RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/8/2017 22:08:08)

I don't like that the Necrochen Hat is left untouched. What used to be a sweet bonus item is now the best helm in the game...and instead of requiring actual effort and difficulty it's an RNG item. Of course, there is the option to not use the item, but then you're left with inferior stats. The problem with RNG is that when one person has to put in so much hard work, the other finishes the same process through little effort, which is not fair. It should be reserved only for bonus items.

After a month-long hiatus, I've gotten started doing the Ashfall release. In my opinion, the story is delightfully interesting but the quests are painfully repetitive. What hurts is that they are basically either 'beat x amount of monsters', 'click y on the map', or 'play fetch'. Over and over. They feel uncomfortably shallow. It doesn't help that the combat is already repetitive and underdeveloped to begin with. Sure, this is Beta, but is that an excuse for creativity? Some variety could've helped. If anything, Beta is the perfect opportunity for innovation.

I do appreciate the fact the AQ3D team is working hard in rolling out new content, but I do hope there is just as much, preferably even more, focus on gameplay. Compared to other free MMOs, gameplay is severely lacking in this game, even for a beta. I fear AQ3D ends up as another AQW. By that, a 3D MMO that doesn't play like a 3D MMO.

These are just my two cents.

the hemomancer -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/8/2017 23:15:49)

True, i think that by beta, some basic game functionality should already have been long added to the game. Things like mounts, weapon types, dual wielding vs shield, pets, etc. But right now we have a shallow combat system, lack of status effects, game mechanics, even weapons are all used the same way with one hand regardless of it being a small dagger or a large spear. There are a lot of functionality that are not yet in the game.

I love ae and i truly support them all the way. The good thing about ae is that they listen to players. The bad thing is that a lot of times they listen to the wrong people. Instead on focusing with functionality, players non stop suggest more and more end game content on a game where the max level is 16, its pathetic. I could think of no reason for that other than for bragging rights and rubbing it in the faces of newer players. In aqw the players that always suggest for balances, bug fixes etc have gone unheard infavor of elitists that ask for nothing but more rares, more farming, more grinding and look what happened to aqw because of that. These players dont care whether the game grows or not but only care about their egos.

With that said however, i trust ae knows what they are doing. I've been playing their games for years and i still get excited everytime a release is announced.

Retrosaur -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/9/2017 15:19:45)

I honestly think that not including a healer class from the getgo was the biggest mistake AE made.

This game is an MMORPG and it encourages teamwork -- playing with others, building bonds, adding friends, perhaps even forming a guild. And yet, very little class abilities are even made to help out your team defensively. In a game where it is easy to die to a boss and then lose all your work against it, just because you were dead while the boss died, even if you put in 90% of the damage, that in itself is completely frustrating. It is as if the game wants you to only watch out for yourself and forget about your teammates. Maybe you just want to drum up sales of HP/MP potions, but a healer class is ALWAYS a must in a classic MMORPG. There's no teamwork at all when you just have 4 warriors just spamming whirlwind, and realisticlly, who would pick rogue when the damage is so lackluster and your teammates benefit little from it?

solomi123 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/9/2017 16:25:14)


The devs of AdventureQuest 3D are currently testing version 1.4 which includes parties, combat improvements, and.... and.....

Our wish has been heard, brothers!!

Now to wait and see if it's actually more interesting than what we have now.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/9/2017 22:30:02)

That's good to hear.

The mistake with AQ3D's combat, besides the lack of skills and functionality, is the automatic combat imo. For a 3D MMO, the lack of dodge feature, the existence of global cooldowns, and the inclusion of auto attacks, of many things feel like the opportunity to make use of the 3D environment is wasted. I don't really understand why it's pulling off another AQW, and judging by AQW's dwindling numbers, it's not a good endurance for AQ3D's survival. This is a 3D MMO, we need more action-oriented combat instead of just seeing numbers and RNG. It needs interaction. It needs combos. It needs FUN.

It's not just the combat that needs work. The overworld is also in need of gameplay functionality. Movement is reaaallly barebones right now. Why are we still jumping up cliffs, ladders and trees instead of climbing them? And they can get awkward at times. A climb function, the ability to adjust our movement speed (walk and run, and I'm not talking about the measly 'walk backwards ' shenanigans here) and a stealth mechanic are among the many that can be added to the game. We have this wonderful world of Lore filled with adventures and secrets, why not make exploring it fun?

I know I'm going to get a lot of disagreement here. I believe releasing Open Beta in October was a mistake.

Pardon me if I'm a bit salty. I've been a megafan of AE for almost ten years, Having played their games as a child, I am really passionate for their success. I do want AQ3D to survive, and succeed. I love AE. Given the many shortcomings of the game, paired with AE's financial position, things can be frustrating. I'm sure the devs feel this way too.

I think the stakes are raised for AQ3D. Only time will tell.

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/9/2017 23:10:34)

The game seems to be lacking many things so to say it was a mistake to release it isn't exactly far from the truth. It was rushed. I think they may have underestimated what it takes to make a high quality game. Perhaps I just don't care for 3D games or maybe it's because I dislike the artwork of this one, but I have no reason to be playing it. It's almost a shame I bothered signing up. If the game doesn't do a decent job in catching a person's interest, why should we play it?

the hemomancer -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 0:09:09)

With the way things are now, aq3d is indeed shaping up to be just like aqw with its shallow gameplay and lack of functionality but minus all the popularity and funds that aqw brought to ae. And with the way players are acting its not helping at all. Instead of helping ae to get as many new players as we can, this relatively new game is already plagued with elitists. And if you don't agree with them you're the whiny immature one.

I don't like comparing games but i just have to mention, ragnarok online is an extremely old game (i think it was released back in 2003) yet the amount of content and gameplay in that game is lightyears ahead of both aqw and aq3d combined. It has all the basics from damage (physical vs magic, if its physical is it melee or ranged? If its magic then what element is it?) non combat skills (invisibility, blink, item crafting skills, even throwing a stone), ground or unit target skills, aoe not confined to just around your character, pet catching system (you can even feed or dress your pet) so many potion varieties and effects, card and equipment slot system, status effects (freeze, stun, stone, poison, curse, frozen, etc), monster skills, player shops, trading, guild and party as well as guild wars, weapon classes, so much more. EDIT: and these are already in the game when it was released and not just added as the years went by.

I hate posting mostly only negative feedback but it has to be done. Ae already gets so much positive feedback on social media sites and the comments section of their aq3d design notes that its cringy. Have you seen the amount of players sucking up to ae in the dns? Its like their own version of "notice me sempai" there. Like aq3d is the best game evar period! Any negative thing you say there even if its constructive will be met with such hostility that they will even tell you to just quit.

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 0:43:28)

I think I read a comment on one of the design notes for AQ3D that said something about how this game's the best ever and I refuse to believe that. There are far too many flaws and/or things missing to make the game "the best ever" and to ignore that and keep saying lies praising a mediocre game only means you don't care for it at all. The ones constantly pointing out the flaws are the ones who wish the game improves. No, AQ3D is not the greatest game ever. It can't be yet. Game's far too new and it takes games a while before they can be called good.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 1:41:03)

I'm not sure how much AE has thought about what makes a successful game - what made AQ, DF and AQW so enduringly popular, and what made MQ, HS, WF, and ED fade out. One low-hanging fruit is that AE games without their own unique flavor will not garner much interest; hence the failures of WF and HS, which bore many similarities to AQ and AQW with (imo) little of their charm. AQ3D suffers from this same problem - it seems to me like an AQW clone with worse graphics and more tedious operability. The only things it has going for it over AQW are 3D landscapes (more interactivity) and cross-platform compatibility - and why would I spend my time jumping over ledges on an iPhone when I could play a far better version of the game (AQW) on my desktop?

AQ3D needs its own identity and flavor, and AE should focus a great deal on this while the game is still in beta. The fortunes of AE (and by extension, AQ, DF, and AQW) are riding on AQ3D, and I'm sure no one wants this ship to sink so soon.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 2:54:11)

You can't repeat the same thing over and over and expect change. That's the problem with AE. It's saddening to see the number of people defending this game as if it is flawless, which is sadly not the reality of AQ3D. If AQ3D follows the path of AQW, a game riddled with flaws, it's going to be on a collision course. It needs its own unique charm and I support that. AQ3D needs to become a game that is not only fun, but stands out from the rest.

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 3:04:45)

I mean, I get we are worried for AQ3D, but can we wait to see what the combat improvements change first? The main reason why AQ3D feels like a AQW clone is because of the current combat being basically similar. Let's wait and see how the combat update changes things up before we say thhese things.

But if all it is is the most basic changes, then yeah go wild.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 5:11:14)

You're right. We'll have to wait and see. While I'm not keeping my expectations high, the upcoming changes may be for the better.

The thing is, AQ3D could have been its own thing since the beginning. I don't think there's anything stopping it from being a unique game. The problem with AQ3D's combat is that it plays almost the same as AQW's. As stated several times, combat is something that could've been extensively developed during Alpha.

Whatever it is, all we can do is hope for the future. Maybe AQ3D might actually succeed.

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 6:47:42)

It can still be it's own thing. The real question now is what will change, what will stay the same, if we can get it soon enough to make a difference, and most importantly if it improves or worsens the game.

the hemomancer -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 9:58:09)

Well ae does have its own flavor with storytelling and character backgrounds. They have that distinct style and i think that's a strong point for them.

I must say though, i approve of artix's twitter post regarding them currently testing several things like combat and party changes. I honestly believe we should prioritize game functionality before content. We could do without more areas, levels or classes for a while. After all, its harder to add a new feature when the game is overflowing with content. Look again at aqw, its a nightmare trying to add, say an element for all the released items in game as there are hundreds maybe thousands of them already. The earlier a feature is added i think the easier and the better.

I think we should have party/guild, trading, pvp, cosmetic slots, a solid combat system and maybe weapon classes before we even think about a live release of the game.

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 13:10:08)

remember when combat was more open rather then being a carbon copy of aqw's combat system and you could get a swarm of monsters chasing you around?

Loftyz -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 18:37:52)

I just want to see enemies and bosses using their mana to cast skills. Some enemies or bosses could have low total MP, but really strong skills that consume little mana; with the ideal way to beat them being draining their mana with skills from a new class. Just want to see that kind of variety.

Also, we need dat elemental damage/resistance.

solomi123 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/10/2017 20:59:55)

Read through Artix's DN
Aside from the animations, stats bars, cosmetics and other stuff, the main changes to gameplay are the following
5-man parties
Public dungeons & Private Dungeons
Quest's way points (not sure why it's necessary, the map's not even that big)
Additional effects to some skills
Spell effects will now happen on impact instead of on button press
Monsters now have their own pools of skills to choose

It's not perfect, but we're getting there
nice to know they're taking the feedback from this thread to heart

Meloette Wells -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/17/2017 1:18:46)

(Pre-Ashfall) AQ3D Impressions

So the other day in Yulgar’s inn, I was talking to a player. They happened to chimed in when someone mentioned Adventure Quest 3D, or AQ3D for short. The player said, “AQ3D is trash! It’ll lag horribly.” and etc. etc. Then another person asked this player if they actually played the game. It was a legit question, because AQ3D have had a good deal of backlash from players. They just kept going on using vague things like “It’s trash”, “It looks ugly,” and then he got to the root of his problem. “It sucks cause it was member only.” Which if you was following the development of the game, you’ll know it been in open beta for a few months now. We pointed this fact out to the player and he just got all quiet, then he just said he had to go. We realized the guy was upset at the game just because he couldn’t play it; he didn’t have an actual reason to dislike the game because of something the game did. I, on the other hand, have a decent amount of experience throughout the alpha, and closed beta phases of the game before I’ve temporarily dropped the game. With my experience and impressions on the game, I want to give this game a closer analysis of why people would be turned off by the game itself.

The first issue with the game would be it’s basic appearance for player characters. A lot of people simply dislike these characters due to the standard that artists like Dage, Miltonius, and even Tomix set for the company as a whole. Sure, it’s Artix Entertainment’s first departure into the land of three-dimensions but, they uses graphic assets of armors and weapons that would be more suited on something like a Playstation 2 than a modern PC game. Which is where the issue is. AQ3D is designed to be a multiple platform game for PCs and Mobile phones. This wide a scope come with some limitations, like how some older phones might have the physical ability to emulate a Play Station 2 era game but nothing even close to a modern game. The basic art used in the game is for those lowest possible systems running the game, however the game play don’t agree with this lowest denominator of systems requirements for graphics. (The game play is another issue entirely compared to the graphic design though.) In regards to this graphical limitation, it can’t be helped, but the bare minimal design for a game’s graphic are set the tone for all the graphics to be the bare minimal.

Moving from the look of the characters to the GUI (the Graphic User Interfaces), we can see one of the bigger issues a lot of people have with the game. To begin this topic, a little explanation of GUI elements is in order. Graphic User Interfaces are the icons and menus a user, or in aq3d’s case the player, would use to interface with a computer program. The alpha version of the game used some simple buttons consisting of a circle with some kind of icon inside of said circle. This icons vary from three horizontal lines that represent the game’s menu, another icon is of a potion bottle that represent the game’s quick access use item menu. Another element of the GUI is the class’ skills, where they been clustered as a circle in the bottom right corner of the game’s screen, so someone could have easy access to using a thumb to activate that class’s combat skills. As of more recent updates, like the recent Frostvale or Ashfall updates, the PC version of the game been more optimized for it’s platform. This PC version have the deployment of new menus and buttons to replace the bare bones of the mobile’s GUI elements. One such example of the PC optimization is how the skill buttons been laid out around the bottom middle of the game screen in a way akin to Adventure Quest World’s own skill menu. This optimization for the PC version is a way that game was made to work better for PC players, since the mobile controls was too bare for what a lot of PC players expect from a PC game. (Although the usage of white icon are hard to read when in white maps like Frostvale.) The issue that PC players had with the controls being too bare, is just another drawback to the previous bare, or even minimalist, icons the game uses. As the original GUI layout for the game is simply too small to operate the game in a reasonable manner. Recalling back to the class’s skills being clustered in a corner of the screen, in the opposite corner on the left side is the movement “circle pad” icon. This icon works a lot like the circle pad on a game controller, but it does do the job of allowing the player to move. The issue with having these two central GUI elements to the game in two separate corners is where a player’s hand is big enough to cover the screen or the phone they’re playing on is too small for the tiny icons. This issue can cause players who are affected by either or both of these issues to find the game un-wieldy to use. Once the controls prove too difficult to handle, then the player would probably never return to the game. An opinion that once there will define that player’s opinion of the game from there onward.

Now having to defined the issues caused by the game’s graphical elements, the issues of the game play can be explored. The first issue with the game play is the Artix Entertainment’s insistence to stick with their tried and true method of accretion design. Accretion game design is a philosophy that focus on making new content. It don’t matter if your content have a problem, because you can just make something new to fix or replace it. For example how AQW introduced the first nuking class with stun in the form of Vindicator of They. When people complained about that in pvp (player vs player), they made Pyromancer to one-up Vindicator of They’s nuke by reflecting that huge chunk of damage back at the person with Vindicator. Then, they had to deal with there not being a counter for Pyromancer, so the cycle of a new class being by definition either a counter or improvement of an older class became a familiar cycle for class releases. The folks over at the youtube channel Extra Credits do a more in-depth look at accretion on their youtube channel, however let’s return to AQ3D and how accretion is present in it. If you played the alpha, you might’ve reached around level ten or so. This would placed you roughly around the starting area for Doomwood. You would have experienced the Greenguard caves’ monsters with incredibly wide argo, or aggression, range. Argo range is the specific range a monster have to automatically lock on and attack your character. You probably learned how to stick to the walls or move at the very Edge of this range to avoid getting targeted by monsters in that cave. The caves is the most horrid example of this argo range though, as a lot of the pre-dungeons’ release maps, like Greenguard forest or Doomwood, have this issue with using aggressive monster AI in small spaces. The maps released after the dungeons, or at least the seasonal dungeons, however have monsters more widely spread and/or a smaller range for that map’s monster argo. This change (or in hindsight being high level enough to disable the aggression of monsters) makes the game miles more navigable. This change shows that they realize the issue that the huge range for monster argo have for mobile users. This is good that they are learning from their previous mistakes, but with the early stage that AQ3D in, the accretion method is throwing new player’s into those old problems that the staff have already fixed in later releases. The new players are experiencing these long term issues firsthand, or even in a worse state due to the mobile platform that AQ3D is also aiming for. This argo range needs to be shrunk for these earlier levels, so users with less precise controls. Like how players trying to walk around while covering half the screen with your hand are forced to fight monsters while they’re walking around. So, the continued usage of their accretion is decent for a game design philosophy, but with such a young game they need to go back and deport their more impactful changes to earlier zones in the game.

An issue with AQ3D that I’ll touch upon is it’s expectation for players to endure grinding. I know. I know, it’s a MMO. You’re suppose to do countless grinding! Which is all well and good- For a PC MMO, but not a mobile MMO. A PC MMO is in a stationary setting, where you can sit down at a computer and you expect to sit there for hours at a time just to keep playing. For mobile games though, you’re not going to often spend these long sessions of doing the same task over and over without a break or breather. If you look at Artix Entertainment’s other mobile game, Battle Gems, you can see the puzzle based aspect of the battles won’t maintain your attention for nothing more than a lunch break or so if one was to continuously play until they used up their stamina for a time period. Battle Gems don’t demand you to grind for long hours to continue playing the game, either. It just ask you to beat a specific puzzle match, and then it lets you on your way. While this design speaks more for it’s casual focus, this needs to be noted that this is true for Mobile Games as a given. With the amount of grinding, especially the level grinding, it expects you to do. This expectation gives players more reason to play the game on PC, but (with the gui and monster argo range issues) discourages them from playing on mobile.

One final issue to mention, is the implementation of the chat feature for mobile AQ3D. Due to how the typing interfaces work for mobile, it opens a text window covers the game entirely while someone is typing. This can block someone from using skills in a battle. It can prevent said player from seeing any future messages that was sent while the player was busy typing out their own messages. This flaw in mobile typing for apps just mentally encourage people to not communicate at all. Which is normal for a lot of mmos, especially when someone is trying to rush through a dungeon or boss fight. The problem with this however is how AQ3D is trying to be designed for interpersonal communication while playing. It is built upon an expectation for players to be able to group up from in the same room or even across the world and communicate while they’re fighting. (Artix Entertainment isn’t even adding a healer class, while which the implementation of would make the game easier it also would encourage players to actually work together or try to help each other beyond a single mutually needed boss. Otherwise it’s a case of “No way, that boss is too hard. Find someone else to help you.”) This chat issue makes events like the infamous Frostvale event even harder, when someone can just run in and solo the first boss (THAT WAS A RANDOM SPAWN FOR GOD’S STAKE) without Anyone else in that room. Apologies for letting a tad bit upset with this issue, but that’s just what this chat issue can cause in a game focused on team work. When people can’t communicate, folks get left out of the end goal or just ignore everyone else while looking out for themselves.

The impressions stops here, but I still have some suggestions for the staff when they further test the game.
1) Get People Who Did Not Develop This Game Or Actively Followed It To Test It.
You will not believe the amount of problems someone who never even experienced the game can discover when they haven’t adjusted to playing the game. I get that the developers need to test the content first, then they’ll let the staff/volunteer testers to test said content. The issue with how it being Handled right now is like how someone worked on a paper for so long that they don’t notice the problems or mistakes until that person is reading the paper the next day.

2) Find out why someone have a problem with an aspect of the game.
Anyone can point out they don’t like something, but not everyone’s opinion of not liking something is clear or concise. Sure, you have people on the forums that are willing to sit down and type out long spiels of constructive feedback, but not everyone is like that. Heck, there are people that are quitting AQW over the matter of the servers being silently removed without a word about why. There are people that won’t even Step on the rewrite servers, because they feel like it’s not their job to test AE’s prototypes. So whenever you do find someone with an issue, try to cox into giving some definable issue to whatever their issue is. I know you try this already, but press for this feedback. Heck, even make a sticky note of that person and their initial comment just so you can try to talk to them about it later.

3) Stay In Separate Rooms, When You Test The Game. Do Not Speak To Each Other At All, Verbally.
With the final paragraph of my first impressions, I talked about how cumbersome the in-chat tool is to use. While/If you try to implement solutions to this problem, I suggest refraining from talking to each other. This is so you can experience the game as if you was on separate sides of the world without the ability to talk to someone about what you all need to do.

Reading over and making some grammar corrections and word omittions. I forgot to give some solutions to some issues given. Like how I suggested in a later post the idea of a gui scaling option for the mobile version of the game, so players can resize the gui elements to their phone size/hand size.

Also, other people brought up the fact that the grinding is because of the few levels in the game. I can respect the reasoning to drag out gameplay, but after a certain point you will either 1) give up trying to grind and wait for content around your level or 2) grind your little heart out against some high level monsters with a crowd of fellow low level players as you try to get experience to access new content (like the lv15 volcano area content). This idea to stretch out the grinding shrinks the early player base to a lot of the players willing to grind to that high level and/or have to time to grind there.

Sooooo in regards to the grinding, I wish you luck in redesigning the combat to make folks want to grind.

Aidok -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/17/2017 3:04:27)

Not liking the promo code only, get it if your lucky, not in game otherwise items that they keep doing. If your making content for the game either add it to the game or sell it to the players. Otherwise this feels as bad as disc locked content.

From someone annoyed by looking over and over for the release of the gdc blade code but missed the chance because the code was released shortly after 4am, minutes after passing out from a 14 hour day.

Players need something to do, you have material here. Let players play the game and get it. Or did you forget your designing a game?

Roaros -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/17/2017 5:32:18)

Its a level 5 item. its has no use except to wear in battleton as a shiny. sure its nice to have these items, but they arent really for use in game. they are used to promote other things. Those who have the time to get these items will. Dont feel bad.

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/18/2017 17:55:39)

I absolutely prefer the new faces over the old ones, and specially, the female one improved immensely! Both in texture and shape. It looks awesome!

There is one small thing about the side view, though. Maybe the 3D model's profile could be further tweaked, since it still looks like the old one from that angle?
There's people with this silhouette, it's good. But from the feeling I got from the front and 3/4 view images, I feel the profile doesn't match those other angles so much.
I made an example of one possible change, mainly in the nose bridge and mouth.

Since they are changing the faces for a future update, I though it would be a good time to provide feedback.
I know the low polygon count limits things a bit, specially in the mouth area, but other things could be adjusted by tweaking the existing mesh.

Image tags removed. ~WhiteTiger

ShadowDragon56 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/23/2017 15:50:38)

I hadn't played this game since December because I lost interest in the game entirely from all the grinding and problems people in this thread had mentioned already.

It's a shame I wasted time signing up because now my account is going completely unused unless the developers do something quick to try to get me and most likely others interested in playing the game again because from what I'm been seeing....this game isn't gaining enough attention to get people interested and that's a sign of bad things.

I'm not trying to say the game is going to fail or trying to be negative but at this point, there's reason to be concerned about the future of this product.

People need to stop defending this because this game is far from perfect and people like these normally are the reason certain games and companies die out because of it. I seen it way too many times and AE need to be careful to listening to these people. AE listening to elitists is what killed AQW. We don't need a repeat of that.

Vexx -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/23/2017 18:05:48)


I hadn't played this game since December because I lost interest in the game entirely from all the grinding and problems people in this thread had mentioned already.

It's a shame I wasted time signing up because now my account is going completely unused unless the developers do something quick to try to get me and most likely others interested in playing the game again because from what I'm been seeing....this game isn't gaining enough attention to get people interested and that's a sign of bad things.

I'm not trying to say the game is going to fail or trying to be negative but at this point, there's reason to be concerned about the future of this product.

People need to stop defending this because this game is far from perfect and people like these normally are the reason certain games and companies die out because of it. I seen it way too many times and AE need to be careful to listening to these people. AE listening to elitists is what killed AQW. We don't need a repeat of that.

Keep in mind that AdventureQuest 3D is in early access and is still in development. Many mechanics that are planned are just not implemented yet, but they will be once we get to that point in development.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/25/2017 2:38:06)

If anything, the fact AQ3D is in a developmental stage necessitates feedback just like food and water are essential for survival. The devs need to listen to all sorts of feedback. If they only consider the praises, will AQ3D succeed? I'm not saying the devs do not listen to feedback, - from the recent design notes posts, I'm sure they have heard our (the players') voices - but it's a concern worth noting nonetheless. That's why I agree with ShadowDragon56's point regarding player feedback, and it shouldn't be dismissed solely because of the state of the game. This is a monumental stage for AQ3D's future. The best has to be made out of it.

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/25/2017 2:43:01)

WHatever you think of his post, the point about grinding at least seems to be valid. If someone stopped because they think there is too much grinding, that needs to be looked at like right now.

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