RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/22/2016 11:03:01)

I think these should be put in the Suggestions Thread.
Anyways, I agree that they should improve the current Dungeon system.


Each dungeon would have its own respective key required to enter.

This would be wonderful.

They should also change how they handle dungeon quests. These quests should give more rewards since you're in a party of 3 people only.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/22/2016 11:04:28)

Yeah, the big problem is AE wishes to make use of an exploration and adventure-ish aspect to AQ3D that does NOT involve questlines or the storyline. They want the player to find things on his/her own time and enjoy discovering things for themselves.

The problem arises when your whole fan-base and main source of income (largest being AQW) is used to being hand-held throughout the games and following a linear questline.

They really need to find a good way to make the player aware that other methods of experience and leveling are available

LouisCyphere -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/22/2016 11:04:55)

And since it's Steam that we're talking about, people are going to make a detour if they saw the "Mixed" reception from the reviews.

LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/22/2016 11:16:18)

Though, to be fair, AQ and DF have time to mature in both art and story. However, AQW took a lot of time to have some sort of consistency in its story.
Right now, I'm currently putting off AQ3D due to the stated reasons. It feels like, the more I play with it, the more frustrated I get.

And they should really change on how they handle their story now that they deliver it to Steam. It's a no hold-bar brawl in there.

LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/22/2016 11:17:43)

Would adding a map be beneficial to the "exploring" and "adventuring" aspect?
I think it would be good if they managed to hide some secret passages that aren't shown in the map.

ShaneGrey -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/22/2016 19:09:57)



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LouisCyphere -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/22/2016 23:36:24)

It doesn't changed the fact that it's in Early Access that there's a lot to fix.
That's also exactly why these criticism should exist.
It doesn't mean that it's in Early Access that we can't criticize it.
Right now, there's not much difference between Early Access and Closed Beta.

Aura Knight -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/22/2016 23:51:45)

I'm curious as to how they're gonna get players who at this time have no interest in the game to eventually try it out. I've played 3-D MMO's and eventually got bored of each. How will this one be any different? I have yet to be convinced to play this game. Anything I hear about it is negative. If the game starts off bad it will end up being a complete failure. What happens then? Is there an "at least you tried" achievement if things don't go as planned? I don't want this game to fail but I don't have much interest in it.

LyRein -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/23/2016 12:53:54)

@Aura Knight @LouisCyphere

I think what AE is trying to do is get that familiar vibe that MMORPG's give you, i.e World of Warcraft and generic Japanese MMO's.

What they don't realize is that people don't want this anymore.

If you're active in the gaming community, people are sick of the stereotypical fetch quests, grinding, crafting, farming, class system type MMO's with races like Elves and Orcs and the like.

They want something new.
A game I've been taking a look at at the moment is called Crowfall, take a look yourselves for what it's like.

But long story short, it's something fresh and exciting.
Look at the reviews and the amount of fund raising it's receiving (7$ Mill.). It already has an extensive class/race/weapon hybrid system, the concept and basic ideas of the game are coming into fruition with positive reviews and feedback. The graphics are nice and the art is cool but that's not what the developers are focusing on. They're focusing on the gameplay. It's hardcore, yet fun at the same time.

And it's not even past testing phase yet! The developers are making a game this good because they are taking their time.

AE is doing the exact opposite.

Instead of trying new ideas, they are using old ones and attempting to put their own spin on that. That never works in the long-run as in the end it's still the same old thing. They are focusing too much on artwork instead of gameplay and worst of all, in the midst of all the bugs, glitches, unfinished things, they are already in Open Beta, on Steam and they are pushing out a major seasonal event in-game!

Now I realize, it's their first 3D game and the theme they are going for is a family-friendly game. That does not mean that you should create a half-baked game just because it's your first time. Actually, if it's your first time, wouldn't you put more time, effort and money into it so it's the best product you've ever made? And, logically they'd want it to be able to survive and compete on the market, as it is their last source of income (browser/flash is nearly dead), so ask yourselves why are they still using their old formula of "oh we'll make the story as we go" and "we'll fix the gameplay later"?

Aura Knight -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/23/2016 13:20:55)


The developers are making a game this good because they are taking their time.
And this is how a good game should do things. If things are rushed, the end result might not always be what was initially expected. I wish AE would do such a thing. What does this 3D game of theirs have that makes it unique from other 3D MMO's? They're gonna need something that goes above and beyond the norm and unfortunately, I don't see such a thing happening.

Waztar -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/23/2016 14:17:46)

Right, what AE sees as its biggest strength will be it's biggest weakness in an MMO. Weekly and limited time events will come out rushed, worse yet is in MMOs the last thing you want to do is create limited time anything. The goal is to get your player base to keep playing. New players can't consume older content is most of it was limited time, meaning they will play less.

AE is going to have to cut back big time on the rares and limited events/items as well as scaling back their weekly updates to more like monthly. That will give them time to ensure it's polished well and not so small of a content patches that players finish it off in 20 mins.

TheNOob2623 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/23/2016 22:11:06)

I was talking to one of the users in AQ3D discord chat for reddit, we talked about classes and brought up about classes being effective against certain types. I pointed out that classes that are only good for one specific type are virtually useless. He argued that at least it has a purpose and is great for those kinds of monsters. I feel a bit worried about future classes being like this. Classes that are only effective against a certain type of monster are very badly designed. The only way these types of classes are good is when there is a trend for that certain type the class is good against. Which I hope AE would not do since that would make the game brain dead easy. Equip certain class effective against that certain type, just use 2 skills=gg ezy. What do you guys think about such classes being only good for one type. Do you think its a great idea or a bad one?

LouisCyphere -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/23/2016 22:47:41)


Instead of trying new ideas, they are using old ones and attempting to put their own spin on that. That never works in the long-run as in the end it's still the same old thing. They are focusing too much on artwork instead of gameplay and worst of all, in the midst of all the bugs, glitches, unfinished things, they are already in Open Beta, on Steam and they are pushing out a major seasonal event in-game!

Pretty much.
And I'm not sure if 10 years is already long in the game development business. But they should have already learn from their mistakes. The only good thing that I can say about AQ3D is that I can play in both PC and mobile.

I just hope they're going to do what Square Enix did with the first iteration of Final Fantasy XIV because the first iteration of the game fails hard and the devs literally ended the world of FFXIV with a game event. And after learning from their mistakes and listening to the feedback of the players, they released the new iteration of FFXIV.

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/24/2016 11:59:03)

dragon slayer tends to end up in almost every ae game eventually.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/24/2016 13:38:26)

I agree, this is a dumb move and will decrease variety among classes.

It would've worked great if they planned to have a small number of classes with a large and in-depth skill system, however from what I'm observing it seems that won't be the case.

This is how you get people to forget about certain classes and this will bring in the "get more OP" mentality that currently plagues AQW.
Trust me, it's not a good mentality for the community to have.

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/24/2016 16:33:54)

I would prefer having a lower number of classes, but each having much more depth and skill customization.

If they will favor quantity over quality/depth, its unlikely that it will bring more fun to the game.
The biggest problem of having an excessive amount of classes is: No matter what class you are playing, you are still only using one each time. Having one hundred classes does not add to the gameplay of individual classes.
Each single class continues being simple, shallow and boring. Remember, you are only playing ONE at a time.

If there is no tinkering of ANY kind, all classes become boring after a while, from being too repetitive. You can introduce new ones to spice it up, but it only delays the problem.
Adding solid, customizable, depthful classes lasts for a lifetime. You can always try new things in a way that it suits you.

The key is giving the player the ability to tweak their characters to match their favorite play-style :)

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/24/2016 17:41:34)


Something like the new AQW classes (yes some things in AQW are good), where certain skills work together to make epic combinations, some skills trigger specific effects that in turn aid your other skill' effects, etc.

Perhaps give every class the ability to self-heal as opposed to have healing-based classes.

Their original idea of having classes do special attacks together on monsters sounds nice in theory but what I think would work better would be a select number (3 is optimum) of classes that work in harmony and have special attacks as opposed to any class working together.

This makes it possible for players to discover constant new class-combinations (point 3) and forces AE to look back on previous classes when designing a new one, learn how to time their attacks and make strategic hits (point 1) and finally you don't have to switch class-type just to find a way to keep your party alive (point 2).

And these are only the very simple things they could do..

I kind of wish that instead of classes being better on specific monsters they changed it to gear being better on specific monsters.

Evangel -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/24/2016 18:57:49)

Type-specific classes tend to be a minority compared to the rest of the classes in general.

Christophoses -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/29/2016 23:56:03)

AQ3D is relatively new and the staff are pretty busy with developing the game. I'm sure that when things are more stable the staff will discuss stuff with us more often.

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/30/2016 0:09:06)

Not sure if this thread already exists somewhere so I'm making one with this specific title.

AQ3D is shaping out to be a great game, but like all games it has some kinks that need to be pointed out. However, it doesn't help to complain about a game and offer no reasoning as to why you have an issue or any resolutions that staff can take into consideration. BEHOLD, THE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM THREAD

I haven't thoroughly read over the forum rules yet (I know, I'm a terrible person) but I'm pretty sure it states that all feedback must be constructive.

Please post anything that you feel could be improved upon in AQ3D, why you think it should be improved upon, and if you have a possible solution please share! We're the pioneers of what will one day become an amazing game that no one will want to put down.



I'll start the ball rolling:

I feel like leveling up should be reasonably achievable and that content should not be locked behind level gates. This is one of the factors that made AQW so great and I hope to see it make a return. I'm not saying that we should be able to go from a beginner to max level within an hour but the XP required should be lowered just a bit from what it's at now. In terms of end-game content, the item amounts required to obtain said items should be increased a smidge. Not too much to the point that people start complaining but a little more than what it's currently at.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/30/2016 11:30:23)

I disagree that there shouldn't be requirements to enter certain areas.

It makes the game useless if you can skip content, as is the case with AQW (new players don't even do the 13th LoC Saga!)

I do agree that a leveling requirement is quite dumb, there should be instead something that most MMO's have, which is that you can enter any part of the map (except special areas) but you cannot do any quests until you complete the previous place' quests and the monsters could probably kill you in a couple of hits.

A level requirement on quests is bad because someone can just grind for a few hours, get to the specific level he wants and skip so much content.

This also forces players to do the storyline.

Speaking of area requirements, it seems they've forgotten why AQW is so notorious for it's lack of direction. You literally can just do /join and not walk through the world to get to an area you wish.

It seriously destroys the exploration or adventure aspect they intended to go for.


Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/30/2016 12:06:14)

Having level requirements to do quests might be a good option IF quests give considerably more exp than killing monsters.
This would make players not want to grind exp, because questing would be the best option available to level up fast (And its not like questing isn't already grindy).

Grinding exp should never be faster than doing the quests in each area.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/30/2016 14:25:40)


But that still does not mean people will NOT grind for EXP.

Actually, if you give them the option they will inevitably choose it over working through the storyline.

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/30/2016 14:57:01)

That only happens if the exp gained through farming monsters is high enough. Quests, in my opinion, should be the main determining factor in player progression. With the right balance, after doing every quest, you should be ready to go into the next zone, with the right level.

Questing and earning rewards from it beats boring non-stop farming ANY day.
And if players still wont do the quests, that is their problem and their choice. Even if ineffective for exp farming, we shouldn't be trying to eradicate it.
If players still won't do quests, its their loss. Or maybe they hate doing them, so why not let them still have that (even if not so efficient) method?

You can speak for others saying they will inevitably choose that option. Some other players like me, like to do every single possible quest (even if I get over-leveled for a zone).
I guess some players prefer gaining exp in a more mindless, effortless way in a repetitive manner. So how to make those players run through the game's content?
Maybe this could be solved if questing was fun. Maybe questing would be fun if combat was more fun.

FryGuy -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (10/30/2016 17:02:01)

I've been inactive since the fall of HeroSmash, but my curiosity has been perked looking at this game.
Should I try it out, or wait for all the things mentioned in this thread to be fixed?

I mean, I'm not too keen on farming like I did in AQW.

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