RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 14:27:30)

Well, we've still yet to see the reactions of Zeph, Starstruck, DNW, Arthur, Bastet, and Ronin.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 14:28:41)

Where is Starstruck, anyway?

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 14:32:36)

I don't know, but I'm seriously considering deploying my Varan right now and let you guys work out a solution. Then I'll wait till everyone else catches up before I post again.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 14:49:58)

That doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Deploy your Varan, fooling the enemy and then we spring out.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 14:55:43)

The Varan are deployed. I'll wait for everyone else to do as they please before joining me. Go ahead and devise your strategies.

EDIT: Heavy armor, melee weapons, and shields. The entire force.

EDIT2: Also, the Alquen soldiers typically don't deploy until after our own forces deploy after the strategy phase, so I doubt the Alquen soldiers are even deployed and probably don't even see us.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 15:27:43)

The Alquen force aren't on the field yet. They'll deploy out of the log fort at the head of the pass during my next post. The watchers on the walls of the fort would see the Varan though. I'm assuming they're staying out of crossbow and scorpion range.

Draycos has indicated a desire to change his force. With Je withdrawing, he will submit a new force bio shortly. I'm update the Alliance's numbers now.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 15:52:19)

Welp, things escalated quickly.
Don't have much else to say, even my character would be speechless.
I'll maintain my promise to have my post up in a few hours, don't worry.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 16:35:14)

@Kell: The Varan are in a position to where Alquen must engage them; they're well out of range. Alquen archers/mages/soldiers would have to enter the battlefield and march forward to actually make contact with the Varan. Also, it will be interesting to see Dracy's new force.

@Bastet: Yeah... a lot of arguing amongst the commanders. Volrun got sick of it and deployed his forces already and is awaiting the arrival of the others.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 18:44:17)

don't blame me. Trevor tried to rally the commanders to work together.

Not his fault that the whole thing fell apart.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 20:13:25)

Name: Ivis Ainsworth

Age: 29

Affiliation: N/A, hired by the United Islands of Enten

Appearance: A tall and well-built lady, Ivis surprises many of the men she has gone up against with her tremendous strength and quick wit. She is easily looked down upon off the battlefield, however, because she can be considered an 'air head' and lacks common knowledge of normal day activities or reasoning. Her armor is a a steel breastplate, gauntlets and sabatons painted in the dark blue of her mercenary unit. The rest of her body is covered in chain mail for light movement, but still keeping some protection. On her forehead is a steel visor, that Ivis has found useful in protecting against the arrow aimed for the head, downwards swung blades and the evil magic beams from the Sun. Her wavy black hair reaches to the top of her back and her hazel eyes seem to be focused on some unseen distant horizon. Ivis also owns a great armored warhorse that she takes great pride in. Tall and powerful, Ivis has more then once plowed through enemy lines with this horse, breaking formations. The hair is chestnut red and it's mane, along with the hair around it's feet, is gray.

History: Ivis is one of those soldiers that people say are great because warfare is all they know. Ivis, the daughter of a knight and a mage, was born into a kingdom that was on the verge of death. Being taken over by another kingdom, constant fighting was commonplace and in order to defend herself, her father taught her the basics of sword and spear play, as she lacked the gift for magic. Ivis' parents both died while she was still young, so the battlefield became her new teacher. The constant warfare and needing to move at a moment's notice made her into a light sleeper. Constant running and fighting built her strength, and her quick wit was needed in order to survive when she fought against warriors stronger then herself. Ivis quickly learned what worked, and what didn't, when she saw her allies die. When the war finally ended, her kingdom was no more, however, by this time she had already become a famed mercenary. A hefty price, but a price that was worth it. Ivis traveled from war-zone to war-zone giving her skills to the highest bidder. Once a contract was signed she would follow it to the letter, take her payment, then leave as if she never had business in that kingdom at all. Along the way she pick up skilled warriors. Of course she would test them first in order to see if she could trust her life to them. Now, after finishing payment negotiations, Ivis and her unit are headed to help at Gripclaw.

Combat: Ivis cleaves her way through cavalry and troops with her twin halberd at her side. Most would believe that such a fighting style would be slow, however, thanks to the strength Ivis has gained from years of fighting, she can wield them as if they were apart of her.

The 'Unyielding Great Sea' mercenary squad(40):
10 archers
6 swordsmen
10 cavalry archers
4 spearmen
8 spear cavalry
2 engineers equipped with crossbows.

United Islands of Enten: "Well, not really sure what to say. The guys we're hire by I guess. Just a bunch of islands all held together by one old dude. Normally just a tourist attraction, they're scared that Alquen will burn everything they worked so hard to build to the ground. That unnecessary fear works for me though, because that means I can up my price and they'll still pay it, ha. Oh yeah... maybe I should ask for a boat to get off their Island too?" ~ Ivis


At least the Je had not outright declared war on Thanisgard, but still, that could have gone much better.

To be honest, I actually thought about it. Like I said in Articis' bio, the Fon family has served Je's King for generations. If it was outside of current events, then Gilrade's actions would have easily brought the two nations close to a state of war. He's basically a king that as struck the child of a high-ranking noble. Not only does it look bad when a 40-year old hits a -18 year old girl, but he's also a king. Gilrade should be much more careful about his actions, as they will be weighted much more heavily then the others.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 20:28:00)

Yeah well, drawing a blade like the Je did, unprovoked when a fellow commander was merely attempting to rally the alliance as a single unit, was not exactly a very wise course of action on Je's part. After all, Trevor's blade wasn't pointed at any general or commander, it was pointed at the table in a hope that the others would take the rally for hope as well and join his side.

It is as Enric had stated. We must stop the in-fighting among ourselves. Do you honestly think that a man such as Minx is not going to be the first person to put hope on the table where no one can see hope?

No. he's going to be the very first person to try and inspire the rest of the commanders into a form of people who work together under one flag instead of all this separateness that has twice now, gotten us to a brink of calamity.

He won't outright call for any kind of action against the Je out of respect and understanding of their values.

But he isn't likely (should one of them return) to just forget that they drew a blade upon him while he was acting in a form of complete and utter peace and truce.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 20:39:40)

Drawing a blade, yes. I'll admit that it may not have been the best idea, however, as you can see from the post Articis was quite sick of Minx's total lack of culture understanding. As stated in his bio, kin is highly regarded in Je's culture due to their history. Minx's speech was to them almost as if he was saying he was one of them and understood their pain, really if it was some one else, they might have actually been a fight. So the term 'unprovoked' is debatable. Also, he was calm enough to not actually strike Minx or Gilrade.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 20:45:59)

Post's up.

I'll have to admit that Articis' reaction seemed a bit sudden to me, but I can see why he acted in such a way. If anything, I'm disappointed that Ishia won't be able to get closer to Ytha anymore.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 0:08:51)

Draycos, your submission is accepted.

All commanders, since it was not stated outright before, I want to make it clear now that Rise of Domrius is canon.


Lastly, an OOC should make it clear whether or not the RP should be considered Canon for characters involved. The most critical aspect of an RP being canon is the permanency of Death for characters, and a character who dies in a Canon RP is considered dead for good barring significant efforts or even a separate RP just for their revival. The Elemental Championships are an example of a Canon RP, including an example of the price of reversing death.

In light of Draycos withdrawing Je's forces, and introducing a new force, I would like to extend the same offer to all of you, mainly because I was remiss in specifying the canon nature of the RP earlier. I will accept replacement submissions, should you be desirous of a change. Please contact me with questions or concerns.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 4:21:10)


You guys.

I'll try and post something up later today. I suppose we're going to skip the process of naming a Supreme Commander, and just assemble our forces ourselves (if we choose to fight).

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 5:58:59)

I'm not sure Zeph. I didn't want the Varan to get into the affairs that were unfolding at the time, and both Volrun and Enric tried calming things down to no avail. So Volrun just said "screw it" and deployed the Varan. Now he's either waiting for reinforcements, or will clash with Alquen alone. I'll leave it up to everyone else to determine a supreme commander and/or strategy.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 6:15:07)

I can't see things going well for the Alliance if only Volrun fields his forces.
I'll have a post up briefly.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 8:31:44)

So who's our high commander this time?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 9:51:40)

No one atm. We don't even have a strategy yet.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 12:37:38)

Actually, some of us do have a strategy, that strategy just hasn't been shared with the other commanders as of yet.

Also, just to clarify, Trevor is currently headed to the battlefield. Once there he plans to have a quick talk with Volrun Vangard.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 13:36:32)

Ivis has entered the camp now. I have a feeling that her personality will clash with a couple of the commanders because of how she grew up.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 14:16:26)

@DNW: Haven't read the new stuff yet, but I will get on it, and if I need to respond I'll work on a post.

@Draycos: I am thoroughly interested in your new characters. A different take than the other commanders. A 'mercenary' faction wasn't something I expected.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 20:21:23)

Anyone mind filling Ivis in on the enemy's formation? It'll be kinda hard to do her job if she's left out in the dark.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 20:28:36)

Sorry Dracy, but Volrun and Trevor are already on the battlefield.

EDIT: I have a very bad feeling about this battle. Disorganized, and off to a bad start. Guys, let's do ourselves a favor and fix our composure after all of this. I know I can be called foolish for leaving the tent and deploying the Varan before a proper strategy could be established, but I was honestly just trying my best to evade the drama unfolding in the tent.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/8/2015 20:33:27)

Hmm, hopefully Kell, BK or Zeph will be able to help Ivis out.

Edit: Oh, when I said that Ivis has no talent for magic. That wasn't completely true. She gained Soul magic from her mother, but it is completely useless on the battlefield so I left it out of combat. You'll see what she does with it later.

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