RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (Full Version)

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Bastet -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/4/2015 15:58:24)

I'll have my post up in a few hours, I'm also busy writing up a gigantic one for the Hallows Inn (not for now, I have to keep it in reserve until later events.)

Edit: Post's up. Hit me if there are any issues.

Zephyrial -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/4/2015 18:09:00)

Hold on guys, I'm a little confused. Are we safe within a magical barrier or aren't we? Who is being attacked? Who is fighting back? Where is the battle taking place?

Bastet -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/4/2015 18:31:31)

Honestly, I'm about as confused as you, Zeph.
I just kind of went with Legendium's flow, and engaged the skeleton he pulled into play.

Draycos777 -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/4/2015 18:58:28)

Hmm, I thought we were right outside the magical barrier which is why we were being attacked. The flaming buggy and the explosion afterwards would no doubt cause more skeletons to be attracted to us.

Zephyrial -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/4/2015 20:38:15)

Well, no, because we crashed into the town square. I think were meant to stop at the coach stop, which would put us outside the barriers. It's probably my fault, for putting myself next to Malqwen, and thus placing myself in the town square. Of course, now you guys are all fighting skeletons in the town square, so... Not a clue.

Draycos777 -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/4/2015 20:45:03)

Well this is a city, and they do tend to have multpule town squares some times. Guess we'll just have to have Arthur sort out where exactly we are.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/5/2015 0:13:05)

Let me clear up the situation for you.

To start off, you are indeed safe inside the barrier and the Undead can't get to you.

The buggies were supposed to stop at the Stand which lies outside the barrier. So naturally, the students there are vulnerable to attack.

Only one buggy is inside the barrier, and that's the burning one where there are currently three people standing, Legendium, Zephyrial and Draycos777. You guys are safe.

Now for the fights,

Varick is fighting Undead outside the barrier way past the Stand on the road.

Vingeth is fighting Undead off the Road in the grass below, outside the barrier.

The Undead have just attacked the remaining first years who've got off at the Stand.

I hope you got that.

Kinzdor -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/5/2015 6:24:34)

Why did no one tell me that the RPA was unneeded and that VA was back? I view this as treason >> I love VA so very much I mean Art made it after all and he hasn`t made a bad rp yet. I don`t have time to read through everything now but I will later. Can I still join in or I`m I to late? Also I may or may not use the same chars from last time we will see.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/5/2015 6:52:46)

@Kinder, hey dude. It's great to see you back. :D

Join in. VA's still accepting applications.
This'll be a great ride.

Draycos777 -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/5/2015 7:32:05)

Hmm, well Legendium did say that he ran to the other students. If the four of us are the only ones inside the barrier, then he'd have to have crossed it at some point in order to attract the skeleton. Zayne went over to save him and Kit followed her. So with this Zeph would be the only one left in the barrier. It should be fine if we just change a few minor details.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/5/2015 7:43:33)

Yeah, please just edit some things in your posts to make them uniform with the situation.

Kinzdor -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/5/2015 9:28:31)

Not sure what students I want to do. I want to students just not sure who. Bravo was one of my first chars and not very well crafted. I could use this to flesh him out more or use someone else. Haven`t used Slanton in a while but he`s fun though so he`ll probably show up, unless I get hit by a better char idea. However while my students are yet to come I will without a doubt be using........................GIBBER

I mainly reused the same bio with some minor changes.

Name: Gibber Natura Von Gramenflos Eragon (Most just call him Professor some students also call him “Professor. Goat”)
Age: Fauns are spirits of nature and don`t age as most races do. However they must live out a life cycle before they can be reincarnated. Gibber is in the middle stage of his current cycle.
Race: Faun (nature spirits in the form of a man goat)

Appearance: From the head to the waist being the human half, with hazelnut brown hair, emerald green eyes, a rigid face, 2 hairy arms, a white rigid goatee, a pudgy tummy. nimble hands, and the addition of goat horns. From the waist down he`s a goat, with brown nicely combed goat hair, and clean shaven hooves. Normally doesn’t wear cloths besides some cloth wrapped around his waist.* though he does have some few shirts lying around.
*He doesn`t need pants cause he`s a goat

Skills and Abilities (Expand or collapse as needed)
Force Field Projection: Can project physical force fields. Need to keep contraction while doing this.
Kinetic Burst Projection: Like most Faun's he can project kinetic bursts made from nature mana, charged.
Regeneration: Can rapidly heal most wounds.
Invisibility: Turns himself invisible blending in with the trees around him.
Reed flute: His flute is made of enchanted wood blessed with nature magic to control the nature and anmils around him. Weak/absent minded humans can be controlled through song as well though they can only do minor things while under the control.

Primary Subject: [Sword Fighting/Rogue Arts/Alchemy and Magic] Alchemy and Magic
Paragraph on Primary Subject:

Magic, just what is magic? Many have labeled magic as the arcane or the unexplained. However magic is very easy to explain. Magic is two things when you boil it down. Nature and energy, magical energy flows through nature as a part of it. Every breath you take there`s magic within that, magic is a part of nature. You call upon the forces of nature to do you`r binding, but you do not control it. It allows itself to flow through you. Those who practice magic are in tune with the world around them and have a bond with the said world, they have a pact with the world, to transfer the energy and help it`s along it`s path. Magic takes a appreciation of the forces around you. We all have a seed of magic inside of us, everyone everything does. it is those who relise this and harness this that are the wizards. Even with the seed, magic takes study we are all a part of nature but we don`t all understand nature. Study is the way of the wizard, though some beings are born with higher understanding but there is more that we must learn. My people learned this the hardest way of all. Magic in practice is three key things. 1. A respect of nature and the forces around us. 2.the poteniol to harness the seed of magic inside of you. and 3. The willingness to devout you`r life to study and practice.

Secondary Subject: OPTIONAL [Any of the available ExtraCurriculars] Study of Fantastic and Magical Creatures

Personality: To his student`s he tries to portray, the image of a kind but stern teacher, he is actually very laid back, kind, joking, and goofy. Loves nature and all the animals in it, his favs are dragons. Truly wishes to aid and help his students. There are many stories about how he got his nickname the professor none of these have been confirmed.

History: He lived a normal faun life. Prancing around the woodlands, striking fear into those who threatened it, though with the peace there was no need, so him and many other Fauns let their natural foolishness take over and lazed about. Then they were attacked and the woodlands were destroyed. The fauns that where drawn out where killed where they stood, or captured to use there magic for the enemy's goals. Gibber wandered around alone, he moved from town to town. He was intune with magic and nature and manged to find some work. Selling homemade
potions,drawing away dangerous beasts, and mostly working as a traveling healer. Gibber wandered for a few more years before finding the academy. His connection to nature and magic qualified him for a job as a tutor, he accepted it mainly because he thought it would give him purpose again, and he didn`t want the new generation failing like his had.

Favorite saying: “Naping! Now thats a true art!”

Likes: Nymphs, Elves, nature lovers, good listeners, good students, animal lovers, nature, animals, dragons, doing great things. Eating salads, paper, tin cans, and many other things.
Dislikes: Liters, nature haters, racists, fire, being called Professor Goat.

Bastet -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/5/2015 19:31:42)


Would I have to modify anything? If so, what?

Kinzdor -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/5/2015 23:27:44)

. Bravo will be fleshed out via the RPA process instead you get a char who well not helping gender ratois, does show that not all mages don`t know there way around a lockpick. Thought bought doing a non magic char like LEg but I just like my magic users to much.

Name: Jesse Untone



Race: Half rune Elve Half Human Mirror Jumper (Very rare and coveted type of mage)

Foundation Magic Power:( Just two and nothing OPed) Illusions: Can bend the light around her, to cause moving images and life like illusions to appear.
Mirror Realm Object Move: Can throw movable objects within the mirror realm and force them out of a nearby reflective surface. Since she herself can`t yet enter if focus is lost it is easy to lose objects in the mirror realm.
Year 2 Starting Power:(One Second Year starting power, this one can be strong.) Personnel Illusion: Can manipulate the reflective surfaces of a persons eye, and can bend the light to form a illusion only the person can see. Must be near the person.
Year 3 Starting Power:(One Third Year starting power, stronger than the last one) Mirror movement: Can now travel through the mirror realm using reflective surfaces as her doorways.
Year 4 Starting Power:(One Last Year Starting Power, this is the strongest
)Mirror Realm Network: While within the mirror realm she can tap into the realms engerys and peer through any reflective surface in distance, as well as cause her illusion to appear on an nearby reflective surface.

Other skills
Thief: Is a trained be experience thief, master of pick pocketing slight at hand, talking rings around people, and simply not be seen as she takes a loaf of bread or two.
lockpickIs master lockpick, she always keeps a lockpick set handy and can pick most locks with a little focus.
Nimble/parkour is Nimble, quick on her feet and is compnet at parkour type feats.
Music She`s a beautiful singer, as well as a wonderful player of the harp.

Courses(Once decided will NOT be changed)
First Year Study Option:(The course you want to study for the first year)Rogue Arts
Second Year Study Option:(The course you want to study for the second year)Alchemy and Magic
Third Year Study Option:(The course you want to study for the third year)Saboteur
Fourth Year Study Option:(The course you want to study for the final year)Saboteur

Appearance:(What does your character look like?) Jessie is a tall slender girl with smooth skin, curved weist and a thin jawline she`d be the picture of beauty. However those features are mostly overlooked once they see the pure white hair, and eyes void of cooler to the point you can almost see you`rself reflected back. That is of course the curse and signs of a mirror jumper. Her Rune Elve hertige makes her skin paler the most and raises her height above most. Her father also gave to her the pointed ears which she hides under her main of long white hair. Her fathers people while void of her life growing up where there to make sure she was christened with the proper runes carved into her body. The blue and gold runes can be found glowing at her shoulders, along her left arm, her right ankle, and on the right side of her neck. She enjoys red dresses as a attire but normally wears light cloths as it`s practical and cheaper.

Personality:(What kind of a person are you?) Jessie is a kind person at heart, she doesn`t like to see people hurt and maybe if given a different lot in life she would hav e worn red dresses and lived a live of boys and carelessness. However due to the lot she was given she has learn to become alert, and on edge. Not jumpy parioned on edge but even when she seems relaxed her guard is never truly down. She comes off freindly to all she meets though it takes alot before she will trust you, and even her true friends she doesn`t truly trust. Her magic scares, her the mirror jumping more so then the illusions even if they are linked in a way. She`s a creative and intuitive person in truth, she enjoys music and reading if she can find the time.

History:(Whats your story? What led to your coming to this Academy?) Jessies father was a illusionist Rune Elve the last of a dying kind of a elve vastly in tune with magic,nature and the energy around them. Her father was someone she never met, or knew of as her mother rarely spoke of him. Her mother was a human witch, she wasn`t a evil person by any means. She was good thats not to say she used her magic for good. IT wasn`t for evil ether she used for recherche mostly, blessing charms, protection wards and etc. Jesse is unsure of how she used her magic before her birth but after it she merly wanted to keep them safe. Jesse was born with a rare magical gift, the power to walk between reflecting surfaces in a middle space known only as the mirror realm. This power by it`self had lots of transportation and spying potential, and become even stronger when mixed with other magics. A mirror jumper born with natural illusion talents? That is something many warlocks would kill to get there hands on , or rather kill to absorb the powers of. Her mother become consumed by her craft and did care to hide it, the town did not react well however between her mothers blanet use of "dark" rituals and Jessies odd aperince not many were willing to help them. They lived in a run down building towards the end of town an d jessie stole this and that to get them by , she become quite good at it. One day the tensoins his due to the war the townsfolk come to there door, acusing the mother of working with the Shadowsctyhe and killed her, Jessie did what a theive does best. She ran. She kept on running until she could find someone willing to point her to the fame Vanguard Acadmy.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 3:45:19)

@Kinzdor, Professor Goat is accepted. The paragraph is acceptable and I welcome him to the Vanguard Academy.

For the students however, I will have to ask you to pick one before I can assess him/her. I would recommend Jesse. She is a new character and she seems most interesting. Her powers are perfectly fine too. But it's your choice.

@Bastet, Your post is fine. Nothing requires changing. :)

In my next post, we move towards the Academy. Also, one more Did you know..? for you guys.

Kinzdor -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 5:10:43)

I guess I`ll move forward with Jessie then. Really looking forward to this.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 5:13:09)

Alright then. Jessie is accepted. Could you please edit Slanton out of the post so I can link to her...?

Also, I welcome you to the Academy, though, a word of advice, it would be better if you make your OP as one where your character has already reached the Buggy Stand. That would help to get things in sync. :)

Kinzdor -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 5:59:48)

Edited, Slanton out

Also you mean for her to already be at the scene? Ya that's fine planning on her distracting the skeletons away with a illusion, should keep them distracted enough for people to move back towards the town and whatnot. Just need to pick a illusion.

Bastet -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 6:15:52)

Hope my character will be able to hide her weapon well enough from the teachers, I kinda slipped up and forgot first and second year students aren't allowed any.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 7:30:06)

@Kinz, I'll add your character shortly.

@Bastet, That should make for a fun situation.

Legendium -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 11:44:24)


You do know Saboteur is Sword Fighting and Rogue Arts? What you currently have is a Sage set up of study options...
Also, why do you always use ` instead of ' ? It's not a problem, just... disconcerting. Also, when you mean the possessive form, it's their, not there. There is more locational, their is when something belongs to someone. I hate to be a grammar nazi, but it seriously makes your posts difficult to read at times. No offense meant, of course.

Draycos777 -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 12:01:47)

Arthur, mind if I add another title to Kit's bio. I've thought about her 3rd-4th year and I know how I want her to fight in battles. The title will be a reflection of it.

Edit: also I didn't add a limit to the number of items Kit can change at once in her second+ years. Would you like for me to add that in or keep in vague to keep it from being underpowered? It up to you.

Arthur -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 12:23:02)

@Draycos777, Yeah sure. You can do that.

For the second part, it's really up to you. If you can manage the number of items without making it seem like your bag has infinite space, you don't have to add a limit. However, if you thinking adding a limit will help you think better and add some flavour to your character, by all means, add a limit.

Bastet -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 12:25:24)

The way I see it, never be afraid of being a grammar nazi. As one, your only objective is to make people improve.

Legendium -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/6/2015 12:28:18)

Alright, I probably won't find time to post until the week-end. School is back (Back again), and with it, responsibilities. I have to decide on my Extended Essay subject, prepare my interactive oral for French, prepare a presentation on the Beijing Olympics for geography and correct some tests to make sure I learn from my mistakes.

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