temjiu -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/20/2016 17:11:57)
Just started playing, so far having some fun. Few things that really stand out for me as PC player. Please note these are based on A: not knowing if these are already planned on implementing, and B: skimming some of the longer posts in this thread as they just seemed like a few people arguing with each other. Most of my points are on making the game more streamlined in it's play. 1) I understand that there is a drive for a global configuration that works across all platforms. However, if we have keybinds in game like we currently do, then we should also have an option to change those keybinds. If this is already planned, then disregard! :) But it's a very big issue for me, as I use a very custom key setup, and to have one out of the dozens of games that I use force me to use their key setup doesn't work well. It can honestly mean the difference between me playing the game and me not playing. This also includes some default key settings to make menu's faster, such as Esc to exit menu's, or to back out one menu level. This could be simple to add and work intuitively with the touch screen ready interface you already have set up in game. 2) Make Quest Icons more active and intuitive: currently it seems like all characters with the "Possibility" of a qeust have a generic Icon above their head. It makes it really difficutl to tell if they actually have a quest or not, or what stages it's in. Make it more interactive and intuitive. Example would be the ! for a quest available, the ? if you have a quest to turn in, etc. NO icon if they have no quests please. saves having to run over to someone and click on them to see if they have a quest or not. or you could just change the quest icon color if that works. red for available quest, green for quest that you can turn in, blue for a repeatable quest, etc. either way, the generic Quest icon needs to go, it does no good other then point out that at some point, this NPC had a quest. 3) This is a second for an active character screen, with stats and places to put gear. having a single list of items on the right side will get very clumsy later in the game when you have a hundred items..having to search for the ones you have equipped is simply bad design, and DATED. Another idea if the character screen won't work: just have a second pop up list available for "Equippeed" gear, and list the group of slots available. if you have nothing in that slot, grey it out. If it's not usable as a slot yet (as an example, if rings aren't available till lvl 10 or something like that), put a big red X in the field. it will keep things simple, list oriented, and fit with the theme. My vote is for the character screen tho :) 4) Cut scenes are fun and interesting...I love the humor! Load times are interestingly long though....I say interesting as I'm not sure how it's designed, but I play many games with cutscenes, and for scenes as simple as these, load times feel a bit long. perhaps find a way to pre-load them? last point is a more general concept. Be careful that you do not sacrifice smooth, solid, and interesting gameplay for the simple sake of having it accessible on as many platforms as possible. Players nowadays have multiple platforms that they play games on: the days of a player only playing on one platform are gone. so trying to add one more platform when the average player already has 2 or 3 that can play the game is simple overkill. spend that time instead of making the game fun to play! of the player likes the game, they will play it on one of the platforms they have. not on 3 or 4 or 5 of them. so I think it's better to make the game good on less platforms then average or boring on more platforms.