RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Shiny_Underpants -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/1/2017 22:04:23)

I agree with @LouisCyphere just above.

The cutscenes look like what you'd find in a really bad drama class... Tone down the gestures a bit, and add more realistic actions. A slight nod, one hand absently scratching the head. None of this enormous shrugging and shaking the head...
The Hero doesn't need to move so much whenever they talk to an NPC. Pare it back. Even if it ends up making the Hero appear to report- military style- to the NPC, that would be better than the current system. Take DF's model with the facial expressions. Eyebrows and mouth are all they use, and yet the Hero's emotions are much clearer than the AQ3D one.

I still can't play this game, due to the grind. The fact that every battle is the same, and there is no skill involved is extremely discouraging. I really am not going to bother grinding for hours just so I finally have the gear to get through the storyline fetch quests.

Quests are still basically fetch quests. This adds to the repetition and monotony.

This is still not a game I'd recommend to anyone. It feels incomplete. It's felt this way since beta, and no one seems as interested in fixing this problem as in creating systems that extract the most money from the existing playerbase.

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/1/2017 23:47:30)

The Ashfall Part 1 release was interesting, but it still doesn't address the major issues with AQ3D.

Like stated in previous comments, I believe that the cutscenes are somewhat awkward with the excessive animation. The text in the cutscenes is also unnecessarily complex for character dialogue.

There are too many jokes in the game that take away from the story. A joke here and there is cool, but almost every interaction seems like it's supposed to be humorous.

There are too many areas that we see but can't explore. If it's there we should be able to get to it, if not it shouldn't exist at all. This is a major problem with the areas in Ashfall that have a path leading to them but are restricted by that red glowing barrier. If we're meant to go there it should have been explorable right after the update.

From a consumer's perspective, and not an AE fan, this whole Ready O' Clock thing doesn't fly. I understand why this is the case and I can look past it. However, people who aren't hardcore AE fans probably won't have a lot of patience for this system and lose interest in the game quickly.

Roaros -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/2/2017 5:07:52)

Christophisis, you gotta remember this still technically in beta. It may be open beta, but beta none the less. Not to mention this is brand new territory. an open world MMO is (apparently) very difficult to make from the ground up without a massive company behind you to flood you with the necessary dollars (and staff!) to do things quickly. Was wait to long? yeah. Is Ashfall good? Yeah. Are there still issues? Yeah. does everything cost WAY WAY too much and take WAY WAY too much time? Yeah. But thats just my opinion as a casual player. Others seems fine with it. Probably school kids college age or less.

As far as cut scenes......WHY SO MANY? people who arent important dont deserve a cut scene. guards of no consequence. People with one line. totally unnecessary. Humor is good. I like that. silly clickables that serve no purpose, but are funny are fine with me. 6,7774 bees? 6,774 dead bees? LOL! good laughs. Love the pun-y books!

I have already mentioned this, but dungeons with high lvls steamrolling dungeons is bad for low levels trying to keep up, collect quest items, trying to get credit for boss kills....its a bad deal. We need to be able to make our own groups or do it solo ourselves. Not to mention if you dont tag it you dont get credit. fix that and most of the problems go away. loot bags need to stay around A LOT longer. LIKE 5 MINUTES LONG. jmho.

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/3/2017 0:52:19)


I know the game is in beta. I'm just addressing the little issues that should be improved upon. Creating new releases may take a long time, but there needs to be a release date nonetheless. Even if the time between releases were to be 6 months that would be fine as long as it's said. The alternative route is not saying anything about new releases until they are almost complete. Most game companies do this and it tends to work.

As for dungeons, I honestly believe the way they work is fine. You can always find people running the most recent dungeons, and by the time you reach max level previous dungeons are a breeze.

In my opinion, loot bags are annoying. There are so many problems associated with them such as people standing on them because they are trolling, unaware that they are standing on them or because they're AFK, missing the drops, and sometimes not having enough space in your inventory thus having previous bags obstructing newer bags. The AQW drop system is the best way to go, at least in my opinion.

Shiny_Underpants -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/3/2017 3:51:13)

It makes sense to overhaul some things in beta, as it doesn't give the little problems a chance to butterfly out and get tied up with the bigger things.
It disappoints me that, despite the huge amount of feedback on it, there has been no indication that the combat system will be overhauled, or even adjusted in any notable way. They've already designed (admittedly mediocre) quests, involving the combat. It seems that it is already buried within the game.

What's the purpose of a beta if you ignore the most outstanding piece of feedback?

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/3/2017 4:10:44)

Above: Combat is being worked on. In fact I asked Cysero last week about Alpha Pirate class and he said all class development is on hold untill the combat revamp is complete.

Now what that revamp INVOLVES, I don't know. But I'm guessing at the last it involves redoing the way classes work if they are holding off.

Roaros -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/3/2017 6:47:48)

I really hope the revamp includes threat adjustments and a "good" way to tank. as of right now, more atk = more threat, but more defense (which is what u need to tank) = less atk. Thats a problem. If they make hit exclusive to tanking gear, there will always be a happy medium for DPS, but that *could* help overcome the atk to threat ratio problem. Im sure they are light years ahead of this idea already though.

Im wondering if anyone is working on a threat mod for the game? That would be awesome for the longer battles like valek challenge.

oishii -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/3/2017 15:18:11)

The revamp involves pretty much everything, yes; though each phase will include different things (for example, threat and monster AI would be in separate releases since those are fairly complicated)

LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/3/2017 22:02:44)

What about the exp and gold rate? I'm more worried about the exp rate since at the current state of the game. Exp gain is very slow and it might turn away new players.

the hemomancer -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/3/2017 23:05:21)

I agree with what was said above. Its too much grind for a max level of 16. The amount of grind right now i would say is suitable for a level 70, maybe 65. I hope this gets adjusted to reasonable levels when the game goes live. The gold gain too.

oishii -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/4/2017 1:44:16)

since there are only 16 levels in the game; we have to treat it as if they were 70 levels.

anyways once there is more content and levels, the earlier levels will get scaled appropriately; similar to how the first 3 levels got drastically scaled down (remember when it took 1000 kills to get level 2?)

the hemomancer -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/4/2017 2:27:53)

That's very good to hear! I do hope the gold gain will also get adjusted as well, but i'm not pushing you guys to do things immediately. Just knowing you guys are aware of the issue is reassuring.

I wasn't in the game that time with the lower levels but it sounds like a nightmare. Good thing we are past that!

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/4/2017 3:09:57)

Levels aren't a problem. If the cap is only raised by 1 or 2 levels each release the grind is understandable. You can level up in under 2 hours by replaying Shadowskull Tower over and over.

In my opinion, something that should be gotten rid of is dungeon keys. They're honestly one of, if not the most annoying thing in the game due to the fact that you don't get anything substantial from one dungeon run. If they are to stay in the game, however, the cooldown time should be significantly reduced. They seem very cash grab-y.

Retrosaur -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/5/2017 19:06:16)

Remember that AQ3D won't ever compete with WoW because it is a cross-platform, mobile-focused MMORPG.

oishii -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/6/2017 13:15:02)

re: Dungeon Keys- I'm not sure what the status of the keys, as far as what we are planning to do with them. They may be removed for an alternative system, or they may stay in the game (with some changes). I don't mind revisiting the dungeons and finding more ways to make them worthwhile (sounds reasonable to me); and with the party system coming soon I think that may make the dungeon experience a lot better for many people.

Retrosaur -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/6/2017 22:15:10)

Also, why are you just a normal forum user -- I thought you were a part of AE staff? Don't you guys have your own cool separate colors/tag?

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/7/2017 7:55:31)


I'm not sure how any of that would work since it would probably involve expanding the dungeons which could go in one of two directions, but I have faith that you guys will figure it out. Personally, I don't think that activity cooldowns are the best way to go about doing things, but that's just me.



Yeah, I was wondering that as well.

oishii -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/7/2017 12:09:25)

re: my lack of title; it's probably because I haven't been very active on the forums for many years now! (until recently)

As far as the dungeons are concerned, I don't know how it would work either but I am willing to go through and make some of the more tedious parts a bit less tedious- things like low drop rates for quests which aren't fun when coupled with the key system. These are minor things that I can tweak, but nothing as major as a complete rework of how dungeons work unfortunately!

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/7/2017 15:47:18)

Honestly, I'd like to know how the party system is going. And more importantly for me whem farming some areas, if I can make a party of one with it and enter a private dungeon. I've had so many kills stolem from me. DX

Retrosaur -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/7/2017 18:59:26)

Shadowed ShadowSkull Tower just got a huge nerf -- no explanation from AE?

100 attack -> 36 attack.

Vexx -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/7/2017 19:16:10)


Shadowed ShadowSkull Tower just got a huge nerf -- no explanation from AE?

100 attack -> 36 attack.


It was included within the patch notes at

LadyYennifer -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/8/2017 7:14:51)

Why is AQ3D obsessed with nerfing equipment everytime a new area releases? It's a terrible thing.

XeNON_54 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/8/2017 9:32:11)

I could accept the nerf but did they really have to nerf it THAT hard?

There's no point in crafting the Shadowed Set anymore since its practically a weaker Shadowed Plate set.

solomi123 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/8/2017 16:04:45)

One of the things about AQ3D Development is that they annually adjust the item's stats and EXP curve as mentioned by oishii as they goes

Not really sure why they can't just use a specific formula and stick with it, though.
Would've save tons of troubles in the future.

Fallen Crest -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (3/8/2017 21:17:15)

I find it odd they didn't nerf necrohen hat. It's by far the best helm in game now with its whopping +102 attack.

And even though they nerfed the attack on the tower sets, shadowed plate is still BY FAR better than scale slayer set.

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