RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (Full Version)

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Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/10/2015 15:34:37)

From what I understood, we had a choice of paths after Gestalt was done speaking.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/10/2015 17:50:42)

If you follow Gestalt's shadows, you will all end up together (and that's when he starts speaking). Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough. You're free to run off on your own, though, if you so desire.

Edit: Also, oh dear. Yaraj is not a team-player, it seems... wonderful! I'd like to point out that if there's a fight, the projection's not going to wait for you. It could, but it won't, because it's a jerk like that.

Tdub -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/10/2015 19:38:15)

Oh. OH. I see how it is.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/11/2015 13:16:09)

Hehe. Yaraj could be a team player, but with an empty stomach teamwork has very low priority for him. No hard feelings for Tdub, just playing my character as I built him [:D]
Though I'm curious to see Leopold's reaction.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/12/2015 19:56:32)

Sorry for waiting so long, but I really didn't think out Leo's personality as well as I probably should have. Lazy and laid back characters can be fun at times, but they can be dull to write stuff for.... I'll be away most of Friday, but I'll try to get something ready tomorrow or the day after. So yeah, just go on without me if you want to for now or whatever, I don't want to screw the RP over because I made a kind-of uninteresting character to use.

Tdub -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/14/2015 23:30:23)

I'll have my post up tomorrow. It's been a pain to write, especially with almost zero time to write it.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/15/2015 7:36:03)

Don't blame yourself about that, deathhollow. Characters only truly come alive when they are thrust into the actualy roleplay. Besides, you could always introduce progressive changes in your character.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/15/2015 15:51:26)

Ok, I thought it over, I really don't know how to react to Micosil's post with the broken English and shapeshifting and crap, and Bastet's character is going straight at Tdub's. So I'm just going to wait for Tdub's post and then have Le react to that and step in to help or whatever. That just feels like the better course of action.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/15/2015 16:09:57)

Well, there's quite a few solutions to that. You could have your character change, we could force a big change on your character, or you could make a new char. Also, don't feel bound by the personality displayed in the bio - that is one thing I don't really care if you follow or not, as long as in the RP itself it makes sense, so feel free to make him be not as lazy or something.

Lookin' forward to the bloodshed.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/15/2015 16:45:43)

Please don't tempt me to make more characters, lol! I'm starting to want to maybe use Skull Knight, which is probably a bad thing here because his first instinct would be to try and eat Gestalt's shadow-body.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/15/2015 16:50:03)

Seems like this Skull Knight would fit right in with Yaraj already wanting to eat anything that's organic.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/15/2015 17:39:26)

IDK, maybe I will use him here eventually, but I want to at least try to use Leo alone for a bit.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/15/2015 18:00:06)


Would be we allowed to write for multiple characters in this roleplay? I feel like I could dedicate enough time to it that I would be able to play two monsters.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/15/2015 19:10:45)

@Bastet: I'm... hesitant to accept. The point of keeping the playerbase low was to keep the RP more active, as was the point of letting you split up - if someone's missing when you're each off doing their thing it's not so much of a wall. I'm going to say yes for the time being, but I may revise this decision at any point based on, well, how it works out. And how active you can keep both your characters, of course. Now it's up to you to prove that I didn't make a mistake trusting you :P I'll be expecting the second bio.

@dethhollow: That's an option that would probably end up with him dead or worse quickly, so you might not want to use someone you're attached to if you want to explore Gestalt's core. But it's definitely an option if you can break the walls around his prison.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/16/2015 19:24:58)

Thanks for trusting me, Micosil. I think I have quite an interesting character concept, and I will deliver the bio between tomorrow and the day after.

Edit: Introducing my second bio.

Name: Qe'Jal

Race: Crystalline construct

Species information: Crystalline constructs such as Qe'Jal, while they are similar to more traditional golems, are not animated by a mage. They can be seen as a particular form of elementals because they are born from the will of a god, and their birth is not natural. Qe'Jal's and his kin were created as fragments of a now-defunct deity of lightning and shaped in the energy-attuned crystals of a lost valley. These constructs are strongly attuned to thunder magic, and don't need to eat, drink or sleep. They live off of whatever electrical current they can absorb, which they are able to consume in any amount. The potency of the magic they can muster also depends directly on how much energy is stored in their bodies, which is also consumed in a small amount as they live on.

Appearance: Qe'Jal was shaped in a quadrupedal body that closely resembles that of a great mammal. He is a greatly imposing figure, standing at over 8 feet while walking down on four legs. From one end of his body to another, he is 14 feet long and 5 feet wide. His body is made entirely of electricity-conducing crystal that frequently cycle, in colour, from cyan to violet. A defined, feline-looking shape is hidden under a cloak of smaller crystals that litter the surface of his body. At the back end of his bod y originate three long tails, with the one in the middle being the longest and the other two of a shorter length. The tip of these tails have each a large, unique crystal on them. These unique gems serve the purpose of channeling Qe'Jal's magic and firing off his spells. These tails tend to arch upwards with the crystals pointing forward, bending down only when absolutely required by the environment around Qe'Jal. Thinner, sharp crystals are at the end of his legs and inside his muzzle, serving as claws and teeth respectively. His head is of an elongated shape, with two yellow gems functioning as the elemental's eyes.

Personality: Qe'Jal is, as his kin, driven by a will to find more and stronger energy sources that can be absorbed to power his very being. He cares little for the well being of other creatures in his pursuit of power because of the time he spent without a master. Though he behaves aggressively in the regards of any other being he meets, he's secretly looking for an ideal worth following. He also pays very little attention to morals, making it as likely that he'll follow a sinner as that he will a saint.

Skills & Abilities: Qe'Jal can manipulate lightning using the catalysts on his tails as if they were a wizard's staff, firing precise, yet devastating rays of energy. These can be charged so that they may have an increase in power, but it's both audible in crackling electricity and visible in the glow of the crystals on the tip of the tails that an attack is being prepared. They may also be fired rapidly, but they lose accuracy and drain his reserves of power quicker than most other spells. He can also emit bursts of electricity on those who touch him or the area around him. These two attacks are short ranged and don't channel through his tails, but rather through the crystalline growths his body houses.

Other than these magic-based attacks, Qe'Jal can also use his claws and teeth to maul an opponent without stressing his reserves. He also possesses a great degree of physical strength and speed, though these attributes are drained as he consumes the electric charge in his body. When he is almost completely devoid of energy, he is barely capable of moving. He is also able to leech the vital energy of organic beings by thrusting his three tails into their bodies and draining it through the crystals before converting into purer energy that can be used to sustain himself. This attack has to be maintained for a while to drain a significant enough amount of power, else it won't be too effective.

Due to his nature, he absorbs any lightning-based attack thrown at him, and possesses a degree of protection against physical attacks. An interesting effect is that when his body is wet he loses the ability to aim his spells, though they slightly increase in power. He can't accidentally damage himself because the lightning is reabsorbed into his body, but the only way that he is able to direct a spell against another being is if the bolts he fires are drawn to the target (which often enough happens when they're also soaked).

History: Along with his brethren, Qe'Jal was created a long time ago. They served as an extension of the will of the deity that carved their bodies out of the strange crystal that was found in a long lost valley. One day, said god disappeared, and the constructs were left alone. Some went mad when they lost the guide of their creator, and some simply vanished in the grounds outside the valley. Qe'Jal was one of the first to leave, though that meant that he didn't have an easily accessible energy source in the crystals of his native grounds. He would rather have found and served a new, powerful enough master than just simply wander among the territory so familiar to him until the end of times. Among the countries he roamed he became somewhat of a bad omen, a symbol of disasters to follow, and most often this was true: he enjoyed causing mayhem and drained every energy source he could find. The mage that eventually ended up imprisoning him caught wind of this, and undertook the great task of capturing him for his own purpose. Strangely enough, Qe'Jal didn't resist this capture: he wanted to see if this magic-user was worth serving, even though he seemed just as mentally unstable as his kin who stayed in the valley after their god disappeared.
He let himself be taken to the tower, but it was a very short while before he rebelled with all his being. He couldn't handle not being able to ever see the magnificence of a cloudy sky, and was almost driven mad by it. The monotony of guard duty didn't help, either. At one point, when the wizard got tired of his challenging attitude, he was thrown into the deepest parts of the dungeon and fed with the slightest hint of energy, leaving him very weakened over the long time he spent in what became his prison. Each day that he spent in such a torturous state, bound by countless magical chain, only increased the rage he felt. By the time the spell broke, along with the powers of the wizard, his mind was intent on little but regaining his powers and murdering the spellcaster who dared imprison him. Countless times he promised to himself that he would burn the tower to the ground, though he didn't favour the idea of returning to his feral roaming after he had finally disposed of the mage.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/18/2015 13:11:36)

Accepted, waiting for your intro post. Situation's the same as with the other characters for you, with a difference - there's no Gestalt projection heading for you, so your character'd start "alone", and I'll move things from there. I want to get a feel for Qe'Jal's living areas, aggressiveness, all that, before actually throwing plot your way. Which I will as soon as you've got a post up.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/18/2015 13:49:41)

Ok, hearing that there might be plot stuff with another group makes me really want to try to just make Skull Knight work in this RP. But I don't want to take focus off my other character yet.... IDK if I should go for it or not. I've got a bio I could just slightly alter to make him fit at any moment, but I just don't know if it would be a good decision so soon.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/18/2015 13:51:11)

I'd say it depends if you are ready for the extra commitment of a second character, dethhollow. That, and we might be stretching good old Micosil's character limit a bit too much.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/18/2015 16:46:31)

@dethhollow: If you're not sure about whether you should have another character or not, the answer is probably no. I'm not going to stop you from requesting it, and if you do then I'll try to be more or less fair in my assessment, but I'd honestly suggest waiting to see where you go with your first char before splitting your attention. After all, I'm going to demand twice as much from you if you do. As for the plot - you'll be able to see it from Bastet's perspective, plus there's no guarantee that if you make a second character it'd end up in the same plot as his construct.

And speaking of demand: @Tdub, I summon thee! Now, I understand that life happens and things get in the way, but I do think that one post per week is not what I would call a demanding time requirement. If you can't dedicate that for whatever reason, then tell me and I'll adapt things so that you can work with a schedule that fits you without slowing the game for the rest; but I'd rather not put you in a "secondary" role right as the game starts. So, with this said, you've got until Sunday to get your post done and if by Sunday there's nothing I'll... well I'm not going to let your dragonling get eaten, but I will have to move things along.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/18/2015 17:01:52)

Qe'Jal's post is up. Let thine evil plotting commence, Micosil.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/18/2015 18:09:57)

Actually, I just realized something. I could just put the bio here, get it approved and stuff, then just wait until the time is right to make their introductory post. That way I could just introduce them pretty much whenever it's convenient or if things just start moving too slow as a way to keep things interesting.

Micosil -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/19/2015 2:26:03)

I got a battery of job interviews and the such today, so I won't be able to reply until... well, later on. Possibly this evening my time.

@dethhollow: You could if you were given the option to have two characters, but that's a pretty weird way to go around it. I see no reason to have, or plan, or allow another char if it's going to be inactive - it can be inactive in your head just as well, and that way you can actually change and evolve the character instead of being bound to a bio; and when you want it active you can post it up; all this assuming you get approval for a second char. Which I'm even more hesitant to give to a second person.

Edit: I probably shouldn't post today. I've got it written, and it looks quite frankly awful. The information's all over the place, it doesn't have any kind of feel, and it's just flat out bad. I blame it on the tiredness, so I'll post tomorrow when I wake up - that is to say, in... well, let's say nine hours.

Edit two: That wasn't nine hours by a long shot, but things got complicated. Anyhow, I had more time to think about the post, which I think means it's quite a lot better. Feel free to ask questions, if there's any.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/22/2015 5:03:36)

Quite an interesting choice you've left me, Micosil. I'll have a post up in a few hours.

Edit: Post's up. Let's hope the lich won't have the time to hit my character too hard.

dethhollow -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/22/2015 18:52:07)

It's kind-of hard to believe it's been nearly 3 weeks and I still haven't gotten around to making a second post for Leo. It's just been waayyy too long for a character I wasn't even that invested in in the first place. I'm just going to go for it and make Skull Knight's bio tomorrow and if Leo is downplayed, so be it. At least then I'll be able to do something here to stay involved in the RP.

Bastet -> RE: Empire of Beasts - OOC, Open (2/23/2015 1:30:24)

Not blaming anyone here, dethhollow, but it's because of Tdub that you haven't had a chance to post. You said yours would be a reactionary post, and Tdub hasn't gotten around to posting yet.

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