MoonrayDrake -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/11/2015 23:46:50)
Just posting my Biography here, because I was very driven and typed it up in a few hours, and having a huge fear of it being eaten by the great big "glitch". Just let me know if there's anything you need clarified or if anything's not entirely up to snuff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rose Lorinia Gender: Female Age: 17/18/19/20 Race: Human Magic A note about Rose's magic: it's generally more innate magic than anything else. All of her magical powers are strengthened greatly when Anjer is nearby, as they can focus their bond into the magic to empower it. That said, she generally focuses more on physical combat. Foundation Magic Power: 1.Empathic bond. Rose is mentally and emotionally connected to her friend Anjer, meaning she tends to know exactly where he is and vice versa. They can also somewhat detect eachother's mood, whether they're sad or not and such. Lastly, they are able to talk to eachother mentally if not too far apart from eachother. 2. Battle anticipation. When in battle, Rose will sometimes get a bit of insight into her opponent(think of this as giving her an idea of what type of attack the person would be using most, relying on swords, spears, magic, etc..). It is very rudimentary and oftentimes she does not realize this is happening until some time after so it is not always that useful. Year 2 Starting Power: 1. Greater Battle anticipation: Expanding upon the 1st year power, Rose can now more accurately point out her opponent's style of fighting, especially if she already knows if that person is either a mage or a knight or something else. This causes her to be able to discern fighting patterns rather quickly, and enables her to find gaps in their defenses more easily. The only problem is that it still is a bit unreliable as to when it activates. It seems to work more reliably when Anjer is nearby. Year 3 Starting Power: 1. Minor foresight: Rose is able to predict where her direct opponent and herself are, thirty seconds into the future. She is able to see where they both are and what the condition is they're in. Again, it is still a bit unreliable but less so than the former two years' powers. Year 4 Starting Power: 1. Full Control Foresight: Rose is able to predict the conditions and positions of herself, her opponents and up to ten allies, about thirty seconds ahead of time, allowing her to plan accordingly. She is fully capable of invoking this, although it doesn't give her an actual picture in her mind, she can strengthen this and create a rough vision within her mind's eye if Anjer is nearby. Without Anjer, she can only generate rough concepts and words in her mind about the conditions of everyone involved in the vision. Courses First Year Study Option: Sword fighting Second Year Study Option: Sword fighting Third Year Study Option: Master of Arts Fourth Year Study Option: Master of Arts Appearance: Rose Lorinia could be mistaken for someone much older than she actually is, partly due to the fact she is about five feet and eleven inches tall. Furthermore, something about her sky-blue eyes tells people that she's seen quite a bit of things happen in her relatively short life that most people would never see in their entire life. Not to mention the sharp gaze in her eyes when she meets someone for the first time, examining them and almost seeming to pierce right through you, exposing everything. Her hair, a rosey-red colour, to which she owes her first name, reaching down to midway down her back, adds to the intriguing quality that Rose has around her. Her body is relatively lithe and free of real muscle, though she is by no means out of shape, as she has done some carrying around of heavy and fabled objects, such as the famed buckets of farm animal nourishment. One could almost describe her as a street rebel, which could work if she didn't generally walk around in very clean clothing, usually anything that fits her at the time, although she isn't one to wear skirts and big dresses like most of the girls her age would do. Finally, being very fond of them, she almost always can be seen walking in her sturdy white walking boots. Personality: Rose Lorinia is, first and foremost, anything but needy. She is incredibly independant, and the only one she has a real attachment to is her pet, Anjer. To others, she gnerally acts according to what she feels they would expect of her, but tends to be rather strict, both on herself and others as well. She's very competitive, however, and will often prove herself to be better than the rest, even if that involves abandoning her carefree nature. She often gets caught up in this and sometimes ends up hurting friendships over this. Her competitiveness causes her to often take on more than is necessary(and sometimes than she can handle) just to prove herself. This has led to her being exhausted in the past, but in the end she's happy as long as she achieves what she set out to do. She's not wholly without reason though, and will listen to sound advice, though not necessarily from anyone and at any tone. Once she opens up a bit to people, she'll usually try to be understanding of others, but sometimes still expects people to live up to her own standards. Finally, as much as she is competitive, she will readily accept defeat if beaten in a fair competition, no grudges held, though this does not mean she won't try harder next time. History: Rose Lorinia hails from an ordinary town, situated near an unnamed river with an equally nameless large forested area not too far away on the other side of said river. She was born into a family of five: a mother, father and three siblings, making her the sixth. Being the youngest of them all, she initially didn't really have any special tasks, and was instead pampered by her parents, especially considering she was their first (and last) daughter. Over time, Rose became less and less interested in being a spoiled kid, and often followed travelling merchants around the village to try and steal money and goods from them when they weren't looking, with mixed results. She often got into trouble, but everytime she was caught, she would vow to herself that next time she wouldn't get caught. She kept refining this art of stealing undetected until one day she was caught again, this time trying to steal from a local landlord. She was then faced with having her hands being cut off or join the landlord into his service as something that would almost equate to slave labour. She didn't want either, but her family didn't have much choice, as they weren't a very wealthy one, so they had to choose for the latter option. However, before the judgement and punishment could be carried out, she snuck out of the prison she was being kept in, being helped by the local town guard, who was quite sympathetic of her. She hid herself in the barn of an old farmer, hiding in the midst of the hay and animals, intending to come out after the landlord had left. However, as it turned out, that night, a rather large group of undead monsters attacked the village without warning. Considering most of the village was completely unable to defend themselves or, in the case of the landlord and his followers, were completely drunk from a night's party, the fight was more of a massacre. Rose could hear the sounds of battle growing and coming nearer to her hiding place. Fearing she would be found out, she decided to make a run for the nearby forest, only to be found by a small group of skeletons, who set upon her. She would've died, if not for the appearance of a small dragon-like creature, covered in fur but otherwise looking every single bit like an actual miniature dragon. It sucessfully smashed one of the attacking skeletons to pieces, causing the rest to be distracted. Very soon after, an unknown man in armor came to her rescue from the forest, telling her to run, and find a place called the "Vanguard Academy". She complied and ran away, not knowing the man's identity or motives, except for his one command. The dragon-like creature soon found her again, and she found that she could speak to it by directing her thoughts at it. It introduced itself as Anjer and proclaimed that they were bonded together now, himself dubbing it "Spirit Buddies", something she appreciated. Rose and Anjer eventually found another village, where she used the money she still had left to buy new clothes and her own small sword, to be able to defend herself, and asked for more directions to this Vanguard Academy. She was eventually helped on her way to this fabled Academy, with the intention of some day avenging her village, and, against better hope, perhaps find out if anyone from her family had survived, and maybe even figure out who the mystery armored figure was.