RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (Full Version)

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Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/28/2015 22:25:32)

All commanders, the post is up. This round will last until 2/10.

Draycos and Bastet, I'm going to give you some freedom here to determine how this goes for you. There are Alquen scouts in the mountains, and patrols lower down in the foothills. You are free to engage and/or avoid these as you see fit. Be aware, however, that there will be consequences should you take actions I deem too overt. I will provide information about the main Alquen encampment should you choose to continue on that far.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/28/2015 23:11:56)

XD Round ends on my birthday:P

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/29/2015 6:41:05)

Is it okay if I merge my posts for the previous round with this round's post, so like pre battle and during battle thing?

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/29/2015 17:59:45)

That will be fine, black.

Edit: Draycos, I'm hoping that you consulted with Bastet before using the Zaran troops.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/29/2015 18:25:20)

Yup don't worry, we pm'd about it Kell.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/29/2015 18:30:17)

Confirmed, we PM'd eachother.
Post's up. Don't you just love the way Ytha and Ishia bicker with each other.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/29/2015 19:15:21)

lol Ishia kinda blow her own cover, remember I said that Ytha didn't know that the other person wasn't her. She was yelling at the one who had stepped in front of Ishia.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/29/2015 23:12:25)

Happy early birthday Draycos.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 9:28:10)

I must've slipped up and forgotten something, though I could edit my post if you'd like me to keep up the façade.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 12:35:08)

Zeph are you posting anytime soon, and will your post include giving the signal?

My post is done and saved [learned from the last few times haha], but I wouldn't mind waiting to add upon it depending on what Sayden says/the signal he gives, since i'v got something in mind for that.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 13:21:03)

Ah, sorry BK. I kinda expected more of a response to our own actions in Kell's post.

As it stands, it seems that the two armies have entered bow-range, so before I give the signal I'd like for everyone (or at least some people) involved in ranged attacking to post about seeing the Alquen arrows hit the shield, and loosing their own.

Edit: Or... I suppose I could just post about that myself? Then I could go right up to the signal and get things rolling a little faster. My question then would be: @Kell, how much damage am I permitted to do to the Alquen army before they enter melee range?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 15:13:23)

AH, that ok, you don't have to if you don't feel like it Bastet. Also I'm thinking of making another Gdoc for our future post so that the convos between Ishia and ytha can go smoother as well as being in the same post.

@Dragon: Thank you:)

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 15:18:28)

Sure, it would work for me. Hit me up whenever you want to write a collaborative post, Draycos.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 15:48:01)

Please mess up. I'm already imagining the chaos that would ensue if the stealth plan fails and Garin ends up losing people because of this.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 15:57:39)

My character's plans would very much come down crashing if this mission failed, so I'd rather the operation succeeded. [:D]
In the end, it's all in Kell's hands.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 18:15:22)

Zephy, the entire Alquen formation has halted in bow range, and Domrius' troops are showering the Allied line with arrows. They show no indication at this time that they plan to move in to engage hand-to-hand. So far as damage is concerned, use your discretion, or PM me if you have doubts concerning what you're thinking.

Draycos and Bastet, you're free to post as much as you'd like up to the point where you get in sight of Domrius' main camp. As noted before, I'll have some prompting at that point.

All commanders, in the interest of promoting some more activity, I'm going to try and get a post up halfway through this round (2/3-ish), which will give you active folks (many thanks to you) a chance to post again in the round. As a reminder, the round will end 2/10.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 19:28:56)

If you're not interested in the post:


Koros is dead, Volrun won, Volrun is the new commander, the Thanes are now sworn to Volrun, and the Varan are preparing to join the Allies in battle if that is allowed. Aesa will be his second-in-command.

If the Varan are not allowed to join the battle now, I can wait until the battle is over to explain they arrived to late.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/30/2015 20:23:07)

Hmm... I think I'll PM you.

@TJ The arrival of the Varan would fit well into what I'm thinking, so... we'll see.

Edit: Alright chaps, I've had a chat with Kell, and I'll have a post up tomorrow. You all get to have a bit more fun now!

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/31/2015 11:50:33)

Very good Zeph, I'll just wait to see what Kell has to say first. The deadline is on 2/3, which Kell said is halfway-ish through the current session, so he allows it perhaps the Varan can arrive at that time. I'll need to review the strategy you guys set up, as I saw the pictures that was posted; I just did not really study them or the associated replies.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (2/1/2015 0:42:32)


If any of you wish to post, respond to the failing of the shield, and propel your troops forward with all haste. Otherwise, I'm sure Kell will take the matter in hand when he posts later this week.

@TJ I decided on those strategies based on my assumption that the Alquen forces would eventually move in to attack. Kell has informed me that they will not, and so we will now be proceeding past the second stage of the plan - that is to say, everyone bum-rushes them.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (2/1/2015 3:30:37)

This could very well end in disaster.
Great post though, Zeph. I enjoyed reading it.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (2/1/2015 7:07:48)

I told you we should have done this from the start. So I assume the defensive set up with volleys of arrows on our side and with our infantry covering them up is a no go?

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (2/1/2015 10:56:50)

I'm not entirely sure how effective the 96 Varan will be as reinforcements, but if Kell gives me the go ahead then expect them to be arriving as you guys are charging. I'll try to push them to a weak-spot in the line.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (2/1/2015 15:01:42)

I have posted, and I have another post planned out for after Kell writes on the third.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (2/1/2015 15:04:49)

Varan reinforcements are on the way, but not quickly. I don't want to tire them out before they even get to the battle, so they're marching at a slightly faster pace than normal. If you guys charge, you will reach the Alqeun soldiers before the Varan can arrive, so don't expect their help until after the engagement begins.

I doubt you guys could have heard the Bear Horn well, but the Eagle Horn should have been loud enough to pierce the air. If the archers fire at us Worun is going to signal the Turtle Horn which will slow us down, but the Varan will form a tight shield wall like a testuedo and the arrows should not penetrate it (though I will let Kell decide that). Once we come close enough Aesa and Volrun are going to try and reinforce the weaker spots in the line.

Who would be interested in having a feast after the battle, if Kell allowed it? The Varan can prepare several roasts using the swine we caught. I don't know how compliant you guys would be to some character interaction though.

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