RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Feralun -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/16/2015 16:42:36)


Are they planning on an auto-run feature? WoW had one on V back when I used to play and it was most enjoyable.

Click the scroll wheel on your mouse

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/16/2015 16:48:59)


That is kind of a personal reasoning if anything, "I use X device so ignore Y community". Building the game from the ground up with PC and mobile variants opens it up to a much large player base. PC will have some extra features while mobile will function in a different manner.

Just as some people may not use mobile devices there are thoughs that do not use PCs. Mobile is by no means nonexistent in this day & age forgoing an ever more common market will not expand AE. AE needs to go outside of its comfort zone to add to its player base from outside its current pool. The more platforms its on and the more flexible it is the larger the market they can reach. They could just as easily make the game for top of the line enthusiast PCs only that would however be a small & very specific market share.

blllaaaaaaaa -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/16/2015 20:08:42)


Click the scroll wheel on your mouse

I'm on a laptop. It would be nice if they considered those who used such devices.

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/16/2015 20:19:17)

Not full/easy auto run like the wheel but you can click and hold both the right and left buttons at the same time, the wheel just allows for you not have to hold the buttons.

: not that it is that viable for a laptop to tell you the truth, a toggle would be best considering mobile of all types.

Feralun -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/16/2015 23:24:20)


I'm on a laptop. It would be nice if they considered those who used such devices.

I personally use a laptop too, but I bought USB wireless mouse for mine.

Honestly though, a keyboard button for auto-run would be nice. I would also like to see compatibility for game controllers in the future sometime.

Tana Pyre -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/17/2015 11:43:50)

I hope this counts as feedback so here it goes...

I am growing ever tired of watching players purposely Glitching out the Monsters and the Undead Terror boss by dragging them into the trees and such right after attacking them in the Doomwood Forest area.

They do it intentionally all the time so that nobody can farm the the Undead Terror for the new swords.

Something really needs to be done about it.

at this point they need to make it so players can't attack while in trees or rocks etc. or they need to make it so the monsters can't go up the trees, roofs etc, after being attacked with fireballs.

it was funny the first 1 or 2 times, but now it's rage inducing. tons of us would actually like to quest and farm for the weapons. but we can't because of the constant glitching thing into trees, rocks etc.

Please stop.

Vexx -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/17/2015 14:37:56)


I hope this counts as feedback so here it goes...

I am growing ever tired of watching players purposely Glitching out the Monsters and the Undead Terror boss by dragging them into the trees and such right after attacking them in the Doomwood Forest area.

They do it intentionally all the time so that nobody can farm the the Undead Terror for the new swords.

Something really needs to be done about it.

at this point they need to make it so players can't attack while in trees or rocks etc. or they need to make it so the monsters can't go up the trees, roofs etc, after being attacked with fireballs.

it was funny the first 1 or 2 times, but now it's rage inducing. tons of us would actually like to quest and farm for the weapons. but we can't because of the constant glitching thing into trees, rocks etc.

Please stop.

@Tana Pyre
I agree, it's been frustrating ever since players used to do it daily to the Clawg boss in the Tech Demo. However, not everyone is aware that he can get stuck, and a lot of times players are just running away because they're close to death, or they're just playing around and shooting the mob with fireballs from atop a tree and such. On that note, you might have already seen Cysero tweet about it but Zhoom is aware of the bug and is currently working on getting it fixed up. So we'll most likely see a fix soon that'll prevent mobs from getting stuck!

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/17/2015 23:25:15)

On a somewhat related note, why can't we run up to an enemy and attack that way? I always have to walk right up to an enemy before attacking, I can't, say, click a close-ranged attack and have my character run up to the mob.

Unless this is also related to the mobs-getting-stuck bug.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/18/2015 11:14:35)


why would you even mention that... if they add that, it'll become another thing to add onto my "Everything Wrong With: AQ3D" spoilers duh

well done if you get the reference by the way

thulsa doom -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/18/2015 12:18:11)

Well, I'm having a hard time finding anything to complain about this game.
Doomwoodforest is simply amazing! I love the creepy atmosphere and the monsters. I've been having a lot of fun just playing around with the 3D in this area (RPG playing sneaking up on the Skeletons and changing viewpoints during battle).
I'm just really excited to see what this game will be like when it goes live.
I must admit though, when I look out over the ocean I have a yearning to sail the high seas.... Wonder what TLAPD will be like in the finished version of AQ3D?
The possibilities are endless!

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/18/2015 12:26:26)


probably a /join TLaPD who needs travel amirite [:D]

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/18/2015 23:13:53)

@LyRein Or on second thought, I'd rather my skills didn't jam up and refuse to cast every time I try to attack something. My earlier point about reserving aggro for some monsters still stands.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/19/2015 11:14:59)


your point was that they should add an auto-attack (like, auto-run to a mob) feature, when did you mention reserving aggro on monsters..

Also, if the problem is your skills refuse to cast then it's obviously a problem with the skills, not the aggro...

Melissa4Bella -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/19/2015 17:37:30)

Hi everyone! Just want to post a reminder about constructive criticism.

Constructive criticism is very much needed in game developement and game building. By doing so you are giving necessary feedback to the game staff so that they can see and understand where something might be improved. But this also involves stating what you like about the game, also.

Constantly downing a multitude of items, areas, gameplay, npc's, etc. drifts away from actually helping and becomes only a distraction with no benefits.

So, let's all work together to help make the game better... not tear it down. Thanks!

Vexx -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/19/2015 17:51:03)


Hi everyone! Just want to post a reminder about constructive criticism.

Constructive criticism is very much needed in game developement and game building. By doing so you are giving necessary feedback to the game staff so that they can see and understand where something might be improved. But this also involves stating what you like about the game, also.

Constantly downing a multitude of items, areas, gameplay, npc's, etc. drifts away from actually helping and becomes only a distraction with no benefits.

So, let's all work together to help make the game better... not tear it down. Thanks!

Good point!

Here are a few things that I really like so far.

The way armor is split up to shoulders, boots, gloves, helms and eventually capes is nice. It allows for more creativity when mix and matching various pieces of different gear sets to make a more personalized look for yourself. I also like the way you can view your own stats, another player's stats and even an enemy's stats by clicking their icon. It makes theory-crafting builds and preparing yourself for fighting special mobs much easier.

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/20/2015 0:34:10)

Equipment window:
I think there should be a window that shows what is equipped on your character, instead of having to search in the inventory for the items that are 'Equipped' or 'Not Equipped'.
This would help visualize all the character's equipped items much better, and checking the stats of each would be much easier. This could be incorporated in the 'Stats' window.

It should also be made easier to compare one new item to an already equipped one. Clicking on an item in the inventory could show the stats of your equipped item of the same corresponding slot, allowing you to quickly compare their stats.

If the character equipment window were to be implemented, we could go even further and add a secondary one, but this time, for Aesthetics/looks purpose:
-Equipments placed on the regular slots would be the ones where stats count.
-If you equipped an item on the 'Aesthetics' slots, it would replace the model/art of the "real" equipment piece.
-If no item was equipped in the 'Aesthetics' slots, it would show the already existing model of the item.
-Normal items (with stats and everything) placed on the 'Aesthetics' slot, would simply behave like a cosmetic item.
-It makes it SO EASY to switch and swap, change our looks the way we want in a simple way.
-You could simply toggle between the two types of equipment window, or just place the secondary slot next to the default one, so you can see both at the same time.
-There would be ONE limitation. Weapons such as a sword should only be able to be visually modified to look like ANOTHER sword. You shouldn't be able to turn a sword into a staff, for example. That would turn things weird, such as attacks and classes.

I read somewhere that fusing items was in consideration, and I immediately thought that could mean keeping the stats of one item, and the look of another item.
But that would Bind items to each other, taking away freedom, the freedom to experiment with our looks.
In many games where it was possible to fuse items like that, and it was cool to have, but... it felt very punishing if players to wanted a certain look. Every time you found an upgrade with better stats, you had to go miles to get another copy of the cool looking item, in order to fuse again.
This way you can swap around and see what looks best, without being afraid of having to farm all the time. Make it fun! :D

And if you were to add recoloring to some items, then you would have a Dream Customization!

One last thing,
Having a character equipment window could also serve as way to store items, instead of keeping them in the inventory/bag, eating away precious space.

Neilandio -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/20/2015 14:11:21)

I think we should wait until that fusion system is implemented before giving feedback on it. I think a character equipment window would only be useful if we were able to equip the same items in different slots, for exmple equipping a sword on the right or left hand, a shoulder pad on the right or left shoulder pad, a boot on the right or left boot. This would allow for interesting assymetric looks, like having a peg leg or a hook for a hand or maybe a gun in your shoulder similar to War Machine. It would also allow for a better stat system, since the players would have double amount of items in spots that right now only have one item equipped, giving you more flexibility when it comes to defining your stats.

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/20/2015 14:28:59)

Did cysero said that the Join commands were not going to be used in the game that much? just for the alpha?

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/20/2015 15:07:29)


Nothing confirmed, however he did say he WANTS to do that.
First you'd need to find the area on your own, then you could access a teleporter thing, where you can teleport to that area again, for a small fee.

That's what was said.

It WOULD be nice if it was only for HUB areas, and the fee got higher depending on the area/cities difficulty.

As for how it'd work, it would be nice so that the HUB areas/cities (EXCLUDING paths, dungeons, wilderness etc) on the world map all have a small icon on them, purple to show you've yet to explore the area, yellow/orange-y to show you've explored it and can teleport to it for a cost.

Would be logical, makes you actually bother to explore the areas they create and get you involved, whilst still allowing a fast-travel (that makes sense story wise at that!)

Just how I feel it should be done, IF they go with it (likely to not).

flashbang -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/21/2015 0:14:44)

IIRC, changing the fast-travel system won't be a thing until AFTER Beta testing. So, we're stuck with it for a while.

CheerfulSerpent -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/21/2015 3:03:45)

I can attest to that. Here's one of Cysero's posts on the removal of the /join feature

He uses language that suggests he's fairly certain but just today I pressed him for wipe details that he seemingly explicitly confirmed in his tweets and he seemed to suggest he never really "confirms" anything.

Not sure what to make of it. I guess I could attribute it to Twitter's character cap but it feels sloppy imho.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/21/2015 11:03:44)


I'm gonna tweet him and say: do you plan on making more than just 4 skills on a class? maybe 6 or 8?

I'll edit when I get a response.

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/21/2015 12:21:23)

I would LOVE to have a pool of 12 skills at least, and having to choose only 6 from those.

It could allow each player to use what they feel its best for them, and make a unique Playstyle.

In a way, it could even be possible to LEARN extra skills, by some quest or npc, or a skill book as a drop, and add them to the list.
Even leveling up could take a part. We could start out with 3 skills, and being introduced to more as we level up. After learning more than 6 (for example), if you wanted to use any of your newer skills, you would have to swap it with an existing one.

This way you can customize your playstyle while still keeping the the skill bar simple.

Skills should be balanced, none directly more powerful than other. Or else it would make the game unfair if you haven't yet learned "the OP skills".
There should be no 'Powercreep' either, or old skills would cease to be relevant, because newer ones would be obviously better, making them a requirement, not a gameplay choice.

Space Robin -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/21/2015 13:46:37)


I think having a pool of skills will destroy the point of classes. Classes are unique sets of skills and swapping skills may be problematic story-wise and will change the gameplay completely. It may be weird if you're a Paladin, for example, and you use undead skills.

Why wouldn't there be "Powercreeps?" If you unlock all the top-tier skills, you know people are going to exclusively use the best of the healing skills, the best of the nukes, and the best of DOTs. The player will be so overpowered if they don't have the integrity to make their skills balanced. If all skills were to be "balanced," why would people go out of their way to get those skills that may be insignificant to the player? If I already have a 20% damage increase, I wouldn't a skill that will give me 10% and maybe a tiny crit chance.

Unless you mean skills that are specific to the class and only that class is able to use them, I don't see why it is any better than having a class with four to six unique skills. Instead of making 12 skills for one class while only being able to use 6 of them (which may be very wasteful), you can just get a new class. For example, you want to be defensive against a big boss, you can use Necromancer, but then you want to support your friends, you can use a healing class. If it's the word "unique" you're having trouble with, I think you should be critiquing the skills of the class itself.

Neilandio -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/21/2015 15:09:23)

Cysero once said they were thinking of using a skill-tree system, so it's still possible we won't be stuck with the same four skills al the time. Here is the comment in facebook:¬if_t=video_reply

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