Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (2/28/2015 19:12:32)
@Tj. Believe me it isn't really per say that Trevor is mad at Zeph. Just that his confidence was a weakness which the enemy exploited. The commanders right away should have at the very least (if they had a lot of war experience) gotten a vague feeling of "Oh I don't like the look of that." When they all saw the wagon and the robed figures. The enemy mages alone, should have heightened the concern. It's true that Thomas's death was caused by the charge, But the charge was perhaps two or three moments time before the entire shield broke. Had Thanisgard taken no action whatsoever, the casualty rate would have been significantly higher. Considering there were professional archers and professional pikemen out there. As it was, we still lost quite a bit of men, but that honestly couldn't have been helped one way or the other. Also, just a reminder to people oocly, we still have a traitor in our midst that is likely aiding in how the enemy is prepared for us. Having said that, Trevor Minx is starting to ponder that very subject as you'll note in my most recent post. I've added a bunch of What if's, am i nuts, and such, but the rising suspicion is starting to come to him. I did this reasoning through extremely legitimate aspects of the battle between the day before and yesterday.