that simple."

"Oh, I think I get it!" Rick exclaimed. "But if that's so, that would make it so that they are being blindly lead to fight us! Well of all the reasons to rebel against something, that's so... so foolish! Don't you agree Nort?" Rick waited for a moment. "Um, Nort?' Rick looked at Nort only to see a decapitated figure. "Nort! Oh my gosh! I need to signal the alar-" Before Rick could finish his statement, his head was sliced off. Standing next to the body were five cats. "Wasn't that a bit harsh?" said a golden cat. "What do you expect? I'm not used to a profession where targets are not to be killed." said a purple cat with a witch hat. "I thought you worked in a circus." said a cat with a jewel on it's head. "Roof." said a grey cat. "Would you cut that out, we aren't cats!" said a white cat. "Enough of this! Let's just beat up the leader of the Rose camp and get back to the base!" said a cat with a fancy hat. "Wait, we don't have a base! I told you our plan was to defeat the Rose members at this camp and disguise ourself as some sort of Rose cats to find their library on magic and find a way to revert to our human forms!" said the cat with witch hat.

After much debate the cats finally agreed on what they were doing. "With that aside let's get moving!" said the golden cat. "The other members of this camp will check what's happened here soon and we can't take them all on at once. And Deatharrows, don't kill any more of these guys. If you do it again we'll steal your hat." "You wouldn't dare." said the cat with the witch hat. "We can and will. Now hurry and hide."

Then a Rose member entered the room within the base. "What the!?!?! What happened here!" The man exclaimed. The room was empty except for the two dead bodies. "Who did this?!?!?Come out or face death on sight!" Little did he know the ones responsible for the deaths were hidden in the cupboards. "Ok, he doesn't know we're here." said the cat with the witch hat. "Since the Baron won't let me kill him, we attack on 3. 1, 2, 3!"

To be continued!

You pick what happens!

Post your comment on the discussion page for the war threads saying Vote A, Vote B, or Vote C!

Vote A for the MOP cats to play keyboard and hypnotize the members of the camp
Vote B for the MOP cats to engage in an action packed battle filled with action, suspense, and explosions
Vote C for a one of the DF warmongers to make an appearance and beat up the Rose members

Remember, if you want to cameo if section C is selected, just say so, but don't msg me. Thanks for reading and battleon!

Bulls Eye

War Story Discussion Thread---------> click here

War Special
The Future of Despair Part Two

Note: Just a quick note, there were only three votes.... My story was vastly ignored.... I mean I know why but you know what three votes means? That's right, I'm causing everyone to explode! No, note really. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy part two of the future of despair.

Before the cats could execute their genius plan, the Rose member screamed and fainted. "Wow, that was an awesome plan Death!" said the cat with the jewel on it's head. "That wasn't me BraveSirRobin." said the cat with the witch hat. "Correct!" said an unfamiliar voice. "OMGBBQ, A VOICE! IT MUST BE A GHOST!" screamed the gray cat. "No, ghosts don't pop out of no where during wars and knock people out." said the cat with the fancy hat. "False!" said the unfamiliar voice. The cats stayed silent for a moment. "Oh my bad, I forgot to introduce myself! I am the Ghost of Ghost!" Out of nowhere a ghost resembling a Mogolween ghost costume appeared. "Die monster, you don't belong in this world!" yelled the golden cat. It then jumped on the ghost's head and fell through.

"Ecalp fo tuo saw ecnerefer taht." said the Ghost. "Oh no, it's gone mad!" said the white cat. They then started running in terror only to run into the door. "My apologies, I was speaking in the language of the undead, Gibberish." said the ghost. "Ok that's it!" said the cat with the witch hat. "Who are you, or who were you?" "Me?" the Ghost questioned. "I am the Ghost of Ghost, the Ghost of Necropolis." "Wait, your the ghost of a ghost?" said the cat with the witch hat in a bewildered manner. "That's stupid! A ghost can't die!" "Quite right." said the ghost. "However one day a rift in time in space was created during the war of cake elementals vs bacon elementals. This battle was happened in Necropolis and in the conflict, the Ghost of Necropolis fell into the rift, taking him to a realm fusing three different time lines into one. I am the Ghost of that Ghost's memory in the minds of his friends"

The cats took a few minutes to soak that information in. After a few minutes had passed someone finally spoke up. "So your a ghost's ghost? We get that now but then why did you knock out that Rose member?" asked the cat with the witch hat. "Because I told him to." said another unfamiliar voice. "Who are you?" said the golden cat. "I," said the unfamiliar voice "am the future mayor of falcon reach, Dragonman!" out of the shadows appeared a large dravir with a wolfish grin. Suddenly a Rose member busted the door down. "Freeze, we've surrounded you!" said the Rose member.

"Hm... food luck with these guys." said the cat with the witch hat. "Death! We can't abandon our new friends!" said the golden cat. "We can and we will because they ruined our cover!" Then the cat with the witch hat meowed. moments later a giant worm broke through the floor and got the cats out of the Rose camp. "Deatharrows, you left them to fight those guys alone?" asked the golden cat. "No, I left a surprise." then the cat with the witch hat laughed with his evil cat laughter. Meanwhile at the Rose base, Dragonman, the Ghost of the Ghost of Necropolis, and the Rose Members were fighting when they noticed cats on keyboards. Then the cats started to play the keyboards. Suddenly the base exploded, filling the area with the sounds of explosions and awesome keyboard music.

And with that, our tail ends. A tale of less despair then would be expected from it's title but a tale none the less. Deatharrows and the other cats of Mop would continue their quest, but remember this heroes of lore. It's up to you to win this war, and next mogolween, it shall be up to you to finally help the MOP cats return to human form. Now I this note in my journal in hopes that one of my idiotic friends doesn't steal it and destroy my documentations of our quests.

Posts merged to prevent double-posting! -Faerdin

Frost Moglin -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/28/2013 16:07:39)

The thorn of Rose,
The tooth of a dragon.
The clawkins,
and their hidden world.
The dravirs,
the hunted ones.
The war,
of the camp of
will not fail!
The battle of
the freedom
will not fall!
The camp of Freedom
never falls.
As long as the hero,
defends it from war.

The Rose, those manahunters.
Hunters of magic and might.
Even in darkness, Magic won't fall.
Even when taken, Magic won't fall.
Onwards, onwards,
to battle of freedom!
Onwards, onwards,
to fight for magic!
'Cause it never falls,
never fails, never dies.

I tried making some poetry. I know, not so long or great.

And quess what? War story time! My first try, might take a while to finish completly.

The Day of War

???: Wha- Where am I?
Commander: Welcome to the Freedom Camp, sorry if you have some memory loss or you're dizzy, that's what the teleport does! Tell me, do you remember your name?
???:Of course I do! I am Frost Moglin, the first and only one of the Bards of War. Now tell me, what am I doing here? I only remember some sort of an offer...
Commander: Good thing that you don't have a severe memory loss. You were probably invited by Mrithra, Niki, or someone else.
Frost Moglin: Invited to what?
Commander: Invited to the Dragon Rose war. The Rose are attacking the clawkin, and the dragons are attacking the dravirs. We need to help them!
Frost moglin: Ok. Could oyu just let me to the battlefield? I haven't smashed anything in a while!

AlkaNephrite -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (6/28/2013 19:40:32)

Just One Last Wave, Please?

Okay, here we are again. Are you tired? Well I am too. Just one last wave then we'll go to bed. Promise. Ready?

...no? Well...why not?

....oh...too tired to even speak, huh? I know how you feel. Not even the best of healing spells can cure fatigue like a good nap can. Tell you what, I'll tell you what to do, what moves to use and that kind of strategy stuff then, when this wave's done, we'll go to bed. How will I tell you? Well, I'll communicate with you the same way I'm communicating with you right now. Telepathically, I mean. After this, we'll both go to bed. That okay with you? Alright then! Let's go!

Glide forward and steady now. I sense only one enemy in this clearing...that's rare...well, I'm sure she's tougher than the others. Let's get this over with.

Okay, breathe in, breathe out. Don't show that you're tired. Relax a little. You've been stiff ever since you were freed from the ice. Breathe in, breathe out. Isn't that better? Hm? You can talk now? Good. Being out of breath isn't good for you. Now glide forward and ready your weapon. Focus.

I see her clearly now....the enemy is a Manahuntress. A squadron leader, I think. I recognize her from our scouting trips. Her name is...possibly Merina.

Pause. "A manahuntress...weak attempt in combining a warrior's strength with a rogue's dexterity." Glide two paces closer. "You have neither. No warrior's strength. No rogue's dexterity."

Silence settles on the clearing. The enemy is still, her own daggers ready. Sweat is on her brow. She's tired, just like we are. Smile, very softly, try to intimidate her.

"You don't look so tough....not to me, you don't. You're weak, just like the rest of your pansy organization...oh sorry. I forgot...it was Rose, wasn't it?" Watch as she loses her composure. Watch as she charges, thinking herself to be your equal, which she's not. Very far from it. Still be careful and wait for it. The perfect moment to strike. On my signal...

Now! A dagger flies through the air, guided by cryptic magic, leaving a trail of lilac tinged flames as it tears through her side, armor and all. A critical strike. She staggers but doesn't fall. Prepare to defend yourself. She leaps, her own blades glinting as she aims for the flesh exposed by your armor. Move forward, two steps at least, as quickly as you can. Ready yourself. You know what I mean. Do it! She strikes and her blades cleave through the the decoy, dispelling the illusion, scattering shards of purple light all around. Her eyes widen and dragon fire strikes her back. She cries out but the blow isn't fatal, as you've probably guessed. Strike now! The dagger leaps from your hand, seeking enemy flesh and finding its mark. She screams, unprepared for such an attack. Don't stop. Move. Glide, faster now. Catch the blade flying back to your hands. Stare at her in the eye, only for a second because of your condition and all, but make it count. Make her fear you, make her know just how you became known as the Hero of Falconreach, how you made others fear you. She whimpers. Smile. Smile and try to look cruel, at least just a little. Now disappear and leave her among the shards of a dispelled illusion. Reappear behind her. Twist to face her, aim and thrust. Leave her wounded. It's a critical hit. She's falling. She's...I think she's...

Whatever you do, don't look back.

She's dead or at least very nearly dead. I'm sorry I got carried away. I know how you don't like killing. Go back to the war camps. Rest there. Take the rest of the night off. You're exhausted, I know. I can feel it. You deserve rest. You did well. Very well. Let's go ho-

"Go on...kill me now...show...show us all just how much of a monster...you...you old heroes are..."




Resist it. Try to resist it. Resist the stream of thoughts and memories you receive when you look at those near death. Close your eyes when you see it all, when you relive the life of the woman dying at your feet. Don't look at her memories, okay? Never look at her as anything more than your enemy. Erase those memories and feelings the when you leave the battlefield. She's from the Rose. They're inhuman, they're slave-drivers, they're-

"I know," a soft whisper. "I'm not supposed to...to think of them as anything but people to kill. I-I know...but I..."

Why? Why did you look back? Why did you have to look back?

"I can't...they're...they're not just faces for me to slay, Draco! They're human...every bit as human as I am...or...or was..."

Don't say that. You're still you. You're still my Dragonlord, a hero...don't leave me alone again...

"I...I'm not...I'm not the same, Draco...I'm not who I was before...normal humans don't see the memories of people when they're about to die...normal people don't relive the lives of the people they...they killed...and normal people can't hear others' thoughts just by standing in the same room as them..."

You're not normal...you know that. You're special. You're...you're the hero of Falconreach. You're one of the strongest people I know.

"You don't know a lot of people, Draco...I...I can't stand it anymore...this...this stupid power of mine...."

I know...you've been sensitive to people's thoughts and emotions the moment you finished Cryptic training. Your time in that...that ice cube just intensified that...it'll go away...after this war, I'm sure it'll stop...when it does, you can go ahead and forget it all...all the things you've seen...

"But that's just it, Draco. I CAN'T forget them...I shouldn't forget them..."

Why not? What did you...what did you see this time? Who was she before...?

"She...she was Merina Alrie...she was married to Gareth Alrie...who died in an elemental attack two years back...and mother to three kids, Japeth, Florian and Cynthia...she...I saved her kids from a fire once...ironic isn't it? ...I, who saved her children...just killed the only family they had left...they'll die...all three of them..."

...don't cry...please don't. Her children'll live...I'm sure of it...

"But that's just it...they won't...she was the only family they had left...and even if they do, they won't ever be the same again...and Cynthia's still just three years old. How could I do this to them? I just...just ripped another family apart..."

Come on now...stand up...you'll get attacked if you just stand around there, moping...please...at least try to make it back to camp...I don't want to have to carry you again...just forget about it...all of it...

"I can't...they're...they're just like me...all of them...just people forced to go along by circumstances beyond their control...just people who decided to fight for what they believed in...not all of them were saints but...but some of them had real LIVES! Not just an endless fight like mine's turning out to be...they had people who loved them...people who cared for them...people who they cared for...likes and dislikes...they were all..."

Humans, just like you.

"...I hate it...having to fight...why do we have to fight? Why do we have to war against each other...why...? It hurts...it hurts...their memories...they all sting...all of them...why can't we all get along? Hansa...she...maybe she's right...magic...causes nothing but strife...if I didn't have magic, I'd never have to go through this...seeing all these memories..."

....but if that happened, we would've never met...I wouldn't exist...I'm a creature of magic...do you...do you hate me now? I know I did a lot of things but-

"-I'm sorry. I-I wasn't thinking clearly...all of these memories are making everything foggy..."

No, I'm the one who's sorry. I should've never asked you to fight in this war...not after seeing how...broken up you were when you killed those Rose soldiers in the fort...

"Even if you didn't ask, I would've gone anyway. But I...I never meant to kill them...I only wanted to...knock them out...leave them all unconscious or scare them off..."

We're at war...we all kill, even when we don't want to...

...please...please don't look at me like that...don't cry...

"Their memories...they all sting..."

I'm sorry. I'm so...so sorry...I'll leave if you want...I'll let you rest...

"Please don't...you're the only one I have left...please...I'm tired...I'm just so tired..."

...Let's go home. We all need to rest.

"...yes. That's exactly what I need. Sleep. I'm so sleepy I can barely...stand anymore..."

Here. Hold onto me. I'll get us home. I'll get us back to safety. Home sweet home. Where the heart is. Where we can finally...rest.

"I'm so...tired..."

Caststarter -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (7/1/2013 0:06:42)

(Helped by AsmodeusCain for editing.)

Part One.

"Mort... why won’t you fight in the current fight at Freedom Camp? Aren't you helping us?"

"I only fight when there is no other option. It is better to move now and save the bloodshed. Saves us in the process." Mort looked away from a man clad in armor to look over a cliff. The moon just started to rise as the sun set. "So in the end, I am still helping in the first place. Better than a fight to the death, I say."

The man had brown hair in a style similar to that of Ash. His face indicated that he was young as well. He had a relatively normal sword held by his right hand. "But we can show our strength to them!"

"Yes, and yet at the same time make magic look worse than it already does." Mort said as he turned his head slightly to look at the man again.

"But many already know they are wron-" Mort interrupted.

"And that is a personal belief you have when I know that it is not the case. Sad to know really..."

"But look at who support magic! They are more influential than the Rose combined!" The man retorted.

"Are you sure? From what I seen... eighty percent of them are more leaning towards for a fight compared to peace. And the low and middle classes of society don't like the idea of war itself unless it is for self-defense."

"Still. We will show them both what we are made of! I always thought of you as someone that I can look up at. But I think I can make my own decisions now. I need to leave now for the battle now as well. Bye Mort!" As he hesitated, the man left Mort alone besides the cliff.

Mort turned around and yelled "Fightix! Wait!" But Fightix did not return. Mort sighed. "Why doesn't he listen? Does he realize that it is closer to a losing battle that could end this resistance for good?"

Mort pondered on what he should do. Like Fightix, many who he talked to said that the Rose was evil, and up to no good. They want to end Magic for good rather than regulate it. Or so they say. Although there have been others, we are conflicted on their sides. All from the Rose, the Resistance, and ones we are neutral. Mort isn't like them. He thinks that the Rose is just doing it the wrong way but also think that they are justified in some ways and should be talked to come into a agreement on some fronts. That idea has gained no support over the years however.

Should he follow Fightix and make sure he will be all right? Or should he leave him to his own decisions as he has always done? After a couple of minutes. The decision was his. He went on to make sure Fightix doesn't get himself captured by the Rose. Simply he knows that he isn't completely ready for anything of that scale without help.

Part 2: Part 2 of my 8 PM motivation attempt

For a couple of days, Mort walked along the road that led to the known area of the Freedom Camp that Fightix mentioned about. To keep his identity protected, he wore a hood over his head and a cloak to mask any body features.

Over the five years since the Rose began. The places of peace and quiet has turn into turmoil and hatred. It was evident in many areas of the land. Falconreach, Swordhaven, and many of the small towns has witnessed this over the last five years. And the road showed signs of it as well. Not many creatures were seen as before, there were barely no travelers along the path who were replaced by Rose patrols, and the occasional sign of conflict. Arrow in the tree, claw marks, swords on the ground, ect. However, in this area, the signs seem that the resistance was being pushed back by the Rose. This was usual sadly. Every time any kind of resistance fought back. They were to be pushed back to where they originated, captured or killed, and then something else. No one truly knows what they usually do to their prisoners besides the chains. Execution, torture, questioned? No one really knows.

Mort looked up into the sky to his right to see a trail of smoke in the air. The battle was either there or just been a fiery finish. He rushed as quickly as he could in order to see what is happening. When he got there, there was nothing but fire across an open field, where Freedom Camp was known to be. He thought. "This isn't just by the Rose isn't it? They don't just go ahead and burn a place to the ground when it is just a resistance." He couldn't see what is beyond the smoke since it was too thick. It was burning for quite a while and showed no signs of stopping. At the field, he saw the Resistance Fighters moving away from the Rose. They couldn't handle direct conflict, far too many of them were inexperience or had abysmal training. The best they could were hit and run tactics which were usually surpremely effective. But this is a result if they fought for a long time and directly. They barely stood their ground.

This is one of the reasons why Mort had a distaste for war. All it does is take away lives and ruin many others and usually there is nothing to gain in one of these battles. Today was an exception however. This may be the last hope that the Resistance has and it must not be taken away. At the same time however, he hoped Fightix was okay as well. He analyzed the area to find a way to get in the camp without causing any attention to himself from either side.

"Alright you Rose scum! Have it here!" Someone yelled. Mort looked behind him and saw Fightix fending off some hunters sent to see if any survivors were left behind. He seemed to fought valiently for some time now judging the cracks on his armor. But at the same time he looked exhausted as if he will fall down to his knees any moment now. He grabbed one of the hunters and threw them to the ground and parried one of their sword strikes. Then one of them tackled him and pinned him to the ground. "Cowards! You don't even fight properly!" Fightix yelled as he struggled to get loose to no prevail.

"Say so yourself, you are coming along." Said one of the hunters as she hand-cuffed him. "And you know, I thought you would be harder to get. Saves me some time at least."

Fightix snarled. "If you don't let me go I swear you wi-i-will get it!"

"How exactly? Everyone is off fighting! No one is here to help you. They might not even care for you." The hunteress laughed.

"Perhaps you want to really listen to him now. No point fighting over someone that ain't important now hmm?" Mort revealed himself to everyone. He had his Etherswod plunged into the ground and he leaned over it. "But if you persist, we can go over this dilemma and it will end the same way as always."

The huntress looked at him and said "So it is you hey?"

"Yeah, the one you been looking for about... what was it, five years?"

They stared at each other. Waiting to see who would move first. Two hunters then took the front and closed in. "I guess we shall." Mort said. He took his sword-fighting stance with his Ethersword in his left-hand. Then one of the two hunters thrusted their sword at Mort with pinpoint accuracy aiming for his chest. Mort side-stepped then grabbed the hunters arm and kicked him in the stomach then threw him into a tree knocking him out. The other hunter then sliced his sword spliting the air between it but Mort blocked it with his Ethersword and elbowed him in the face causing him to grasped his face in pain and step back a little. Mort then kicked him down to the ground. The huntress, baffled on how he took down three hunters with ease, ran away knowing that she had no chance at him.

"Ahh well... at least they know when to run and fight." Mort said.

Fightix was still on the ground and said "So you came to help me out huh?"

Mort looked down at him and tried to lock-pick the chains off Fightix. "Pretty much. I knew you couldn't handle things by yourself. Who knew what would happen to you if I didn't came by!"

"Yeah well... at least you did... thanks." Fightix said in a depressed mood.

"What is wrong?"

"I failed everyone..."

"No... you did not failed no one... you tried... but I will say you were a tad idiotic on fighting and not running! Pride is easily one of those things that could get you into trouble, you know that right." Mort opened up the cuffs. "Lets go. We don't have much time until... he arrives."

"Who's he exactly?"

"I can't say so right now... we need to get you to a healer... I mean look at your leg! It is bleeding!" Mort pointed at Fightix's right thigh. "Come on, let me wrap that up." Mort then pulled out a hankercheif and wrapped around the wound.

"It is nothing though!" Fightix tried to be brave but he himself he couldn't deny he needed help.

"There is still the chance of infection. Come on, can you walk?"

Fightix stood on his two feet with some balance. "A bit wobbly but yeah."

Mort breathed a sign of relief. "Then alright then, let's go to Falconreach." Mort suggested.

"But Freedom Camp!"

"You know you can't go in this condition!"

"But they need our help... your help! You been hiding away these past years and barely helped at all."

"Because what is the use if I get caught?"

"Y-y-y... you're right." Fightix calmed down.

Mort thought about what Fightix said. Was it truly time to not hide or run away anymore? Should he take his stand?

"You know Fightix... is it possible you can get to somewhere that someone can help on your own?"

"Probably... I know a place that is actually relavtively close to here." Fightix replied.

"Then alright then, go there. I'll handle things from here now."

"You're going to help now?!" Fightix surprised.

"Yes... if the Rose is able to accomplish this. It would all be lost now would it?"

"Then alright then... take care... and make sure everyone is alright" Fightix said as he patted Mort's shoulder. He left to where he would get help. Mort headed off to the distance where the fighting was. No matter the obscacles, no matter who stands in their way. Freedom Camp has to prevail. And the start of this civil war will come to a close. And the Resistance are the ones that will succeed.

The End, war on and lets finish this!

Cataclysm -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (7/1/2013 2:46:39)

The Faceless
Part 1

He sat in the encampment and sharpened his blade to a fine cutting edge. This was not his first fight, nor did he believe it would be his last. Holding his blade into the light, he caught a glimpse of his reflection, but the brilliance of the sun behind him made it difficult, if not outright impossible, to make out his features. No matter. The blade was not a tool to gaze at oneself, it was a weapon. A weapon he intended to use to stop the enemy.

You see, his father was a mage.

He’d always hated his father.

Perhaps that was where his hatred of magic itself came from. His father was never particularly adept at magic. He could cast some spells and, provided he had enough time to gather mana, some fairly powerful ones as well, but he was firmly at the lower end of the mediocre mages. Despite this, his father practiced magic all the time, calling it his “passion.”

He spit at the memory. That passion… That pointless passion which had gotten not only his father killed, but also his younger brother. The memory made bile choke up in his throat. His father had been trying to teach his son a bit of magic. The man himself had told his father he was more interested in swordplay, and his father had held no grudges, instead taking up his younger brother as an apprentice. He took to magic quickly. It was clear to any observer that he had a genuine knack for the arcane, but with his father as a teacher the younger brother’s talents would only end up squandered.

Still, his father would boast all the time about how quickly the younger sibling was learning magic. “In two days, he could throw a fireball! Two days! Took me two months to learn that one!” Bah. Never did he boast of his elder son’s skill with the sword. True, the younger was clearly the more talented, but what the elder lacked in innate talent, he made up for in effort. His swordplay teacher told him to practice a thousand swings, he did twice that. Even so, their father took no notice.

One day, during their training, an explosive crashing came echoing from the village. Immediately, both the elder son and his teacher ran back, expecting some kind of an attack. Instead, what they found were charred remains and a destroyed house, with several around them damaged.

“That’s… That’s my…” he muttered, stumbling towards the house, hand outstretched as shock overcame him. He dropped his blade and fell to his knees, unwilling to see what was before him anymore. Behind him, he faintly heard conversations as the rest of the citizens came out to see what had happened.

“Too much mana build up. The father was trying to show his son something even he hadn’t yet mastered and the mana went wild.”

“Damn shame. That kid was a prodigy. I can only imagine what he’d have been able to do.”

The kneeling child remained kneeling, nobody taking notice of him. His fingers clawed through the dirt, crushing it in his fists and turning the palms the same color of the blackened ground he knelt upon. Still trembling, he pushed up off the ground and grabbed his sword.

“We’re not done training today, are we?” he said. “There’s nothing we can do here. Come on, let’s finish up for today.”

His teacher didn’t object. Instead, they spent the rest of the day training. Rather than the emptying effect training usually had on the child, though, his mind raced with one thought and one thought only.

“Exterminate magic. Magic has taken my brother. It has taken my father. Magic harms. Exterminate it.”

He shuddered, coming out of his memories. Even now, he couldn’t get that day out of his head. But, his training had pushed him to be one of the top foot soldiers in the Rose. At the rate he was going, he’d get promoted soon and get to lead his own group. Climbing higher than that, though, would probably be more than he could achieve. He was good, but he wasn’t great.

Rising from his seat, he turned to face the fields. What was supposed to be a simple mission had quickly proven vastly more challenging. Many soldiers of Falconreach had appeared in the forest and had been pushing back the Rose at every front. If he could gain ground, he would prove himself, and a promotion would be almost guaranteed. But more important than that, he would be closer to his goal: the extermination of magic.


Elsewhere on the fields, a young woman polished her daggers. She felt the need to keep them clean, even after they’d ended up covered in blood again by the end of the day. Her twin daggers glinted in the morning sun, and she held them up to be sure there were no more stains. After looking them over thoroughly, she decided they were clean enough. She tucked away the rag in her bag. When she was first contacted about this war, she wanted no part. If possible, she avoided such conflicts. She was here for only one reason: to seek her friend.

They had been born and raised in the same village, but after a magical mishap, he changed. His typical boastfulness and pride in his swordplay was gone overnight, his cheerful demeanor was replaced with one blank and unreadable like a stone, he never laughed no matter what she did or said. After a year’s time when rumors of an organization intending to eliminate magic had spread, he disappeared completely. She investigated the rumors and found out that the organization was called the Rose. No matter how much she investigated further, however, she couldn’t find where her friend had gone, nor where the Rose was. Rather than stay in the village, she took up a pair of daggers from her uncle, the town blacksmith, and set off to learn how to defend herself so she could travel around Lore seeking her friend.

Every major conflict she’d been involved in since then had been as an antagonist to the Rose. It wasn’t that she opposed their ideals – truthfully, magic had little to no bearing on her life. She was simply indifferent to the existence of magic: whether it did or did not exist, she would be fine. She fought against them simply because the Rose did not recruit adventurers, but the rebelling groups did. Every time, she would look for her friend, but she had never seen him. She didn’t expect this day would be any different, but she still came because there was always that small chance.

She stood up and fixed her gaze upon the fields before her. Hopefully, today she would meet him again.


A lone archer knocked an arrow and, testing his bowstring, drew back and fired a shot. It struck the target slightly above where he was aiming, but if it had been a person, the shot still would have proven fatal. Satisfied, he sat back down and rested. He’d been in many a skirmish before, but almost always used to take out a cadre of bandits, a group of thugs, or some other such group. This was his first war. His usual tactic of sniping wouldn’t work so well here. He would have to transition to guerilla tactics, and whether or not that would work depended heavily on the skill of those he was sent after. It would also depend heavily on his skill, but that, he was sure, was sufficient. He’d been paid. All that mattered now were his orders.

He stood up and faced the battlefield. Somewhere out there were his targets. He just needed to find out who they were.

Part 2

The fighting came suddenly. The Rose patrol had been advancing towards where they estimated Freedom Camp to be when a handful of enemy combatants intercepted them. Though the Rose outnumbered them, the rebels had time and again proven their pluck, with each one demonstrating that they could take out more than a couple Rose soldiers. As such, the present altercation looked about equal, considering number and respective skill.

The fight that followed proved frantic and hectic. The Rose was better trained for war, but the rebels knew the surrounding terrain much more intimately. Though the Rose would group up several to a rebel, the Rose members still fell with regularity, rebels falling only occasionally. Given the relative numbers, though, neither side could gain a distinct edge.

The warrior held his blade firmly in his hand, facing a mage. Out of all the opponents that had shown themselves, this one he had decided upon because it best fit his goal of eradicating magic. The mage had proven her worth, striking down one of his allies immediately and sending a fireball his way shortly after. Whether by fortune or skill or a combination of the two, his lowered, rushing stance caused the fireball to miss most of his body and instead strike the side of his left shoulder, burning through the leather and to the flesh below. A small price to pay in exchange for the mage’s life. His blade flicked through the air starting from below, a crimson trail following it as the mage staggered back and fell to the ground, dead.

The Rose’s warrior saw another foe, this one wielding a two-handed sword, the steel glinting. He seemed powerful, but he was up against three Rose members at once. Rather than rush into the fight, the Rose soldier decided that his allies could handle it. Scanning the clearing he heard a pair of anguished cries from the two-handed wielder’s location. In one stroke, he’d crippled two of the soldiers. His talent was far more than the Rose warrior had estimated. Neither soldier was dead, but each had taken severe cuts across their stomachs. They were out, and possibly going to exsanguinate. Without hesitation, he jumped to his allies’ sides, believing his proficiency with the sword could compete with the brute force offered by the rebel’s zweihander.

The rebel swung his blade surprisingly quickly in an overhead arc, attempting to crush the Rose warrior’s guard. Bracing his wrist with his injured left arm, he managed to block the blow, but was still knocked to his knees, surprised at the agility and strength of the rebel. It easily surpassed his own. Not missing a beat, the Rose soldier pushed off the ground to close in to the bigger rebel, knowing that large, heavy weapons are a hindrance more than a boon at close range. Though he wielded a longsword, its range wasn’t nearly what the zweihander’s was. The difference in strength would probably be narrowed, but not as much as if the Rose warrior used daggers or even a shortsword.

Recognizing the Rose member’s intent, the warrior swung his sword in a broad arc, attempting to sweep the soldier aside. The Rose soldier blocked, but only narrowly, the force of the blow still sending him careening off to the side and landing roughly on the ground. As he attempted to rise, the rebel raised his sword again and swung sharply, cutting a diagonal path right for the middle of his chest. Based on his agility, he couldn’t move out of the way in time. The Rose warrior braced himself on the ground and held his blade up and out to attempt to block, but the zweihander came down much softer than he’d anticipated, practically sliding off his sword’s edge. Looking at the warrior, he saw why. The other Rose member who had still been uninjured at the start of this had managed to get behind the rebel and run his blade through the rebel’s gut. Kicking the rebel off his blade, he reached down and helped the injured Rose soldier to his feet.

“Thanks for the help, there. When those two went down, I thought I was dead. What’s your name?” he asked.

“It’s –” he was cut off as his savior roughly shoved him down. An rogue wielding two daggers had jumped out of the bushes behind them and she sank her daggers into his back before roughly withdrawing them. He fell to his knees and then dropped the rest of the way to the ground. Expending some of the last of his energy, he turned towards his new friend, eying the burns on his shoulder.

“We’re even now. Don’t get yourself killed.”

In a rage, he grabbed his sword and stabbed fiercely with both hands, intending to end this right now. Ignoring the searing pain in his shoulder, he ran the blade through the dagger-wielding woman’s chest, the blade angled upwards so it passed right inside her ribs, piercing a lung. She gasped sharply, a quick intake of air attempting to make up for the loss of her ability to breathe as well. Only then did he look up and see her face.

She smiled at him. “I’ve found you at last.” She coughed, blood flying with every heave of her impaled chest. “I just wish we’d met again under better conditions.”

Part 3

He laid hiding in the bushes, watching the skirmish take place. He’d been paid to kill, not to ensure anyone survives. He’d made his marks and watched the battle occur, deciding to pick off whoever remained at the end of the conflict. Rebels and Rose alike fell, but still he did not move. Not until one side had a clear dominance, and that would only determine whether or not he would attack or slip back into the undergrowth to seek another conflict to let fly his arrows.


“By the Avatars, what are you doing here?” he said, looking at his childhood friend. “Why didn’t you stay in the village?”

“I was after you,” she managed to cough. “I didn’t want to see you go off and die in a war for the wrong side. You’re a fool for this quest for revenge. Do you really think that eradicating magic will bring them back or something?”

“No, I never thought anything like that… I just wanted to prevent this from happening to anyone else.”

“By waging war and killing people? They had families too, you know.”

“But magic has been the cause of so many ills in this world, wouldn’t it be better to just rip it all out? The world would be so much more peaceful.”

“You really are a fool,” she laughed, then collapsed into a coughing fit as her body began to shut down. “You’re waging war and causing tragedies with a sword, just the same as you claim magic does. How’s this any different?”

He was silent. He could say nothing. “Even so… Even if I am wrong… I can’t stop now. Magic must be… I must avenge… I won’t -”

She cut him off. “Forget this hopeless quest for revenge. Return home. I’m sure the village will be happy to see you. Use your sword to protect, not destroy. The village could use a good guardsman, you know. Consider this a last request from your friend.” She smiled as she closed her eyes and finally went limp, having exhausted all of her energy.

He lay her down on the ground and removed his sword, now stained, tainted with the blood of someone from his past. He stood there, silent, contemplating what he had just done and said as the weight of everything hit him. He would do as she’d suggested. He’d return home, if only to carry the news of what had happened to her. If anything, it was his obligation. He had done something that he could never take back, and he would work as long as he could to rectify it. He dropped his sword, knowing now that even if he were to wield it for the sake of others rather than his own quest for revenge, it would be twisted with the memories of his actions. Had he been wrong? Truly, he did not know. Neither side seemed to have a clear-cut moral high ground in his eyes. But that sword was one he could not wield anymore, knowing whose blood it had shed. He looked about the clearing he was standing in. His fellow Rose members were getting pushed back. This was their loss. He began to retreat.


The archer nocked an arrow from the bushes. The Rose were getting pushed back, and now he knew he had to strike or else he would risk not getting paid. Several were still in combat, but one young man was retreating. He drew back on his bowstring, taking aim at the man who was fleeing. A target with his back turned would be less able to figure out just where the arrow had been fired from, after all. After sighting the arrow properly, he let it fly, sailing through the air before piercing the man’s chest from behind. He dropped to the ground as the arrow sank home.

Nobody had noticed the man fall. They were all too ensnared in their own combat to take notice of their surroundings. Silently, the archer nocked another arrow and took his aim once more. There were more Rose soldiers to eliminate. His job was not yet done.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (7/4/2013 9:32:44)

The Shadow of the Dravir

It was dark in the caverns. The outlines of two robed figures could be discerned if one had particularly good eyesight.

"Freedom Camp is under attack."

"Freedom Camp? I have not heard that name in a long time."

"Indeed not, those who fled had no wish to seek out their past. They are not like us, my friend."

"It is not easy to be like us either, but we do what we must do. Meaningful change always comes from within and never from outside."

"How ironic to think we always work from the outside."

"That is because we are no longer part of the system. At least not that of that one, we can only turn to the next generation now."

"Speaking of which, how are they doing?"

"They have sparked a debate even amongst the greatest zealots, though I'd rather let them or those they worship have our brethren than those humans. Willowshire bred bad blood between our two races."

"Gorgok's legacy lives on then."

"Yes .... it does indeed."

For more on these characters the full story can be found here.

Razen -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (7/5/2013 23:59:23)

Fallen Only to Soar Again

There was a line of Dragonlords of varying colors and armaments that held the front line with their renowned tower shields in hand. One of particular notice, who seemed to be leading those around her, was adorned in elegant purple armor, and she had short brown hair with violet highlights. Surrounding the Dragonlords were titanic walls of crag, which assisted their holding of the line. The young dragons on the ground slashed and bit at the defending Dragonlords without care, although they made no progress through their defensive position. Behind this shield-wall, there were Riftwalkers, warriors of the Atealan ways, that would slip between dimensions to take down numbers of the young dragons with such haste that they were unable to retaliate. These troops were unknowingly performing a hammer-and-anvil tactic, as there were a number of Dragonslayers sent by their order to crush the besieging dragons. They were not to care of what the dragons desired, for they were not ordered to discover the meaning behind the siege.

In the heart of the camp, there were scores of rangers that suppressed the dragons by making it rain arrows. They were doing their best to prevent the younger dragons from going airborne and overwhelming the defending dragons whose owners were on the front line holding down what they were able to. Even with the suppressing fire, there were battles filled with fiery breaths slung between groups of dragons, and they would occasionally rip through their opponent's scales with their razor-sharp talons. These aerial fights looked far different from fights on the ground involving dragons that one might have seen prior to this war. The pained roars were ear-splitting as the dragons burst through the clouds, ruling the sky.

The camp was not only being struck by dragons, who demanded the return of the enslavement of the Dravir, as the Rose had traced the tracks of Kara SuLema to this camp, Freedom Camp. The Rose was after the Clawkin refugees as well as the forces of the Vind that were stationed there, which currently included at least Kara herself and her informant, Niki. The soldiers of Jaania and Akanthus were adorned in obsidian-colored armor, and they were bolstered with golems, created by Zadd himself, and Clawkin that were enslaved to the Rose's cause. Female mages of the Rose, called Energizers, were rushing to electrify the most troublesome of the defenders that were instantly stunned by the intense voltage.

Far from any of the frays, there was a figure dressed in dark red robes. He held a staff with a dual-sided end that matched the color of his robes, and the blades of the rod extended outward to seem more like a double-headed battleaxe. There was some semblance of a smile strewn across his skeletal face, as he looked upon the rotting body of one of the deceased dragons from the conflict in the clouds. The robed shadow raised one of his arms and spoke in an ancient tongue; he was preparing an age-old incantation that would be all but unknown to any mage today.

A squad of Rose reinforcements had taken notice of the skeletal mage, and the Magus of the group shouted, "Cease at once, or you shall be ceased with force!"

In the distance, a necromancer magically pushed his spear into the Magus of the group, and the skeletal mage smashed the butt of his staff onto the ground. An Undead Paladin crawled out from the ground, and a heavy breeze held the bones of the fallen member of the Paladin Order together. His helmet was a winged great helm, and he wielded a greatsword, which he used to chop away at the Manahunter. The Manahunter was unable to strike back at the relentless skeleton, so he relied on his fellow Manahuntress to destroy the risen paladin.

The necromancer in the distance was adorned with bony wings and wore a skull of demonic origin, and he called for his dragon, Malus, to come to the robed skeleton's aid. A black dragon rushed overhead, breathing its magical flames onto all beneath it. The Rose Golem was melted under the powerful fire, and the Manahuntress was ignited in her armor. The fallen dragon was slowly rising from its collapse, and its rotten wings began to slowly flap.

The robed skeleton chanted, "Graced by the winds and strengthened by the darkness, arise as a dracolich to wipe away these pests!" The rotten flesh and scales of the dracolich turned to a pale green as it slowly ascended into the clouds to be on level with the combating dragons, and it was ready to turn the tables.

The skeletal mage turned to another deceased dragon, ready to perform his rite again. This was only the beginning of the turning of the tides.

Miran -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (7/7/2013 12:18:48)

Miran's War Songs & Poetry

A Final Stand

(with sincere apologies to Theodor Fontane for nicking heavily off "John Maynard"
- listening to the song version of the poem while raiding inspired this)

All hearts are happy, all hearts are light,
Warmongers battling on through the night.
"Bug fixed!" is Geo's triumphant shout,
"Lets see how much you guys really took out!"
War meter leaps to seventy-four.
And still 48 hours to win this war.

And the defenders renew their attack,
Standing fast, no pushing them back
Holding their ground, brave and tough,
But in the end, "Holding" won't be enough.
"Load the catapults, that's what they're for.
We've got 24 hours to win this war!"

The speed picks up, as new blood joins the fray
While clans and AK's are leading the way
With every hour the bar is raised higher
And with worried smiles some start to enquire:
"Can we still make it?"
"I promise, we will!
Keep hoping! Keep raiding!
Go in for the kill!"

Battling as hard as rarely before
Only 12 hours left to win this war.

"Still there, Warmongers?" The answer's clear
"As if we'd quit now – of course we're still here!
We won't give in to the whims of some flower,
even if it comes down to the very last hour!
One final time our sprits will soar,
One final push to win this war!"

Poems & warcries from earlier Dragon Rose war threads

Warcry #1
(aka "The first casualty was the 4th wall" - Dragonman)

Our ranks have thinned out, which it's quite a surprise, considering the situation.
Are some of you heroes still covered in ice? Allowed Zorbak to plan your vacation?
And what did we say about Cysero Tours? You never know where you'll be in the end.
So hop in the phonebox (is that even yours?), 'cause we have a Camp to defend!

"You risk all of LORE while thinking you save us!" We or the Rose - Who's to blame?
"They fear and mistrust, now they try to enslave us, with cages and shackles and flame!"
Should magic be tame? If we lose now, things won't be the same!

(So get up and back to the game!)

* * *

A Warmonger's Lullaby

One more wave, and right afterwards to bed.
Just five minutes, just a handful clawkins more!
Oh it would be such a pity, if my wavecount weren't pretty!
And I think I haven't tried this spell before.
It should send right to the grave any foe who won't behave.
Who am I kidding? I can sleep when I am they're all dead!

* * *

Battle Hymn of the Freedom Camp

Paw on claw and hand in hand.
Foe to Ally, Stranger to Friend!

Dravir and humans side by side,
Learning to trust, ready to fight!
Much to lose but none to fear
- kick those dragons in the rear!

They want peace so they wage war?
Rose, that never worked before!
Clawkin, make them rue the day
They started stealing friends away!

Blade and Hammer, Staff and Spell!
Stand together! Give 'em hell!
Valiant hearts and souls of steel!
No force on LORE can make us kneel!

Paw on claw and hand in hand,
Battle On until the end!

* * *

Bonus: No Easy Answers for a Savior

(I originally wanted to hold this back to post it in L&L, but the current discussion in the War Thread changed my mind.
Most of my works are written in a POV about halfway between I-as-Player and my char's, but this one is 100% Miran Tideturner.)

A rose is such a pretty flower, so I think it's quite a shame
Fools with anger, fear, and power quickly claimed it as their name.
Dear Jaania, tall and regal, Thorn in every Wizard's side.
Are your tactics even legal? You are blinded by your pride!

Honestly, your fate is tragic, and we really understand
That you think without its magic LORE could be a peaceful land.
But you crusade is misguided, and your methods I despise.
If wills are broken, friends divided, there is Evil on the rise!

For every spell of pain and worse, there's another, meant to heal.
A blessing soothes every curse, what others hide one can reveal.
End it all! That's your solution? It betrays a broken heart.
Between The Rose and Revolution, everything will fall apart!

When I meet you face to face, before I match you life for life,
before we're past all saving grace, listen up and end your strife.
With all your wisdom of the ages, dear Jaania, can you tell
Why, oh Nemesis of Mages, they call it Primrose Path to Hell?

Kazuki_Kitsuki -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (7/7/2013 23:58:32)

With an eruption of dark power, numerous ranks of the Rose were blown back. Sadly, Ritska Dia Trigger saw a number were still standing. Gritting his teeth and gripping his sword tightly, he rushed forward.

"Ritska!" the Doom knight's faithful dragon, Elemistrae called, ramming into a Mana Huntress that had been pretending to be defeated, making it so she wasn't acting this time.

With three sweeps of the Doom Sword, three Mana Hunters were downed, but the Energizer had already put up a barrier, blocking his sword.

"Give up, Ritska! You stand on the wrong side. You are a hero, one who raises his blade in the defense of Lore and her people. You are raising your blade against them!" the woman shouted from inside her barrier.

Ritska glared at the woman, stepping back. "No, magic is part of Lore and her people. By raising my blade against the Rose, I am defending them all again."

"Can't you see? Without magic, wars would be less destructive! Without all these magically twisted animals, humans would be safe!" the Energizer yelled.

Ritska was now flaring with dark power, his body consumed in it, his burning eyes glaring at the woman as the horns of his helmet grew longer, more menacing. "No, without magic, Lore will be lost."

"Please see reason!" the woman begged, scared now. She couldn't sense magic at play, but he was doing something beyond the norm.

"Talking to you is a waste of my time," a much deeper, rumbling voice stated from the growing black fire that stood where the Doom Knight had been.

The woman's eyes widened in horror as she saw what had happened. "YOU?! Wha- What are you?!"

The darkness dragon roared, spitting ebony flames into the air. "I AM VENGEANCE!"

The woman screamed as she was swept up in the fire, her barrier shattering instantly from the sheer force of it. She didn't know it, but Ritska had only killed one being with this power, Akriloth.

The dragon roared as it faded, returning to the blood red armored form of Ritska Dia Trigger.


"Ritska Dia Trigger!" a lightly armored Dravir called as he rushed up, "Mritha and another hero felled the Rose general! They enslaved the dragons that attacked us!"

Ritska sighed, sheathing the sword onto his back, turning away from the ranks he took down, the burning ground from the catapult strikes. "The Rose...They sought to end war, but in the end they instigated one. They won't stop either, not until they are all defeated or they succeed." He looked back to the smoke coming from Freedom Camp. "Jaanina... Why do all of this? I'm starting to think that my greatest failure as a hero was freeing you from that ice."

He started to walk back, dragon perching on his horned helm, his mind and soul heavy with guilt at being one of the creators of the Rose, even if it wasn't directly.

The_Insomniac_Of_Lore -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Story Thread (7/8/2013 0:01:29)

The Last Thorn

June the sixth:
My battalion has finally been moved onto the front, but when we got here the war seemed already over. The rebels were barely fighting, and we were taking in ten slaves for every three that we lost, there's no real reason to be here.

I was just on the field, some rebel in red armor nearly killed me! I managed to get away, but it was a near thing. Perhaps this was isn't as over as I thought.

June the seventh:
Second day on the front, I'm still recovering from my wounds, but I'll be in fighting condition by sunset. I admit, I'm more that a little afraid, I hope I don't see that rebel in red armor again...

My wounds are healed, and I'm scared, but back into the fray, May The Lady Protect Me.

I lost my pen, this is written with blood, i dont even know whose. So much death. So much. My troop arrived to the batle just after sunset, we were within spitting distance of the clawkin, when out of the darkness came a... howl, as though ten thousand voices screamed as one. I turned and ran as soon as I heard it, but my comrads stayed, I didnt see the first attack, but I heard it, a screaming howl that would chill the bones of SMUDD himself rushing towards me and breaking like a wave on the line of soldgers behind me. When I tuned I saw what will haunt me even after my death. There were rebels everywhere, wading through my brothers like a gorilaphant thrugh a stream, but that was not that scarred me. That was what was conjured by their bloodlust. The slaughter threw blood miles into the air, and as it rained down it defined the shape of a skeleton. This skeleton was not the bones of any creature on lore, it had hundreds of teeth, bared in an eternal, savage smile. Each of it's four arms carried a blade hat was somewhere between a sword and a dagger. And it had seven eyes. And when I looked into them, OH GODS ITS EYES! It feeds on the souls of the slain, I feel myself being pulled tord it now--~


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