Caststarter -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (9/8/2015 21:34:06)
...This is going to take a bit. quote:
Also, how do they plan to add this game to the consoles? Console gamers aren't going to buy a mobile game with the option of big screen. It lacks what Console gamers and Steam gamers want today. I honestly don't think AE thought this through.. Or they are thinking this through if they want to get AQ3D on those sources entertainment. In terms of business, you would most likely have someone who manages finances who could offer insight of where the market is going. Add on the research that would have been made before thinking of doing the idea in the first place, I am sure AE knows how everything works. Also, not everyone has a console or a good PC to play games on. The entire point of this is to spread options to increase revenue as much as possible instead of just sticking to one system. quote:
Its possible to add it to consoles if its done as a Download only game with a slower update release its possible cause they have F2P games for the PS3 - PS4 that play like that for example FF13 or FF14. Its possible the only problem is them making it aimed for the mobile only will make it a pretty bad game on better systems since this generation of Players is all about the FPS and the graphics. As long as they make it unique and have something other games lack it could possibly be big if they change the main market they are aiming for to another platform. ...FF13 is a single-player game that needs to be paid for. But that is being nitpicky. Anyways, I am sure you know about the indie gaming scene going around yes? You know, developers that publish their own titles with small budgets and tend to push forth some ideas around quite a bit? It is a big thing right now and there are plenty indie games that are on handhelds that also went on the big name consoles. Shovel Knight comes to mind and that game is VERY looked highly as of now in the gaming community. Why I mention Shovel knight when it never had a mobile release? In terms of graphics, it is very middle-ground but due to its popularity, not many actually care for graphics in that regards especially when considering indie games yet its FPS and gameplay is fine on handhelds and consoles. If I were to guess, the AQ3D Mobile version would have either buttons that show up on the screen to tap on or it can be motion based. Either or will work. On consoles? Just a simple control layout will do. Even then, AQ3D, comparing it to other indie titles, actually does not look too bad even on the computer so I doubt that will be a problem. quote:
They're good at puns, not so much dark humour (they tend to make the darker characters be serious all the time and one-dimensional), references, have talented artists and are a responsive dev team, but for actual gameplay, they base it on old school RPG. Which has been overdone and sadly, due to the current generation, will only be good if it is executed in a new way. Story-wise... too many plot-holes covered up by excuses thought up on the spot that end up creating more plot-holes than before. Story-time! My favorite RPG series is Etrian Odyssey. Picked up Untold, loved it. Never looked back. Why mention Etrian Odyssey? Well it is about old-school inspired as you can get. Going back to games even on old computers before the Famicom where it is based on titles such as Wizardry. It does not have a big fanbase but I know for a fact it is more like it was barely heard of and those who DID played through the series can safely say it is one of the better RPGS they played, especially for the DS line. So is AE's style actually "old school RPG"? Actually, hardly. Yes, for the single player games it is turn-based but for the MMOs? Did MMOs not only grew big due to games like WoW which is not really "old" at all? (In fact, it is was released since... 2004. Old in this day and age but not "old-school" so sorry.) From what I can see, the typical MMO borrows from WoW and try their best to have their own take on the formula. Why they do this? It actually does in fact works. It is ludicrous to try and change something radically when it actually is not terrible in the slightest. There ARE reasons why games like WoW are still played to this day in the millions. You also have to remember that each company has their own "specialty" that fans of the studio or company can normally expect. Let us look at two companies: Nintendo and Atlus. Nintendo is meant for family-friendly fun games where they try their best to be creative whenever they try to make a new console or their own IP. (Splatoon comes to mind.) They have a preference for light-hearted games meant to be enjoyed for all ages. There are reasons why Mario and Legend of Zelda are two of their prime IPs to this day still. Smash Bros also is a game made by the lovely Sakurai which still entails. the exact same all-age family fun that is expected from Nintendo. Then we have Atlus. I am pretty sure everyone knows how wacky and "Japanese" they can get with their products. Yet, despite being a relatively small company, they have an amazing track-record and their fans, while at odds at times, can most definitely expect a fine product from Atlus to be released. (Megami Tensei[Persona], Trauma Center, or in my case Etrian Odyssey.) My point being? You can not just expect a company to radically shift their "specialty" just to appease new players. Trust me. It normally comes off as unnatural. I know DF and AQ has touched on some dark matters but they still have that AE "flair" one can expect. It is what AE fans come to expect and why they are appealed to AE games in the first place. Let them do what they think is right for their audience. It normally comes out better in the end. quote:
The moment a 3rd person MMORGP has a point and click mechanic in combat is the moment it fails. Trust me, most of the MMOs right now don't use point and click mechanics during combat. They use the basic 3rd person mechanics that most games have besides MMO's The use of hot keys, the use of a dodge system instead of the god awful lock on mechanic and actual block shield system if you dont like dodge builds. Those kind of stuff is what most people want (like skyrim) but if AE limits itself and makes up excuses like "this is the way the artist portrays" Ive been hearing that a lot if people cant find answer properly. I hope they put those mechanics. I really hope so cuz Im afraid this willbe it and nothing more Skyrim is also seen as being mediocre. This is going to be on mobile phones/Ipads. I do not think more complicated methods will necessarily entail a good system. Sometimes simple is the best course of action. (Look at the part mentioning WoW for I think it also applies here.) quote:
AE is lacking the emotional impact story-making has/needs. Why is the Hero so motivated to do everything in the first place? Hero in AE just accepts anything. Hero in AE is always right. Hero in AE is the white in black and white story-telling. Example, Laken's Lunarmancer. We killed innocent people, nearly destroyed the world by causing changes in the water streams, but in the end, it was the "right" option and no-one cared if we killed people, cause we're the Hero. For once, i'd actually like my choices to matter on how my Hero is. If I want to be a darker Hero that isn't always "right", let me be so. If I want my Hero to do an action that he could regret in the future or benefit from, let me do so, don't force me to do an option just because you want us to do that option. More story-time. Last year for school, I written an essay about this very subject of how it is seen "darkness" or greyness entails a better story. My answer? Hardly. I can think of plenty of examples right off the top of my head. (To Kill a MockingBird[you mean it is NOT morally grey and not dark? Trust me. It is not. And I doubt Atticus is a "grey" character. He is about morally and lawfully uptight you can get.], lots of impact and many themes worth looking into. Many Final Fantasy games. FF9,6,7... pick one. Many Pixar or Disney films comes to mind as well.) My point being is that just being "dark" , "gritty", or "grey" does not mean you have a higher chance of writing a good story. Can a dark game be good? Of course! Bioshock is a good example! ...Though how much grey does THAT game have, hmm? Despite being seen as "art"? Also, about choices. I can absolutely understand in this day and age, especially in regards to developing ones OC, that choices matter a lot. Yet please think how difficult that normally is? Writing for any video game, despite how it may appear, is one of the most difficult tasks that can be handed to a person. They have to try to make sure the story keeps a certain tone, describe the scenes well enough for the artist to accurately portray them, make sure the characters act normally and not like they are artificial beings, make sure EVERYTHING comes together and makes sense. Having story choices and branching paths is one of those difficult things that can be added onto something that is already quite difficult. You then need to make sure, in terms of endings, the branching paths lead to a logical conclusion and not slapped on there just for the sake of a different ending. Better yet, you need to make sure you do not make anything redundant. So. Is adding more story choices actually a good thing? Think just a bit on that. I am going to conclude that, while you all have good intentions, one needs to remember the limits that AE has right now and how these goals can make or break something. Just... think a little more, please.