Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (3/7/2015 20:13:25)
Name: Ivis Ainsworth Age: 29 Affiliation: N/A, hired by the United Islands of Enten Appearance: A tall and well-built lady, Ivis surprises many of the men she has gone up against with her tremendous strength and quick wit. She is easily looked down upon off the battlefield, however, because she can be considered an 'air head' and lacks common knowledge of normal day activities or reasoning. Her armor is a a steel breastplate, gauntlets and sabatons painted in the dark blue of her mercenary unit. The rest of her body is covered in chain mail for light movement, but still keeping some protection. On her forehead is a steel visor, that Ivis has found useful in protecting against the arrow aimed for the head, downwards swung blades and the evil magic beams from the Sun. Her wavy black hair reaches to the top of her back and her hazel eyes seem to be focused on some unseen distant horizon. Ivis also owns a great armored warhorse that she takes great pride in. Tall and powerful, Ivis has more then once plowed through enemy lines with this horse, breaking formations. The hair is chestnut red and it's mane, along with the hair around it's feet, is gray. History: Ivis is one of those soldiers that people say are great because warfare is all they know. Ivis, the daughter of a knight and a mage, was born into a kingdom that was on the verge of death. Being taken over by another kingdom, constant fighting was commonplace and in order to defend herself, her father taught her the basics of sword and spear play, as she lacked the gift for magic. Ivis' parents both died while she was still young, so the battlefield became her new teacher. The constant warfare and needing to move at a moment's notice made her into a light sleeper. Constant running and fighting built her strength, and her quick wit was needed in order to survive when she fought against warriors stronger then herself. Ivis quickly learned what worked, and what didn't, when she saw her allies die. When the war finally ended, her kingdom was no more, however, by this time she had already become a famed mercenary. A hefty price, but a price that was worth it. Ivis traveled from war-zone to war-zone giving her skills to the highest bidder. Once a contract was signed she would follow it to the letter, take her payment, then leave as if she never had business in that kingdom at all. Along the way she pick up skilled warriors. Of course she would test them first in order to see if she could trust her life to them. Now, after finishing payment negotiations, Ivis and her unit are headed to help at Gripclaw. Combat: Ivis cleaves her way through cavalry and troops with her twin halberd at her side. Most would believe that such a fighting style would be slow, however, thanks to the strength Ivis has gained from years of fighting, she can wield them as if they were apart of her. The 'Unyielding Great Sea' mercenary squad(40): 10 archers 6 swordsmen 10 cavalry archers 4 spearmen 8 spear cavalry 2 engineers equipped with crossbows. United Islands of Enten: "Well, not really sure what to say. The guys we're hire by I guess. Just a bunch of islands all held together by one old dude. Normally just a tourist attraction, they're scared that Alquen will burn everything they worked so hard to build to the ground. That unnecessary fear works for me though, because that means I can up my price and they'll still pay it, ha. Oh yeah... maybe I should ask for a boat to get off their Island too?" ~ Ivis quote:
At least the Je had not outright declared war on Thanisgard, but still, that could have gone much better. To be honest, I actually thought about it. Like I said in Articis' bio, the Fon family has served Je's King for generations. If it was outside of current events, then Gilrade's actions would have easily brought the two nations close to a state of war. He's basically a king that as struck the child of a high-ranking noble. Not only does it look bad when a 40-year old hits a -18 year old girl, but he's also a king. Gilrade should be much more careful about his actions, as they will be weighted much more heavily then the others.