RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (Full Version)

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Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/8/2014 11:11:00)

@TJ. Your elder commander is interesting. I'll write up a post later this evening when I get some time.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/8/2014 13:11:39)

I don't really think there is much to say on my part, so I think i'll skip this round and post when during the camp phase.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/8/2014 20:58:20)

Bastet, I'm willing to accept the submission, on one condition. I'd like you to change the bit about swordbreakers, because that isn't how swordbreakers work. Despite the name, swordbreakers aren't about breaking anything. The traditional swordbreaker, with the notches cut into the backside of the weapon, is designed to catch a blade and provide leverage to redirect a strike, or twist the weapon out of an opponent's grasp. A weapon such as you describe would be far more likely to break in a fight than to break another weapon, it wouldn't have the core strength to withstand blows.

A better arrangement, if you must have dual-wielding, would be a swordbreaker paired with another blade, rather like traditional duelists, with a swordbreaker and a medium blade like a saber.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/9/2014 8:55:15)

As requested, I changed the paragraph about the swordbreakers.
Also, I made the mysterious man into a complete character.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/9/2014 23:50:15)

The submission is accepted, and I have edited the first post accordingly.

Bastet, you can have your troops arrive during the camp phase.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/10/2014 1:09:21)

Thank you very much, I'll be ready in time.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/11/2014 23:23:29)

The post is up. Please reference the first post in the OOC for new troop totals. You all got off rather light, since this was the first day.

I have also added the Event Table to the first post. Feel free to speculate and wonder.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/12/2014 0:10:03)

Hmm! Seems I lost a few men, despite remaining out of the melee for the most part.

Few questions about that:

1. Are the lost men considered dead? Or merely wounded temporarily? In short, can they return to the battlefield at a later date?
2. Am I at liberty to decide which of my men I lost? Since my warband is divided into two troop types, can I pick and choose who got taken out?

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/12/2014 1:40:10)

Yes, I also have a question to that myself. According to your number I've lost 6 men. (And since I already know you rolled what you call "Fals" dice) Perhaps you'd like to answer me 2 rather important questions as well.

The first being on which side of the field did I lose these men? (Ie was this part of the archery unit or part of the battlefront movement or was it part of the 20 men that went to support the line?)

My other question is as follows: Am I to assume that I also lost 6 war horses in this battle? Which might I remind you is an incredible feat to begin with considering what a war-horse by definition is capable of? To say I got off lightly isn't really saying much since the basic comes down to the fact I lost 6 men. I don't view that as "light" I view that as important.

You might also want to note that because of his sustained Injury during the initial battle, in the next Phase of actions Cory will be sitting out the battle.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/12/2014 15:09:03)

My post is up, albeit being a little bit on the short side.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/12/2014 22:11:31)

Hear ye, hear ye. With the power vested in me by the trust of Kellehendros himself, I bring ye tidings whilst he is away from his home connection. And I quoteth from the email...


Hey folks, sorry that I have to answer your questions by proxy, but I'm out of town this weekend, and won't have forum access. Ronin will speak for me, though you should be able to find me on IRC in #rpboards in the evenings. I'll make an effort to check in.

Zephyrial: While I considered having a separate category of "wounded" soldiers, I ultimately discarded the idea as being too finicky. The men deducted from your command are dead, and will not be returning, or are too badly wounded to continue the fight, and thus have withdrawn from the camp. Who lives and who dies is at your discretion for your command.

DNW: I will refer you to my previous comments regarding your ability to decide who among your command dies.

I will, however, disagree with you regarding the hardiness of warhorses. Horses, while capable of shouldering heavy burdens, and executing trained war tricks, are actually some of the most fragile large animals. Any number of things can and do go wrong, leading warhorses to an early death or an early retirement from the field. This is what made trained warhorses so valuable during the Middle Ages, and what made knights so expensive to maintain and employ. Ultimately, I am assuming that Thanisgard brought enough horses to remount about half the force, so I imagine you have spares on hand.

As to the question of the heaviness of your casualties, I can only say that casualties are assessed on a percentage basis. Thus, as you have the largest force, you will naturally experience casualties at a higher rate. Additionally your unit actually suffered the lowers percentage of casualties of any Alliance force that participated in the battle, with the possible exception of the Oramus Collective.

Bastet: To answer your PM, you a free to attempt a sabotage mission against Domrius, but that will entail sneaking past the forward base, then the scouts and guards of the main camp. I'll judge the action and resolve the matter prior to my next battle setup.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/14/2014 6:18:25)

Hmm... OK, fair enough. I'll cut myself a break for the first day and deduct my losses from the Sentinels, rather than the mages. I probably won't do that twice, but for now I'd like to remain more or less at full strength. I can't be too protective of them, I guess!

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/14/2014 15:10:54)

Couple of things:
1. The Varan forces will NOT, I repeat, will NOT be participating in the next battle. A Thane by the name of Worun Nulgard is present at the meeting, but only because Koros was 'not able' to attend. Worun isn't important and probably will not speak unless spoken too.

2. Kell seemed fine with letting me send some of my troops into the forests to hunt for some swine. Volrun is currently leading that hunt and will return during the coming battle (but will not partake in the battle). I will leave it up to Kell to determine how many pigs/boars/hogs I have obtained. Obviously, some of the other Varan are building pens to hold the swine.

@Kellehendros: Is it okay if some of the other men are out collecting supplies? Specifically, they're collecting logs to build spiked barriers in order to use in the future. If this is okay, then what would the chances of collecting enough materials to build, say, a catapult in the future?

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/14/2014 17:15:38)

Zephyrial, as noted, I leave it to you to determine the disposition of your forces, and how the losses are spread out. I was assuming the loss was going to be from the Sentinels anyways, since since they'd be more likely than the mages to have come close to the action, probably catching a stray javelin or getting wounded in the containment action during the line rupture.

TJ, you're free to have your soldiers scavenge for whatever supplies you'd like. There's more than enough wood on hand to facilitate the construction of siege engines. That being said, such engines should probably be constructed by trained experts, which the Alliance doesn't really have on hand, from a review of the rosters. There is the mysterious man from the Consortium, and the Warsmiths will be showing up soon, so perhaps they could provide direction. Without that, you can still build something, but it isn't going to be a real quality engine.

All commanders, please note that there has been some grumbling throughout the camp. While it is, at this time, impossible to pin down the origin of this rumor, some of the soldiers have been complaining about "wasted opportunities," and "poor leadership" during the battle yesterday. Some of the men are blaming Koros for not pressing Alquen harder during the Vendreti rout.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/14/2014 17:58:05)

I'd say that building a catapult would definitely be within my man's field of expertise, but the building process would be inconvenient with just a single man working on it. I'd say we have to wait for the Warsmiths.
I think it's too early to do anything about the rumors, although the Varans' absence from the battlefield won't help for sure.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/14/2014 18:24:54)

@Kell: Well Volrun and his team is fetching the hogs, some others are retrieving some lumber. The wood is to be used for the swine pens, spiked barriers, and the rest can be used by the specialists to build siege engines, if they want. The Varan are not going to really be able to build efficient siege engines. There tactics are more akin to that of the Vikings.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/15/2014 17:02:26)

Green wood does not an effective catapult make. Warsmiths do not effective siege engineers make. Pulling the heavy infantry unit, one of the units best suited to the conflict at hand, is also...certainly a unique choice.

Ultimately, Jakaero wasn't going to be very happy when he arrived anyway. Even more for me to work with on that, joy!

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/16/2014 9:23:09)

I might not be what you'd call a military engineer, but I'm fairly sure that building a catapult wouldn't occupy all of your men. Especially if one takes into account you brought with yourself a workforce dedicated to labor.
Again, I have no idea how many people it takes to build a catapult, but I think you'd still have a share of your warsmiths to use in battle.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/16/2014 18:32:43)

Ronin's point is less about the pool of available workers than it is the ability to execute the task in question, Bastet. Building a good siege engine takes training, engineering know-how, and mathematical precision. While you could rough something out that will work, it won't be as effective as one whose building was directed by someone who actually knows what they are doing. I'm sure the Warsmiths could cobble something together, but it would be just that, cobbled together. The efficacy of the final product is the question, not the availability of supplies or workers.

All commanders, I'm looking at running this round through the Christmas holiday, probably until December 30th. I'm hoping the dearth of responses is due to general holiday business, rather than a loss of interest or absence of commanders. As such, we might open things up to multiple replies in-round by individual commanders. Please let me know what you think.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/16/2014 21:12:26)

@Ronin: I'm just gathering resources for special purposes, the hogs being one example. If anyone feels like they can do something with the additional logs, they may. I plan on having the Varan use the logs for something:
-Spiked Barriers (stops horses from charging, can disrupt enemy charges)
-Palisade wall
-Primitive Siege Towers?
-Heavy Ballistea

@Bastet: The withdrawal of the men from this battle is not related to the labor. Volrun probably has no more than about a dozen men helping him on his hunt, that leaves upwards of what, 70 others? The bulk of them are exploring the countryside, collecting raw materials - most specifically meats/furs and wood. And most of that is voluntary; Koros did not give these orders, this is just the way of the Varan. If I had it MY way, we'd all be out collecting supplies and building a palisade wall, digging a trench around that wall, constructing guard towers, and possibly creating siege engines, but Domrius is a relentless attacker and we won't ever have that opportunity. Besides, it's all storyline purpose; Kell understands what's going on.

@Kellehendros: You're on point Kell. The Varan are not suited to building siege engines, especially something like a trebuchet/catapult. As for the multiple responses, that would be an ideal allowance if anyone wants to put in a little more story to their posting. I know some of us like to include multiple characters in our posts (me being one, what with Koros, Volrun, Aesa, and now Worun) and if they were spread across two posts (or more, if that's necessary) it might make it a little better.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/17/2014 7:46:44)


I don't know why, but I find it immensely satisfying to RP characters who are constantly on the verge of death. Kinda worrying, really.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/17/2014 10:33:06)

I plan on waiting a bit more, so hopefully more people post.
Another post by me will probably be coming by friday or saturday.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/17/2014 17:42:44)

I've a post written, but I'm wanting a few details looked at by Kell before posting. Should be up tonight sometime after my evening work shift.

@Bastet - Kell hits some of the initial points that I'd've brought up, but I'm going to decline further comment unless there becomes active need ICly about it. Or OOCly to handle conversational details that would happen ICly, were it not for bogging the pace down. Ah, dialogue, how it can be utterly annoying sometimes like that.

Starstruck -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/17/2014 20:26:24)

I'm so sorry you guys! Life has been hectic recently. I'm back though.

Ok ok ok. It's gonna take me a couple days max to get a solid idea of what's happening, then I'll post.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/18/2014 4:01:37)

Still here folks, i'll try and get something up soon.
EDIT: Posted.

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