RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/30/2016 18:55:21)

@LyRein & Vypie


I do agree that a leveling requirement is quite dumb, there should be instead something that most MMO's have, which is that you can enter any part of the map (except special areas) but you cannot do any quests until you complete the previous place' quests and the monsters could probably kill you in a couple of hits.


Having level requirements to do quests might be a good option IF quests give considerably more exp than killing monsters.
This would make players not want to grind exp, because questing would be the best option available to level up fast (And its not like questing isn't already grindy).

Both are really great points which I support 100%!

Personally, I don't have much time to play video games but when I do I want to enjoy every minute. Pointless grinding isn't fun. Questing on the other hand, with a reasonable XP requirement, is a much more enjoyable way to get things done. Players can even get some gold so it's a win-win situation.



I would highly recommend getting in on the action now. Unless you enjoy hardcore grinding there isn't much to do at the moment. However, you should get a feel of the game and secure a screen name for when things get interesting down the line. Also, AE usually offers items to players who join up early.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/30/2016 23:03:32)

I'm all into the traditional quest requirements for story areas, but the Devs need to fix the level curve first. The amount of low-leveled players farming the Shadowskull bridge is astounding, and I myself was once part of the club because of how high the levels creeped from area to area.

The current level curve is lengthy, and I'm not talking about the ridiculous level 14-15 gap here. The glaring issue is how grindy it is made out to be. Not only are the story quests insufficient for leveling, the level gap between areas (particularly Livingstone-doomwood creep) is TOO HIGH. We're forced to grind no matter what.
The crafting times don't help the situation either. While the unnecessarily frustrating RNG aspect is mostly gone, having to wait for over half an hour for basic, necessary level equipment further adds to the tedium. Again, we either have to grind or struggle in the subsequent maps (or do nothing) in the meantime.

Like Vypie said, quests should be THE backbone of level progression. We should be able to cover the majority of the levels by the time we finish the story quests. Right now, they barely suffice.
However, the quests themselves are grindy and repetitive. For example, the notorious 'kill 30 eyeballs' quest in Greenguard and the 'kill 200 Boogerlings' quest in the sinkhole make me wonder fresh new ideas are even cared about. I do acknowledge the amount if effort put into this game, but quests like these feel lazy.

With all the emphasis in dungeons, they need an improvement. Firstly, the key system needs an overhaul because of how much it adds to the overall grind of the game with the waiting times. Moreover, they need more rewards. I feel the quest chains and monsters give too little exp in most
dungeons. The worst case of this is the Spectral Southern Wing dungeon. Being the only Epic Dungeon so far (as well as the longest), the reward it gives is nothing but unimpressive. The only notable loot from it are crafting resources for the Pumpkin Lord set, but not all of them are even guaranteed, often resulting in wasted dungeon runs. What's more, the monsters give barely more exp and gold than those in Shadowskull Bridge, despite having significantly higher stats and over 5 times the health. There's also situations where we're spawned right beside a monster or two, which makes the dungeon frustrating.
Given by the limited number of runs provided, dungeons could've been rewarding compliments to the story quests for player progression, but they are rather underwhelming.

However, I do have to thank the devs for making the dungeon monsters more manageable overall and removing the much-hated RNG that plagued Open Beta. I'm happy to see that RNG is mainly reserved for extra loot like the Dricken helm.

Arguably the worst part about this, is the combat system. It is shallow, it is repetitive. I wouldn't say it's the worst I've seen, but it certainly feels incomplete, even for BETA standards. Like I've stressed a quintillion times before, this is something they could've worked on way back in Alpha. But they didn't do much.
The combat to me is one of the main reasons why the game is grindy, as it, at its current state, adds up to the monotony of the game. If the combat had more substance to it, the game wouldn't feel as bad. There are many grindy MMOs out there, but at least a lot of them have fun, more fleshed-out gameplay. It's sad that at a phase like Open Beta, AQ3D's combat still remains a puddle. I am aware they're working on it right now and I've also heard plans to add skill trees, so I do hope to see improvements.

Yes, I am aware this is OPEN BETA. But that doesn't mean we can't give our feedback. If anything, feedback is a MUST in the beta stage. It helps ensure the development of the game is steering to the right direction.

Ultimately, AQ3D feels like a generic MMO, a grindy one at that. I feel that the devs are playing too safe with it. At the current financial state, I believe AE should innovate, especially since AQ3D may be their only hope for the future. In my opinion, taking risks is the safer option, as contradictory as it sounds.

Zor -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 0:13:08)

My own personal pet peeve, is the fact that we have to wait in order to craft an item. I understand they are appealing to the mobile market but to play into it, with micro-transaction letting you get your equipment faster. That was very disappointing and i would have believed Artix Entertainment to be above it. In terms of actual play style, One person spend an (x) amount of time grinding to gather resources only to met with an hour wait time for the item to be crafted. I was shocked to be met with an option to speed up the crafting time for 1 "prime currency" which cost real world money. Now my issue is not that they are making attempts to find ways to increase profits. Congrats Artix Entertainment on making a proper mobile MMO, sincerely. You surely stand out there. But as a long time player who puts money into Dragonfable, (which i no longer really play but probably will again) just to get the DoomKnight outfit. The influence to give Artix Entertainment my money never came from cheap advertisements e.g: pay to be a guardian for access to special weapons and armor. Rather the desire came from, seeing Artix Entertainment as brand that was different than the rest. They have allowed me to play great games at almost no cost, which in turn has made me invest into the world because i grew attached to my characters, playthroughs, and the worlds. They usually put incentives for their other games as well so buying something from Dragonfable would give perks in AdventureQuest Worlds and the like. I also bought the figures they first made a few years ago. Now, my point being is that Artix has largely incentive-ised me to make purchases through gifts across games and the real world at times. That is a real reward that i am willing to pay for. Now the micro-transactions that people pay for to save time in-game so they can continue to play in a comfortable fashion, that is shallow practices which normally i would have believed Artix above. If it is to continue, i can say at my disappointment i will not play AQ3D. Not in rebellion, but in just not being able to see the same enjoyment the games used to bring. Endless playtime to reach a goal, and once that goal is reached. Play a lot more to get the new sword or class. A desire that lead to me making my first purchase. Artix entertain can lead the way for Mobile-MMORPG's, it should be done without micro-transactions.

Zor -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 0:20:10)

BTW new to forums, but this just made me really upset. As for some proof of being a long time Player look up Black Dragon on Character page for Dragonfable.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 1:24:10)

I am at least grateful that the best items in the game so far are earnable by free-players. That ensures every player is eventually on the same level stat-wise. However, I also dislike that micro-currency is used to speed up farming and that there are pay-only classes because they challenge the non-p2w model the game claims to follow.

I'm not saying micro-transactions shouldn't exist - this is a free-to-play game and it definitely needs a source of income. I just feel that giving a gameplay advantage through payment shouldn't be the way the game structures itself financially.
With the upcoming item-fusion system, I feel that cosmetics are going to play a bigger part in the game, and I believe cosmetics is what Dragon Crystals should mainly offer instead.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 10:43:00)

A graphical nitpick, perhaps, but exaggerated faces look absurd on female players. Like this. Looks like she took a big whiff from the cauldron instead of being boggled.

PhoenixN7 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 18:25:02)

Agreed ^ They could learn a little more from DragonFable about facial expressions. That game pulls it off perfectly.

thepowersthatbe -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 18:41:04)

Are they going to change the drop system in the game? I don't like how I have to click on every single item that drops from a monster basically twice. Can we please have an item drop list like we have in AQW? It doesn't have to be in the middle of the screen, you can do what you are going to do with the pvp requests or whatever. Have it in a corner or something. But this way, you would never miss a drop because you were too slow or couldn't click on it for some reason or were busy fighting the other monsters right on top of you. Have a small yes/no dialogue for each one like you have in AQW. That way, you can focus on just fighting, not having to worry that you might miss picking something up. And when there is a lull in the fighting, then you can see what's dropped and what you want to keep.

In a separate issue, there should be a way to identify where each quest you have accepted came from. Since quests save if you log out and back in again, you are likely to forget where you got them from.

What do people think about dungeon bosses and how if you die, you can miss the drop? Then you have to basically redo the whole dungeon again, which is annoying.

We should be able to sell things from our inventory, without having to go to a shop.

We need to be able to compare the stats of our equipped items to the stats of the items that we are looking at, whether it be in the inventory, in a shop, or in crafting.

We also need to be able to sort our items by each type, and each type by each stat.

Are we going to ever have to rank up classes? Or will we always have all the skills available at the start.

PhoenixN7 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 19:27:21)

The players at the skull bridge are the most aggressive players I have ever seen in a AE game. Just a simple "Could you please help with Gathmor" is met with trollish behaviour and insults thrown.

The monster aggression doesn't help with this, could it be modified so players can't troll and lure mobs into the boss attempt?

SonicTbear -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 19:42:33)

1) You haven't played EpicDuel then. [8D] Okay, I'll give you that one. I mean, they ARE bringing players from Steam and mobile devices to their games so you all don't know who was with AE and who's a newbie to their games. ED has more toxicity in game while Steam has more toxic members.
2) You know the cutscenes Zorbak gave? He mentions one of the game's flaws.

That being that no Healer class is released in ANY testing phase before Open Beta. Hopefully they'll add it before or with 2.0 or before the full Live comes. Whichever comes first.

PhoenixN7 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 19:48:19)

@Above Or do what AQW did and put the boss at the end of a "mob run" in a separate area. It'll divide the aggressive players and farmers from those who want to actually kill Gathmor.

Fallen Crest -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 21:31:14)

-Healer class is much needed, especially in the epic mogloween dungeon that takes 30 mins-1 hr taking on each enemy one-at-a-time. (Even in a group of 5 jeeez). Plus it would totally make grinding level 14-15 so much more bearable.

-I understand the reasoning behind the level 14-15 exp amount, but good lord man 700k+? 200-300k would've been great honestly, and challenging still. Now I have rotting level 15 items in my inventory (Full shadow and shadow plate sets) that will be there as I grind away 1000+ waves of bridge skellys for 12+ hours straight. Not even taking into account finding a group that actually knows how to farm.

-The app versions of the game are sooo great. But man does it dry up my battery life. Might as well bring my computer with me everywhere because I need to have a charger handy and plugged in as well.

Iron Volvametal -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 22:26:43)

Just finished getting my Pumpkin Lord Vines(the only thing I want from the set) & please, pleasePLEASE don't screw up Frostval or other future events as bad as you did with Mogloween's Dungeon; the enemies have massive health pools that just seems incredibly ridiculous(it takes about 10-25min to get past just one room because you have to fight each enemy one by one) & it just makes the run tedious, boring, & really unfun. The enemies in the dungeon do more damage than the final boss & that's really pathetic.

It only took me 2 runs to get my vines, but lord, they felt like forever. I would rather prefer getting x100 Craft Items+x5-10 Boss drops from a pretty fun & challenging dungeon than compared to this. And the Pumpkin Lord Set isn't even Lv15(f.y.i. I haven't attempted the final dungeon after the Doomwood Bridge, but I imagine it's pretty equal to this).

And please don't make the dungeon room spawn us inside a mob of enemies at the start, that's really bull$#!@. I was stuck in the upside-down room in the Mogloween dungeon & my team kept getting wiped because we couldn't run away to a safe area without agroing the other enemies. So stupid to lock Lvl13 items behind a dungeon filled with Lvl15-16 monsters in the first place.

Hope this changes future events for the better, because this was just done awful.

overdead -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 23:04:19)


The players at the skull bridge are the most aggressive players I have ever seen in a AE game. Just a simple "Could you please help with Gathmor" is met with trollish behaviour and insults thrown.
Report them. I just got temporarily muted for calling a player a [the word that means lack of mental capacity]. I was at spectral south wing and you know exactly how frustrating that area is. And it's not because of the mobs.

Anyway, use the report button. It works (for now). Lesson learned. [:)] I must say, good job mods. I hope they're consistent in their effort to resolve these issues.
Regarding this mogloween event (first ever event in AQ3D. The stuff of nostalgia in future years. I sure made mine memorable) I found it fitting that the whole event happened in a haunted house. It made sense that it's not a huge explorable area (like green guard for example).

BUT please, I hope frostval (AE's Christmas event) will feature a large explorable map and not just a single dungeon. It's my favorite AE event because it's the time when I actually have time to play for days.

And lastly, I was able to complete the pumpkin set thanks to the 100 keys and I love it so much! It's my fave set in AQW. But I hope they're aware that many of the 100 keys were still wasted because of those level 4 players joining the dungeon.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/31/2016 23:56:24)

If it's possible it would be nice to have the posts from the Constructive Feedback Thread moved here like the ones Concern Over Future Class Designs thread. Much appreciated.

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/1/2016 19:35:35)

@orc orc orc


I'm all into the traditional quest requirements for story areas, but the Devs need to fix the level curve first. The amount of low-leveled players farming the Shadowskull bridge is astounding, and I myself was once part of the club because of how high the levels creeped from area to area.

The current level curve is lengthy, and I'm not talking about the ridiculous level 14-15 gap here. The glaring issue is how grindy it is made out to be. Not only are the story quests insufficient for leveling, the level gap between areas (particularly Livingstone-doomwood creep) is TOO HIGH. We're forced to grind no matter what.
The crafting times don't help the situation either. While the unnecessarily frustrating RNG aspect is mostly gone, having to wait for over half an hour for basic, necessary level equipment further adds to the tedium. Again, we either have to grind or struggle in the subsequent maps (or do nothing) in the meantime.

Like Vypie said, quests should be THE backbone of level progression. We should be able to cover the majority of the levels by the time we finish the story quests. Right now, they barely suffice.
However, the quests themselves are grindy and repetitive. For example, the notorious 'kill 30 eyeballs' quest in Greenguard and the 'kill 200 Boogerlings' quest in the sinkhole make me wonder fresh new ideas are even cared about. I do acknowledge the amount if effort put into this game, but quests like these feel lazy.

With all the emphasis in dungeons, they need an improvement. Firstly, the key system needs an overhaul because of how much it adds to the overall grind of the game with the waiting times. Moreover, they need more rewards. I feel the quest chains and monsters give too little exp in most
dungeons. The worst case of this is the Spectral Southern Wing dungeon. Being the only Epic Dungeon so far (as well as the longest), the reward it gives is nothing but unimpressive. The only notable loot from it are crafting resources for the Pumpkin Lord set, but not all of them are even guaranteed, often resulting in wasted dungeon runs. What's more, the monsters give barely more exp and gold than those in Shadowskull Bridge, despite having significantly higher stats and over 5 times the health. There's also situations where we're spawned right beside a monster or two, which makes the dungeon frustrating.
Given by the limited number of runs provided, dungeons could've been rewarding compliments to the story quests for player progression, but they are rather underwhelming.

However, I do have to thank the devs for making the dungeon monsters more manageable overall and removing the much-hated RNG that plagued Open Beta. I'm happy to see that RNG is mainly reserved for extra loot like the Dricken helm.

Arguably the worst part about this, is the combat system. It is shallow, it is repetitive. I wouldn't say it's the worst I've seen, but it certainly feels incomplete, even for BETA standards. Like I've stressed a quintillion times before, this is something they could've worked on way back in Alpha. But they didn't do much.
The combat to me is one of the main reasons why the game is grindy, as it, at its current state, adds up to the monotony of the game. If the combat had more substance to it, the game wouldn't feel as bad. There are many grindy MMOs out there, but at least a lot of them have fun, more fleshed-out gameplay. It's sad that at a phase like Open Beta, AQ3D's combat still remains a puddle. I am aware they're working on it right now and I've also heard plans to add skill trees, so I do hope to see improvements.

Yes, I am aware this is OPEN BETA. But that doesn't mean we can't give our feedback. If anything, feedback is a MUST in the beta stage. It helps ensure the development of the game is steering to the right direction.

Ultimately, AQ3D feels like a generic MMO, a grindy one at that. I feel that the devs are playing too safe with it. At the current financial state, I believe AE should innovate, especially since AQ3D may be their only hope for the future. In my opinion, taking risks is the safer option, as contradictory as it sounds.

I couldn't have said it better myself. You explained the problem at hand and the solution required perfectly. Now we just need to pray that AE incorporates these changes.

overdead -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/1/2016 21:13:22)

@^: I agree with the quote. AQ3D is basically a 3D AQW: click monsters, spam skills/spells, rinse, repeat. Grindfest from start to finish. Gridfest galore.

I'll wait until the main storyline is released. I'm the type of player who values story over gameplay.

The people you meet and the entertaining chat with a random person from the other end of the globe is what makes it worth playing for now. Yeah, I know most games have this but it fits perfectly here because this game is mostly mindnumbing grinding so you have all the "space" to talk about random things.

Iron Volvametal -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/2/2016 15:08:50)

Please add "Kill all Monsters in the area" restriction to every room in Shadowskull Tower & remove/block Players from climbing the statues to jump over the gate without killing the monsters in Part 5.

I've wasted about 20 keys already from selfish Players who just run past all the enemies just to fight the NecroKnight faster, leaving all the enemies for me to handle or run past them as well, losing out on potential XP/Gold. And even more keys from Players who choose to climb over the gate to fight the Final Boss themselves & leaving me/me & another Player without any Boss-potential loot & to deal with the gauntlet of enemies for the gate to go down.

Normally, "climbing" things doesn't really have any negative impact on the game(like climbing the roots where the Slime Lord is located), but being able to climb over a fence into an active portal to completely bypass an area is not acceptable. If you can't block the Players from jumping over, then at least de-activate the Portal until the gauntlet is complete, so the Player(s) who climb over have to wait for their teammate(s) to complete it without them, giving them time to report the gate jumper(s). This is really f#@$&@$ annoying.

eliminatorr -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/2/2016 15:25:46)

I can't second what was said by Iron enough. My issue other than what has been said is - What is the point in making a dungeon if it's filled with people that ignore it to kill the boss alone (Likely with Mage) for what? I still don't understand the point of ignoring something that took ages to build to kill only the boss. If it's money or experience, what about all of the other mobs. I can only guess Dark Glowing Skulls which come easy enough or boss loot.

But then that leads to a second point, why try to solo? Keys run down quick enough and take 3 hours to regenerate naturally, so why must you try and do it in under a minute? Furthermore, if you opt to be mage and run around to the point that boss can't hit you, unless you get lucky, only other mages can hit the boss. Letting people actually hit the boss kills it faster, so that means you need to change how aggro works or have 50 billion Mages running in circles. Plus, it means that others also have a chance to get whatever has you in such a rush. I don't think it's more likely to drop the fewer the amount of people attacking it.

Iron Volvametal -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/2/2016 21:47:28)

[Post moved to Suggestion Thread]

Latias007 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/2/2016 23:56:22)


I would prefer having a lower number of classes, but each having much more depth and skill customization.

If they will favor quantity over quality/depth, its unlikely that it will bring more fun to the game.
The biggest problem of having an excessive amount of classes is: No matter what class you are playing, you are still only using one each time. Having one hundred classes does not add to the gameplay of individual classes.
Each single class continues being simple, shallow and boring. Remember, you are only playing ONE at a time.

If there is no tinkering of ANY kind, all classes become boring after a while, from being too repetitive. You can introduce new ones to spice it up, but it only delays the problem.
Adding solid, customizable, depthful classes lasts for a lifetime. You can always try new things in a way that it suits you.

The key is giving the player the ability to tweak their characters to match their favorite play-style :)

This is precisely why I hope they implement a hot-swap system for classes. It would solve so many problems that exist within the game, most notably that having more classes does not truly help with game diversity. Say that your tank dies? Immediately swap to your own tank class with your pre-selected gear so that you can fill the urgently needed role. A lot of new games are doing something like this and it's turning out extremely well for them. AE could add their own limitations to it like a hot-swap cooldown or the player choosing only a few classes they can hot-swap to.

FryGuy -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/3/2016 18:29:57)

Going to be starting my quest soon, while updating the review as I go.
Am I allowed to post pictures to compliment my review?

Big Burst -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/4/2016 4:16:11)

New to Artix, New to Forum

Just some general observations.

1. Level progression is entirely meaningless. Just referencing traditional mmorpgs here... but normally you progress to open new skills and abilities, not to continue to implement the same strategies from the tutorial over and over. Higher level gear is somewhat motivating but when you tie the requirement into a finite number of keys, personally i find myself skipping certain gear at certain levels since I cannot justify the key cost. And imho seems silly just to waste keys because i got em.

2. If you are not able to introduce new skills, tier out the four available. Make a new skill available every 3-5 levels or so. At least it feels like I have a reason for progression.

3. Associating key cost with pick up groups is just bad. Many players enter a dungeon 5 levels early. I understand, some are pro and can hold their own, others are just leeching. This is especially the case with the Halloween event. Anyway, if I spend a key and get a great group, completely worth the key. If I get no one who joins or leeches, i almost want my key refunded. Seems like their should be an option for something like solo, party only or same level members... i dont know. I guess I just dont like being charged keys and being unable to complete a dungeon due to chance. And on the flip side, if I can solo the dungeon, then let me solo it instead of having leeches pull random mobs and expect me to kill em.

4. Pretty sure this has been mentioned before.. lack of diversity in dungeons.

5. Great 3d mobile graphics. I understand its not easy to deliver mmo data in close to real-time and have it rendered seamlessly, bravo!

6. I would agree that i was not expecting a grinder. Sorry, at least not a level 15. From playing other mobile mmos, the main difference between a standard mmo and a regular mmo is time. If Ii have a break at work, I have absolutely no reason to hop on AQ3D. Maybe at lunch it makes sense... but i get the sense that there is close to nothing I would accomplish in 15 mins in AQ3D. The game has the depth of a mobile mmo and the grind of a traditional desktop mmo. A ridiculously long gring wont keep players playing. Introduce king of the kill, gvg, speed dungeons, player of the week, top DPS, most kills for the day, something... introduce events, challenges and badges that players compete for. Now we arent just yawning to the same tired computer AI or falling asleep watching netflix as we mindless tap the 3 key.

7. Expand your kickstarter. I have played many kickerstarters and i understand when the funding period is over, its over. But you have already subverted that policy by introducing the guardian packages. I understand that your founders are entitled to exclusive items, but i think you are shooting yourself in the foot. Instead of offering the same packages, just offer similar packages... $99 Guardian pack with additional keys and bear form... $199 guardian pack with pimp armor, bling and a honda cbr. I am a working adult and after understanding the game, there is no reason to purchase crystals. Guardian skills set, yes. new skill sets, yes but i can farm pots and once you understand game mechanics, you fully understand there is no reason to purchase gears with crystals or speed them up. Since for example, the attack stat does not directly equate to damage, i can definitely play for 2 hours while my weapon finishes crafting. again, longtime mmo player. so it became quickly apparent the item stats displayed are multiples of their true values making the variance once again insignificant. If i cant kill this dude with what i got, getting another +40 attack aint gonna change that....

8. I think the only thing that has players excited is that this is beta. since the game is still in its infancy there is hope that it goes it the right direction. personally, im waiting on being able to multiclass and pvp. But since the game lacks depth, i think you will continue to see what you currently see... every level 15 wearing the exact same gear and using the exact same skills. the ability to change classes on the fly is a fantastic recipe for ftom. there was a time when you locked your class and learned to master your class, at best, you had to travel across the universe to visit a frog who charged 1 billion gold to change classes. since there is currently no need for a party build (one warrior, one mage, one rogue) then why should this change with pvp. Just a funny feeling its going to be a mirror match. please introduce some diversity... some thinking... some decision making. Not saying to exclude certain classes from certain weapons but at least have people think about their builds. I considered making a build planner and linking it to wiki... lol... for what? everyone goes to wiki, gets the highest damage stat and calls it a day. There are other options but if you min-max dodge, hit, dps or crit... that leads to 4 builds with one being the most popular? again, sounds like a mirror match. Perhaps multiclassing will add actual build planning to your game, I hope it does... people complain about rngs but at least it gives you a reason to keep playing and your hard work has a direct correlation to your abilities. He is the best warrior on the server because he farmed frog dude 10 trillion times for the perfect sword with the perfect stats. Not, i hit max level since I have few friends playing and there is no exp split and there is absolutely zero, i mean NO difference between me and every other level 15 warrior on this server... so basically, you cant be expectional? not through hard work (traditional mmo), not through mastering your class, not through creativity, innovation or game knowledge. If you give me any character in this game close to my level, the outcome will be the same. In fact, i dont even think i would bother to check their gears. at most I would check their gear level. If their gear level was close, im off to the races.

9. Again, great platform, almost no lag, i have fallen though a few floors but your early recompense of extra keys more than made up for that... first couple of days were fun, even told some guildmates about your beta... just dont know if I'll be around next halloween.

overdead -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/4/2016 6:55:09)

I couldn't agree more with what the guy above said. AE, knock knock. You've got pretty good perspectives from newcomers to AE games. This isn't your AQW crowd easily tamed with AC rares week after week. Please consider suggestions here.

I just realized that being able to change classes on the fly minimized player interaction in attaining goals. Not only is the game designed as a hack and slash grindfest but it also doesn't give a player an "identity". Wow is a great example of MMORPG because it promoted player interaction plus the lore is so deeply rooted and well planned (that all story arcs intertwine in one way or another). The lock in classes made teamwork more meaningful and basically a necessity to finish dungeons in wow.

I'm not saying AQ3D should be a carbon copy of WOW but at least justify why mechanics are currently what they are now.

Because if the gameplay will merely copy AQW's, I don't see how that will work beneficially in the long term. (Unless this becomes another dress-up game which spurts out 'rares' every week which can be purchased with DCs--much like AQW's game model).

Please. Don't be another cash grab game..

FryGuy -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/4/2016 18:34:31)

Welp, here's my review.

When I was younger, I used to play Artix Entertainment a lot. I would grind on my character to gain Horc experience or buy new items.
Over time, however, I slipped away, and eventually stopped. I came back to play HeroSmash for the Nostalgia Factor, but it was not updated anymore.
A few months pass, and I see that they are releasing a new game, AQ3D. I didn't really care initially, but after reading everything on the forum, I decided to Check it out.
So how was the experience for me?

REVIEW BEGINS HERE! There will be some spoilers.


The story begins with a random guy(you) somehow meeting a moglin named Zorbak. Breaking the fourth wall, he exclaims that he hates tutorials(Me too).
And off we go. It's a alpha after all, so I shouldn't be impressed should I? Hopefully the story gets better from here.
*A few kills later*
We manage to meet a goblin named gaz, kill more stuff, and all while listening to pretty awesome music. I'm not having real fun yet, however.
If this game is like any other game, it is open-world, so there is not set story. It will probably grow as the game progresses.


This is basically a normal rpg, similar to WoW and other ones, except the art is more cartoonish.
You choose from three classes, Rogue, Warrior, and Mage(Me!), and go rekt as much face as you can.
Not much to say, but you can help each other out, and cross-platform.

Music is the same as all the other games, and a lot of the things are the same.
The thing is, I don't feel important at all, and everything is empty except for the tutorials.


-Witty Storytelling
-Music is not bad
-Lots of people
-Art is good

-Clunky gameplay
-Music is fine but also heard it in other games
-Non-existent people in towns(In my area at least)
-Monsters that are supposed to be hard and scary are ez
-Crafting system

Overall Rating: 3.5/5 or 7/10

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