RE: Armours - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Primate Murder -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (12/22/2019 2:20:22)

There seems to be a small mistake with the Undead BoW subs - like all other Bards, it has toggles for pet/guest celerity, not 20% bonus damage.

Ianthe -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (1/26/2020 15:11:06)

Mighty Ultra(!!!)Guardian Plate

Scales as before.

Normal attack is two hits, 100% damage.

MC: On all weapon attacks, you have a 10% chance of dealing +50% damage. If you're using the armour's attack, then it's a 10% chance of using the armour's four-hit attack and all hits dealing +50% damage; otherwise, the chance is rolled per hit.

Deft Ultra(!!!)Guardian Leathers

Scales as before.

Normal attack is two hits, 100% damage.

MC: If you block at least one attack on the monster's turn, then on your turn you gain +(1/3)*[hits blocked]/[hits attempted] damage on all weapon attacks and spells (with /0.75 for Magic weapon attacks and /2 for spells). If you're using the armour's default attack, then it switches to the three-hit.

Arcane Ultra(!!!)Guardian Robes

Scales as before

Normal attack is two hits, 100% damage.

MC: At the end of your turn, heal MP based on the number of weapon hits connected: [1/20 of a standard spell's MP cost]*[hits connected]/[hits attempted]

Zennistrad -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (2/1/2020 21:44:08)

There seems to be a mistake here: it says the normal attack for the UG robes is one hit, but my character with the Ultra!!! robes has a two hit attack for the armor.

Fixed, thanks! ~IMR

Ianthe -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (2/13/2020 20:01:33)

New GGB armours!

Striker of Cerberus. Kam says:

MC FO Water armour. Melee focus for blocking, Water > Dark/Ice > Earth/Wind > Fire/Light > Energy priority for resists. MC is skill compression. Skill is a 4 hit spell-type, inflicts Melee/Ranged/Magic damage according to your weapon, SP cost also changes accordingly. It gives up 50% Melee (so 25% of the skill's damage before eleComp factors in) to attempt Water Burn on foe. 50% Melee, neutral save, so that puts it at 100% Melee base, 85% hit rate so /0.85 for 117.65% base. Have it last <Hits> turns, so max of 4 turns of a power 2.94125% Burn. Inflicts with STR/DEX/INT majour stat for Melee/Ranged/Magic version, LUK for minor inflict stat, foe resists with DEX/LUK.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
BR%	115	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
Stat%	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BTH	0	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
Fire	99	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
Water	95	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
Ice	96	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
Wind	97	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
Earth	97	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
Energy	100	97	97	95	95	95	95	95	95
Light	99	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
Dark	96	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
Melee	30	32	35	39	42	45	48	51	55
Ranged	21	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46
Magic	21	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46
SPMeRa	30	45	80	120	166	217	273	335	392
SPMa	38	57	100	151	208	271	342	419	490
Spreadsheet ~ Ward

Kamui -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (2/13/2020 21:49:30)

The existing General of Cerberus has been renamed to Striker General of Cerberus, there's also a new version of General of Cerberus called Defender General of Cerberus. This is a clone of SGoC, but has a Fully Defensive lean. Those with the SGoC can use the item upgrader to convert to the DGoC for no cost, and vice versa.

J9408 -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (2/13/2020 21:56:26)

The FO version is named Assaulter instead of Striker.

joac1144 -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (2/16/2020 21:23:36)

From Kam:

From UltraRare GGB (2020 Crossover Extravaganza):

Chaos Slayer Cleric

Spellcaster armour, has 8 elemental versions. Each variant of the armour follows the standard elemental wheel. So Pyro has Fire for Main, Energy/Earth for Ally, Light/Dark for Neutral, Water/Wind for Weak, and Ice for Opposed.
MC effect on the armour is skill compression, armour has two skills. The first, Chaos Tentacles, is a standard spell-type, follows your weapon's damage type for Melee/Ranged/Magic, and the armour's elemental alignment for element. This gets ele-comp, Magic version costs 125% Melee in SP, Melee/Ranged costs 100% Melee.
The second skill is a toggle, Aura of Chaos, this toggle charges you 15% Melee in HP cost every single turn, even on turns where you do not attack due to paralysis or such. While this toggle is active, you will heal MP = to HealMult*0.15*0.8*SpellMPCost*[Hits Connected]/[Hits Attempted]*MobEleRes. HealMult is 1/0.75 if using a weapon attack or special and using a Magic weapon, 1/2 if using a spell, and 1 otherwise. Essentially your base heal is equivalent to 15% Melee in MP cost, and this is adjusted if you do more damage than a normal player attack (this does mean you'll heal on average 3/4 as much on Magic weapon attacks and twice as much on spell attacks), and it factors out the mob's EleResists. The base heal is listed below as MPHeal.
Level    5    15    35    55    75    95    115    135    150
Type     -    -     -     -     -     -     -      -      G
PowLvl   5    15    35    55    75    95    115    135    153

MPLvl    5    15    35    55    75    95    115    135    152
HPCost   4    6     11    16    22    29    36     45     52
MPHeal   6    9     16    24    33    43    55     67     79
SPMeRa   30   45    80    120   166   217   273    335    392
SPMa     38   57    100   151   208   271   342    419    490
BR%      115  145   205   265   325   385   445    505    559
Stat%    133  199   331   463   595   727   859    991    1109.8
BTH      0    1     4     6     9     11    14     16     19
Main     95   91    80    71    61    54    48     42     39
Ally*2   96   93    84    75    71    65    61     56     54
Ntrl*2   97   94    88    82    79    76    73     69     68
Weak*2   99   95    92    88    87    86    85     83     83
Oppsd    100  97    97    95    95    95    95     95     95
Melee    21   23    26    30    33    36    39     42     46
Ranged   21   23    26    30    33    36    39     42     46
Magic    30   32    35    39    42    45    48     51     55
Updated 9 August 2024 ~Ward

From Snugglefest:

Yandere Snugglebear

FO Fire armour. Melee > Ranged > Magic focus, Fire > Dark > Energy/Earth > Wind/Water > Light/Ice for resists. MC effect is that if the enemy has any status effect on them that can make them skip their turn (so stuff like Paralyse, Daze, Freeze, etc) then your weapon attacks and spells deal +7.5% damage. Magic weapons get a /0.75 multiplier to this, spells get a /2 multiplier.

Nonofficial note: Works on Control, Daze, Fear, Paralyze, Sleep, Freeze, Petrify, Hypersalinate, Spirit Rend, and Thermal Shock

Lvl   10G 10Z 35Z 60Z 85Z 110Z    135Z    143Z
PLvl    19  44  57  73  95  120 145 153
BR% 157 232 271 319 385 460 559 559
Stat    225.4   390.4   476.2   581.8   727 892 1109.8  1109.8
BtH Mod 2   5   7   9   11  15  19  19
Fire    88  74  66  61  54  47  41  39
Water   100 98  98  98  96  96  96  94
Ice     120 105 105 105 105 105 105 100
Wind    100 98  98  98  96  96  96  94
Earth   95  91  89  89  88  88  83  80
Energy  95  91  89  89  88  88  83  80
Light   120 105 105 105 105 105 105 100
Dark    92  78  69  64  57  51  44  42
Fire    -12 -26 -34 -39 -46 -53 -59 -61
Earth   -5  -9  -11 -11 -12 -12 -17 -20
Water   0   -2  -2  -2  -4  -4  -4  -6
Energy  -5  -9  -11 -11 -12 -12 -17 -20
Ice 20  5   5   5   5   5   5   0
Light   20  5   5   5   5   5   5   0
Wind    0   -2  -2  -2  -4  -4  -4  -6
Dark    -8  -22 -31 -36 -43 -49 -56 -58
Melee   33  37  39  42  46  50  54  55
Ranged  31  35  37  40  44  48  52  53
Magic   29  33  35  38  42  46  50  51
A-MCP   79  396 814 1474    2409    3971    5324    5940
A-MCS   39  Z   Z   Z   Z   Z   Z   Z

Since the updated Hollowborn infosubs haven't been posted here:

Hollowborn Evoker/Conjurer Garb:
Fully Offensive Energy/Darkness armours. MC effect is two skills. The first is a 4-hit spell-type skill that's locked to Energy for Evoker, Darkness for Conjurer. This skill pays 30% Melee damage to attempt a Bleed effect on the foe. This Bleed has a -20 penalty to its save, so on average it'll last 2.33... turns. The Bleed damage is = to (30*MobEleRes*Hits/4/2.33)% Melee, MobEleRes is the mob's Energy or Darkness resistance for Evoker/Conjurer, respectively. The other skill is a toggle. If active, you cause foes to take +15% Bleed/Burn/Poison damage, this costs 5% Melee in SP per turn, and is only charged if the foe has a valid status on them and is paid the first time during the turn they take damage from such a status.

Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
Stat%	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
BTH	7	9	12	14	17	19

Fire	73	65	58	51	45	42
Water	95	95	95	95	95	95
Ice	86	86	86	85	85	84
Wind	76	76	76	75	75	70
Earth	76	76	76	75	75	70
Energy	68	60	53	47	42	39
Light 	73	65	58	51	45	42
Dark	86	86	86	85	85	84

Fire	76	76	76	75	75	70
Water	73	65	58	51	45	42
Ice	76	76	76	75	75	70
Wind	86	86	86	85	85	84
Earth	73	65	58	51	45	42
Energy	86	86	86	85	85	84
Light 	95	95	95	95	95	95
Dark	68	60	53	47	42	39
Melee	31	34	37	40	43	45
Ranged	31	34	37	40	43	45
Magic	31	34	37	40	43	45


Updated Adventurer no-drop armors:

Armours, they all scale the same as the Guardian stuff, however they are valued at level -10, minimum of 0, so if you're player level 15, the armour is considered level 5 for scaling. If you are a Guardian and are using it for whatever reason, then it's instead scaled as equal to player's level, and also gets an MC bonus. MC bonus on all of them is +1.5 MRM (not displayed, but does happen) and +2.125 BtH on all weapon attacks/specials/spells.

Plate flavour effect: All your weapon attacks/specials/spells have a -5 BtH lean.
Plate FSB: If using the Adventurer plate no-drop armour, shield, and any of the Adventurer no-drop weapons, then all of your weapon attacks/specials/spells (yes, spells) gain +8.5 BtH.

Leathers flavour effect: All your weapon attacks/specials/spells have a +5 BtH lean.
Leathers FSB: If using the Adventurer leather no-drop armour, shield, and any of the Adventurer no-drop weapons, then all of your Melee/Ranged weapon attacks deal +10% damage, Magic weapon attacks deal +(10/0.75)% damage, spells deal +(10/2)% damage.

Mage Robes flavour effect: You take +(10/1.4)% damage, at end of player turn you passively regen MP = to (10*0.85)% Melee.
Mage Robes FSB: If using the Adventurer mage robes no-drop armour, shield, and any of the Adventurer no-drop weapons, you deal +5% damage with spell attacks, and regen MP = to (10*0.85)% Melee after turns where you did not cast a spell.

Level    5    15    35    55    75    95    115    135    150
Type    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    G
PowLvl    5    15    35    55    75    95    115    135    153

MPLvl    5    15    35    55    75    95    115    135    152
MPHeal    3    5    9    14    19    25    31    38    44

Scholar Robes flavour effect: Each time one of weapon attacks, specials, or spells misses, those attacks gain +1 stacking BtH lean, each time one of the mentioned attacks hits, those attacks gain -1 stacking BtH lean. This caps at a max of +15 or -15 BtH lean, and is rolled per hit.
Scholar Robes FSB: If using the Adventurer scholar robes no-drop armour, shield, and any of the Adventurer no-drop weapons, you take -(2.5/1.4)% damage, gain +1.5 MRM (not displayed, but does happen), deal +2.5% damage with weapn attacks/specials/spells (Magic weapons get /0.75 and spells get /2 for this bonus), and your weapon attacks/specials/spells gain +2.125 BtH.

Thor -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (2/28/2020 5:58:36)

Unofficial Info-Subs for Thunderbird Set (2018 Donation set).

Thunderbird Joust Rider

A Fully-Offensive Energy armor that comes with two skills:
- Voice of Thunder: 3-hit spell-type skill that deals -25% damage, but attempts to inflict Defloss ([# Connected]*[Energy Resist] Rounds, -17 Defense). Save is +10, MainStat/LUK vs END/LUK.
- Dismount: Lock your element to Energy, but your damage is multiplied by Elecomp.

Elecomp at level 150: 1.845245

Kamui -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (2/28/2020 18:17:12)


Paragon Fiend Mount

FO Energy armour, neutral BtH lean on attacks. Is similar to Graverider in that you can be mounted and attacks follow weapon element, or dismount and your attacks will get locked to Energy and get a damage multiplier as though they were a spell-type armour skill, but the ele-lock attacks are still treated as normal weapon attacks. Resists are Energy < Dark/Ice < Earth/Wind < Light/Fire < Water. Scales, so sample numbers are below.

Additions to the Paragon Fiend Mount armour!

Also has two skills, one when mounted, one when dismounted.

Mounted uses weapon for element and damage type and is a 3-hit weapon-based skill. Costs 100% Melee in SP if using Melee/Ranged, or 75% Melee in SP if using Magic. The skill does 200% damage as a base (still follows armour lean for this), and then pays 50.575% Melee out of its damage (so for Melee/Ranged it pays 50.575/1.25/2 = 20.23% of the total skill damage, Magic pays /0.75 = 26.9733...% to achieve the same effect) to attempt a -(25*MobEleRes*Hits/3)% damage Choke on the foe for 4 turns. EleRes is determined by the most recent hit that was attempted. This is on a 50% save and inflicts with (STR/DEX/INT for Melee/Ranged/Magic)/LUK, mob resists with END/LUK.

The dismounted skill uses weapon for damage type, but is locked to Energy, and is a 2-hit spell-based skill. Costs 100% Melee in SP if using Melee/Ranged, or 125% Melee in SP if using Magic. Skill does 200% damage base, and is not affected by armour lean. It then pays 30% Melee to attempt a -15 MRM DefLoss on the foe for (Hits*2) turns. +4.25 BtH is worth 5% Melee, /0.85 due to the hit rate of the inflict attempt makes it +5 BtH, and 50% save means 1 turn of -5 MRM is worth 2.5% Melee, so 1 turn of -15 MRM is worth 7.5%, and max 4 turns makes that 30%. Is on a 50% save, uses the same inflict/resist stats as the mounted skill. Both Melee/Ranged and Magic versions of the skill pay the same damage, the difference is in the higher SP costs on the Magic version.

Level	-	5	28	51	72	92	112	132	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
MPLvl	5	12	33	54	74	94	114	134	152
125%SP	38	51	96	148	205	268	338	415	490
100%SP	30	41	76	118	164	214	270	332	392
75%SP	23	30	57	89	123	161	203	249	294

Level	-	5	28	51	72	92	112	132	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
BR%	115	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
Stat%	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BTH	0	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
Fire	99	95	89	86	86	86	86	85	84
Water	100	97	95	95	95	95	95	95	95
Ice	95	90	82	74	67	59	53	46	42
Wind	97	93	85	78	77	76	76	75	70
Earth	97	93	85	78	77	76	76	75	70
Energy	92	88	80	70	61	54	48	42	39
Light	99	95	89	86	86	86	86	85	84
Dark	95	90	82	74	67	59	53	46	42
Melee	24	25	26	31	34	37	40	43	45
Ranged	24	25	26	31	34	37	40	43	45
Magic	24	25	26	31	34	37	40	43	45
Spreadsheet ~ Ward

Kamui -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/12/2020 16:37:26)


Skill is worth 100%, 50% is a Light lock, 50% is Choke.

Choke is -x damage for, say, three turns. 60% save, so 0.5 = 1.4*0.85*x*0.6*3 -> x = 0.2334

Gilded Mason Form

FO Light armour, with good Dark resistance.

Normal attack is 2 hits, 80% total damage (50% chance) or 3 hits, 120% total damage (50% chance).

MC: Comes with skill, Deep Terror Infusion. Imbue, locks your attacks to Light, and at the end of your turn the monster becomes Choked (-23.34*[DAMAGE]% damage, 3 turns). The monster can resist with a save at a -10 penalty (inflict with [mainstat]/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK). Costs SP based on your level.

[DAMAGE] is equal to [damage inflicted] / [expected damage per turn] / [monster Light resistance]. To keep this from getting too out of hand, you use that^0.75 if [DAMAGE] is greater than 1.

Expected damage per turn is calculated the same was as a virtual attack, like with the Overlord shield. At Lv150 it's 390.40625. This means that in the above, [DAMAGE] = 1 when you do 391 damage, [DAMAGE] = 2.82 when you do 1562 damage, etc.

Scales based on your Guardian Level. Below are example values; between these, it uses linear interpolation.
PLvl	55B	75B	95B	115B	135B	150B
BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
BtH Mod	7	9	12	14	17	19
Fire	110	100	97	97	97	95
Water	88	87	87	87	86	81
Ice	110	100	97	97	97	95
Wind	88	87	87	87	86	81
Earth 	88	87	87	87	86	81
Energy	88	87	87	87	86	81
Light 	66	59	53	47	42	39
Dark	72	64	56	51	44	41
Fire	10	0	-3	-3	-3	-5
Earth 	-12	-13	-13	-13	-14	-19
Water	-12	-13	-13	-13	-14	-19
Energy	-12	-13	-13	-13	-14	-19
Ice	10	0	-3	-3	-3	-5
Light 	-34	-41	-47	-53	-58	-61
Wind	-12	-13	-13	-13	-14	-19
Dark	-28	-36	-44	-49	-56	-59
Melee	40	43	46	50	53	55
Ranged	40	43	46	50	53	55
Magic	30	33	36	40	43	45
Spreadsheet ~ Ward

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/17/2020 12:05:48)


Festive Mason Form

«Fully Offensive Fire Armour with Darkness secondary. Scales to player level, table numbers are just for reference. Mastercraft; Has a skill that locks your attacks to Fire Element and chokes the enemy.»

Location: Golden Giftboxes - UltraRare Shop
Element: Fire
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	59 MC	78 MC	98 MC	118 MC	138 MC	153 MC	

Price	0	0	0	0	0	0
Sell	0	0	0	0	0	0
Melee	40	43	46	50	53	55
Ranged	40	43	46	50	53	55
Magic	30	33	36	40	43	45
Fire	66	59	53	47	42	39
Water	88	87	87	87	86	81
Ice	110	100	97	97	97	95
Wind	88	87	87	87	86	81
Earth 	88	87	87	87	86	81
Energy	88	87	87	87	86	81
Light 	110	100	97	97	97	95
Dark	72	64	56	51	44	41
Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	110.8	133.6	157.6	181.6	205.6	223.6
Stat%	195.76	245.92	298.72	351.52	404.32	443.92
BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
Rate: 50%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	110.8	133.6	157.6	181.6	205.6	223.6
Stat%	195.76	245.92	298.72	351.52	404.32	443.92
BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
Rate: 50

  • You receive Armour Lean x1.25
  • Clicking on the armour's skill will allow you to pay the listed SPCost to lock your attacks to Fire for 1 turn. Additionally, at the end of the turn, you will attempt to Choke (-23.34*[DAMAGE]% damage, 3 turns) the monster. The monster can resist with a save at -10 penalty.
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: MainStat vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Mainstat is STR for a Melee weapon, DEX for a Ranged weapon and INT for a Magic Weapon.
    [DAMAGE] is equal to [damage inflicted] / [expected damage per turn] / [monster Fire resistance]. To keep this from getting too out of hand, you use that^0.75 if [DAMAGE] is greater than 1.
    Mel/Ran	127	171	222	280	341	392
    Magic	159	214	278	349	427	490
    Take on the festive form of the legendary killer Mason! Besides its awesome murder powers, this form can also imbue your attacks with the powers of Sapphire Lake to leave your foes drowning!


    Numbers thanks to Kamui and In Media Res. Additional thanks to AliceShiki. Image thanks to joac1144.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
    Stat%	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    ATTACK #1 deals *0.8 damage. With two equally powerful hits, each hit deals *1/2 damage.
    ATTACK #2 deals *1.2 damage. With two equally powerful hits, each hit deals *1/3 damage.

    For the sake of calculating the expected damage per turn, it is calculated the same way as a virtual attack (see Guardian Dragon Family for details on what this means). At Lv150 it's 390.40625. This means that in the above, [DAMAGE] = 1 when you do 391 damage, [DAMAGE] = 2.82 when you do 1562 damage and so on.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    November 14, 2019: The armour was released.
    January 16, 2020: The armour went rare.

  • Added. ~BKS

    Info Subs:


    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/17/2020 14:22:51)


    Gilded Mason Form

    «Fully Offensive Light Armour with Darkness secondary. Scales to player level, table numbers are just for reference. Mastercraft; Has a skill that locks your attacks to Light Element and chokes the enemy.»

    Location: Golden Giftboxes - UltraRare Shop
    Element: Light
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
    PowLvl	59 MC	78 MC	98 MC	118 MC	138 MC	153 MC	
    Price	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Sell	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Melee	40	43	46	50	53	55
    Ranged	40	43	46	50	53	55
    Magic	30	33	36	40	43	45
    Fire	110	100	97	97	97	95
    Water	88	87	87	87	86	81
    Ice	110	100	97	97	97	95
    Wind	88	87	87	87	86	81
    Earth 	88	87	87	87	86	81
    Energy	88	87	87	87	86	81
    Light 	66	59	53	47	42	39
    Dark	72	64	56	51	44	41
    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	110.8	133.6	157.6	181.6	205.6	223.6
    Stat%	195.76	245.92	298.72	351.52	404.32	443.92
    BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	110.8	133.6	157.6	181.6	205.6	223.6
    Stat%	195.76	245.92	298.72	351.52	404.32	443.92
    BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Rate: 50

  • You receive Armour Lean x1.25
  • Clicking on the armour's skill will allow you to pay the listed SPCost to lock your attacks to Light for 1 turn. Additionally, at the end of the turn, you will attempt to Choke (-23.34*[DAMAGE]% damage, 3 turns) the monster. The monster can resist with a save at -10 penalty.
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: MainStat vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Mainstat is STR for a Melee weapon, DEX for a Ranged weapon and INT for a Magic Weapon.
    [DAMAGE] is equal to [damage inflicted] / [expected damage per turn] / [monster Light resistance]. To keep this from getting too out of hand, you use that^0.75 if [DAMAGE] is greater than 1.
    Mel/Ran	127	171	222	280	341	392
    Magic	159	214	278	349	427	490
    Take on the gilded form of the legendary killer Mason! Besides its awesome murder powers, this form can also imbue your attacks with the powers of Sapphire Lake to leave your foes drowning!


    Numbers thanks to Kamui. Additional thanks to AliceShiki.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
    Stat%	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    ATTACK #1 deals *0.8 damage. With two equally powerful hits, each hit deals *1/2 damage.
    ATTACK #2 deals *1.2 damage. With two equally powerful hits, each hit deals *1/3 damage.

    For the sake of calculating the expected damage per turn, it is calculated the same way as a virtual attack (see Guardian Dragon Family for details on what this means). At Lv150 it's 390.40625. This means that in the above, [DAMAGE] = 1 when you do 391 damage, [DAMAGE] = 2.82 when you do 1562 damage and so on.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    March 12, 2020: The armour was released.
    ... ??, 2020: The armour went rare.

  • Added. ~BKS

    Info Subs:


    Kamui -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/19/2020 16:38:41)


    Legion Doom Knight

    MC Dark and MC Ice armours. Resists below are for Dark, for Ice variant swap Dark/Ice and Light/Fire resists. FO armours, MC effect is a spell-type skill that seeks between Darkness and Ice, uses usual stat checks to determine if it should do Melee/Ranged/Magic damage, and if Magic damage it costs 125% Melee in SP, 100% Melee in SP otherwise.

    Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    BR%	327.5	398.75	473.75	548.75	623.75	698.75
    Stat%	570.5	727.25	892.25	1057.25	1222.25	1387.25
    BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	86	86	86	86	84	82
    Earth	86	86	86	86	84	82
    Water	77	77	76	76	71	68
    Energy	77	77	76	76	71	68
    Ice	75	67	61	53	48	44
    Light	100	100	97	97	95	90
    Wind	75	67	61	53	48	44
    Dark	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Melee	31	33	37	39	42	45
    Ranged	31	33	37	39	42	45
    Magic	31	33	37	39	42	45
    MCPrice	693	1441	2321	3289	4477	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Spreadsheet ~ Ward

    Darkness armor:
    Skill - Dark: *1.67748
    Skill - Ice: *1.50386

    Ice Armor:
    Skill - Ice: *1.83668
    Skill - Dark: *1.50386

    Zennistrad -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/19/2020 20:08:39)

    Could we get the elecomp values for the skill?

    Lv 1000 -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/19/2020 23:03:49)

    So elecomp should be ....

    Darkness armor:
    Skill - Dark: *1.67748
    Skill - Ice: *1.50386

    Ice Armor:
    Skill - Ice: *1.83668
    Skill - Dark: *1.50386

    Uhh that doesn't look right but it's what I got *shrug*

    Zennistrad -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/21/2020 16:54:43)

    No, that makes sense. Wind is closer to Ice on the Elemental Wheel and the armor has secondary Wind resists for both variants, so the Ice armor should naturally get higher elecomp.

    Kamui -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/22/2020 22:10:56)

    Additions to the Paragon Fiend Mount armour!

    Also has two skills, one when mounted, one when dismounted.

    Mounted uses weapon for element and damage type and is a 3-hit weapon-based skill. Costs 100% Melee in SP if using Melee/Ranged, or 75% Melee in SP if using Magic. The skill does 200% damage as a base (still follows armour lean for this), and then pays 50.575% Melee out of its damage (so for Melee/Ranged it pays 50.575/1.25/2 = 20.23% of the total skill damage, Magic pays /0.75 = 26.9733...% to achieve the same effect) to attempt a -(25*MobEleRes*Hits/3)% damage Choke on the foe for 4 turns. EleRes is determined by the most recent hit that was attempted. This is on a 50% save and inflicts with (STR/DEX/INT for Melee/Ranged/Magic)/LUK, mob resists with END/LUK.

    The dismounted skill uses weapon for damage type, but is locked to Energy, and is a 2-hit spell-based skill. Costs 100% Melee in SP if using Melee/Ranged, or 125% Melee in SP if using Magic. Skill does 200% damage base, and is not affected by armour lean. It then pays 30% Melee to attempt a -15 MRM DefLoss on the foe for (Hits*2) turns. +4.25 BtH is worth 5% Melee, /0.85 due to the hit rate of the inflict attempt makes it +5 BtH, and 50% save means 1 turn of -5 MRM is worth 2.5% Melee, so 1 turn of -15 MRM is worth 7.5%, and max 4 turns makes that 30%. Is on a 50% save, uses the same inflict/resist stats as the mounted skill. Both Melee/Ranged and Magic versions of the skill pay the same damage, the difference is in the higher SP costs on the Magic version.

    Level	-	5	28	51	72	92	112	132	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    MPLvl	5	12	33	54	74	94	114	134	152
    125%SP	38	51	96	148	205	268	338	415	490
    100%SP	30	41	76	118	164	214	270	332	392
    75%SP	23	30	57	89	123	161	203	249	294

    Primate Murder -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/23/2020 1:31:28)

    Shouldn't 5% melee be worth 3 MRM (/1.4 to account for pet and/or skill damage)?

    Kamui -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/27/2020 19:24:28)


    Deceiver's Fortune

    FO Energy armour. Ranged > Melee/Magic blocking, Energy > Fire/Light > Earth/Ice > Wind/Darkness > Water resists. Sacrifices 3 MRM (already factored into the #s below) to give you +5% LUKy Strike rate to all your weapon attacks/specials/spells. MC effect is that each turn it gains a fortune charge, you can hold up to 30 charges, and it only gains charges when fighting mobs whose Lv is >= (ArmourBuyLv - 10). You can then go to the skill menu activate the armour's fortune drive, this depletes 1 charge per turn (and you stop gaining charges while this is active) and further boosts your LUKy Strike rate by another +10%. Essentially you go from base 10% LS rate to 15% just being in the armour, and while the fortune drive is active you go from 15% LS rate to 25%.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BR%	115	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat%	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BTH	0	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	96	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
    Water	100	97	97	95	95	95	95	95	95
    Ice	97	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
    Wind	99	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
    Earth	97	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
    Energy	95	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
    Light	96	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
    Dark	99	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
    Melee	18	20	23	27	30	33	36	39	43
    Ranged	27	29	32	36	39	42	45	48	52
    Magic	18	20	23	27	30	33	36	39	43
    A-MCP	70	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016	48410333
    A-MCS	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059008	24205166
    Spreadsheet ~ Ward

    Zennistrad -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/27/2020 21:48:14)

    Interesting that it's +5% instead of the usual *1.5 multiplier for LS chance. Does this mean we're moving away from multiplicative lucky strike chance bonuses?

    Uskius -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (3/29/2020 0:25:06)

    After using Deceiver's Fortune in game, it seems that activating the Fortune Drive changes the armor to being four hits instead of two, with what looks like the damage being distributed evenly with each hit.

    Ianthe -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (4/16/2020 14:24:51)


    Quick Werebunny form sweep (from today's release)

    FD Earth armour. Normal attack is one hit.

    MC: Has a skill, Egg Toss. Spell-like skill, locked to Earth, gets eleComp to damage. Follows weapon type.

    Bonus: If you have at least 250 eggs, you automatically spend that much and gain +50% damage on all weapon attacks and spells for this turn (/2 for spells, /0.75 for Magic weapons).

    The perm version now has Lv135 stats, and can be upgraded to a Lv150G version. The temp version scales between the below values based on [your guardian level] (for Guardians) or [your level] (for adventurers).
    PLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BtH Mod	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	105	100	98	98	98	93	93	92
    Water	95	94	89	89	89	88	85	84
    Ice	95	94	89	89	89	88	85	84
    Wind	110	110	100	100	100	100	100	100
    Earth 	87	79	71	61	61	48	42	39
    Energy	95	94	89	89	89	88	85	84
    Light 	90	85	79	74	74	67	59	56
    Dark	105	100	98	98	98	93	93	92
    Fire	5	0	-2	-2	-2	-7	-7	-8
    Earth 	-13	-21	-29	-39	-39	-52	-58	-61
    Water	-5	-6	-11	-11	-11	-12	-15	-16
    Energy	-5	-6	-11	-11	-11	-12	-15	-16
    Ice	-5	-6	-11	-11	-11	-12	-15	-16
    Light 	-10	-15	-21	-26	-26	-33	-41	-44
    Wind	10	10	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Dark	5	0	-2	-2	-2	-7	-7	-8
    Melee	29	34	39	42	42	49	52	55
    Ranged	29	34	39	42	42	49	52	55
    Magic	29	34	39	42	42	49	52	55
    Elecomp at PowLvl 153 is 1.520468.
    Spreadsheet ~ Ward

    Luminous -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (4/24/2020 18:08:53)

    Hey there, I have been going through my olde armors to clean off the dust, and found some updates regarding the info in the Encyclopedia:

    Little Me (lvl 100 rare): Sell Price 30k

    Kamui -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (5/13/2020 12:48:09)


    Twisted Dragonhide Armour

    Copy of Dragonhide Armour with alternate art, this just scales, and the existing Dragonhide armour has also been updated to scale.

    FO Earth armour. MC is that it is a seeking armour vs Dragons. When fighting one, it checks their base element and shuffles the resists around to best defend against them. So when fighting a Fire Dragon you'll have Fire for Main resist, Energy/Earth for Ally, Light/Dark for Neutral, etc. When not fighting a Dragon, it defaults to Earth alignment.

    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    B/R	130	190	250	310	370	430	490	559
    Stat	166	298	430	562	694	826	958	1110
    BtH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	19
    Main	92	82	75	63	56	49	43	39
    Ally	95	86	79	71	67	60	56	48
    Neut	96	90	84	81	79	79	77	75
    Poor	98	94	91	91	90	90	89	89
    Opp	100	98	97	97	97	96	96	95
    MRM	28	31	34	37	40	43	46	49
    Spreadsheet ~ Ward

    Kamui -> RE: Armours - Read the first post! (5/13/2020 12:48:58)


    Twisted Cleric of Carnafex

    Copy of Cleric of Carnafex with alternate art. It and the original Cleric of Carnafex now scale and also have had the skill updated. The skill now checks your weapon type to determine if it should deal Magic damage (and cost 125% Melee in SP), Melee damage, or Ranged damage (those both cost 100% Melee in SP).

    FO Fire + Ice armor with seeking Fire/Ice SPell. Since Carnifex has four strong elements, Earth and Energy also get elevated protection.
    The SPell gets a tiny bit of eleComp like Ultimon.

    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    PowLv	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Fire	92	82	73	64	56	50	43	40
    Water	96	93	88	88	88	88	88	88
    Ice	92	82	73	64	56	50	43	40
    Wind	96	93	88	88	88	88	88	88
    Earth	94	88	80	78	75	72	69	65
    Energy	94	88	80	78	75	72	69	65
    Light	96	93	88	88	88	88	88	88
    Dark	96	93	88	88	88	88	88	88
    Fire	-8	-18	-27	-36	-44	-50	-57	-60
    Earth	-6	-12	-20	-22	-25	-28	-31	-35
    Water	-4	-7	-12	-12	-12	-12	-12	-12
    Energy	-6	-12	-20	-22	-25	-28	-31	-35
    Ice	-8	-18	-27	-36	-44	-50	-57	-60
    Light	-4	-7	-12	-12	-12	-12	-12	-12
    Wind	-4	-7	-12	-12	-12	-12	-12	-12
    Dark	-4	-7	-12	-12	-12	-12	-12	-12
    Melee	27	30	33	36	39	42	45	48
    Ranged	27	30	33	36	39	42	45	48
    Magic	32	35	38	41	44	47	50	53
    Spreadsheet ~ Ward

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