RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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oishii -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/25/2016 12:34:58)

These are a lot of questions that I don't have the answers to, unfortunately.

DC prices are solely the decision of Artix himself; he has his reasons that most of us are not privy to. We do see all of your concerns and bring them to him; ultimately it is his call. Similarly, the decision to transition to Open Beta was not ours as the dev team to make. Yes, of course we would all love to have had more time to develop a lot more features.

orc orc orc, the designers share your frustration, trust me :) The reason there are limited quest types is simply because that is all we are capable at the moment. We would love to be able to design more varied types of encounters, however this is all we have available at the moment. It is a struggle to figure out just what to prioritize as far as features because everyone has their own opinion of what should be prioritized. Writers would love to have more quest systems designed, I wish for combat and basic mechanics to be fleshed out, QA and Player Support would love to have more of the bugs squashed, Artix wants things things that could lay the foundation for things in the future that we haven't reached yet, just as some examples.

As far as the issue with RNG; this is quite a few different issues that need to be considered. I would love to make items that "didn't matter", however we aren't able to do that until Cosmetic functionality is added. This makes it difficult when we make new (sometimes high level) content. Players expect everything that's new to be "better" than whatever existed previously. The Twig of Crowns was a low level content release, so many players didn't expect the item to be powerful. You say that these items (Acevorah Dagger) become "necessary", but that is fairly subjective. I don't see many complaints about the lower level version of the Barrow Drop instance regarding this. If these high level items had worse stats (therefore not "necessary" anymore), then we would see just as many complaints; in fact there are already complaints that so and so item "sucks". You yourself said that the Dagger only excels in one stat. Nothing in this game is necessary; there are plenty of options for players as far as gear. We have never given the impression that all items must be obtained by all players by whatever means necessary; we design different systems for players who may like them. I don't raid in WoW anymore, so there is no reason for me to expect to get raid gear. If you don't want to farm for a single weapon drop, or don't find it fun, then there is no reason to. It would be a grand day in game dev when someone figures out how to make something that every single person likes ;)

And yes, you are correct there are players who share your sentiment, so there's no need to worry that we haven't seen it!

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/25/2016 20:28:18)

I appreciate your response.

Regarding the 'necessary' part, I also meant to refer to the crafting part of Drop Challenge. I'm sorry for the lack of clarity. Obviously, doing the map isn't necessary, but everything it offers, the craftables and quest require RNG drops from a 10 minute respawn boss. This is the main concern I have here. From my experience I've seen fellow players uncomfortable with this. I hope this isn't the future of AQ3D's crafting system. Long waiting times paired with a low reward rate is not the way to go. I'm sure the team understands. I hope Ashfall improves on this.

As for the dagger, you're right. It's not necessary and doesn't offer much else besides attack. My concern regarding ot is that RNG items should not excell statwise in any way over Epic Items, assuming future Epic items center around legitimate effort and less on luck. Like I said, it may not shine in other stats, the attack stat is still the highest in the game so far. If there is going to be an item that offers a specific stat outstandingly, I feel that it should not be luck-based. I hope future RNG items stay mostly cosmetic. Of course, it's not that they shouldn't have good stats, but they should not rival or surpass the Epic items that require considerable effort to get.

Pardon me if I was rather aggressive in the previous posts. I am passionate about AE and I do love you guys. I know it's your first shot on a 3D MMO and the process isn't easy or smooth. I really do want this game to succeed. :)

Congrazi -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/25/2016 21:41:39)

I am personally a fan of good items being rare due to them being a crazy low drop rate from monsters that are not easy to kill. It makes getting the item that much more rewarding. If getting the vorah dagger was instead having to just kill the Angered Acevorah lets say 50 times to gather the items needed to craft it than it would still be rare and difficult to get, but it would just be a boring grind fest. Every time I killed the Angered Acevorah there was always that anticipation of wondering if I got the dagger which wouldn't be there if you were just grinding for materials to craft it.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/25/2016 22:08:44)

The problem with low drop rates on items that when one gets it immediately, the other has to put in a lot more effort. It's not always fun, and it certainly is not fair especially if the item is the best in the game i.e. Closed Beta Nightlocke. What's more is that it can turn into an even worse grindfest if you're not lucky.

The problem with the Acevorah release is that it's both a 'grindfest' AND is RNG. I personally feel that the 10 minute interval should not be together with the RNG, especially for the quests and craftables. The whole process of beating the boss is already tedious to begin with.

I do not agree that RNG makes farming 'more rewarding' because of the uncertainty of the reward itself. It's only rewarding to those who are lucky, and that's the problem. I'm sure there are many ways to make farming more rewarding without the use of RNG. Examples include a larger variety of quests and random weekly zones/dungeons that yield farming resources which can make farming less stagnant and grindy. Moreover, once combat is developed in the future, farming may not feel as grindy if combat becomes more fun. However, as Oishii said, all these are not within the devs' reach right now and it'll take time for them to come considering the small size of the team. I kinda wish the team had more time to develop the game in Alpha and Beta.

Epic items DO NOT need to be grindy in order to be require pure effort. Obviously, the enjoyment factor should be considered when designing their requirements. Beating the Acevorah 50 times is poor design in my opinion. I feel that variety is key. This is ultimately a game, so there should be an extent of enjoyment in farming such items.

Speaking of variety, I think this is where RNG can help. The randomness of most dungeons do make them less repetitive. So long as the rewards (referring to crafting resources and epic items etc.) are unaffected and the difference in difficulty from area to area isn't too stark, they can help relieve the grinding issue. I also like the existence of chests which contain potions. During Pre Beta Chests contained cosmetic items which were a plus.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/27/2016 0:22:01)

Dungeons, common instances of AQ3D, good for farmers. I like that grinding them doesn't feel like pressure; that is unless the keys get regenerated to maximum cap. If played right, it's relaxing.

When will instances have stories that unfolds before the eyes? when are they not to be purely for farming? E.g. like many game stories where people talk and do things while you are in control of the protagonist. could make it feel like everyone's feelings are similar or discordant, everyone's in the same situation. or maybe instances with terminals that tell lore/happiness and good times/horror stories, audibly or not. all to liven up story

Duc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/4/2016 9:48:05)

The game is very quiet, since for those who reach the maximum level there is not much to do inside the game, since the collection of items is limited for everyone. The game is growing more and more and we have to applaud closely the wonderful work done by the team. * Applause *. I suggest increasing the space for the collection of items, I collected all Halloween items which took all my space, I am with the eternal unknown of how the Christmas event will be. Will I be able to collect all the rare items or not?
*I remembered! The War Torn Cloak is bugged.*

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/4/2016 10:39:59)

They are currently working on adding Banks to the game, possibly the next new feature.

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/4/2016 18:56:59)

The EXP gap between levels is still WAY too high. Is this ever getting fixed?

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/5/2016 0:50:06)

About Item Fusion;

Ex: "If you go questing for more powerful items, but you want to have the "guardian look" you can fuse the two items together keeping the look and perk of the guardian helm, and the stats and power of the other helm."

Sounds like knockouts for one item for the sake of keeping up outfit appearances you like, so we'd have to be careful not to fuse rares of its stats into the looks of non-rares. Otherwise we're going to get all our collector's spirit and closure dimmed.

Idea for cosmetics is two tabs; Equipment and Cosmetic.

Equipment: where you equip your gear as normal. Stats are given to us when items are in these slots

Cosmetic: where you equip the gear you want the world to see. No bonuses are given for items in these slots

edit: added reference.

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/5/2016 13:01:41)


You are in luck, that seem to be exactly what they are going for! Stats slot, and Cosmetic slots! :)

Those design notes are a bit old. Since then, they talked about item fusion in different ways, and more recently it seems the "Appearance/cosmetic" slots will be how they end up doing it.
At some point though, Artix said he would like to have BOTH 'cosmetic slots' and 'item fusion(merging)', we will see.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/5/2016 22:47:38)

^^ :) Yes. New news now!! Some gave feedback in AQ3D News Comments Section who'd thought maybe cosmetic slots would take inventory space and that it'd be difficult to carry so many different looks at once that you want to switch between. My feedback for how the coming Cosmetics Tab will manage is that it'd come with "Outfit Selections 1-4(more or less) where you can equip your cosmetics into whichever Selection# you please, and you can switch between outfits instantly. Cosmetics would appear in this Outfit Selection and not in your inventory.

Alvarno -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/14/2016 22:13:46)

The Frostval release is a bit tedious, to be honest.

The Labyrinth and the Cave are being touted as two different dungeons, but they're essentially the same, except for the final boss area. I get that time is limited, but I feel like they could have been just one dungeon, with the Yettun being a separate area, minus all the extra stuff at the beginning. The reason being that there's so much repetition trying to find the different seals that by the time you get to the Cave, you're a bit tired of seeing that environment all over again, just to get to the Yettun.

Speaking of which, I feel like each individual boss should have been separated so you don't have to run through the entire dungeon just to find out that the final boss is one you've already killed. A good fix would be to go back to the system for the Mogloween dungeon, where you can select which one to go to.

Overall, I was happy that we got to have new content, but another thing I would have liked was if there were some rewards for endgame players. At the level cap, there's really not much we can get out of the craftable gear, at least, not until we get cosmetic slots.

Calengurth -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/15/2016 5:57:34)

I will make my post short and sweet for here. Yes I know a storage is under construction and we should see it mid way of next year.

However, as of right now we don't have room for all these gear items. Between the last two events and all the gear we want to keep.

We honestly have no inventory and have to discard our gear. Also as of now gear collecting is pretty much the end game. I would find-\

many more hours of enjoyment just collecting and crafting all the gear. To sum it up I think it would be wise for Artix entertainment to -

expand our inventory until a storage is made.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/15/2016 9:59:11)

Feature: Mission Type, Introduction to Comms

When you get thrown out into what is now your world full of gruesome creatures out especially for you, each one you meet an unforgettable experience that scars your mind and stays with you long after it's over, normal communications with other humans /and machines/ aren't always stable. They become times where chars are distraught, loud speak-up to discover problems where many won't be responsive the way you need them. the things we do when we're mentally disturbed.

Feature: Comms by Word and Action, Exploration

my personal favorite experiences in stories are like this, where your char has to speak-up from their unique and danger-filled perspective throughout the mission where up-close encounters/comms gear come into play, normally in beginning, midway and end, and scattered all throughout. Up-close conversation between ourselves and others where we still have control of the character gets feeling level to a whole new level. danger-filled perspective as in keeps relying on their very hands, self-preservation-wills(morally deciding mercy or prudence in how to deal with others like us, who react to us in so many different ways it's a great feature. and movements at the right times. When problems and unexpected twists come sharply before our eyes, and chars have sharp intake of words or response, probably in a way we might react if it's that surprising and difficult to stomach and believe, this kind of comms lets us know our protagonist has physical human bounds, connects us in reactions to every atmospheric and strange occurrence, machine, paraphernalia, one of the greatest ways to hold people for long amounts of time and build tension for things to come. we can't help but look around and familiarize, while being careful in our exploration, because these human limitations absorb, immerse and contain us perfectly into our char. extra small ex: feel the muscles used in swinging a maintenance jack/weapon, the strains.

I filled many word documents with many more topics but don't worry I'll end with something simple to compliment just about everything in this post.

1:20 - 2:00 looking around, choosing where to go, crazy stuff happens, reactions, feelings. This is 40 seconds of only ONE mission that is 32 minutes and 11 seconds and the whole video engages audiences through and through, and my humble wish is that aq3d takes even a little from it for the future when expansions get deeper. I understand why frost labyrinth was an almost instant been-there-done-that feeling a minute or two into the first run, goal is kill everything everywhere over and over for an ending that might not be pleasing, though we are lucky to have a christmas to celebrate in aq3d and I'm grateful

edit: added link

Calengurth -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/16/2016 21:46:25)

Hello, I wish to discuss an idea that will greatly expand the game. Not only expand the game but do it in a much faster pace than expected!

Here is what I propose, level resets. WOAH, hold on now I don't mean just resetting to start over! what if we made it interesting? Once you-

reset from level 15 you become a level 1 "Hero" player. Hero players will have access to new gear and new dungeons. This gives the old zones -

much replay ability and gives the veterans bragging rights! You would only need to implement one new dungeon in each zone and a few more-

items (cause we LOVE new gear!) Then BOOM, the game has a lot more to do, hero levels to earn, new gear, more bragging rights!

This would be a lot less time consuming than making a bunch of new zones! (not that I wouldn't want to see any new zones, we'd love-

more zones I'm sure)
. This is food for thought. It is a much faster and still very entertaining way to expand the game for players.


*Not only could you have a hero rank, but you could also do progression ranks such as adventurer- hero- champion - legendary.
Each time they reset they have to re-level back up to 15 but there is special gear only a hero or legendary player can use.

*This allows you to release content at your leisure! Players will be preoccupied with the many ranks to achieve and new gear to-
obtain that you may release new zones on your time and they will still have lots of things to do.

*No unbalanced pvp. Since the max level will remain 15, there will not be stat boosts or big level gaps that newer players have to over come.
I don't know about you, but I hate it when I'm a level 10 and I can't hit a level 90 just because his level is soo high that it allows me not to hit him!

*It will Build a helpful and healthy community! By doing progressive ranks like this, veteran players will sometimes have to come back to-
the earlier zones so they can level up. This means all those newer players asking questions will have plenty of veterans who will respond to them-
and they will not become discourage or confused and end up quitting.


* At first it may seem grindy, but at least it gives players things to do and goals to reach for. Besides, once new content is released it-
wont seemed grindy since we can hop between multiple zones!

NEW! (A simple alternative just as effective)

I also have a more simple idea to keep the game rolling for people after hitting a cap... achievements! very similar to my Level reset idea-

suggested above. You could make achievements for a fixed amount of exp with badges as rewards!. For example if a player reached-

1exp milestone they would get the "beginner badge". Or once they obtain 1 million exp the player would receive the "hero badge". You could have-

a badge for each milestone players hit between 1 and 100million if you wanted too! like add in 10 badges! one for 1exp, 100 exp, 1k exp, 10k exp, 50k exp,-

100k exp, 250k exp. so on and so on. And you could add in special reward items for achieving these ranks later. However place in the badges

for now to give us something to do. I find this to be an even better idea than my previous post. I do however like my other idea too!

an exp milestone system with badges as rewards is a great idea. Simple to implement (I hope), people would have more end game content,-

it gives us things to achieve, and best of all you don't need to add in rewards at all or if you decide too you may add in rewards later! This concept-

very flexible. I know people would love to see more badges on their character sheet.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/16/2016 23:57:47)

this is quick feedback for this hairstyle; can there be a version of this hairstyle that covers the neck in back? or long enough to go down to the bottom of our shoulderblades of the back. or doesn't have to stop at one hairstyle, i think big noticeable variations of the hairstyles we have now would hugely multiply everyone's uniqueness level in style. thank you for everything. forever excited to change facial features too so no two people's faces look alike!(or hardly)if inspiration's needed, an avatar maker site might help. eyes and mouth make a big difference. favorite inspiration; stonecrusher expression, nothing compares

*Nova* -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/18/2016 15:45:42)

Instead of moving the UI all over the place, why not allow user to make their own custom UI placements. I can't even see my HP bar right on the left upper corner of my screen because there's a glare there and it's always at the corner of my eyes. Can't make ui placements that satisfy majority of the playerbase? Then make customization UIs. That's all there really is to it.

On a side note, I can't wait until the holiday season is over so AE can focus on implementing things other than holiday events...

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/21/2016 1:35:18)

Personally, I don't feel like the infusion system is the best thing to be implemented into AQ3D. The buyable enhancements system from AQW is by far the best way to go. Infusion systems work for first person shooters but end up being very tedious in most 3rd person games.

Furthermore, after playing AQ3D since the Alpha I am not a fan of the crafting system being the main way to obtain the best gear, both visually and stat wise. I was hoping that AQ3D would be nothing more than a 3D version of AQW but this hasn't been the case. The game feels very grind-y which makes me want to stop playing after about half an hour. The rate at which releases are developed isn't a problem but rather what there is available for players in each release. Tedious and mundane grinding for resources isn't remotely enjoyable and was one of the main problems with end-game items in AQW. The RNG drop system is far more enjoyable and leaves players with a much better taste in their mouth when they log out at the end of the day.

LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/21/2016 11:05:42)

I tried going back to the game again since it's the holiday and I have a bit of time.
But apparently, there are still some fundamental problems. Mostly EXP rate


The EXP gap between levels is still WAY too high. Is this ever getting fixed?

I agree with this. This makes the game a grindfest.
At level 9, you need 32k exp then at level 10 you need 39k. That's like 21% increase. Which is way too high. I stopped playing again since it's too tiring. Leveling from 9 to 10 should be a breeze and you're not supposed to be stuck in a map for how long because you need to grind exp.

Despite Dungeon Quests being the "main" form of exp since it is repeatable and rewards exp, it would be problematic if there would be no party to finish the dungeon. You would be basically be stuck in the dungeon if you want to wait for other people to beat the boss.
There should be repeatable quests in each map if there are not enough people doing dungeon runs.

It's feeling to fall into the same problem of AQW, the game is trying to prolong playing hours by increasing exp gaps between levels and probably in the future, there would be HP sponges. And I really hope that AQ3D doesn't put the Faction system with heavy grinding. It would just lead to people using illegal means because the game is too much of a grindfest.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/22/2016 10:08:29)

When there are new places to travel, two points of interest I'd love is more emphasis on using the map's maze layout and environment objects to strategize and protect yourself, stay out of sight from all the very humanlike types who have a mind of their own, expressed through ex: conversation/altercation/running/hiding/searching/supplying/gathering/HUNTING for you, and voicing their thoughts. We need more Artificial Intelligence. more backgrounds and story through map design, character and npcs who could be one of three things as an ex:

1. a blessing in your lonesome as they follow you or you follow them, and they guide you and tell you what to do and how to do it or vice versa. the feeling of relief from not being alone facing the dangers would need to be high; so high that if you lose him or her, you feel the dread and likeliness of death press hard on the beating heart. you'd now have no one but yourself to rely on for quick wits, and ONLY quick wits, environment strategy and correct order and timing of resources for your unique well-checked plan of action will get you out alive in instances with npc followers. Just imagine the dread of losing a follower like this if it helps; wandering alone in an unknown and unfamiliar place where you see all the things that happen to others that could easily happen to you if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like your follower, very atmospheric.

2. an npc we interact with who stays where they are and isn't much help to us, maybe they're on our side and maybe they're not; this is what we have now, except if we really want to pull off the "non-helpful" or "trying-to-help-in-the-background-through-comms-gear" or "simply there to remind us we're not alone, as they don't have our skill to come with but they're in our situation with us and share their sides with us; I love Fallout, and how Alien Isolation does this;" we can have conversations with them. my favorite experiences with voiced conversations between your character and others; you and Working Joes, because those always end badly and you just fully understand the frustrations in your voice and the coolness of nonhelpful npcs. Especially when an army of them then decides to kill you. going into the third option---

3. or a curse that'll kill you. They'll see you, react humanly, try to kill anything that moves. background for this reasoning can come verbally, through terminals/notes/books. in Fallout these were usually raiders, or unique npcs you may hear all about in your exploration before finally meeting them, and you decide if it ends badly or they decide for you. In Alien Isolation, you better hide or kill them stealthily or you're dead.

All of the above and more emphasis on needing to look around very carefully and remembering everything you can use for a better chance of surviving; a map with wide-open rooms full of interesting things that can tell a story without words(better yet, give us more words through comms gear, voiced conversations, intercoms, and terminals, I cannot stress enough!), strange occurrences, twists and turns and where you can get lost if your mind isn't turned on to your map and surroundings(may be incomplete and you need to explore to find maps) and get killed if you misjudge dangerous people/creatures/robots/environment changes that burn you with fire/electrocute you/getting shot/timing/yourself and your ability/the list is endless/ badly and have nowhere to run back to or hide.

Final note: if you are having a hard time with creative quests and they get grindy, I've a full-heart to say garner inspiration from Alien Isolation walkthroughs or Fallout quest styles; and I have not even really touched the surface of Dragon Age's best follower system EVER. It's like your whole team are all your best friends, or something like that. wink. and possible big rivalry. all in approval/disapproval of your decisions/actions and how you listen and talk to them when they want you.

A great game developer has to love other games but we all knew that

Sparhawk -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/27/2016 7:43:16)

Personally I don't see an issue with the EXP rate. I have leveled my alt to 13 and am halfway to 14 without grinding once (unless you consider finishing the Labyrinth grinding - which I don't). Is this more of a feeling that you need to get to level 15 as soon as possible? Stop and smell the flowers. Enjoy the ride.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/28/2016 21:44:51)

The old quiver's good for role-playing, the background of getting the crafting materials from the raiding bandit farmhands for the quiver is nice too, I think if the story of getting it had a personal touch (made up of many situations of character development, from weak to strong in new mind and will and ability with others who share your thoughts, now-unpredictable roles and worries) it'd mean more to you in ways other than appearance.

More back weapons (love fancier bows!), items and accoutrements that serve a purpose left to the imagination or used to save your life many times in a story where you carefully use it at the right times and places on your heavily improv plan with unpredictable enemies and unfamiliar environments, fast-paced and tensions high, if an item has an indepth background like this it'd be hard to let go of the feeling.

Ex for in-depth main character story outfits and accoutrements:

Flashlights, necklaces, satchels, an outfit/jumpsuit colored and designed to show your clearly-defined role in a vessel/ship/spacecraft/inn/world amid many others, a lot of zipper pockets to *roleplay* store and explain how you carry and sort out all the things you take on your person that you find from exploring and looking carefully as a survivalist, "one who has prepared to survive in the anarchy of an anticipated breakdown of society." several layers of clothes that all show for warmth and protection again as a survivalist, comms gear for your head. I would wear it forever--probably, ae gets creative all the time for how we can make ourselves as safe as we can get in a world full of devils and monsters and demons. who make it personal and get in your mind and mess you up even when they're nowhere to be seen, only heard, or even when it's all quiet. dreaming.

To finish, the feedback theme is survivalist: lore is dangerous, we need to gear up and the items we use should reflect our horrifying past that won't stop, where refuge is so few and far between and we have to keep coming and going back into dangerous places fully aware that we could die. if I could recommend only one definite survivalist parody outfit that i'd wear forever, it'd be but more fitted with weapons and crafted items to make distractions and get out of harm's reach.

definition source:

edit: typo from fun typing

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/29/2016 4:35:07)

Ok here is my thought on the frostval release:


That about covers it. I like playing this game a lot for the story, so having to hope the instance of the dungeon contains the right Keeper is frustrating. I liked the way that the Mogloween release did it: 4 dungeions each with a diferent keeper. If you are going to follow the 4 dungeions for items formula (Which you should NOT by the way: it's so, well, formulaic) they need to be in seperate dungeions.

To add to this, more music variety needed. If I need to do a million dungeins i need more music. It was nice at first, but the repetitive set in after the third attempt, and I turned it off to listen to my spotify playlist. WHich let's face it is a bad sign for any game.

Dungeon was also fairly repetitive. It was just a list of foes to kill every time. DX However, will admit that jumping into the void to enter the next part was VERY cool.


That is all.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/29/2016 7:12:56)

About Database Cleanups: Does AQ3D keep all its inactive lvl 1s?

In the original Adventure Quest, "If you had a free account with a very low level character and it was not played for a very long time (at least 6 months or longer) the account may had been deleted due to inactivity and you need to create a new account and character."

Feedback if AQ3D will follow the tradition of cleaning the database of inactive lvl 1s and other inactive low levels: an email sent to the person one month before deletion date to give them a chance to play again and keep their character. i lost an old character once and that was how i found out about database cleanups, people who get emails may remember their account and come back to AQ3D.

DSP -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (12/31/2016 6:40:00)

3 issues and how to fix them

What’s with Melodia’s wooden legs?
NPC Melodia's lower body has what looks like a wood grain texture. Could re-texture grainy, yet high-visibility parts of the game, like NPCs.

Whose idea was it to put white icons on white environments?
People can’t see white icons very well on white environments, which is very (un)noticeable in snowy areas. Players are inconvenienced by having to move to areas without snow just to see icons. Could have black icons, white icons with black borders, or use colored icons, like Dragonfable.

Why don’t aggro’d monsters retreat when nearing NPC’s?
In gameplay, players can accidentally aggro enemies when going to talk to NPCs. Monsters also shouldn't be in human territory, in terms of lore. NPCs could have a border around them that makes monsters return to their regular patrol.

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