RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (Full Version)

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dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 11:07:28)

Spectralstep seems like the type of character who's good at avoiding confrontation and has the tech to be a good manipulative character, but I feel like she might be kind-of lacking as far as a direct confrontation goes. Like if a guy with a sword ran up to Spectralstep and she couldn't manipulate him, what would she have? She has a charging move and head/tail attacks, but that seems like about it, not that many offensive or defensive options. Personally, compared to the others, I think she might be a little underpowered and could use something to make her better in a confrontation like a more definitive way to predict attacks instead of going off of her senses and the enemy's emotions or something....

But that's just my opinion.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 11:28:43)

Considering we'll probably end up working togheter, I'd say having a monstered centered on intelligence is rather essential. That said, I think too that Spectralstep could use something that would help her evade direct confrontations. Doesn't seem the kind of monster that would enjoy fighting.
I agree with dethhollow, but don't let me dictate what you do. Enjoy playing your character the way you see it, Tdub.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 11:33:08)

@Tdub: Good bio, but she's going to have to be stronger - I'd suggest removing the exhaustion from her full mind control and making the 'feeling suggestions' work on groups of people, rather than just individuals, but feel free to add more skills instead or whatever you want.

@Bastet: No complaints with that change, does fit the char better.

In other news, I'm working on my own bio now.

Actually, let's just give some information about the thing - this isn't everything there is to know about him, but it is what people could've found out about him while they were in the tower.

Name: Gestalt
Species: Psychic amalgamation

Species Information: There's not much that is known about Gestalt and, with any fortune, he's one-of-a-kind.

Appearance: Gestalt lacks a clearly defined shape - his projections can take any shape he chooses them to, within the limits of his power at the place he's manifesting it. Usually, they're in the shape of featureless black humanoids with unsettlingly long and spindly limbs.

Abilities: Mostly focused on the realms of nightmares and darkness, Gestalt is a powerful magical and psychic entity. From his immobile core his influence stretches out massively, allowing him to create shadowy, intangible constructs which are the main way he's chosen to communicate with the rest of the world. Going into the deep dungeons where he was kept locked was a bad idea, and nobody who came back could claim having seen his core.

Personality: Gestalt is evil, without a shadow of a doubt or a hint of redemption. He feeds off suffering, so he cultivates the people in his area of influence like a farmer would do with his crops or, more accurately, his cattle. He prefers to go by unnoticed, choosing subtlety over brute force whenever possible.

This is subject to change after I get some decent sleep.

Tdub -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 12:05:16)

Like I said, she does have physical aspects, such as hardened dragon scales (which I did forget to mention). Keep in mind that if a guy were to run at her woth a sword, and she should decide to just ram into him, it would be the equivalent of a six-foot, scaled creature with over twice the weight of an adult human slamming into you at full speed. A guy with a sword is definitely NOT going to do much to her, even if he did make a direct strike, which may scratch her scales.

That said, I've spent my entire RP career toning down powers to not be "that guy." (For example, the EC would reject this character immediately for the aforementioned mental control.) Still, for this RP, I'll remove some of the limits for her mental abilities.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 12:22:11)

Ok, good to know. The scales would definitely help out quite a bit.

I was under the assumption that we'd be against eachother. But if we are going to work together, then holy crap we've got one heck of a powerful team! We've got a rock monster who can fight directly and gain someone's attention, a centipede demon with sneak attacks from underground, and a psychic that can relay information so we can coordinate our attacks. Strategically speaking, I feel pretty good about this setup!

Gestalt is a pretty awesome name....... That's all I wanted to point out..........

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 13:06:13)

Gestalt means shape in German. I see what you did there.

I wouldn't immediately knock out the idea of infighting, even though the ultimate objective of this roleplay would be about building an empire. Still, I think that between disagreements and the initial chaos there'll be plenty of fighting between our respective characters.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 13:29:16)

Thanks! Now, first off, whether you end up working together or not is entirely up to you. You could try and build an empire, or four different allied or enemy ones - there's no set way to go about it, everything works, all that.

@Tdub: Perhaps a swordsman alone wouldn't do much, but given the scale I've planned for this RP you probably shouldn't be worrying about a single swordsman. I can understand the whole "let's not be OP" thought, though - and in any case I'm not going to force you to level her up. If you feel like you don't want to give her extra power, then she's accepted as she is; and if you change your mind mid-RP we can work something out then. Otherwise, I'll give your edits a look after they're done and accept them then.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 14:41:31)

Not counting Micosil's character for now, the three of our characters each does something pretty different from the others. So I feel like the first two to pair up would immediately have a pretty big advantage over the third one.... So whatever you want to do IC is whatever, but I'm going to try and make sure I team up with someone else as soon as possible. Besides, from what we know about Micosil's OC so far, something tells me he might be aggressive to the other characters and might be pretty difficult to take down with any of the other 3 alone.........

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 17:44:21)

Hm, I hadn't thought of separate empires. This is definitely going to be interesting.

Tdub -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 20:58:38)

I've made the requested edits.

Riprose123 -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/29/2015 22:59:29)

Posting interest, will try and get a bio formed this weekend/early next week.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/30/2015 1:39:25)

@Tdub: Accepted! Welcome to the fray.

@riprose123: That'd make you the last player, then, and we'll be all set to start once you're done. I'll give you the same heads-up as Tdub, though, I don't save spots, so someone might sneak it from under you if you take too long.

I'm gonna poke someone to approve the RP now, though, since we already have the minimum number, and that way there's less waiting around involved.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/30/2015 3:15:57)

Four would make for a nice number of participants. Glad I'm not the only one interested in this RP.

There's one thing I wanted to ask you, even though you could also show it IC, is Gestalt open to dialogue or does it just lay waste to everything in its field of view?

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (1/30/2015 18:44:05)

Gestalt talks, can be reasoned with, and is generally intelligent. It is dangerous to get close to his core, but there's his projections which are not and can be used to communicate just as well, if not better. Also, Gestalt doesn't lay waste to things, he finds it... wasteful :P

Edit: We're authorized. I'm working on an opening post, and we'll start with the chars we have now - it's pretty simple to join in later on, anyways.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/2/2015 16:23:44)

Yeah! Posting so the thread is bumped so people can see the good news.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/2/2015 16:29:07)

Awesome. Can't wait.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/2/2015 17:17:11)

It begins!

I've worded things like I have so you can all describe whatever you want around your char before they're met by Gestalt's shadow. You can have your char follow or you can have them not do so - it might take a bit longer to introduce them into the RP if they don't come, but eventually Gestalt will pay them a visit.

Riprose123 -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/2/2015 17:59:31)

Quick question. Would it be possible for me to play a Beholder, from the D&D universe?

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/3/2015 0:56:46)

Most definitely yes. Edit: You'll want to specify what you're taking off the D&D rulebook, though. Beholders have an interesting culture in D&D, for example, but that might be one of the things you're not interested in having your char share.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/3/2015 15:48:55)

Post's up. Bit shorter than I would've liked, but I've still got to really get myself into my character.
I like this RP as much as I thought I would though, thanks for hosting Micosil.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/3/2015 16:39:21)

My pleasure! Glad to hear you're enjoying it. I've always loved playing monsters and beasts, and I felt there weren't enough RPs around where you could do it so... I took the task in my own hands :D

Tdub -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/4/2015 22:12:15)

My post'll be up tomorrow. I meant to have it up today, but it didn't work out. Sorry!

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/6/2015 4:38:05)

Tdub, as a heads-up, I'll move on in a couple of days, after a week's passed from my first post.


Writing Gestalt is hard! And I hope understanding him too.

Anyhow, the scripted section is sort-of still going, but if someone wants to break off from the group and establish an empire, you can start with that right here, right now, ignoring Gestalt's plan and choosing to go off in some other direction. I'm going to give you a while to post any chatting there is in the forest, if there's anything you all want to say (which I would hope there is once you're safely away from the compound).

What I'm trying to say is - this RP is all about options and choices. Don't feel forced to follow the path I'm laying out before you, it's just one option of many.

Also, exposition will be so much easier when I have a translator... which makes me think one of you will kill him :P

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/10/2015 9:31:45)


Oh, don't worry about that. My character has decided to put something before building an empire/following Gestalt on the to-do list.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/10/2015 15:32:58)

Wait, are we together at this point? It wasn't super clear from the post and I was under the impression we were on different roads for whatever reason.

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