Jack and Lumberjack (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Jack and Lumberjack (12/22/2017 22:02:53)

Jack and Lumberjack

Location: Frostval Storybook -> Chapter 12 -> Act 35
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Trouble in the Woods
Release Date: December 22nd, 2017

Objective: Moroz wants to sell the wood in Dragesvard, but it seems something else is going on...
Objective completed: The stars are bright on this Frostval night... And new friends eat and drink and make merry with!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(10) Frost Goblin
(4) Ice Tarantula
(6) Ursice Savage

Icemaster Yeti

Glowing Snowflake


*Upon coming to a consensus to Moroz much to his reluctance, you and Icemaster Yeti turn around and look at Chilly.*

<Character>: Alright, Chilly. I want you and Snowfang to head back to the village with everyone else.
<Character>: You can let everyone know we're taking care of things.
Icemaster Yeti: We'll be back after we deliver the wood with Moroz to Dragesvard.
Chilly: Gotcha!
Moroz: Hmph...
<Character>: All right, take care you two!
Icemaster Yeti: See ya later, kids!
Tinsel & Holly: Bye!!

*Fades to black. Fades back in not long after you, Icemaster Yeti, and Moroz leave the scene. Chilly turns around to look at the twins to gleefully tell them that now is the time to return to Frostvale.*

Chilly: Well, we probably shouldn't take too long... Blizzy, Papa Moglin and the rest of the village are probably worried about you two.
Tinsel: Pffff... We handled things just fine!
Holly: I'm ready to go whenever you are, Chilly!

*Suddenly, just before the moglins were ready to head out with Snowfang, they hear a curious young voice coming from the cabin.*

???: H-Hello? Is someone out there?

*The three moglins' happiness dropped and they looked at the half-opened front door, partially frightened, yet curious themselves.*

Chilly: ...Who are you?

*Fades to black again. Fades back in to depict a short pan out of Dragesvard on its lone glacier, indicating that you, Icemaster Yeti, and Moroz have arrived in town. The three of you meet Ikea outside of her House Items Shop to joyfully greet the lumberjack.*

Ikea: Marvelous!
Ikea: Oh Moroz... you've outdone yourself this year!
Moroz: Moroz... has?
Ikea: Oh, yes! Why, this timber is just exquisite!
Ikea: I can't wait to make furniture with it! It'll be all the rage in top fashion for home decor!
Ikea: Here. Your price as compensation!

*Moroz's eyes widened in shock and disbelief when Ikea hands him a large bag of gold as payment for the delivery. He looks at her just to make sure that there was no oversight.*

Moroz: Is... Is Ikea certain she counted it properly?
Ikea: Of course! You know I wouldn't make a mistake in my dues to you, Moroz!
Ikea: You never let a single coin slide!
Moroz: ...
Ikea: Now if you'll excuse me... I have work to do!
Ikea: Thank you for your business! I look forwards to the next shipment in the new year!
Ikea: Merry Frostval, Moroz!
Moroz: And... and a merry Frostval to you too...

*You and Icemaster Yeti smile for you two are fortunate upon realizing that the errand to get the timber to Ikea went well. Fades to black. Fades back in to when the three of you return to the snowy forest. While the lumberjack still feels skeptical, you approach him in an attempt to raise his spirits.*

<Character>: Sooooo... It's looks like we did pretty good on that sale back there!
Icemaster Yeti: We sure did! Wouldn't you say, Moroz?
Moroz: ...
<Character>: Hmmm... We should probably get back to your cabin and decide what to do about our trees...
Icemaster Yeti: Yeah! That is what you said we'd be doing, wasn't it?
Icemaster Yeti: ...We'd be dealing with the trees after we'd taken care of the shipment to Dragesvard?
Moroz: We... did.
<Character>: All right! Then let's not waste anymore time!
<Character>: Let's get back to that cabin without a moment to spare!

*You, Icemaster Yeti, and Moroz return to the exterior of the lumberjack's cabin where he notices that something is amiss, yet neither you nor Icemaster Yeti are aware of his suspicions.*

<Character>: So, what will it be, Moroz?
Moroz: Moroz... Moroz supposed he should...

*His words trail off when that it turns out that he discovered footprints outside his front door that lead away from the cabin and into the forest.*

<Character>: ...Yeeeess?

*Moroz's eyes widened in horror.*

Moroz: ...Jacek.
<Character>: Jacek?
Moroz: JACEK!!
<Character>: I don't get it. Who's Jacek?
Moroz: This was your plan all along!
<Character>: ...What?!
<Character>: Hey, HEY!! We didn't take your son!! We didn't even know you had one!

*Icemaster Yeti look at the footprints next to Moroz worriedly.*

Icemaster Yeti: How old is your son?
Moroz: Six and a half of years. Why?
Icemaster Yeti: Really? Oh, then he's probably in Frostvale!
Moroz: ...Frostvale?
Icemaster Yeti: Yeah! There seems to be tracks here of a small human child along those of our Moglin friends from Frostvale! He-
Moroz: ...My son was kidnapped by the moglins of Frostvale?
Icemaster Yeti: Now, hold on-
<Character>: WAIT! MOROZ!

*Moroz dashes off into the forest and you and Icemaster Yeti follow him back the way you came previously. This time, you encounter different but angrier wildlife than the last time you traveled through this path. By the time Moroz arrives in Frostvale, it becomes clear that the moglins are as afraid of him as he is of the likelihood of losing his son. Everyone becomes scared to death.*

Moroz: Jacek!!
Moroz: JACEK!!
???: MOROZ!
Jacek: Moroz... *pant* We must run *pant* before they catch us!
Moroz: Jacek! Moroz is so relieved you are safe...
Moroz: ...And worry not. We are leaving this village immediately!
Jacek: But that won't work! If we leave the village... Then all is lost!
Moroz: Lost? What do you mean?
Jacek: Because-
???: WEEEEEE!!!
Tinsel: Ah ha! We've got you, Jack!
Holly: Right where we want you!

*The sight of Chilly, Tinsel, and Holly riding on Snowfang to pursue Jacek deeply terrifies Moroz. He is paralyzed just as you and Icemaster Yeti catch up to him.*

<Character>: Moroz!

*Jacek stops panting and stands next to Moroz as he unsheathes his hatchet against the boy's pursuers. His eyes glance both left and right anxiously. Right away, he thinks he and Jacek are both surrounded by harmful monsters he perceives you, Icemaster Yeti, and the moglins to be.*

Moroz: ...Jacek, prepare yourself. We must run!
Moroz: Jacek?
Jacek: Ha! Well, Jacek guesses you two won this round of Hide and Dragons Seek!
Moroz: ...Hide and Dragons Seek?
Tinsel: Woohoo!! We won!
Holly: Let's do it again!
Moroz: My little pochemuchka... I do not understand. You were kidnapped by these fiends while I was off to Dragesvard!
Jacek: Kidnapped? What do you mean, Moroz?
Jacek: Jacek followed the moglins to their village to play with them and hasn't stopped having fun since!

*Moroz's eyes widen once again out of both skepticism, but this time, it might've been bewilderment as well for misinterpreting what had happened.*

Jacek: Come, Moroz! Come join us for the Rainbow Ice Snow Cones!
Moroz: Rainbow Ice... Snow Cones?
Tinsel: Yes! You have to try them!
Holly: They're so yummy...
Chilly: You won't regret it!
Moroz: I...
Jacek: Come on!
Chilly: You won't regret it!
<Character>: ...This took an odd turn.
Icemaster Yeti: Ha ha ha!
Icemaster Yeti: I think we should go and get the trees to bring them back to Frostvale...
Icemaster Yeti: Let's let the moglins... take care of things.

*Later this magical Frostval evening*

*Jacek stands on top of Snowfang's head to hang a bright yellow light on top of a snow white pine tree decorated with smaller yellow lights located in a spacious area in Frostvale where the holiday lights illuminate in the winter night. The Frostvale moglins witness the lighting take place before them. Holly's eyes sparkle to express her admiration of the tree's beauty.*

Holly: It's beauuuuutiful!
Tinsel: Nice job, Jack!
Jacek: Jack... Jacek is flattered! Thanks!
Moroz: ...
<Character>: Something the matter, Moroz?
Moroz: Jacek is smiling... and laughing so much...
Moroz: ...
Moroz: Sledding on the mogsleds... the ice cones... the hot cocoaberry... the snowfights.
Moroz: Jacek has... never been happier. Moroz is... glad.
<Character>: Why? Is it really so surprising?
Moroz: Jacek... Jacek is a special child.
Moroz: Where we come from, we say he is a child born under Snow Prince's star.
Moroz: When he was born... all of his hair was white snow and has always struggled to stay long outside under the bright sun.
Moroz: As such, we have lived in places where the winter is long and the sun is less biting for him.
Moroz: We have also had to flee our homeland for being a child of the Snow Prince is the portent of a great mage...
Moroz: ...and in our homeland, the potential to be a mage can lead to... complications.
Moroz: Thus Moroz brought Jacek and his mother here to live in peace...
<Character>: Mother? So if Jack came here on his own then...
Moroz: ...She died in the last bitter cold winter.
<Character>: ...I'm so sorry.
Moroz: That is why Moroz has been so afraid...
Moroz: Jacek might spend his life alone with Moroz, far from home and may never even get the chance to smile or laugh very much....
Moroz: ....But losing Jacek would be far worse for Moroz than anything else.
Moroz: Moglins....
Moroz: Moroz hopes you have all enjoyed the trees Moroz took the pains to have cut down....
Chilly: We have!!
Moroz: ...because as thankful as Moroz is for the wood your friends have provided as trade, they do not quite settle things...
Blizzy: What?!
<Character>: ....You can't be serious!
Jacek: Moroz....
Blizzy: I am terribly sorry, but we don't have the money to pay for them!
Moroz: Then Moroz would ask....
<Character>: Now, look here Moroz-
Moroz: ....would you accept to let my Jacek celebrate Frostval with you all in return and each Frostval following in exchange for my trees?

*You look at Moroz remorsefully while everyone looks at him excitedly. Fortunately, the answer was obvious based on their facial expressions in response to the lumberjack's request. You, Moroz, Jacek, Icemaster Yeti, and the moglins gladly spend the rest of the evening celebrating the jolly holiday around the warm bonfire while Snowfang sleeps behind it.*

  • Here is a picture of the Frostval shindig and all the participants.

  • Complete Quest

  • Page: [1]

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