RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (Full Version)

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darkgillshadow -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (8/3/2019 3:04:10)

January '05 here! I remember lurking...a lot of lurking. I remember writing! But not enough writing. I wish I'd done less lurking and more participating, this is still a community that I look back on with cherished memories.

Oddball -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (8/5/2019 9:17:54)

Man I don't even remember when I joined these forums, but it was a good while ago, I'd say.
Reading through this was one heck of a nostalgia trip! Thanks, everyone.

MotherKosm -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (10/29/2019 2:33:51)

I had to make an entire new account for this, but I figured it was worth it. I had a few different forum accounts and I've been around since like 2005. I used to spend so much time playing AQ and DF and lurking on the forums. I never interacted much but I remember many of the names here and it's just unreal to see them all again. It seems like new kids aren't really coming in but us oldies keep coming back every now and then eh? I have very fond memories of this place and the nostalgia is strong. I still get warm memories of playing AQ and browsing the forums on cold Christmas break mornings in middle school. I just hit my mid-late twenties and I'm working on a master's program but I kind of just wish I could be a kid again on those cold mornings for a while. It was such a big part of my life and I want to thank all of you for it.

Dantae darkflare -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (11/9/2019 21:29:59)

2010 here. Man has it been a long time since I've set foot here.

I still fondly recall when I got into this fun community, and some of the postings we all shared, especially in the DF forums. I also less fondly recall myself from around this time period and how much of an awkward edgy teen I was, no matter how much I tried not to be.

It really brings me back when I come here and see all these names I still remember from so long ago, even if I'm sure most of them don't remember me.

It's kind of sad to see some of the more recognizable people's profiles for nostalgia's sake, and then look at when they last posted or logged on was.
Still the memories from those times aren't so easily faded away and I'm sure most of us will look back on them like we would on our first Christmas or wedding day.

Lethos -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (11/14/2019 22:02:27)

Suddenly remembered these games and the forums the other day. Amazingly, I still remembered my username and password.

I remember raging against the mods because I thought they were being overly heavy-handed with the moderation. In retrospect, I can recognize that they were just adults trying to control a screaming bag of children.

Plenty of good memories on these forums, and even though avatars have changed, I still recognize a lot of the usernames that have posted in this thread.

If anyone remembers me and wants to chat or anything, just shoot me a message and we'll figure out a means of communication.

Hope you're all having an awesome time whatever you're doing :)

Suranjan -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (11/22/2019 15:40:46)

Found this place some time in 2007. Bloody hell, it seems eons ago.

Wilderock -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/18/2019 13:45:22)

I definitely see familiar faces

Exo -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/18/2019 19:54:50)

I played AE games in elementary and middle school starting in 2009. Every year or so I come back just to reminisce all of the friendships I made. I'm a junior in college now and I wish I never grew up. Life was so easy back then, I would log on every day to talk to my friends. I wish I could find my old internet friends. This just makes me so sad. I'm in contact with a few of them thankfully but there's still so many that I want to talk to and see again. If any of you guys find this post please message me your contact info and let's reconnect.

The Trobble One -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/26/2019 2:22:28)

Hello again everyone, long time no login.

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (12/26/2019 23:25:26)

Hello Trobble, long time no see :)

Guardian Patrick -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/1/2020 21:03:02)

Happy 2020 guys :P

Solar Boy -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/2/2020 4:31:12)

^Yeah! Woooo!

Also, hey Pat!

toidiedud -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/2/2020 15:50:56)

Another year for the OOC indeed

Crystal Lion -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/2/2020 23:19:04)

Just checking in for a while.

Blot -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/3/2020 11:00:12)

Im not sure when I actually joined this forum but I spent a long time here in the past. Honestly, it sounds sad but I randomly decided to look at adventure quest and the forums after about 8 years and it made me kinda emotional. I really was invested in the game and these forums back when I was around 12-16.

Xplayer -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/3/2020 12:18:52)

For anyone who has posted prior to 2010, welcome to the third decade of the OOC.

Smalls -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/5/2020 18:52:52)

^oh man that's actually nuts
also tfw you started posting here when you were 12 and now you just turned 24

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/5/2020 22:42:51)

^Doesn't time fly!

Feels like only yesterday I joined the Forum.

Zero Hex -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/7/2020 22:24:53)

Wow.... crazy..

Still looking to get back in touch with Monty Burns if anyone still knows him...

Zarkalor -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/9/2020 12:14:54)

Happy 2020!

10inchesjedi -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/30/2020 13:28:15)


For anyone who has posted prior to 2010, welcome to the third decade of the OOC.

Oh my, I did not want to have that thought.
But makes sense, I guess many here are on their way to their 30s

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/31/2020 2:52:26)

Already hit that number jedi. Good to see you around!

Puppy -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/2/2020 2:27:26)


Iron -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/7/2020 20:18:26)

Hey everyone can I be part of the sad forum circle too?

Guardian Patrick -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/10/2020 22:23:22)

^sure :P

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