TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (2/14/2015 18:00:20)
We should learn from these mistakes, then DNW, although I think the battle still poses use: 1. The Urn is destroy. 2. We've discovered one of Domrius' secrets. All, more or less, thanks to the Thanisgard cavalry; without them I don't think we could have gotten to the Urn, and without this battle the spies could no have found the secret. When I get the chance, I will make sure my Varan put extreme pressure in the middle ranks and we will try to break a hole so your horsemen can escape, if that's what you want to do. If all goes well then perhaps you can round-about and hit them from the side, flanking them. EDIT: On second-thought, as soon as the Cavalry are free does anyone think we should break off and reform - out of range of the Scorpions? Perhaps the Varan can stand ground, away from the scorpions range, and we can hold out until the rest of the allied forces regroup and reform. We could then perform a counter-attack, as the enemy no longer has the advantage of the Urn. EDIT2: I simply don't like our forces being so close to the Alquen fortress, especially when their siege engines can fire upon us. EDIT3: Actually guys, I've already made up my mind. If the Thanisgardians need help escaping, I may help them, but I am not going to order the Varan to attack Alquen's soldiers if it's going to put them in range of the scorpions. I'm not 100% on their effectiveness here, but they could do some damage on Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings. Once the cavalry are clear, the Varan will break off. If you guys want to keep fighting, then do so, but I would suggest falling back with me.