Trouble in the Woods (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Trouble in the Woods (12/15/2017 22:34:20)

Trouble in the Woods

Location: Frostval Storybook -> Chapter 12 -> Act 34
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: December 15th, 2017

Objective: It's Frostval! All of the moglins are making preparations for this year's festivities! But there seems to be a slight problem...
Objective completed: You found the missing trees... but will you get them back from Moroz?

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(4) Arctic Wolf
(4) Rhoddhu
(9) Yeti
(1) Rhoddhu, (1) Snowball, (1) Yeti - Boss

Icemaster Yeti

Intriguing Frozen Gift Box
Mysterious Frozen Gift Box
Suspicious Frozen Gift Box


*Fades in to depict Icemaster Yeti, Chilly, Holly, and Tinsel gathered around the bonfire. Snowfang is present as well to the right side of the area, taking a nap. All seems to be well by the time you arrive in Frostvale.*

<Character>: Hey guys!

*You walk to the the area to greet Icemaster Yeti and the moglins present. They enthuasically greet you in return.*

Tinsel: <Character>!
Holly: You're back!
Chilly: Hi!
Icemaster Yeti: <Character>! Just arrived in the village?
<Character>: Yep! And I'm ready to start celebrating Frostval this year!

*You look left and right in the area before looking at Icemaster Yeti and the moglins again. The absence of the other moglins worries you.*

<Character>: Where are all the other Moglins?
Icemaster Yeti: From the village?
Icemaster Yeti: Oh, just working on the preparations for the party...
<Character>: But say, I thought you'd be ready to start Frostval by now? What's the holdup?
Holly: We are!
Tinsel: It's the veeeery last thing!
<Character>: Oh? What's that?
Tinsel & Holly: The Frostval Tree!!
Icemaster Yeti: Right now, the Moglins are all out in the forests of pine trees to grab the best ones to bring back to Frostvale.
Holly: And when they're back, we get to decorate them!
Tinsel: But we got to wait until they're back... It's boring.
Tinsel: Why can't we watch them pick the trees?!!
Holly: Yeah! I want to see them pick the trees!

*She and Tinsel turn their attention to a hesitant Chilly.*

Chilly: Welllll....

*Holly and Tinsel smile and look at him with sparkles in their eyes, hoping that would convince him to agree.*

Chilly: ...I guess we could go see how they're doing?
Icemaster Yeti: Ha ha! Well, it just so happens I know just the place they picked this year for the trees!
Icemaster Yeti: I'll gladly lead you two rascals there to see!
Tinsel & Holly: Yay!
Snowfang: Mind if I tag along?
Snowfang: Not that I am entirely curious, but I could stretch my wings out a bit after my nap...
Icemaster Yeti: The more the merrier!
<Character>: All right! Let's go!

*Fades to black. Fades back to depict Blizzy with a saddened look on his face in the middle of the snowy forest just as you and the others found him and the Frostvale moglins searching for the right trees.*

<Character>: There they are?
<Character>: Hey Blizzy! Tired from all the work?
Blizzy: ...<Character>?
<Character>: I kinda have to wonder how Moglins manage to bring down such big trees, but it looks like you guys get the job done!
<Character>: Where did you put them?
Blizzy: We didn't actually cut down any of these trees... They were all gone when we got here!
Holly: Whaaat?!
Icemaster Yeti: What? But they were here just a couple days ago! I know I checked on them...
Blizzy: And we spent the year since the last Frostval looking for the best ones to decorate too...
Blizzy: But now they're all gone and all that's left are these strange tracks...
<Character>: Tracks? What kind?
Blizzy: They sort of look like the tracks our Mogsleds back in the village leave... but they're much bigger...
<Character>: So someone made a get away with a sled?
<Character>: Well, don't worry, Blizzy. IceMaster Yeti and I will look into it.
Icemaster Yeti: Yeah. There's no way we're letting you folks go have a treeless Frostval.
Blizzy: You will? Thanks!
<Character>: Wanna come and help us through our adventure, Chilly?
Chilly: Sure!
Holly: Hey! I wanna come!
Tinsel: Me too!
<Character>: Really? I'm not sure that's the best idea since it could be dangerous...
Tinsel: But why does Chilly get to go and not us?
Holly: Yeah! I wanna go with Chilly too...
Blizzy: <Character> is right, Tinsel. Holly...
Blizzy: We don't know what happened to the trees and it could lead pretty far away from the village!
Blizzy: It simply isn't a good idea for you two to go out. It isn't safe!
Holly: Awww...
Tinsel: But I want to go on an adventure too!
Snowfang: If I may interject...
Snowfang: I would be willing to accompany them to keep an eye out on these two.
Tinsel & Holly: You would?!!
Snowfang: Of course. I do have a bit of debt to you two, after all.
Icemaster Yeti: I don't mind being extra careful if we bring these tikes along.
Icemaster Yeti: Plus, I know these icey lands like the back of my fur lining!
Blizzy: Would that be alright with you, <Character>?
<Character>: Well, with Snowfang and IceMaster Yeti around, I doubt just anything would dare to try and get a drop on us! Sure!
Holly: Thank you so much, Mr. Snowfang!!
Tinsel: And you, Mr Yeti!
Snowfang: You're welcomed, floofy one.
Icemaster Yeti: Haha! Cheers, kid!
<Character>: Ok. Stay close and follow me you two. Let's go find those missing trees!
Tinsel & Holly: Right!!

*Fades to black. You then traverse through the snowy forest together to follow the sled tracks that would lead to the chopped down pine trees all while Icemaster Yeti, Chilly, and Snowfang keep an eye on Tinsel and Holly. Upon your travels, you stumble across a wooden cabin with a blue sleigh next to it. Behind them are pine trees untouched by snow. Right away, everyone that tagged along realized that these were the trees that they are looking for.*

Icemaster Yeti: So this is where all the trees went...
Holly: Do you think whoever took them lives in that cabin over there?
Tinsel: Duh! Who else would be?
Holly: I was just asking...
Icemaster Yeti: Well, we'll know soon enough.
<Character>: I'll go and have a look at the cabin. Meanwhile, you guys just stay with Snowfang and wait-
???: ... What business have you trespassing on Moroz's land?

*You turn around and find yourself face-to-face with a cyan-eyed lumberjack with brown hair wearing a black hat fit for the winter.*

<Character>: ...Moroz? Is that the name of the landlord here?
Moroz: My name is Moroz. Moroz lives and dwells here...
Moroz: Now speak. What is the reason of your coming here?
Moroz: If you are bandits who want to pilfer and ransack Moroz's belongings, you have chosen a poor target.
Moroz: Moroz has nothing valuable! But what Moroz does have he will defend to his last breath with this axe!
<Character>: Easy, easy! We're not here to steal from you!
Moroz: Then what?
<Character>: We're just here to clear a misunderstanding! See those timbered trees right there?
Moroz: Yes?
<Character>: Those trees were cut down from a lot of trees the moglins of Frostvale planned to decorate for the Frostval festivities!
<Character>: They'd much appreciate having them back so that the preparations could be completed for the Twelve Days of Frostval!
Moroz: I see. You are saying Moroz should give those trees back...
<Character>: Exactly!
Moroz: those strangers, when Moroz has worked his sweat and blood to timber and bring them here.
<Character>: Uhm... Yes?
Moroz: And that Moroz should give up all his hard work and the funds selling them at Dragevard would have earned him!
<Character>: Well...
Moroz: Moroz should stop trying to earn a living as lumberjack and Moroz should just starve and freeze in his cabin!!
<Character>: Look! I didn't mean it that way! If it's money you want, I can pay you for the wood
Moroz: Moroz does not deal with strangers' gold!!
Moroz: Moroz is a lumberjack. He earns an honest living cutting and trading with trustworthy merchants enough to get by...
<Character>: Then if it's wood to sell you really want, we can get that too!
<Character>: Snowfang? IceMaster Yeti?
Icemaster Yeti: What's up?
<Character>: Do you think you could... grab a few trees for us?
Snowfang: *dragonsnort* All right.
Icemaster Yeti: Sure thing. Leave it to me.

*He and Snowfang chop down and retrieve several pine trees. They fall to the ground from off-screen in order for you to present them to Moroz.*

<Character>: There! This pile of trees should net you even more than what you've got!
Moroz: Is Moroz supposed to laugh?
<Character>: What?
Moroz: This is more lumber than I can carry down the mountains in one shipment!!
Moroz: What is Moroz to do if Ikea will not take a second shipment and the trees he does bring are worth less th-

*Moroz's eyes widen slightly as a reaction to your annoyance.*

<Character>: Look!! We'll help you take all the trees to Dragesvard in one go if it means that much to you!
Icemaster Yeti: <Character>'s right, Moroz.
Icemaster Yeti: I'll spend all my Yeti strength pulling those logs to Dragesvard if I have to make sure my Moglin friends here...
Icemaster Yeti: ...get the trees they painstakingly picked for their Frostval celebrations.
Moroz: ...Why?
Icemaster Yeti: It's important to them so that means it's important to me.
Moroz: ...
Moroz: Help Moroz deliver these trees to Dragesvard... and then we shall talk.

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