RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (Full Version)

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Rheannon -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/13/2020 15:14:12)

My character is almost 14 years old. I remember being bummed out that I had missed the whole Carnax thing.

10inchesjedi -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/24/2020 17:46:44)

^ Oh my god yes! I remember how epic I thought it was and how mad I was that I didn't create a character earlier.
Managed to catch DragonFable right on the start though.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/1/2020 14:46:59)

Back to AQ after almost a two year hiatus. Things have changed but this place is certainly the same.

Helixi -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/31/2020 14:49:07)


But makes sense, I guess many here are on their way to their 30s

G-d please don't remind me of that. COVID quarantine is well underway here in the UK, but as I'm a Masters student now, and all I do is write, so this quarantine hasn't actually affected me all that much. I decided to come back to my old stomping ground to see how you all are. I hope life is giving you what you all want and need, even in challenging times. PM me if you want. :)

Flame Shinobi -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (4/5/2020 4:40:21)

So many old school players here like me, I love it.

pizzafreakcc -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (4/26/2020 8:17:14)

I remember joining back in 2005 or so. I used to hang around in the creative writing section reading all the fanficion that people had posted. I spent many a night reading well into the morning hours. Getting lost in the worlds they crafted. Unfortunately things have turned bittersweet. All the old stories I used to read have disappeared. Things like Stoker Tawson: Unpleasant Bite are all gone. The way back machine has only snippets of the forums. A random story here and there but mostly everything is gone. So much history lost. All I shall ever know about it now is the title and its Author, Art of Blade.
What I wouldn't give to have a working archive of all the stories from 2005-2008.
So now I sit here. Cold one in hand. Reminiscing on half remembered stories. Wishing I could go back.
A toast to you all. May you stay in good health and have wonderful lives.
And if anyone could provide a link to an archive of the old stories... I would be in your debt.

Mo -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (5/21/2020 4:54:13)

Wow, logged on for who knows what...can’t believe I used to be here often over 11 years ago. Also loved the IRC. What a weird weird memory.

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (5/24/2020 19:47:20)

One of my fondest memories was helping a guy with his iPod, when they were popular, I still remember his forum name but I cannot seem to locate him, That has stuck with me from maybe 2008 until now. It's the small things, and one of the first people that messaged me.

Baker -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/2/2020 16:55:38)

Bballman23 here (regret the name change, oops), can't miss the slow-moving party. Loved all the old names so much I had to go through and shout out which ones I remember either from being AKs, hanging out on IRC/OoC/AQGD/Games, etc., etc., or just from a distinct name and avatar combo I remember. Helped me recall some good times with good people.

In order of posts, people I OF COURSE remember and got excited out to see: Prince Alteon, Digital X, Superemo, Hotfoot, toidiedud, Supertails, Rand, Yammka, SeaHawk the man, Xplayer, Ailifr, Travis T, Corvus, master, Puppy, DA Holder, Silver Lion, sacchi and UPP my Igneus brothers, kors, Solar Boy (always was jealous of that custom title), DUM, Smalls, Dragon_Koopa, Flig, UnderSoul, draketh99, Viking_Jorun, Anon Y. Mous, Lego3400, Modred, Dragon., Wallo (lol at using the moglin, used to be fun to post as Corvus, very impressed you remembered that login), LightningBlade, darksampson, FC, Glais, Lkeas, Astral, HK 47, Zero Hex, Sir Nicholas, Beebote, Dragon Queen, sean.2, TreadLight, awesomeman167, Seth Hydra, aNyThInG, Deadly the Eternal, Trog, Afina, Wilderock, m415mike, Illuminator, former bossman Scakk, fellow AQGD laborer TG, Lethos, Suranjan, Exo, Guardian Patrick, Rheannon, Flame Shinobi

Think I remember but not too well: super_ruben, 10inchesjedi, flyingkidjoe, lord dracoma, lordkaho, zeke, el pardak, Fahniks, drDOT, Watashig, siris99, SirFanthor, Jecht, Minish Cap, The Extinguisher, Oddball

The few here that I didn't put, I probably have you somewhere in my mind too, just not immediately triggering! From memory and glancing back at my MtAKs until I had to end this nostalgia and get back to work, also missing the likes of Janusk, Evo, westward_ho!, Dev, The Forgotten, Kaelin, dfguardian, Calimehtar, .*. .*. .*., dragonkillerajc, Shirefolk -- oof, too many good ones to get em all.

Echoing all the others here in thanking you all / everyone else for making this place great.

Still fondly remember all the days and nights spent refreshing the help forums to earn my Helpful!, starting creative writing literally just to get the posting privileges (getting feedback from helpful, great people like Eukara Vox and Circe and subsequently devoting a lot of time to creative writing! Who knew that stuff was still hosted here...), winning the monster design contest with the Czard, Igneus elections (sup Sacchi and UPP), racing to post Encyclopedia entries (IMR always won), getting the invite to become an AK, AQGD moderating when it was crazy (sup Scakk/TG), ridiculous spam in the AK forum, trying to mod Games as a then-total outsider, writing for The Zardian, being intimidated by Lord Barrius/westwing/the mathy AQ game balance crew, all the IRC nights, so much more.

Such a cherished several years in my teens that really made a difference in my life, this forum was such a better place than so much of the internet has become today. Or maybe it was just that time in our lives. Whatever the case, all the best to all of you.

- bballman23I even remember how to cover up the edit line!

The Game -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/3/2020 15:53:44)

I'll have you know I've never labored in AQ GD. Your memory's growing foggy in your old age, Bb. Great to see you too, by the way.

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/3/2020 21:54:53)

^Long time no see you two! Hope you're keeping well.

Puppy -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/11/2020 22:06:47)

Nostalgia hits home every single time I log in.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/12/2020 22:01:19)

It's so good to see old friends here still ;-;

toidiedud -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/13/2020 16:51:10)

Yeah its real nice poppin in every once in a while and going "oh hey its them!" when seeing this thread got posts.

Glais -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/15/2020 16:01:09)

Definitely remember you as well bballman

It's wild to look at this forum and feel like in a lot of ways I literally grew up here. Half my life later and I'm about to have my second child. Time flies.

Hope you're all staying safe

Guardian Patrick -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/22/2020 23:57:53)


Bballman23 here (regret the name change, oops), can't miss the slow-moving party. Loved all the old names so much I had to go through and shout out which ones I remember either from being AKs, hanging out on IRC/OoC/AQGD/Games, etc., etc., or just from a distinct name and avatar combo I remember. Helped me recall some good times with good people.

In order of posts, people I OF COURSE remember and got excited out to see: Prince Alteon, Digital X, Superemo, Hotfoot, toidiedud, Supertails, Rand, Yammka, SeaHawk the man, Xplayer, Ailifr, Travis T, Corvus, master, Puppy, DA Holder, Silver Lion, sacchi and UPP my Igneus brothers, kors, Solar Boy (always was jealous of that custom title), DUM, Smalls, Dragon_Koopa, Flig, UnderSoul, draketh99, Viking_Jorun, Anon Y. Mous, Lego3400, Modred, Dragon., Wallo (lol at using the moglin, used to be fun to post as Corvus, very impressed you remembered that login), LightningBlade, darksampson, FC, Glais, Lkeas, Astral, HK 47, Zero Hex, Sir Nicholas, Beebote, Dragon Queen, sean.2, TreadLight, awesomeman167, Seth Hydra, aNyThInG, Deadly the Eternal, Trog, Afina, Wilderock, m415mike, Illuminator, former bossman Scakk, fellow AQGD laborer TG, Lethos, Suranjan, Exo, Guardian Patrick, Rheannon, Flame Shinobi

Think I remember but not too well: super_ruben, 10inchesjedi, flyingkidjoe, lord dracoma, lordkaho, zeke, el pardak, Fahniks, drDOT, Watashig, siris99, SirFanthor, Jecht, Minish Cap, The Extinguisher, Oddball

The few here that I didn't put, I probably have you somewhere in my mind too, just not immediately triggering! From memory and glancing back at my MtAKs until I had to end this nostalgia and get back to work, also missing the likes of Janusk, Evo, westward_ho!, Dev, The Forgotten, Kaelin, dfguardian, Calimehtar, .*. .*. .*., dragonkillerajc, Shirefolk -- oof, too many good ones to get em all.

Echoing all the others here in thanking you all / everyone else for making this place great.

Still fondly remember all the days and nights spent refreshing the help forums to earn my Helpful!, starting creative writing literally just to get the posting privileges (getting feedback from helpful, great people like Eukara Vox and Circe and subsequently devoting a lot of time to creative writing! Who knew that stuff was still hosted here...), winning the monster design contest with the Czard, Igneus elections (sup Sacchi and UPP), racing to post Encyclopedia entries (IMR always won), getting the invite to become an AK, AQGD moderating when it was crazy (sup Scakk/TG), ridiculous spam in the AK forum, trying to mod Games as a then-total outsider, writing for The Zardian, being intimidated by Lord Barrius/westwing/the mathy AQ game balance crew, all the IRC nights, so much more.

Such a cherished several years in my teens that really made a difference in my life, this forum was such a better place than so much of the internet has become today. Or maybe it was just that time in our lives. Whatever the case, all the best to all of you.

- bballman23I even remember how to cover up the edit line!

Someone needs to make a Discord server for the OOC gang :P

Zero Hex -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/23/2020 18:52:45)

^^ seconded :-)

Anon Y. Mous -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/25/2020 5:38:12)

dropped back in at the right time - love seeing you pop off with a great nostalgia post bballman. missing this place again, especially now that I think I have less daily social interaction in my life than I did on here when I was a lonely pre-teen? stay safe all

toidiedud -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/27/2020 3:16:15)

I mentioned it many posts ago but I do run a server. It has some of the old OOC gang since I tried to get as many people in as I could when IRC and here was dying. Just Message me if you're interested and I'll get back to ye.

Its still so lovely to come in here and see peoples names and memories just rushing back in.

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/27/2020 23:12:35)

Messaged ^

Evo -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/28/2020 15:49:47)

What up everyone. Long time no see. I randomly found this place back in 2005. Lots of old forum people I see have popped up here. You all bring back some memories :) Good to see you all

Swallowtail -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (8/3/2020 15:19:46)

What's up literal oldbies! I haven't been online here in a long time, but I always check, remembering the good old days of 2003-2006. I miss a lot of my friends from here, and the internet of the early 2000's. This was my go-to spot when I wanted inspiration for writing.

I will go back and see who I recognize posting on here, but I remember Vash, Iceblast2, Kingsam2, and so many others. What has changed for you in the last 15 or so years?

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (8/16/2020 9:01:55)

6 years, glad to see people coming back after this time.

Enjamin -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (9/10/2020 5:27:36)


Used to play this game stupidly hard when I was 11 or 12. I remember mainly just trying to farm the maze to hit the gold cap everyday and trying to acquire all the uber sets.

Also remember finally getting invited to the Elemental Guardians of Lore (EGoL) iirc and was extremely excited and honored. Not even really sure what they were about or what it meant but was an exciting time.

Like alot of you I was looking forward to reading alot of old cringey posts from myself but maybe the moderators of this forum are doing me a big favor by deleting them :P

Also had a good laugh at my old character name "Fresh Necro of Bel Air" .. wish the show was still airing tbh!

ShadowSlash -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (10/11/2020 17:41:40)

Wow, hey guys. Revisiting this account from 2007- I figured I'd give guessing my password a shot, and miraculously remembered it. I guess I spent a lot of time here and muscle memory didn't fail me!
Feels crazy making a forum post once again. I'm glad to see that it's not completely dead yet!

Probably no one remembers me, but I grew up in The Gallery and the RP forums... remember the AKs and mods being larger than life to me back then, and in retrospect how glad I am that I was able to find a community here that I could be 100% my too-serious, obsessive, dorky teenage self and still find friends.

I remember looking up to iChar, .oblivion dawn//, Tomix, Suuichi, and so many others on the gallery, Suuichi in particular was so kind and friendly! And in the RP world, admiring the ARPers like Kellehendros, DaesDementia, and having such a great time living out my dungeon-crawling fantasies. Some other names I remember- Circe, Dage, DragonMaster22, and of course bballman23... I've forgotten a lot of names now but not the impact everyone had on me here.

Really sad to find out that most of the old posts are gone, it would have been a great trip down memory lane. Would love to hear if anyone has memories of The Gallery circa 2007-9 to share!

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