RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (Full Version)

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Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/5/2015 18:14:19)

The current discussion is geared towards the Alliance's plans for the second day of fighting. Scouts report that Domrius is advancing a force of pikemen and archers on the Allied position. During the night, Alquen soldiers constructed a log palisade at the head of the pass on the Alquen side, and they are currently fortifying the position. The Zaran and Je troops more inclined towards stealth are planning to scale the mountains, sneak behind Alquen's lines, and recon Domrius' encampment, possibly committing some sabotage while there. The main body of the Alliance is going to be holding against the advance of Domrius' forces, with the current favored plan being to hold the pikes while the archers and mages work on winnowing enemy numbers at range, with the mages providing shielding from Alquen's archers at need.

The other item of note: Varan forces will not be participating in this engagement.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/6/2015 19:24:15)

and a side note. One of the sub commanders of Thanisgard is sitting out this battle too due to an injury received from the previous engagement.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/8/2015 18:31:52)

All commanders, several of you have expressed interest in posting during the extension. That has not, unfortunately, come to pass. With the holiday season in mind, and in the hope that some of you have posts in progress that you're looking to get up, I'm going to provide one last extension to this round. The round will end Sunday (1/10). My post will go up that night. Unless something changes, the current Supreme Commander for the next round will be Zephyrial.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/9/2015 5:53:23)

Ooh, how exciting!

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/9/2015 7:57:45)

Glad the SC is someone who supports my character [:D]

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/9/2015 15:10:11)

I have nothing more I can provide as far as commentary for right now.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/11/2015 18:54:48)

The post is up, and we've begun the second combat phase. Round one of this phase, barring everyone getting responses in, will end 1/20.

The Gdoc will be updated momentarily.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/12/2015 16:01:12)

Oh boy. We are in for a heavy battle today ladies and gentlemen.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/12/2015 17:47:24)


Dude, meaning no offence... but could you not have let me get my bearings and sort out our formations before posting? Sayden is the Supreme Commander, not Trevor, and he should be the only one issuing commands to the entire alliance.
As it is, All I can do is respond to the cues you have given me, which differ greatly from how I would have initiated the battle.

Unless, of course, you would be fine with Sayden overruling and admonishing Trevor, to make this an IC conflict.

EDIT: I'm rather warming to the idea of giving Trevor a good telling off, to be honest, so if you want to keep what you wrote, that's fine!

EDIT EDIT: I'm going to do it whether you like it or not!

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Lost my work, and thus my will to write. Will have to wait for another day.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/13/2015 21:43:02)

I think you are misunderstanding the post Zephyrial. I am not giving any commands to the entire alliance. All I said to the alliance was that the enemy was approaching. I gave direct orders to those in my command to pull what's called a cantabrian circle.

It's a maneuver of cavalry that is meant to assist in guarding and protecting. You are more than welcome to countermand my command if you are certain that you really want to challenge Trevor's decision for his units. I'm more than willing to allow you to do so if that is what you wish to do.

But, let me just add one tiny, little thing. If you indeed, do choose to go that route, there could be repercussions in the future. I'm not completely certain as of yet what Trevor may or may not say, but you are certainly welcome to have your say.

"Enemy advancing!" He called out not just to his troops, but to the rest of the alliance as well.

I bold my quote about the alliance. That is the only portion where Trevor says anything to the entire alliance. You are more than welcome to re-position the cavalry as you see fit, given indeed that you are the deciding commander for the second battle phase,

But I believe i've offered my evidence to prove that I am not commanding the entire alliance, Only my own units.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/14/2015 1:01:10)

I'll hold off posting until Zephyrial has, so I know what Articis will do.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/14/2015 16:04:23)

Same here.
If our little stealth attack doesn't work Garin will totally come hard on Trevor, by the way.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/15/2015 1:36:26)

? Come hard on Trevor? Why? There wasn't a lot of votes against doing the stealth mission.

And I didn't see a lot of debate going on in regards to anybody else coming up with any major idea save for play it defensively, Which we'd have to have done anyway. If you want to go hard on someone, it should probably be the Varan for withdrawing their forces on the second day of combat.
(no offense varan rper)

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/15/2015 12:10:32)

Well yeah good chance the troops will shift alot of blame unto Varan but wasn't Trevor one of the biggest advocates of the stealth attack?
I'm telling ya chaps by the end of his battle phase we'll be in a worst position than an all out attack.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/18/2015 16:37:18)

I'll have my post up by tomorrow. I've had quite a busy time lately.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/18/2015 17:46:25)

Been allowing for a wait for Zeph, myself, since one post had already nearly been written before being eaten. But I can only wait so long, and I would hate for Kell to feel as if interest has been lost.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/18/2015 18:15:36)

My apologies, guys. Losing the post was a setback, and I really haven't had time to sit down and write another one since. University is back on my back, as I'm sure some of you can appreciate!

I'll get my post down now.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/18/2015 19:24:36)

Don't forget Gilrade has cavalry aswell. Not as expansive as that of Thanisgard but its something nonetheless.
EDIT: Placing Gilrade's infantry at the very front of a formation isn't a very wise move as they're a completely offensive force. But nonetheless, 'tis the high commanders decision.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/18/2015 19:28:29)

Ah, so they do! Sorry, thought I'd gotten everyone down, but I guess I missed that. I'll edit now.

Post is up! As soon as figure out how, I will post some sort of visual representation of the formation, just as TJ did.

Edit: The implication is that infantry possessing shields will proceed to the front of the formation, thus protecting their comrades. We are a little deficient in that respect - both Gilrade's and Kulak's infantry (essentially all of our infantry) are basically beserkers. Very cool, but pretty useless in a battlefield situation. Hell, Kulak's don't even have weapons!

Edit Edit: Edited to clarify on infantry, and include Gilrade's cavalry.

First image is up! My Paint-fu is weak, so sorry about that. Kell, if I've butchered your formation, tell me and I'll change it.

Second image is up! This is what happens after the signal.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/18/2015 22:48:45)

I had to make an additional color and an alteration in the RP board (edit wise) because where you now see the blue, was a green that was much too bright for people to read. I didn't realize it would look that way originally and when i saw it I was like "Wow, that's way too bright."

The additional color is the deep red you see.

Kell I was going to ask you permission to do this beforehand, but you had just left the irc.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/18/2015 23:59:13)


Hehehehe. Talk about an overreaction! But fun all the same.

One thing to note, though - the rest of Sayden's dialogue is all spoken - albeit loudly. So there's no need to use colours if you don't want to. I simply use it to distinguish when Sayden is speaking telepathically, and give it a little bit of flavour.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/19/2015 6:34:38)

Zephy, that's a fairly accurate representation of the Alquen formation. The only note I'd give on that is that the pike formations are more square than long and rectangular, but it gives you the basic layout of the thing.

Edit: DNW, sometimes it is better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. Don't worry about it.

All commanders, considering the time crunch we've hit as a result of technological issues, I'm extending the deadline to for this round an additional week. The round will now end 1/27.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/26/2015 15:15:30)

My post should be up tomorrow. My PC freaked out and all so I lost the original post.
EDIT: Gahh bloody hell, more technical issues. If I can resolve them tonight and post from my PC, I will. If not, tomorrow at latest.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/27/2015 18:14:07)

Black, that's fine. I'm intending to post tomorrow. Ronin is also working on something for tonight, if I'm not mistaken.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (1/28/2015 2:14:06)

Will be posting tomorrow morning. Waiting on a permission question from DNW, who went afk on IRC moments before I asked apparently.

That happens more often than you might think, too, but I just can't afford to stay up any longer.

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