RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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afterlifex -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/10/2015 0:23:05)

Might be something to limit to priests or some other dedicated healing class.
Or a 1 time use consumable could also play the roll, you die then the item is used up but you respawn on the spot. Limit it 1 per inventory.

edit: I hate myself for saying this but....a premium item.

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/10/2015 0:35:58)

Well, I don't know if this can work here but in ESO you could either buy a cheap Empty Soul Gem and fill it yourself, or buy a more expensive Filled Soul gem for a higher price. Plus price went up by leve, so a level 1-10 Soul Gem (filed OR unfilled) would cost less then a level 10-20 and so on.


I hate myself for saying this but....a premium item.


LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/10/2015 10:16:37)

Am I the only one who hates the blue grass doomwood?

A) It looks so out of place with the necromancer tower
B) It kind of makes it look more like a fairyland and less doom..

Wish they'd have used Deadmoor colours..

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/10/2015 19:33:38)

Hey, I've just remembered about this thing I wanted to have talked about, and it is pretty important. Please consider this, if you are not already.

I am not sure if the drops and going to be individual or not, but regardless of they way drops work, one thing must be noted:

When you die in the middle of a battle against a Boss for example, and the Boss then dies, you should still be credited for loot, as long as you are still present there (as a corpse), without respawning.
If you made a contribution in battle, but then died, your efforts shouldn't go to waste. In a very hard battle, any group is predicted to lose some team-mates in the process.

I think that to make balanced, challenging Boss battles, players should not be able to simply go back to battle over and over by the act of respawning. It breaks the balance and makes battles a joke.
It should be important to try to survive, or to receive heals from others to help you last longer. As it is, nobody cares if someone dies until you are the last person standing and getting beaten.
Respawing over and over again and running back to battle is NOT strategy.

Sure, it might not be fun to lay dead and wait until the boss dies or your group gets wiped. But that teaches players to be careful, and try not to die, as well as helping others in need. Not only because you would be super awesome, but because helping a team-mate survive increases the chances of defeating the Boss.
If in a hard battle you happen to die, it's still fun to watch your group struggling to beat the last 10% of HP, while rooting for them.

If there is none of this, I'm afraid the game could become a "Run to battle, die, respawn, run to battle, die...", where you can defeat the boss as long as there is still one last person holding the boss everytime. And I am sure so many would complain about having been dead, or not making it in time the moment the boss dies, because then loot was not credited to them.

(But obviously, in the case of World Bosses or common battles in the open world, you could still respawn and head back to battle quickly. And as long as you damaged the Boss again, or healed a player already in-battle, you would be re-credited the loot.)

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/10/2015 20:09:26)


That would work.....

if AE realize the horrible class hell that AQW has become.


The players are given so much power within a click of a button. They don't bother to help or get help. They can literally 1 shot any monster and solo the whole story.


Four Skills. Lack of variety and combos results in AE having to make overpowered 4 skills to keep customers satisfied. If they make 8 skills per class, people can make combos, strategies and have variety, something to do.

Since they're basing nearly everything off AQW (not the brightest idea) they'll have a lot of bad reviews from critiques, problems and could be making an AQW:3D...

I wouldn't keep our hopes up high.. yet..

flashbang -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 0:47:57)

IIRC, the game is officially AQW:3D. I may be wrong though.

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 0:52:52)

^that's what they first started calling it, but I guess there wasn't much difference from the previous AQ3D and they changed their minds

Evangel -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 1:04:55)

Although it might seem like it, AQ3D isn't "AQW: 3D". If you read the About page on the website, it's actually effectively a reboot of AdventureQuest.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 10:18:44)

It doesn't even look like AQ (thankfully, the most would be outdated).
It looks like AQW (oh no, the everything is so bad).

Since they aren't trying anything new skill wise, combat wise, art wise or taking their their time (a few years) to learn 3D coding, it's practically an AQW reboot if anything..

I do get it's SUPPOSED to be an AQ reboot though..

David the Wanderer -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 11:06:35)

@LyRein: Isn't it a bit early to claim that the whole game is based on AQW? The Alpha isn't even a month old, there are only five maps (Yulgar's Inn, Battleon Town, Greenguard North, Greenguard South, and the Greenguard Cave). There are about five NPCs, of which only two (Cysero and Melodia, the girl in the Inn) have any characteristic that tell them apart from the others. Also, the Trolluks are mobs that never were in AQW, and the Flying Eyes are from AQ Classic, the Sneevils from DF...
Art-wise, this game is very different from AQW. Just look at the character models. What do you see that's so similar to AQW?

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 12:09:18)


They plan to release open beta this year..

It's not too early to claim anything..

Trolluks are featured in AQW for your information, the Flying Eyes are present in AQW and the Sneevils are in the universe too..


Just look at the character models

Obviously the character models will be different...


What do you see that's so similar to AQW?

Battleon town's design,
Greenguard Cave,
Yulgar's Inn interior
4 skill mechanic (no note saying they plan to change this so)
/join feature, originally from AQW

If you seriously don't see the resemblance...

Azan -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 14:10:56)


Trolluks are featured in AQW for your information, the Flying Eyes are present in AQW and the Sneevils are in the universe too..

This hardly means anything, in my opinion, as Flying Eyes and Sneevils are in the DF universe too. And as David pointed out, Flying Eyes are originally from AQ. What I'm saying there is the different AE games have lots of similarities, and saying that because Flying Eyes and Sneevils are in AQW, the whole game will be like AQW, looks a little bit exaggerated.[;)]

Going back on what you said was so similar to AQW...

Battleon town's design

Originally from AdventureQuest. And it's not exactly the same as in AQW, there are differences.

Greenguard Cave

One cave from one forest in a whole multiverse. Hardly means anything if you ask me...

Yulgar's Inn interior

Again, if you go play AdventureQuest and go to Yulgar's Inn, you'll see lots of similarities. Which does not mean this game is AdventureQuest Classic in 3D.

4 skill mechanic (no note saying they plan to change this so)

No note saying they plan not to change this either.[;)]

/join feature, originally from AQW

And even Cysero has no fixed idea yet if this is going to stay or go.

I fully concur with what David said. It's a bit early to say the game will be a copy of AQW. I certainly don't wish it to be, as in all honesty, AQW is not my favourite AE game. The staff stated AQ3D was a whole new game with its whole new lore. That does not sound too much "guys, we'll make a copy of AQW!" for me at the very least!

David the Wanderer -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 14:33:41)


They plan to release open beta this year..

Open Beta is still Beta. It's not the finished product, and there might be radical changes between the Beta and the full game, the release date of which we still don't know; it might be in summer of 2016, or even late winter 2016. The Beta being open is simply a way to receive a lot more feedback and bug reports. Plus, Steam offers developers to release Early Access games, which are basically Open Betas. Why should be web-games forbidden to do the same?

Rlogg -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 15:11:31)

I agree with azan we shouldnt jump to conclusions so quickly as its only the beginning of alpha and the game would probably go through drastic changes in between so we should wait until the beta and even then nothing would be final so people should realy stop being so aggresive .the devs r doing all they can to give us a good game.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 17:28:28)


Open Beta and Closed Beta are extremely vital parts of developing a game.

If Alpha is now and Open Beta is in Winter then that means they are skipping closed beta (unless it only lasts a month LOL)
and they're doing this TOO quickly.

They need to stop trying to rush this game.
Tech Demo started at November till August, which was fine.

But they launched Alpha without another few months gap to improve and design more content to test with.

And now they plan to release OPEN beta in nov/december?

Early Access is like a point in-between (as AE likes to call it) Tech Demo and Alpha, like in between.
Updates happen constantly.

You normally have to buy your way in the early access

Open Beta is basically a semi-finished product with a good amount of starter content already and simply requires a few tweaks, lots of bug fixes and some extra testing, and anyone can join without a pre-registration like an Alpha.

Ankh -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/11/2015 17:29:04)

So far I'm really impressed with this game.
I know it's still only alpha phase, but it's just so awesome to run around in an AE gameworld in 3D, and slay monsters and farm with your friends! I've really missed that, since the first AQ3D project got taken down.
The emotes are also really cool, I specially love how you can /squat and /mj.
Keep it up AE! I can't wait to see this game growing. I'm sure it will be way more popular than AQW, when first it really starts go wild after beta phase. ^_^

CheerfulSerpent -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/14/2015 2:31:52)

1) I'd like to see a minimap added to the game. That could mean we could lazily navigate ourselves around new areas without having to resort to adding the "click a dialogue prompt and wait to be auto-pathed along a dotted trail" feature into the game.

2) I am a bit concerned about the possible lag, with it being a 3D multiplayer game and all. I've played single-player Unity games in the past and those seem to run fine, but then again AQW runs well too on empty maps and turns into a total lagfest whenever a group of people are exp/rep farming. I feel like a low quality selection will eventually materialize but I hope it well somehow be on the same graphical tier as what he currently have in Alpha (Or worse, I honestly only care about the core gameplay).

3) As some posters have mentioned before, I dislike the idea of classes taking up inventory slots. Or, preferably, if they do, I'd like to see separate inventory caps for different categories of inventory items (e.g. 4 slots for classes, 10-20 for equipment, and as many as possible for misc/quest items)

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/14/2015 11:50:08)

^ #3

I would disagree about classes taking up slots, if they are easily switchable like it appears to be having a limitation inflicted forces you to think about what you are carrying. AQW aside RPG classes tend to have restricted uses, if you can hop around from tank to DPS to ranged it defeats any reason for there to be classes beyond them being "quick switch templates" for skills. This does however assume there will be vast changes to classes over AQW, a clone is not what is needed. We can only hope that in the coming months the game will go its own direction. At this point it is a bit early though to tell where it is going.

However I do not think that your active items should be filing up a slot. An equipment UI is sorely needed to make the game "modern" in that aspect.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/14/2015 12:39:15)

A way to organize the item list would be useful.

CheerfulSerpent -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/14/2015 19:50:58)

Good point, I was thinking too much along the lines of AQW (Officially, it is AQW:3D still, right?).

Picking a set role and fulfilling it seems a lot more interesting for a cooperation-based MMO game, however I did enjoy the amount of choice in AQW presented by the numerous classes. A fair compromise might be selecting a fixed/semi-fixed role (let's say healer), then being given the option of different classes that fit that role (e.g. Acolyte, Monk). Each of these classes will still need to have a healing/supporting role as their main focus but they may also serve a secondary purpose to the team (e.g. team buffs for Acolyte, enemy debuffs or dps for Monk).

A skill-tree has been another proposed alternative, but personally I feel like that's been done to death. Also, I personally find skill-trees to be annoying to work with due to abstract stat differences that have no noticeable impact on the game (Which is somewhat mitigated when you have preset classes, since the little deficits and positives add up)

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/14/2015 20:00:39)

"choice by numerous classes"

After summer of 2013, there were no such thing as good original and balanced classes in AQW

They hardly plan the classes, just think of adding them during a release.
They usually make it rare after a while (FOR SOME REASON).
They also release them too frequently.

It's a recycle factory at AQW.
AQW:3D is not the intended idea, it's a reboot of AQ: Classic, but it does look way too similar to AQW.

I prefer if there were no such thing as... strict healers. I prefer the idea of having the ability to choose between: Self-Support heal or Group heal.

As someone else had pointed out, deciding what your skills do, i.e, Fire does huge damage or DoT? Heal is a HoT or a large chunk?

And of course

I will cry myself to bed if they stick w/ 4 skill rule.
That rule sucks.

Would be pretty cool also if weapons affect your class... STYLE.

Rogue with daggers has better offense and attack speed but is vulnerable due to it not being a close-up combative type like Warrior.
Rogue with bow has ranged attack but slower attack speed and weaker offense, in exchange for less vulnerability to attacks.

Alphaeus -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/14/2015 22:13:54)

Okay, ready to give my feedback now.
First, let me lay out my credentials:
I have been playing AQW, AQ, ED, MQ, and DF (and even dabbled in HeroSmash later on) since 2010. I have seen vast changes in my primary games (AQW and especially ED) during that time period, and thus can give a comprehensive outlook on AQ3D in relation to Artix games overall.

Well now, my overall impression is...I LOVE IT! It is AQW come to life, which is everything I ever wished. That said, time for a critique breakdown:

Graphics: on the whole, pretty good. Artix games tend to be heavily stylized, so I don't particularly mind that element being present in the graphics. However, while stylization allows for lower graphics to be "acceptable", I do hope to see these improved. My main beef on this -- make things brighter. It seems like you forgot to use your contrast bar in the graphics design. I want brighter brights, darker darks, shinyer shinies, and duller dulls.

Sound: Little to say on this point, except for the big problem I have seen with all Artix games...GIVE ME SOUND EFFECTS!! Not just a little bling here when you are paged in chat, not just some adventuring music, but the sound of clashing metal, cutting flesh, pinging armor, tearing fabric, running footfalls, etc. etc. etc.

World: Matching the AQW world so far, so I am fine with that. The biggest pro I have seen so far is the jumping/climbing element. I love the ability to scale walls and giant trees/roots. Could you maybe add an actual "climb" action in addition to jump? Something that would let you use your hands to pull yourself up, grab onto an edge because you under-jumped, and the like (using an action like this would allow you to put in "monkey-bar" style obstacles or "hand-over-hand" ledges or ropes). The only other world critique is a nod to my graphics critique, so I will not be redundant.

Also...I NEED A MAP!!! I can only remember a couple of basic codes (like battleon and doomwoodforest), so I need the map. I loved it in AQW and ED, and I would love it here.

Characters: Since this is still Alpha, I understand the lack of customization. The NPCs are reasonably well done, some of them actually exhibiting better motions than the characters themselves.

Battle (Including classes, skills, and abilities): Battle seems like an upgraded version of AQW. Again, this is OK, but I would like to see a few changes. Already I see that the skills have been simplified into 4 stats, and 8 additional modifiers. That is GREAT!! But, there is still more to do.
I do NOT see the need for extra or adjustable abilities, since that would over-complicate what all AQW (and AQ and DF and HeroSmash and...) players have come to love. I know that abilities will be added when Beta comes and you get individualized classes, so I won't talk about that.

One thing that I would like to see is the "auto attack" being customized by class. Here is a quick idea by the Holy Trinity of Classes:
Rogue auto attack-- .5 second cooldown. Full damage, +10% hit, +10% crit power
Warrior auto attack -- 1.5 second cooldown. +10% damage, +10% crit, +10% crit power
Mage auto attack -- 1 second cooldown. Only 90 (or 95)% damage. +20% hit

That would be a good start. The Rogue is fast and accurate and can hit critical points with great skill. The Warrior is strong but slower, yet this is balanced by his fearsome crits. The Mage is not meant for melee, and thus his base damage is slightly less, but his powers make it rare for him to miss or be dodged.

Also, make sure each class has its "passive." Rogue's have extra dodge, for example. This would be like AQW, so I won't continue more.

Items: Good principle. Again, keeping the stats simple.
First big critique: WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WITH THE PRICES IN DOOMWOOD?!?! TAKE A ZERO OFF OF THOSE COSTS, THANK YOU!!! At 15K "Sworn Oath" would still be super costly considering the limited means of earning money right now. Also, see "quests" section.
Suggestions: I would like to see your armor actually coming into play, instead of just your class. I think you CLASS should merely affect abilities and passives (and base stat modifiers), while your ARMOR should affect your stats.
Secondly, I would like to see the ability to equip two weps, or a wep and a shield. I do NOT want to see paired weps/wep-shield lumped as one item. Keep them separate, please. This would help add more variety to battles, as well.

Quests: Decent. Only major problem...DOOMWOOD QUESTS TAKE FOREVER FOR SUCH A LITTLE REWARD!!! I can complete ten (or more) of the Taco quests in the time it takes to do the doomwood quests ONCE!! Either drop the numbers for completing the quests, or give us FARRR better rewards (additionally, I would like maybe a weapon drop from the Terror?).

Hope you guys take this advice into consideration as you move forward!

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/14/2015 22:22:43)

^ the price on the new weapons is kind of the point i'ts something to do, like AQW's Balrog Blade (80k) & Star Sword(1mil) in beta. All people are doing now is farming gold & it has to go somewhere.

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/15/2015 5:22:17)

I don't know if anyone has said this.. but dodgeing/missing your or other's heals needs to go. ASAP.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/15/2015 8:56:29)


The fact that this is exactly (or near) an AQW copy is why it's bad for me.

They AREN'T trying anything new, they AREN'T trying to evolve and fit the industry (as they've said themselves)


I do NOT see the need for extra or adjustable abilities, since that would over-complicate what all AQW (and AQ and DF and HeroSmash and...) players have come to love. I know that abilities will be added when Beta comes and you get individualized classes, so I won't talk about that.

Not trying to ruin your speech or anything but

AdventureQuest: Classic had lots of types of attacks (magic spells, class based attacks (they were separate), original stuff like Necromancer circle (that was my fav class), pets, potions being useful)

DragonFable had, I have no idea where to start with this! Nearly 10 skills on every class, well thought out, no rush or recycle, you could create a Party and have your favourite NPCs aid you in your battles, each with their own unique AI attacks, potions being useful again..

HeroSmash allowed you to not buy classes, but buy SKILLS. Yes, there were only 4 skillslots, however it at least allowed you to pick and switch which skills you'd like.

I'm assuming you haven't played either of them much..
I'm also going to assume you're just an AQW player.

Trying not to be rude but instead of pushing them onto making just a 3D version of AQW, actually motivate them to try something new, original and risky. They won't go anywhere without taking the risks, attempting new things and getting OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE.

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