Alphaeus -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/14/2015 22:13:54)
Okay, ready to give my feedback now. First, let me lay out my credentials: I have been playing AQW, AQ, ED, MQ, and DF (and even dabbled in HeroSmash later on) since 2010. I have seen vast changes in my primary games (AQW and especially ED) during that time period, and thus can give a comprehensive outlook on AQ3D in relation to Artix games overall. Well now, my overall impression is...I LOVE IT! It is AQW come to life, which is everything I ever wished. That said, time for a critique breakdown: Graphics: on the whole, pretty good. Artix games tend to be heavily stylized, so I don't particularly mind that element being present in the graphics. However, while stylization allows for lower graphics to be "acceptable", I do hope to see these improved. My main beef on this -- make things brighter. It seems like you forgot to use your contrast bar in the graphics design. I want brighter brights, darker darks, shinyer shinies, and duller dulls. Sound: Little to say on this point, except for the big problem I have seen with all Artix games...GIVE ME SOUND EFFECTS!! Not just a little bling here when you are paged in chat, not just some adventuring music, but the sound of clashing metal, cutting flesh, pinging armor, tearing fabric, running footfalls, etc. etc. etc. World: Matching the AQW world so far, so I am fine with that. The biggest pro I have seen so far is the jumping/climbing element. I love the ability to scale walls and giant trees/roots. Could you maybe add an actual "climb" action in addition to jump? Something that would let you use your hands to pull yourself up, grab onto an edge because you under-jumped, and the like (using an action like this would allow you to put in "monkey-bar" style obstacles or "hand-over-hand" ledges or ropes). The only other world critique is a nod to my graphics critique, so I will not be redundant. Also...I NEED A MAP!!! I can only remember a couple of basic codes (like battleon and doomwoodforest), so I need the map. I loved it in AQW and ED, and I would love it here. Characters: Since this is still Alpha, I understand the lack of customization. The NPCs are reasonably well done, some of them actually exhibiting better motions than the characters themselves. Battle (Including classes, skills, and abilities): Battle seems like an upgraded version of AQW. Again, this is OK, but I would like to see a few changes. Already I see that the skills have been simplified into 4 stats, and 8 additional modifiers. That is GREAT!! But, there is still more to do. I do NOT see the need for extra or adjustable abilities, since that would over-complicate what all AQW (and AQ and DF and HeroSmash and...) players have come to love. I know that abilities will be added when Beta comes and you get individualized classes, so I won't talk about that. One thing that I would like to see is the "auto attack" being customized by class. Here is a quick idea by the Holy Trinity of Classes: Rogue auto attack-- .5 second cooldown. Full damage, +10% hit, +10% crit power Warrior auto attack -- 1.5 second cooldown. +10% damage, +10% crit, +10% crit power Mage auto attack -- 1 second cooldown. Only 90 (or 95)% damage. +20% hit That would be a good start. The Rogue is fast and accurate and can hit critical points with great skill. The Warrior is strong but slower, yet this is balanced by his fearsome crits. The Mage is not meant for melee, and thus his base damage is slightly less, but his powers make it rare for him to miss or be dodged. Also, make sure each class has its "passive." Rogue's have extra dodge, for example. This would be like AQW, so I won't continue more. Items: Good principle. Again, keeping the stats simple. First big critique: WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WITH THE PRICES IN DOOMWOOD?!?! TAKE A ZERO OFF OF THOSE COSTS, THANK YOU!!! At 15K "Sworn Oath" would still be super costly considering the limited means of earning money right now. Also, see "quests" section. Suggestions: I would like to see your armor actually coming into play, instead of just your class. I think you CLASS should merely affect abilities and passives (and base stat modifiers), while your ARMOR should affect your stats. Secondly, I would like to see the ability to equip two weps, or a wep and a shield. I do NOT want to see paired weps/wep-shield lumped as one item. Keep them separate, please. This would help add more variety to battles, as well. Third...WHERE ARE MY EPIC CAPES?! Quests: Decent. Only major problem...DOOMWOOD QUESTS TAKE FOREVER FOR SUCH A LITTLE REWARD!!! I can complete ten (or more) of the Taco quests in the time it takes to do the doomwood quests ONCE!! Either drop the numbers for completing the quests, or give us FARRR better rewards (additionally, I would like maybe a weapon drop from the Terror?). Hope you guys take this advice into consideration as you move forward!