Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/21/2015 15:57:26)
@Space Robin I'm afraid you haven't interpreted very well what I said. I will clarify a bit better, while explaining the whys. Like you figured out, yes, the pool of skills would obviously be specific to THAT class. I did not mention learning skills that belong to other classes, it would just be silly. :) About 'powercreeps'. I also did not mention even having "Top-tiers" or anything like that. Keep up with me now: -They are trying to make it simple, by only having a few number of skills to click/tap. Too many would clutter the screen, so we need each skill to be unique. -There should be NO other skills that have the same effect. It is a waste if you have a VERY similar skill that fulfills the same purpose, but where one is clearly better than the other. Not a good idea. Instead, you could have two Damage skills EQUALLY powerful, but different in the way they work, allowing for different builds. (I will give an example after) -There should be no tiers, ranks, or better versions of current skills. Just make the base skill grow in power as you level up and get better equipment/stats. We can't afford to let other skills ROT. Why even? -No skill should be considered insignificant. If they are balanced to have the same potential, it may not seem useful to you, but to another player, it could be better. Another thing to note: There will be NO healers in this game. All classes will have survival skills to be able to stand on their own. Also, they will probably limit the number of classes. ----> This is NOT AQWorlds, where some classes are distinctively better than others, and there's TONS of them, it's overwhelming in a really bad, unbalanced way. Now, i'm going to talk about diversity, and why it is important: Diversity is a GOOD thing. It makes the game MORE FUN and interesting. It enables you to find your own playstyle, which is a different experience from player to player. You say you would rather have 4-6 skills for one class, where, for example, all rogues would be the same. You know what would happen? Carbon copies of eachother, where to perform the best, everyone has to play the exact same way, with the stats specifically adjusted to make the most of that class. It's boring! "You can just get a new class". So if I really like the 'Rogue' class what can I do to change the way I can play? How can I experiment with the character? It seems a waste to me to have a bunch of classes that would just be carbon copies. And I do not think it is a good idea either, because you would need a completely new set of equipment from the ground up just to make class changing worth it. It is NOT a waste to have more skills to choose from. It is NOT a waste to add depth to a class! It is awesome to try and find different build in the same class that you already love playing! Diversity is basically standard in all good games, be it from 'Talent Trees', 'Specializations', spending 'Points' to upgrade skills of your choice, etc. You are NEVER the same as other players if you want. -You could make your 'Rogue' more sneaky, with Stealth, and most skills based on surprise Burst attacks and leaving the enemy badly poisoned, but leaving youself vulnerable after the initial assault, and thus, relying on Hit and run tactics. A possible skill to help this build would be a movement trap, to allow you to escape between your Bursts of damage, while the poison drains them. -A rogue that can stand toe-to-toe with an enemy in melee combat, With skills chosen around the idea of dodging, to then counter-attack. You would probably try to find armour with higher dodge%, to make better use of that. A skill to pull aggro from the boss would be useful, as you would be quite tanky in this build, while dodging also benefits your damage. -A rogue that focuses on critical damage, so skills that have higher chance to crit (but lower base damage) would be better for this build. A skill where your critical chance is increased by 50% for 5 second sounds pretty rogue-like to me, and would fit this build. -A rogue that prefers to stun his target to avoid damage, and then be able to use a high power "backstab" skill while the enemy has his back vulnerable. -A rogue that is built around the idea of gaining health from attacks, such as "vampire strike" for survival, instead of extra dodging. You could also have something like an MP drain, in the same 'theme'. A strategy could be to wear out the enemy slowly and come out on top. This rogue could also benefit from the "stun" skill, to not be vulnerable while waiting for the cooldowns of the HP or MP drains, also to give time for your health to refill bit by bit. Very useful against bosses, although not the best in damage, it can survive on its own and weaken the boss (should they use mana, eventually). There's ENDLESS things you could do by Mixing skills around. I gave many examples, and those would probably surpass the 12 skills I said in the other post. But there is so much potential, so why not? This would create a big variety in players, even with just 6 classes. Not every person would have to use the SAME armor and weapons, now every person would play the same way as you, and in PvP... wow, it would be SO much fun! The element of the unknown when you see a class, and you do not know yet what specialization that player did. Some abilities would be better in combo with another ones, some would have different kinds of qualities and weaknesses, you could experiment without feeling punished for playing a class, because EVERY class should have a way to be useful in all aspects of the game. PvP, bosses, soloing, AoE, etc. I don't want to be locked out of a class If I want to participate in something. "Oh, this is the tank class, and this is the Damage class, and this is the support class", "We don't want more Warriors right now. Go change to Mage, we need damage class." "but I don't have Mage equipments..." "Too bad, then you cannot come." Do you understand now? This is really important to me, because I have seen other games fail, and taking out the fun from players because the class "isn't good for that". World of Warcraft, for example, had this problem during the early times. Classes didn't have much variety. If you were a warrior, you HAD to be a tank. if you were a Druid or Priest, you could ONLY become a healer if you wanted to participate in any group. If you specialized for damage, you would be turned off, because it was just not good as other Damage classes. If you didn't want to be a healer in boss battles, the only option was to start from SCRATCH with a new character and class. Today, you can be a druid and specialize in Tanking, Healing, Spell damage caster, or even Melee damage dealer! And they are all functional and useful! (although some classes still cannot tank or heal, but instead, you can choose from very different styles of play when it comes to dealing damage).