Starstruck -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (11/25/2014 1:16:35)
Apologies for the double post. I had to make sure this was visible. Soooo it turns out there are people coming to help my army out. This is normally a very good thing. However, there are a LOT of complications I didn't realize were factors, and while I would normally be very confident in posting a Kulaki response to an assault by very prickly enemies (spoiler: lots of punching ahead), I'm not so confident about the reactions of 3 different armies all coming to expose kulaki weakness and call them cowards help out in my time of need. Which involves watching Kulaki boxers brutally incapacitate their enemies in ways that would give you nightmares for about a week and make you question if what you're doing is good or evil. I would like to make generalizations like "allies watched on in horror" or "they were too slow and could not arrive before the kulaki engaged" but truth be told, people are riding horses to my part of the line, and apparently someone is already there and trying to throw darts, and I honestly doubt people would just kind of stand there gaping. They're busy! There is stuff to do! To be clear, I love it. I think it's all really cool. I can write a great post about it. But I need input from every army rushing to help, plus something from Kell about the way the battle will work on the Vendreti side of things. That's time I really don't have right now. So instead of posting in the IC thread, I'm going to send it to Kell right now as a simple first draft with tons of known problems everywhere, like a stick figure drawing of what I want my painting to look like. I'm going to see if the actual battle part of my plan makes sense or if it needs to be scrapped and redone. Then I'm going to reach out to the individuals involved and see what their reaction to it is. Sound like a plan? Great.