RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Death -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/5/2016 3:46:22)

Did they really remove the Mogloween event already? Like, I know October is over but could you at least let your playerbase play/test the
big update before shelving it so quick? Oh well, I guess since the game's apparently live now, AE just has to satisfy their players with
seasonal events and rares... Good Lord.

eliminatorr -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/5/2016 5:20:30)

They didn't remove the event, just the Mogloween changes. If you go to the largw blue crystal in Battleon and click on it, you can go to Spooky Battleon and the Haunted House. The event leaves for real on Wednesday the 16th


*Nova* -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/5/2016 10:32:55)


The players at the skull bridge are the most aggressive players I have ever seen in a AE game. Just a simple "Could you please help with Gathmor" is met with trollish behaviour and insults thrown.

The monster aggression doesn't help with this, could it be modified so players can't troll and lure mobs into the boss attempt?

I decided to log in and grind a bit for my level 15 that I still don't have, cause well... it's boring to sit there and lvl I guess...
You know, how the current meta there is stand in the middle? I put one inch, pixel, foot out of the center and I met with player complains saying how selfish I was for NOT standing PERFECTLY in the middle. Lol. Ok. I think I'll just wait until they increase the cap to 16 and get my 15 that way cause frankly, I don't even want to stand on that bridge. The complains, the constant telling you how to play, is, idk, just a bit iffy for me.

Big Burst -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/5/2016 13:56:57)


I decided to log in and grind a bit for my level 15 that I still don't have, cause well... it's boring to sit there and lvl I guess...
You know, how the current meta there is stand in the middle? I put one inch, pixel, foot out of the center and I met with player complains saying how selfish I was for NOT standing PERFECTLY in the middle. Lol. Ok. I think I'll just wait until they increase the cap to 16 and get my 15 that way cause frankly, I don't even want to stand on that bridge. The complains, the constant telling you how to play, is, idk, just a bit iffy for me.

I'm new to AQ3D but i've been playing mmos for almost a lifetime. If i were close to your level i would be more than happy to assist. But having a horrible community is sorta kinda a part of gaming. ignore <player's name>: Ignores a player. Has always been my best tool for molding a great community. Its rare that I even read broadcast chat since most of it is simply garbage. So I just block folks. Don't worry about future interactions or guild or anything at all. your gaming experience will be drastically improved. if i dont want to interact with you today, i dont see that changing in a year. you have already displayed lack of character. Instead of getting frustrated a situations, you know the next time you ask for help, either you will get positive responses or no responses but the insults will be blocked.

And yes, its not just you... if i had been around and heard insults being thrown over nothing, a lot of people would have been added to my blocklist. People new to gaming don't realize, your reputation never goes away (or at least until you can buy a name change with crystals)...

Keep you head up. Get your levels. Start a guild or a group of like-minded people but never let them impede your leveling or drag you down... its a game after all... have some fun...

*Nova* -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/5/2016 15:42:12)

Lol, I'm not requesting any assistance, although I appreciate the offer either way. I just wish people would play and enjoy the game and stop complaining on the chat. It's a complete trainwreck farming on that bridge. Anyway, their complaining in no way or form offends me. I just wanted to add to someone else's comment of how ridiculous this community is shaping out to be.

Frost Moglin -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/6/2016 17:05:03)

After playing the game on my tablet, I'd like to say that it's really smooth and works well. The buttons could be a bit bigger, especially the status effect buttons so it'd be easier to see poison or guardian mark stack amounts, and some NPCs in the guardian tower lack eyes, but apart from that, it's a really nice experience.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/13/2016 3:56:21)

I've heard people saying they think the classes are too similar, but I find them differently; in the dungeon levels of SkullTower before the boss I'm always playing as a warrior for low cool-down whirlwinds, and for the boss I'm always a Mage so I can keep my distance. Switching things up to get a classes' AoE and Range where you can get away with the most health and stand strongest. There's something about this that I'm worrying over though; we might be doing a strategy like this with every dungeon, so a unique party of different classes joining together for dungeon-crawling might just make progressing more difficult. I'm thinking about how each class can play their cards as quickly and conveniently as a warrior in dungeons with mobs to the roof while at the same time the game stays balanced and each class's prowess vibes exude from your char with very different colors and special effects/enemy effects still. Just to make a point and not actually make a thing of it(as it'd be a nightmare of crazy creativity feedback), I can imagine a rogue climbing over a skeleton like an acrobat, getting behind, making death personal like a backwards hug (darksoulsiscreepy) you get the idea of class uniqueness - don't be afraid to get people surprised and (on some level) shocked with class abilities, unless both are actually really making nightmares.

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/13/2016 18:56:39)

A way to kick leeching players would be a nice feature to have. My friends and I just spent over an hour in an instance of the Spectral Mogloween dungeon, trying to get a level 5 player to leave, considering they would severely lower our chances for success. The person was most persistant. We all stopped fighting to prevent the individual from progressing with their parasitic behavior, but eventually someone who was willing to put up with them joined, and the dungeon resumed. It was at this point that my friends and I left, out of sheer disgust. (we did manage to report them for some of their verbal offenses though, so hopefully something will at least be done in that department).

A system that could possibly be used to avoid this kind of event, is to let players vote on whether or not a specific individual should be kicked from an instance, based on specific factors. If a majority votes for this, the person will not be able to join that map again for X amount of time, to prevent them from just hopping right back in. If a player is voted out this way for the same offense multiple times within a set timeframe, it could even lead to a ban.

thulsa doom -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/14/2016 9:54:15)

They really need to add the AQW enhancement system, or if they are not going to do that then at least add a whole lot more items at varying levels.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/16/2016 23:15:39)

I'm rather dissatisfied with the latest Acevorah release. Not only is it tedious, it also marks the return of the dreaded RNG drops.

The level 8 zone is uninspired. The quests are the same 'beat x about of monsters' and 'go fetch' types again. For a 1 player zone, there could've been a lot more done to it such as mini puzzles or random exploration events. Instead, it's the same repetitive thing over and over. I'm aware this is a mini release, but the quests feel rather mindless. However, the release does give free-players a repeatable way to craft potions. The bad thing is only 3 can be crafted at a time.

The worst thing about this is the 'challenge' zone. The boss has a whopping 10 minute cooldown delay and the drops aren't even guaranteed! The 10 minute delay is unnecessary padding and only adds to the monotony, and the random drops add insult to injury - not only do we have to wait 10 minutes, there's a chance we get NOTHING from all that trouble. Furthermore, the weapon with the highest attack so far is an RNG drop from this boss.

Waiting times and RNG, once again, are NOT challenge. They're pure tedium, and do nothing to the difficulty. I'm not against RNG drops if they're bonus items that only offer aesthetic value, but when they're necessary, that's when they become detrimental.

I can see why they added the 10 minute delay - probably to simulate the average time in an epic dungeon run. However, it just doesn't work given there isn't much to do in the meantime. Besides tick shells, there's no craftables to farm for while waiting since both craft items in the map require beating the boss, multiple times. I wish there was a larger variety of items. Why not have level 15 versions of the Acevorah Staff and Spear in the shop?
What's worse is that the monsters in the map are hardily soloable and forces teamwork. Some players just do not want to cooperate, which can make the waiting times more hollow and tedious.

Obviously, I'm not expecting a perfect release but a lot could've been done here, even for a mini release. And it's hard to believe it brings back some of the worst aspects of Closed Beta. I just hope the upcoming Dragon Lair is an improvement over this.

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/17/2016 3:36:28)

Ok, so here is my feedback:

The story is really good. Legit made me laugh in the cutscene.
I like being able to farm for potions. It's a nice new addition.
Good monster design.
I like how it does not use a dungeion key. That is really nice and in keepibg with the whole keys for major areas thing.
I personally like having a solo area with good drops. It allows for solo play which is apprciated. More solo zones like this in future.

Do not like:
The drop rate on the monsters is insanely low. I thought it'd be easy to get some potions but I've been at it for a while now and only got one tick claw. Needs a increase. Not too high, but certanly higher.
Ten minuite spawn is not liked at all. I don't think this is just me TBH. It's completely arbitrary and just serves to timegate progress. It is nothing more then annoying, especialy with a RNG sysem since you have to wait ten mins for the CHANCE of a item. It either needs a drastic cooldown increase, or a garanteed item drop for the wait. NOT both, but cerrtanly ONE of those two.
Repetitive quests: While the story and writing behind them is good, the quests themselves are not. They are fairly repetivie and are just "Kill monsters, pick up eggs fight boss". In my opion quests IN GENERAL need one of two things:
1: They need the writing pointed out more. If people have more reason and option to read the quest itself, they may hae more fun knowing why they do it.
2: better questing in general. I am not sure how one would do this with the AQ3D quest system, but quests need more variety. Maybe some small farming quests could have the higher numbers like 15 and up kills, with the main quests haing lower ones like 1 to 10. maybe mix up some objectives together, maybe even add NEW ones.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/17/2016 22:46:14)


2: better questing in general. I am not sure how one would do this with the AQ3D quest system, but quests need more variety.

I love every quest that was ever released from Turbine's Lotro. The links are a sample of the Halloween quests (I'd post every quest in existence but this will have to do). I love how the many stories and characters surrounding your protagonist fit together, bringing life, backstory, silly and distinctive relations to your protagonist. I hope this will at least give extra inspiration for quest style. PS Cysero's humor is great, the quest style is relaxing and easy to get into, it was interesting to explore by myself in this single-player room and the path to Acevorah takes some twists and turns and falls and hidden places, I love (third love) the release.

How Halloween/Mogloween quests were done: (see Related Quests)

Longail -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/20/2016 21:32:28)

This is a ridiculously minute thing, and this may not even be the place for it, but Reed's (quest-giver in Heartwood Forest) "Assaulted Nuts" quest dialogue has a typo in the last sentence where a question mark is in the place of an apostrophe.

BalDrakoFountAQ3D -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/20/2016 21:43:08)

I know how you feel, my dad got the email and told me about but I was too stressed out with life so I shunned him away and even though I am $25 Founder Guardian rewards will expand on us the unique thing is that with time we will be bumped up into higher places like how founder guardians got collector guardian status

BalDrakoFountAQ3D -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/20/2016 22:06:26)

Well guys I wonder should we look torwards the ashfall update that will soon strike. I have a feeling it might be a great saga that we have been waiting for, I personally hope that the Ashfall saga will be a perfect introduction to the Dragonslayer class and it will throw in some new gear followed by some amazing puzzles

ShadowDragon56 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/22/2016 18:37:15)

I hate to be that guy but here's my feedback...

The game is...interesting and is kinda fun but it can get kinda boring after awhile and yes I know it's not complete yet but from what I can gather from my experience so far this game has tons of problems I don't like and I'm really concerned that this game may flop big time because it may not be appealing enough to get people interested and also how AE killed AQW.

Ok, first of all please get rid of this new crafting system that's currently in place for this game. Who wants to sit and wait a few hours or a whole day just to wear some piece of armor or weapon? Screw that crap nobody has time for that. The crafting system in this game is just horrible and I don't know what AE was thinking with this but it needs to go or it may turn-off alot people. Definitely a issue I have with this game.

Just do things like you used to do around this mechanic in other games. You buy or craft a weapon or armor and just equip it onto your character...simple. Do things the old-fashioned way and get rid of this new crafting system crap and the game would be so much better because of it.

Another problem is the graphics. I know graphics aren't everything and shouldn't really make a game because even through the graphics in a game may be beautiful but if the gameplay is crap then the game is bad but the graphics this game has is kinda unappealing to look at. The graphics here look like a typical 3D game from the late 90's or early 2000's.

Alot gamers nowdays are graphic ****s and if the game doesn't look pretty enough virtually (even though the game may be good) may not attract consumers to your product.

The quests gets ridiculously repetitive and once you do some quests for awhile you will begin to see how repetitive most of them are sometimes with killing the same monster over and over again continuously just to get that one certain drop you need to complete the quest and even the drop rate is low depending on the item and this is one big reason I say the game gets boring after awhile.[8|]

These are only some of the problems I have with this game but the real issue here is how will this game be any different from other MMORPG's?

*Nova* -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/22/2016 19:21:48)

Sigh, AE making the same mistakes over and over again.

ShadowDragon56 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/22/2016 19:35:22)

Artix is clueless and if he thinks this game is gonna be a huge success then he's in for a huge awakening. If they don't address these issues soon that people are saying, the game is gonna fail and I don't want to see it happen.

I like AE and their games but if they don't get their crap together quickly they will crease to exist. The company isn't already doing that well.

Amethystlock -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/23/2016 3:39:04)

^ About Crafting, Graphics and Questing Situation from Previous Posts ^

I'd thought of crafting times as a strange new feature, it didn't affect much for me but I understand the day-comers. I log in a little every night to use up dungeon keys for the dragon-y necrohen (its face is so priceless) so I'm a patient sleeper (we're all like that some ways) for crafting. I just hope we'll have more uses for dragon crystals soon, and I know we'll have many coming, as Dragon Crystals will be the core materials keeping the servers open and world/char/attraction interactions building after guardians4life.

Graphics. Wouldn't it be one of the most amazing and life-changing experiences to learn how to bring art to life like this? Maybe it's not impossible to learn/be taught from extremely experienced teams. For AE though, I'm still in awe of its purity. The point about others wanting more realistic art and leaving for it.. well it must be the case for some. Also from the news AE gets huge support from fans and it surprises the people who run the (insert name and add Con that AE visited). Art is always something to improve, can never stop getting better, and AE has many players excited for more who won't stop at the art and /cheer for updates. (i wish i knew how many were in the servers at a given time)

Questing and Direction. Everyone needs to feel as if tensions are high sometimes, survival at stake and stealthy/no-holding-back horrors in the way, and questing can be even more dramatic than atmospheric lighting/sound effects by themselves. Purpose. Questing can also be as light and fun as a huge dragon chicken (Dricken) or visiting someone's secret pad/refuge with ridiculous music after almost getting killed in the chaotic-ly loud metallic confusion in the dark famous-now-infamous spacecraft. that's not fun but more of a relief. Feeling. A great writer once said that writers are psychos. These quests with random attractions like Drickens and brain ticks crawling on our hair have a special memorable place in us, I do agree that some quests might scare off newcomers and we need them to see just how mysterious of a world Lore is.

Extra. Feedback partially from a group circle in /skulltower. Wishing for Hero's Backpack to come back as it did for Guardians during guardian surprise. Compared to the full surprise it's like a bite, but manages to cure the OCD of feeling incomplete and inadequate, and win at least one person over to getting Collector's Guardian(believed to go rare when Open Beta closes around Summertime veryvery roughly, needs eventual source), but do what you like and think is for the good of the world!

overdead -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/24/2016 9:29:04)

[Feedback about dragon morph pricing deleted. I no longer have issues with it.]

I wish there were large continuous areas which can be explored without having to load a different map. Technically, the areas of greenguard and doomwood are huge but are divided into chunks. For example, doomwood is divided into 3 parts which are separate maps altogether. Is this part of the limitations of this game since it's also supposed to support mobile which should not require too much data? Because if it can be done, it would be nice if there was an open world in the game just to maximize the 3D aspect of it wherein one can REALLY roam around in a virtual world without having to feel like we're just exploring one little area at a time.

So, is it possible to have a large continuous and undivided areas in the game?

shadowgasher0090 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/24/2016 18:28:28)

I'm getting a bit annoyed at how everything requires materials to craft except for the founder, kickstarter and beta exclusive gear. I am all of these, but i want to be able to buy new styles as i progress using just gold like in AQW. Sorry in advance for comparing this game to AQW so much, but it has ALOT of solid features that would work great in this game.

aqw is probably the most popular of your games, i think you should add more favorite features from aqw. Like being able to use ANY gear at ANY level, but still have good stats, by simply upgrading it every few levels using the equipment enhancements from the trainers. Now, i don't mind SOME crafted items. The dungeons are the perfect areas to place the craftable gear, so people can farm the dungeons and get the gear they want, but the people that want to focus on the story and unlocking areas can get by without needing to farm for hours for a piece of gear that they'll only use for a few more levels before needing to farm for another set.

I also really like the amazing events you had in AQW with the epic music and lyrics that tell a story (mainly voltaire). not needed now, but would be nice to have an area that really stands out like the one-eyed doll race to the top in mythsong, lorestockapalooza. that is the most memorable area from aqw for me because of the amazing music and transition of music as the story progressed. doomwood is another area that stands out for me because its story was was so amazing with epic background music. maybe add in some puzzles and mini games like in all your other games. doesn't have to be during beta, but before you release it, so that you can show people that it isn't just another MMO, it is an Artix Entertainment Game. All of your games are amazing, some alittle outdated, but still good in their own AE kind of way.

to make the game more unique, you should disable the enemy auto attack when you walk by them. EVERY MMO does this and it is the most annoying thing in every MMO. especially since this is merely the beginning of the game and we don't want people rage quit the game because they die every time they want to walk past a few enemies to get to their objective. aqw had stationary enemies except in special areas like Tercessuinotlim where it was mostly an end game thing, where you had to farm for hours to get epic looking loot, and this was perfect because it wasn't a mandatory area, so it should be more difficult and have aggressive enemies.

Another thing that should be brought over from aqw is the area reputation. the rewards that were in the rep shop were usually worth the farm. though most of the rep classes weren't too great, they were better than normal classes you could buy anywhere. really the only classes better than the rep classes were the annual classes like chunin and vindicator of they. While still on classes, i love how you brought over the equip any class at any time. just an idea here but it would be kind of nice to have SOME customization in classes, maybe a small class tree, where there are about 3 other abilities besides the base ones and maybe some different stat buffs for reaching higher class ranks. i've kind of wanted this in aqw, but the class system was set in stone by the time i started playing, so since this is a beta, maybe you could experiment a bit more. after all nothing that you add in now is guaranteed to be in the final release. maybe every week, you could change how something works or add a feature and send out surveys to find out what should stay and what should be removed or tweaked based on the community's input.

It would also be nice to have AQ3D like your other games in terms of leveling. I am only JUST NOW getting to lvl 10 and i have been at the doomwood bridge for a while now and the only reason i managed to get this far is because someone helped me kill enemies. if not for them helping me get there, i would still be stuck at the first area of doomwood, just farming wolves and skeletons until i am lvl 12 to even think about continuing to the next area...and that would easily take another 5+ hours of farming. I'M ONLY LEVEL 10, it shouldn't take THIS LONG to level up at these early stages. if i remember correctly, in aqw, it didn't start getting too difficult to level up until around 35 or 40. until then, i never really noticed getting stuck at any location because i wasn't a high enough level; I just kept on moving through the story until i got to the end of what was in the game at that point, which was i think sandsea.

...just came back to the game a few days ago and these are the things i felt the game needs. and just got around to the mogloween event and....honestly im a little disappointed. Just a bunch of dungeons? in any of your other games, these dungeons would be ONE part of the event not the whole event. And i'm sorry to bring up aqw again, but aqw has to be the best work you guys have done and I loved every second i played for the 3+ years i played it. it kept me coming back; i played every week on release day and was hyped for EVERY release. all of the seasonal events in aqw felt like you put in over time and poured everything you had until you were completely out of energy to continue. I hope there is an equivalent amount of content in the seasonal events in aq3d when the game releases.
Also as a side note, AQW is THE ONLY MMO that kept me playing longer than one month....and the fact that it kept me playing for 3+years, just proves how good it is when compared to the 1 month or less standard of other MMOs i have played. And i would love for nothing less than to play AQ3D for no less than 2 years.

Sorry for how long it is but when i start typing, i keep typing until everything i want to say has been said + anything i think of as i type.

Also, shadowdragon56 has a good point about the graphics. But it doesn't need to be battlefield 1 kind of good graphics. Honestly, just using the same graphics as AQW would suffice for me, because those graphics are quite appealing. the AQ3D graphics are kind of blurry and low res, even on max graphics setting. oversoul had a good graphic style too. And in terms of character graphics, dragonfable had good character graphics.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/24/2016 21:59:47)


Sigh, AE making the same mistakes over and over again.

This. Literally this. The Acevorah release is a sore example of this. They're literally bringing back RNG drops, the same repetitive quests and now the ridiculous 10 minute boss spawn into the mix. I did not expect it to be this bad.

Looking at the DNs and Twitter, there's little emphasis on combat and gameplay. New content is nice and all, but when the foundations of the game isn't even taken seriously, especially when they're in such an incomplete state, how will they suffice? This is especially shown by the Acevorah release. Unless they innovate and do something about the game's flaws, I can't see light in AQ3D's path.

I've mostly lost hope with this game at this point. I'm still going to stick around, maybe it'll eventually find its way out from the darkness.

oishii -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/25/2016 0:02:18)

Thanks everyone for taking the time to post about your feelings on the game!

While understandably, not everyone will like every release, please understand that our team is fairly small. Yes, we are still working on core functionality like combat and such. This is something that only our core programmer can do. However, you must understand this: we still have other devs who only write quests, model monsters, make armours and weapons, and so on. Those people CANNOT fix things like combat. Or program a brand new UI. Or create a bank system which requires heavy database restructuring. We only released this as a bonus for players. This is the kind of thing that the rest of the team can make while the heavy stuff is still being built. The alternative is that nothing gets released at all (Artix, as well as a lot of players would never agree to this).

There is no reason to take this as any indication of how the whole of the rest of the game will be. With every release we include new functionality and features that we've been working on. Even just this last Acevorah released included the new level-locking feature that players have been asking for, as well as the level 14-15 changes. Not to mention things like the PC-centric User Interface, Keybindings and other bug fixes.

As far as drops and crafting; neither of those things are going to go away. This is an online game where things are always evolving and changing; nothing is static and nothing is guaranteed. Drops will always been RNG to some extent as it is a competitive environment. I have already made it so EVERYONE who gets loot rights on a kill will receive the item if it drops (barring if you are dead; another bug that needs heavy aggro flow restructuring). I believe this is much preferable for players than the previous system where only 1 person received an item, if it even dropped.

However, that's not to say that these systems won't change in some way or another. We are still experimenting as we go along, trying to find the right balance. We are working with what we have available to us right now.

overdead -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/25/2016 1:04:10)

I appreciate the acevorah filler release. Gave us a bit to do. I understand that your team is small and you need all the support you can get. But if you can, please do see our point too when we raised our concerns regarding the pricing of the DC items. It's not just about that one item. That dragon will lose the spotlight in a month or two. But what concerns us is the precedence it creates. I effectively raises the ceiling of DC items to a staggering 4900 DCs. That's already more than $15 for just a single item.

You can say that other MMOs charge just as much for pet (wow for example). But you're not wow.. You're a small company with a small game. Please take this as an opinion from an observer.

I know the game is still early in development (for almost two years now, maybe more..) so I'll just wait for further updates. I know AE can succeed in this. The staff-player interaction is your greatest forte and it's really something. Just please don't turn this into another cash cow game like AQW.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (11/25/2016 2:42:21)

Thank you for your reply.


While understandably, not everyone will like every release, please understand that our team is fairly small. Yes, we are still working on core functionality like combat and such. This is something that only our core programmer can do. However, you must understand this: we still have other devs who only write quests, model monsters, make armours and weapons, and so on. Those people CANNOT fix things like combat. Or program a brand new UI. Or create a bank system which requires heavy database restructuring. We only released this as a bonus for players. This is the kind of thing that the rest of the team can make while the heavy stuff is still being built. The alternative is that nothing gets released at all (Artix, as well as a lot of players would never agree to this).

I do understand it takes time to develop this game with such a small team, but that only raises questions. Why launch Open Beta so early? If the rudiments of the game take time to develop, I feel that Alpha should have been extended. Now this is Beta, where the focal point is generally on the content. But the core gameplay aspects are still needing touches. In addition, I feel that the rest of the team can still play key roles in improving this game. One thing I've stressed from the Acevorah release is the quest design. I'm pretty sure the quest designers can try to brainstorm and come up with fresh new ideas.


There is no reason to take this as any indication of how the whole of the rest of the game will be. With every release we include new functionality and features that we've been working on. Even just this last Acevorah released included the new level-locking feature that players have been asking for, as well as the level 14-15 changes. Not to mention things like the PC-centric User Interface, Keybindings and other bug fixes.

That's good, though I don't see how this isn't what the rest of the game is right now. The Acevorah release repeats the same things done by most other zones, which includes lack of variety of quests, tedious crafting requirements etc. I still feel there could've been things improved upon the Acevorah release. We'll wait and see when Ashfall comes. Regarding bug fixes, key bindings and PC interface, they're necessary so it's good they're done.


As far as drops and crafting; neither of those things are going to go away. This is an online game where things are always evolving and changing; nothing is static and nothing is guaranteed. Drops will always been RNG to some extent as it is a competitive environment. I have already made it so EVERYONE who gets loot rights on a kill will receive the item if it drops (barring if you are dead; another bug that needs heavy aggro flow restructuring). I believe this is much preferable for players than the previous system where only 1 person received an item, if it even dropped.

I wasn't clear when I said 'the return of RNG drops', so I'd like to explain further. I'm not entirely against RNG drops, they're staples in MMORPGS. What is important in my opinion, is how RNG is executed. RNG should be meaningful, and not detriment our enjoyment. An example of meaningful RNG is the Dricken hat. It doesn't anything statwise, but it is a plus when it comes to aesthetics. The Acevorah release, one the other hand, is an example of RNG done wrong. The high level zone is supposed to be a challenge zone, so I would expect the craftables to be challenge items. The problem lies in the fact we're required to beat the boss and the drops AREN'T guaranteed. Moreover, we have to wait 10 minutes to fight this one boss. Where's the reward in that when we have to go through such trouble for a chance of nothing? The RNG only adds up to the tedium when the procedure itself is already monotonous. What's worse with the angered Acevorah boss is that one of its RNG drops, a dagger, offers the HIGHEST ATTACK STAT in the game. While its other stats aren't any outstanding, that still should not happen. In conclusion, RNG items should NOT be necessary, but instead be cosmetic bonuses. They should not benefit us statwise in any way. If we're going to get the best items in the game, we should be able to put in legitimate effort, not pray to RNGesus. That's my key concern with regards to RNG. The game should be fun, not tedious. Therefore, RNG should be carefully placed, not done so for the sake of doing it.

Modern MMORPGs are ever-changing. They're focusing less on the tedium and more on the fun-factor. Sure, many of them are grindy, but the most successful have enjoyable and less primitive gameplay to compensate. AQ3D's gameplay right now isn't the most fun or developed. I feel the the key focus of the releases should be the fun-factor. They should evolve as the game progresses in development, but still be enjoyable.

These are just my opinions. Of course, this is only one person's words, but I'm pretty sure there are others who feel similarly. I just hope the best for the development of the game. Please take your time.

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