RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/27/2014 14:16:54)

So if Volrun wanted to ask Ytha a question I just PM you and it will be answered next Thursday?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/27/2014 16:42:09)


So if Volrun wanted to ask Ytha a question I just PM you and it will be answered next Thursday?

As long as the person Volrun's question is about answers her, then yup. If they choose not to answer or don't answer by Thursday(10:00 pm eastern time), Ytha will simply say the the commander choose against answering(or something along those lines).

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/27/2014 19:54:51)

Quick question Kell: I know Domrius defeated the allies at the pass, but what ever happened after that? Did Domrius go on to conquer the entire west or was he eventually defeated by the larger allied force?

Just sheer curiosity.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/28/2014 5:33:23)

The intro post does state ''The Rise and Fall of Alquen'', so I imagine the empire was destroyed/Domrius was destroyed at one point.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/28/2014 11:09:42)

That's true, BK, I didn't remember that. I'm sort of interested in the world that we're roleplaying in now.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/28/2014 19:53:59)

Is there a unit size limit, nad/or a commander character limit per RPer?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/29/2014 8:18:48)


To that end, naturally, I will need a bio of your character, as well as a description of the commander’s unit, including other ranking officers. You will be limited to a small number of troops, three hundred at most.

Is this what you're talking about Rip?

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/29/2014 11:32:13)

@Draycos: I fail to see how your tactic of q and a is going to benefit the role-play. Wouldn't it be easier for that commander to send one of their troops to go find the other commander, or simply ask during the delegation of tactical strategies or something?

This whole "Meet per thursday" thing isn't going to work because We don't even know if they function on a monday through friday scale like our rl selves do.

For all we know, they could have an entirely different frame of what day is thursday.

Remember this is set in a very different timeframe setting. I'm not even entirely sure I understand the concept of relaying a msg from you to another commander, that just seems unusual. Plus, if you are the traitor of our midst, who's to say our messages to the other commander won't get mixed up in the process as is the case when gossip and such is spread?

Riprose123 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/29/2014 11:37:10)

@Draycos Hlaf of it, yes. Was just wondering how many major commander characters we could have, if there was a limit.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/29/2014 11:55:05)


@Draycos: I fail to see how your tactic of q and a is going to benefit the role-play. Wouldn't it be easier for that commander to send one of their troops to go find the other commander, or simply ask during the delegation of tactical strategies or something?

This whole "Meet per thursday" thing isn't going to work because We don't even know if they function on a monday through friday scale like our rl selves do.

For all we know, they could have an entirely different frame of what day is thursday.

Remember this is set in a very different timeframe setting. I'm not even entirely sure I understand the concept of relaying a msg from you to another commander, that just seems unusual. Plus, if you are the traitor of our midst, who's to say our messages to the other commander won't get mixed up in the process as is the case when gossip and such is spread?

I think you misunderstood the purpose of the q and a Dragon. This is and non-canon q and a that takes place in the OOC so that everyone can get to know each others characters better. It'll take about some of the things we normally wouldn't because of the nature of the RP itself. In short, it's really just something to do while we wait in between the post rounds; not something you have to do.

Also thursday was day I would post each q and a.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/30/2014 2:05:55)

Hey guys, sorry for the absence there. I was out for the holiday and didn't have time to notify you before I left. Hope you guys had a good time with your families, if you're here in the States (or even if you aren't, and don't have that particular holiday at that time).

TJ, Domrius' history will be the subject of future RPs (Hopefully).

Rip, I'll have to refer you to the initial post detailing, though Draycos has picked out the key section well enough.

I'm aiming to post the battle wrap up on Wednesday (12/3). Please have your posts for this round in prior to that.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/30/2014 18:12:02)

Hope you had a great holiday, Kell.

And I hope to see more of Domrius in the future!

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/30/2014 23:17:21)

@Draycos. So it's basically a sub-history sort of thing?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/2/2014 0:03:20)

basically it's a way for us to get to know the characters of our fellow RPer's in a light-hearted way, that we normally wouldn't be able to through the IC-tread. It's also non-canon to the IC story so don't take it with to much seriousness.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/2/2014 19:28:07)

Unforeseen circumstances will necessitate a slight delay of plans. To that end, I am extending this round through Saturday, December 6th. Hopefully that will give you guys some time to get posts up in this round if you haven't had time yet.

Legendium -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/3/2014 11:44:46)

Seeing as this is very far in already, I'm assuming there's no more open spaces for new submissions?
I'm not sure if I'd even have the time to join, but if there's space I'll consider it.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/3/2014 12:26:17)

Like the post above, I'd like to join if there was any room freed up for me.
I actually saw this OOC a few months ago and I would've joined, hadn't I been busy writing for the EC.
Now that the EC is long over and the academy graduation requirement is lifted (I'll still work to get the third step done, I don't leave things half done), there's no more excuses stopping me from asking if a slot is open in this RP.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/3/2014 18:15:45)

@Legendium: Actually, we're not really that far in. We arrived, and the battle took place in our third posts. The first battle is almost over I think. In fact, if Kell is open for new players, you would be very early reinforcements for us.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/5/2014 17:39:47)

Heh, in the end it only depends on Kell's opinion on the matter, just gotta wait for him.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/5/2014 23:23:38)

Its not like all forces are arriving during this battle. Despite when I was approved, I have no plans on showing up before daybreak of the next day. My silence, therefore, has been purposeful so as not to taint IC deliberations with an outside OOC opinion on tactics and such which could in no way be reflected by an appropriate IC source.

Also, its simply not in Jakaero's nature to unnecessarily push his men, especially given the role they anticipate filling.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/6/2014 0:01:48)

Given that Rip is looking at submitting a bio, I would be willing to see what you guys have in mind. I probably won't accept any more submissions after you three though. We're running up against the cap I was looking at being a manageable number at this point.

Again, I apologize for the delay. I hope to get things up tomorrow or Sunday (at the latest), I was also hoping for some more posts from those who have yet to do so in this round.

Legendium -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/6/2014 11:04:00)

I've actually re-thought things and taken a look at my schedule, and decided that being in two RPs probably isn't the best idea. Besides, the character I've made is feeling uninspired.
So never-mind. I'll keep an eye on this though, it looks interesting.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/7/2014 17:56:50)

Okay guys, the post is now up. This will be a short clean up round. You are free to chase after the Vendreti. The regulars won't engage unless the Allies come too close to the mouth of the pass itself. If you get within bow range they will open fire, but otherwise they're just going to hold position and watch. The Vendreti are going to run all the way back to the main army, though the remaining ghosthounds will go at it until they are killed.

As noted, this will be a short round, and which will end Thursday (12/11). The first camp round will begin after that, and I'll update troop totals in the first post.

The Gdoc is currently up to date.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/7/2014 19:05:54)

Awesome Kell.

I would advise the Archers to fire on the fleeing Vendreti; do not engage the Regulars.

Bastet -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (12/7/2014 19:36:47)

Name: Ishia Rinchen

Age: 19

Affiliation: Consortium of Zara

Appearance: Normally appearing like a petite, vulnerable young girl, Ishia stands at a mere 5’2”. To keep them out of the way, she keeps her fire-red hair locked in a braid. The colour of her skin is quite light, and her bright-green eyes create a strong contrast with her hair. At the pass she wears the same outfit as the rest of her unit, but leaves her head uncovered outside of battle to be easily recognized if sought.

History: Ishia was born in the middle of a nation-wide rebellion against the monarch of her country, daughter of the two main leaders of the uprising. The monarch had created a regime of militaristic terror, forcing high taxes and exploiting the territory’s resources for personal gain. The revolt was on the brink of defeat, but Ishia’s birth coincidentally happened at the same time a mysterious stranger arrived to help the rebels. The unknown man brought a wealth of resources with himself, saving the uprising from being crushed in a bath of blood. He also offered to train volunteers as stealth fighters, which were so effective the morale in the dictator’s army was broken not long after they effectively began carrying out sabotage and assassination mission. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Ishia’s parents offered their own daughter to be trained as soon as she was of age. Ishia demonstrated an exceptional attitude for what she was taught, soon being made an inspirational icon for the soldiers of the revolt. Not long after completing training, she began leading her own raids at a mere age of 17 years. When the monarch’s army was almost crashed and his palace-fortress was invaded, she had to make a choice that nobody would want to make: her parents had never stopped leading the rebellion, whether it was in the commanders’ tent or on the battlefield. The tyrant managed to catch them in a trap, but Ishia knew that if she stopped the assault on the palace to help them there would’ve been a major chance that her prey would escape to a safe place away from danger. Where most people would never have sacrificed those that gave them life, Ishia was sworn to duty on such a level that she personally hunted the monarch down. Emerging victorious from the battle for the fortress, a consortium led by the major generals of the rebellion was immediately created. The consortium’s highest priority was the safe reconstruction of the land’s economy, but it wasn’t that long before the news on the clash at Gripclaw pass reached them. With the in-country dangers completely eradicated, it was decided that an expedition was to be sent to the pass to make sure that Zara wouldn’t be taken over again.

Personality: Ishia has the personality you would expect from someone that willingly chose to kill their own parents and was trained since she was a kid to become an infiltrator. That doesn’t mean, however, that she’s completely emotionless, just that it’s very hard to find to warm her heart. She focuses on her missions, and rarely gets distracted from them. She has very little regards for her allies at the pass, seeing them only as tools to be taken advantage of to prevent a possible invasion of her country. She wouldn’t hesitate to betray them if it ensured the safety of Zara.

Zara: Zara occupies a small, but rich territory quite far from Gripclaw pass. It mostly was a nation built on trade and homeland resource exploitation, before the rebellion began and stopped almost all contacts with the neighboring territories. With the country now being slowly rebuilt, Zara is attempting to gain more influence on the outside world.

Command: Ishia departed from her homeland with the stranger that saved her country, who still serves as her mentor, and thirteen of the very best infiltrators that had been trained so far. They are each equipped with the inventions of the mysterious man, which are:

- A special lightweight wooden crossbow that is easily concealed, but still retains a good degree of armour penetration.

- Swordbreaker daggers paired in combat with well-crafted sabres. This fighting style forgoes any defensive tools, relying on speed and offence to keep the user alive. The swordbreakers can, at best, only be used as secondary weapons against enemies wielding non-bladed weapons.

- A new design of leather armor that covers the infiltrators’ bodies completely and is painted in the colours of the pass, making it harder to spot them. It resists damage fairly well, but it’s mainly made to avoid making any noise during dangerous sabotage and assassination missions.

Unlike the rest of the Zaran soldiers, the mysterious man himself is not a dedicated stealth operative, nor a soldier. A monster of a man, he stands at 6'5" tall and has a very developed physique. His skin is of a golden bronze, a stark contrast with the usual Zaran pale-ish pink. That said, he looks to be fairly old with his hair being completely white. He spends most of his time working as an engineer for his allies, repairing and inventing new tools, both for military and non-military use. Outside of his workshop back in Zara, he is mostly limited to repairing damages and making sure the Alliance's weapons are fit for war. He is a jovial individual, and carries a quantity of tools with him instead of regular weapons. He's also the closest thing the group has to a secondary commander, taking over when Ishia isn't there to make a decision.

If not carrying out covert missions, Ishia and her men prefer to stay in the back of the battle and strike at targets of opportunity with their crossbows. They will only fight directly if endangered, for a direct assault is not the way they defeat their enemies.

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