LyRein -> RE: Can we get a bit more love in AQ3D please? (10/23/2016 12:53:54)
@Aura Knight @LouisCyphere I think what AE is trying to do is get that familiar vibe that MMORPG's give you, i.e World of Warcraft and generic Japanese MMO's. What they don't realize is that people don't want this anymore. If you're active in the gaming community, people are sick of the stereotypical fetch quests, grinding, crafting, farming, class system type MMO's with races like Elves and Orcs and the like. They want something new. A game I've been taking a look at at the moment is called Crowfall, take a look yourselves for what it's like. But long story short, it's something fresh and exciting. Look at the reviews and the amount of fund raising it's receiving (7$ Mill.). It already has an extensive class/race/weapon hybrid system, the concept and basic ideas of the game are coming into fruition with positive reviews and feedback. The graphics are nice and the art is cool but that's not what the developers are focusing on. They're focusing on the gameplay. It's hardcore, yet fun at the same time. And it's not even past testing phase yet! The developers are making a game this good because they are taking their time. AE is doing the exact opposite. Instead of trying new ideas, they are using old ones and attempting to put their own spin on that. That never works in the long-run as in the end it's still the same old thing. They are focusing too much on artwork instead of gameplay and worst of all, in the midst of all the bugs, glitches, unfinished things, they are already in Open Beta, on Steam and they are pushing out a major seasonal event in-game! Now I realize, it's their first 3D game and the theme they are going for is a family-friendly game. That does not mean that you should create a half-baked game just because it's your first time. Actually, if it's your first time, wouldn't you put more time, effort and money into it so it's the best product you've ever made? And, logically they'd want it to be able to survive and compete on the market, as it is their last source of income (browser/flash is nearly dead), so ask yourselves why are they still using their old formula of "oh we'll make the story as we go" and "we'll fix the gameplay later"?