RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (Full Version)

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Legendary Ash -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (5/10/2019 23:59:25)

If Freezing strategy doesn't deal enough damage to beat Wicked King's Prismatic Burn, use Lohkaista Shard for defense and Mankind's Moxie to store 1000-2000 charges of Tranquility from the monsters before him to unleash 6x dmg per Kindred Strike that costs 200 charges.

Macho Man -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (5/21/2019 10:24:45)

Monster/Quest Name: StarSlayer
Character Link: ME!
Level Version of Monster:150
Build:STR 200 DEX 150 CHA 250 LUK 150
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Zealot's Wrath
  • Armor: Svadilfari's Oath
  • Shield: High Oracle
  • Spell:Call rhubzard
  • Pet: Underwyrmling
  • Misc:

Previously Used Strategies: Tried to drop to best dark/energy defense but read here to drop energy first turn then dark until SP fills. He always goes first and with the daze drops me to 10% health. Haven't played in a bit so I need help with a better setup.

Legendary Ash -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (5/22/2019 1:11:26)

Heart of the Ramleon should be enough to prevent immobility, then attack with Kindred Strike paired with Kindred's sword auto hit for two turns, should be sufficient to finish StarSlayer.

kamikazi008 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (6/3/2019 4:35:04)

Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts VS Staff
Character Link: under avvy
Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian
Level Version of Monster: 150, Challenge Gauntlet
Build: DEX Hybrid, 250 STR / INT, 200 DEX, 50 END
Notes: Get mildly lucky scumming the fights as not to take too much damage. This strategy supersedes the strategy of simply getting very lucky with initiative.

Monster/Quest Name: afterlifex
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Tarnished Caliburn, Horo-Show Void Vanquisher
  • Armor: Eternal Twilight's Mantle
  • Shield: Lantern of Souls
  • Pet: High Communicant's Oath
  • Misc: Head of Raydius Dragon
  • Buff: Regenerative Spritzer

Previously Used Strategies: Artix Ally Assist is an effective way to put them down quickly.
Notes: This setup put me at 2% Darkness modifier, enough to tank out the fight and the revive. I let the pet deal the killing blow on a turn where I Health Potion'd up to full.

Monster/Quest Name: DragonUltraMaster
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: KuBrush G
  • Armor: High Communicant's Oath, Kindred Spirits' Valiance
  • Shield: Cosmic Ethereal Shield, Chieftain's Ironthorn
  • Pet: Retro Twilly G, Chiaro Symbiote
  • Misc: Shadowfeeder Pendant, Elahi Irt of Osiris
  • Buff: Regenerative Spritzer

Previously Used Strategies: Their attacks all are Magic, but stacking blocking didn't feel as good as increasing damage resistance.
Notes: I don't know what improvements could be made to the tanking setup. Losing only 20% HP from a merciful first turn after losing initiative was good enough for me.
Next was to Celerity up. First turn: Kindred Strike. Second turn: Health Potion up.
Take a hit and Celerity again, but heal first before finishing them off with a second Kindred Strike. You'd like to end with above 90% HP for...

Monster/Quest Name: Carandor
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: KuBrush G
  • Armor: Wicked King Plate
  • Shield: Shield of Agony's Blood
  • Pet: Chiaro Symbiote
  • Misc: Elahi Irt of Osiris
  • Buff: Regenerative Spritzer

Previously Used Strategies: The Wyrm Knight armor and shield might work as far as defensive Fire equipment goes.
Notes: The Symbiote in the pet slot to reduce damage is a neat piece of tech I cribbed off toannghe1997.
Everything combined was enough to survive losing initiative.

aq DarkKnight -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (6/3/2019 17:47:08)

Video tutorial: Battle begin at 0:09 for afterlifex, 1:50 for DragonUltraMaster, and 2:33 for Carandor of the video
Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts! VS. Staff
Character Link: Slayer of the Wicked
Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian
Level Version of Monsters: 150
Build: Annihilator Pure Mage

Monster: afterlifex
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Prismatic Paintbrush (because of its changing-to-random-elements per hit ability)
  • Armor: Whispering Raiment --> Kindred Spirits' Valiance --> Eternal Twilight's Mantle --> Kindred Spirits' Valiance
  • Shield: Chieftain's IronThorn --> Cerberus Ward (Click to defend against Darkness attacks!) --> Kindred Spirits' Devotion --> Chieftain's IronThorn
  • Spell: Purple Rain --> Arcane Amplification --> Moonwalker's Grace --> 2019 New Year's Surprise --> Essence Orb* --> Purple Rain
  • Pet: Poelala
  • Guest: Summon Poelala
  • Misc: Shadowfeeder Pendant --> Blood Contract --> Head of Raydius Dragon --> Blood Contract
  • Potion Effect: Ambush Potion from Lucretia's Apothecary
  • Ally Assist: None
  • Potion Usage: 0/35

Previously Used Strategies: Before ever attempting this challenge, I would go to Combat Practice Trainer, bring out both Poelalas to battle by my side, and kept on stacking Focus until I get 3,000 Tranquility Points. Get Ambush Potion from Lucretia's potion quest and equip into my Whispering Raiment to guarantee Initiative. Upon going first, I immediately cast Purple Rain and then all of my quickcast spells in my arsenal to maximize damage and accuracy. After that, use Shadowfeeder Pendant to gain Celerity. Switch to Blood Contract and nuke afterlifex down to 1HP. Switch to Eternal Twilight's Mantle+Cerberus Ward+Head of Raydius Dragon to get my Darkness element modifier as low as 2% to resist his retaliatory strikes. Cast Purple Rain again to reset the battle. Use Essence Orb if afterlifex keep resisting my space-time manipulation until I am low on SP Points. After successfully turning back time, I would switch back to Kindred Spirits' Valiance, use Kindred Spirits' Devotion to gain back my full SP and then re-equip into Chieftain's IronThorn, switch out Shadowfeeder Pendant to Blood Contract, and finally nuke away again! Finish the battle completely unscathed.
•Eternal Twilight's Mantle has this guaranteed block against any unblockable hits ability that can come in very handy against afterlifex's massive retaliatory strikes.
•If you know you do not have enough Initiative to go first, always made sure to have Ready Inventory Before Battle feature On as extra insurance. This goes for every other battle.

Monster: DragonUltraMaster
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Prismatic Paintbrush
  • Armor: Kindred Spirits' Valiance
  • Shield: Chieftain's IronThorn
  • Spell: Purple Rain --> Arcane Amplification --> Moonwalker's Grace --> 2019 New Year's Surprise --> Essence Orb* --> Purple Rain
  • Pet: Poelala
  • Guest: Summon Poelala
  • Misc: Shadowfeeder Pendant --> Blood Contract
  • Potion Effect: Ambush Potion from Lucretia's Apothecary
  • Ally Assist: None
  • Potion Usage: 0/35

Previously Used Strategies: Let my 200 LUK+Ambush Potion get me Initiative and went into the battle in Kindred Spirits' Valiance. Upon going first, I immediately cast Purple Rain and repeat my quickcast spell routine again. Then I bring out Shadowfeeder Pendant to gain Celerity. Cast Purple Rain again to reset the battle. Will use Essence Orb if DragonUltraMaster tries to resist my space-time manipulation until I am low on SP Points. Switch out Shadowfeeder Pendant for Blood Contract to maximize damage. Use Kindred Spirits' Valiance to one-shot DragonUltraMaster.
•Your only and best chance of beating him is to go first and take him down in less than three turns(five turns if you're extremely lucky and he is in a lenient mood if you haven't already run out of elemental attacks to hit him with!).
•Drawn out battles are DragonUltraMaster's bread and butter. The longer the battle goes, the more chances he has to inflict randomly increasingly high damage outputs and status conditions.
•Like Doomsday of Dc Comics Shinyaro, DragonUltraMaster will become completely immune to the element you hit him with before. Meaning that he cannot be hurt by the same element twice! Element X, Void, and Harm elements included. No exception!
•Currently said by fellow forumites to be bugged because of his inconsistency, wildly, and unpredictability variable strong damage for someone of his caliber. His real-life counterpart even admitted having difficulty beating him.

Monster: Carandor
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Prismatic Paintbrush
  • Armor: Kindred Spirits' Valiance --> Pyromancer Bloodmage
  • Shield: Chieftain's IronThorn --> Cerberus Ward (Click to defend against Fire attacks!) --> Kindred Spirits' Devotion --> Cerberus Ward
  • Spell: Purple Rain
  • Pet: Poelala
  • Guest: Summon Poelala
  • Misc: Mana Trap*
  • Potion Effect: Ambush Potion from Lucretia's Apothecary
  • Ally Assist: None
  • Potion Usage: 0/35

Previously Used Strategies: Let my 200 LUK+Ambush Potion get me Initiative and went into the battle in Kindred Spirits' Valiance. Upon going first, I immediately cast Purple Rain for insurance. Switch out Kindred Spirits' Valiance for Pyromancer Bloodmage. Switch out Chieftain's IronThorn for Cerberus Ward. Activate Mana Trap. Attack him with minimum strength. Sit back and watch him basically defeat himself without lifting a finger.
•It's the matter of the whoever-went-first-win type of battle unless you came into the battle with a setup that can get your Fire element modifier as low as 13%, you're already screwed.
•If you do not have enough Initiative to go first, having Ready Inventory Before Battle feature On is crucial for coming out alive.
•Carandor could be one-shotted, but that stratagem will put you in a vulnerable position if he were to survive your onslaught.
•Carandor has one seemly very notable Achilles' heel to Mana Trap and Shield of Agony's Blood(if by an unlikely chance you manage to block his last attack in the end). So if you have these items in your arsenal, use it!
•Since he is said to be comparable to a "meta-using player", Carandor's reduces-his-own-HP-so-much-to-buff-himself gimmick would of work if he know how to Purple Rain away his injuries after buffing himself and keeping the power of the buff afterward to unleash on the Chosen One. That way, if he could do that, he can be a force to be reckoned with.

Mr. Roguish -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (6/4/2019 22:33:09)

Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts! VS. Staff
Character Link: Susurrator
Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian
Level Version of Monsters: 150
Build: Intelligent Assassin

Key to success: The biggest thing with all these enemies is avoiding the time that they do attacks of ridiculously massive damage (I'm talking about 20,000+ damage). So dodgy build FTW for once.

Items Equipped:

Weapon(s): Zakiya's Spear --> Big Dictionary --> (Whatever weapon you fancy)
Armor(s): Whispering Raiment --> (Armor with decent magic defense) --> (Nuke armor)
Shield(s): Doray/Father Time --> Emancipator's Radiance --> Doray/Father Time --> Spell Barricade
Spell(s): See below
Pet(s): Sin of Revontheus/Possessed Sword and Royal Cake
Guest: Black cat
Misc: Shadowfeeder Pendant --> Hairmuffs
Potion Effect: Deadeye see straight from Lucretia's Apothecary
Ally Assist: None
Potion Usage: 0/35

Previously used strategy (can be applied for virtually all monsters):

1. Start off holding Doray or Father Time and wearing whispering raiment if you want initiative; use Shadowfeeder pendant for celerity

2. Switch armor to one with decent magic defense. Switch misc to Hairmuffs to inflict trooper accuracy= -23.5 enemy BtH= +23.5MRM

3. Switch shield to Emancipator's Radiance (for boost to blind chance) Blind opponent with Zakiya's Spear (deadeye see straight should help land hits) for aprox. 8 turns= aprox. -15 enemy BtH= +15MRM

3. Switch back to Doray or Father Time

4. Moonwalker's grace spell= +75DEX= +9.375MRM

5. Big dictionary panoply spell= +29MRM for 5 turns

6. Activate Doray or father time shield to gain all MP and SP back

7. Switch to Spell Barricade +23 defense

8. Spam nuke(s)

If I have an armor that gives apox. 50 MRM and the pets deal -12 BtH to enemy = +12MRM then with all those statuses are in affect. My MRM would be 161.875. With my base stats of 240 DEX and luck that's a total of aprox. 197.875MRM (practically nothing will hit you).

Lol make me a boss battle

Monster: afterlifex
Follow steps above, you pretty much just need to dodge his wake up hit when you "kill" him the first time. I've always killed him immediately after and never took the chance allowing him to potentially deal the same kind of damage.

Monster: DragonUltraMaster
Follow steps above, he would deal alot of damage because he attacks alot of times (but we're dodging all those right eh?). Keep switching elements for nuke, I used kindred armor so I could just use my regular weapons, by the time I used all my elements he was dead. Don't attempt void/harm weapons/spells, monster has very low element modifiers to them and you'll just waste a turn or two finding that out.

Monster: Carandor

Items Equipped:

Weapon(s): (Whatever weapon you fancy)
Armor(s): Whispering Raiment (for initiative) --> (Armor with decent magic defense)
Shield(s): Spell Barricade
Spell(s): Moonwalker's Grace and blinding spell
Pet(s): Sin of Revontheus/Possessed Sword and Royal Cake
Guest: Black cat
Misc: Mana Trap
Ally Assist: None
Potion Usage: 0/35

Don't attempt celerity or reset effects from shield or purple rain; equip mana trap misc, hope you dodge his first and hopefully only attack and let monster kill itself. I used royal cake for MRM boost without sacrificing turn and switched back to Sin of Revontheus/Possessed Sword. I attempted a blinding spell, it didn't work, got hit once but still survived, mana trap finished it off before I even had to attack. Royal cake only gave +6MRM and seeing as I didn't get anything from the attempted blinding spell, might just be better to just use Big Dictionary.

Willowofwish -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (6/5/2019 3:13:50)

Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts! VS. Staff
Character Link: Willow
Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian
Level Version of Monsters: 150
Build: Nuke-mage

Monster: afterlifex

Weapon: Hydromancer Bloodblade/Staff of Awe(wind)
Armor: Vamp no drop -->White Knight Z
Shield: Darkovia Bulwark--> Chieftain's IronThorn
Spell: Purple Rain
Pet: Poelala
Guest: Summon Poelala
Misc: Shadowfeeder Pendant --> Head of Raydius Dragon -->Z Gautlet:Time --->Grakma Harbinger
Potion Effect: Ambush Potion

Strategy: Cast Purple Rain at start of battle -->use Shadowfeeder -->Use Z Gautlet -->(may need extra Shadowfeeder)---> Kill him first ---> Tank the revenge kill(you will survive even with 4% resistance) --->recast purple rain ---> nuke him

Monster: DragonUltraMaster

Weapon: Prisimatic Paintbrush
Armor: Vamp no drop
Shield: Chieftain's IronThorn
Spell: Arcane Amplification/Purple Rain
Pet: Poelala
Guest: Summon Poelala
Misc: Shadowfeeder Pendant--->Grakma Harbinger
Potion Effect: Ambush Potion

Strategy: Purple Rain ---> Boost up/Shadowfeeder ---> recast Purple rain ---> nuke him, use extra Shadowfeeder if needed

Monster: Carandor

Weapon: Silas Staff
Armor: Armor of Frostvale Past --->WKZ
Shield: Chieftain's IronThorn
Spell: Arcane Amplification/Purple Rain
Pet: Poelala
Guest: Summon Poelala
Misc: Shadowfeeder Pendant--->Grakma Harbinger
Potion Effect: Ambush Potion

Strategy: Purple Rain ---> Boost up/Shadowfeeder ---> Use Armor of Frostvale Past to change all element to Ice ---> recast Purple rain ---> nuke him, use extra Shadowfeeder if needed

lolerster -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (6/9/2019 20:46:30)

Alright, so this is a guide to doing the moderator challenge gauntlet (no heals) with no potions on a fully defensive, 0 Charisma mage using my default build. All the strats suggested and posted use some kind of nuke strat, so I thought this is a nice change of pace.

Before starting the challenge, I spent some time building up about 300 Luna Neko charges.This is primarily used for DUM, but is not absolutely necessary. Also, start the fight with the option "Ready Inv Before Battle (AQ)" enabled.


Monster/Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts! VS. Staff -> Challenge Gauntlet
Character Link: Urthemiel
Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian
Level Version of Monster: 150
Build: FD Mage, 250 Luck.

Let's start with Afterlife X:
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Zardwart Dragon-Frill Wand, Chamber of Eternity Love (any combination of Light/Ice or Harm will work in theory), Healing Branch.
  • Armor: Whispering Raiment, Luna Neko Transformation (any 40%/39% FD Darkness Armor will do)
  • Shield: Cerberus Ward (any 26% Darkness Shield will work)
  • Spell: Call Twilly. I used Purple Rain with Zfinity Gauntlet: Time to help out a bit, but it really doesn't matter.
  • Pet: Soluna, Tree Troll (any HP/MP healing pets will work)
  • Misc: Head of Raydius Dragon. I also used Zfinity Gauntlet: Time, but it really doesn't matter.

Previously Used Strategies: -
Notes: Start the fight in Whispering Raiment. Switch to your FD Darkness Armor/Shield and equip Head of Raydius Dragon with your MP heal pet. Use Call Twilly and cast Curative Waters using Healing Branch. Keep up the Curative Waters throughout the fight as it is a very mana-efficient way of healing. Switch to your HP healing pet wack him with your Light/Harm Weapon. Once he gets low, his resistances will switch. Switch to an Ice weapon (or keep using your Harm weapon) and attack until he dies. When he dies, he will do a bit of burst damage to you. Use your Healing Branch to get back to full mana/close to full hp.

Next, DragonUltraMaster:
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Ballon Baton, Zardwart Dragon-Frill Wand, Forgotten's Harrowing Totem, Healing Branch. This fight requires you to have 3 weapons of different elements, hopefully all single-hit weapons (I didn't have anything better than Ballon Baton for my third choice).
  • Armor: Whispering Raiment, Fujin no Kiyosa, Luna Neko Transformation (any version will work), Insightful Armor of Awe
  • Shield: Celtic Wheel. Spell Barrier is in theory better, but I do not carry that shield in my inventory typically. Any Shield with high magic defense will suffice.
  • Spell: Call Twilly, Summon Poelala
  • Pet: Soluna, Tree Troll (any HP/MP healing pets will work), Poelala
  • Misc: Urn of Daryngord.

Previously Used Strategies: -
Notes: Start the fight in Whispering Raiment. Switch to Insigtful Armor of Awe and cast Shield of Insight with double Poelala. Switch to Fujin no Kiyosa and activate activate Wall of Wind. Switch to your magic defense shield of choice. Call Twilly for the heal and use your HP/MP healing pet as needed (I usually use the MP healing pet). Cast Curative Water with Healing Branch. Cycle between your 3 weapons to deal damage to DUM. Use Urn pf Daryngord. Use Healing Branch to make your HP above 2100ish and MP topped up. Every 3 turns recast Wall of Wind. BEFORE you cast the skill, recast Shield of Insight with double Poelala if needed and if you feel like your SP is a bit low, swap to your Neko Transformation to use Feline Fine. I would also recommend keeping up Curative Waters throughout the fight with your Healing Branch, as it is a very mana-efficient heal. Throughout the fight you will be using Fountain of Life and Draw Mana a lot. As long as you have the SP for Wall of Wind, you can extend the fight almost indefinitely. If you are really tight on SP, you can dismiss Twilly. One thing to note - you can make the fight significantly shorter by stunlocking DUM and nuking him with 3 different Bloodmage armors in the beginning. I do not recommend continuing with it though, because of his ability to heal from your attacks. Also, if you have Book of Burns from the regular version of the challenge, you can charge it up beforehand to address any problems that you may have with mana and cast a more efficient mana Shield followed by a burn with it. The main thing to remember about this fight is that you need to end it with at least 60 mana and about 1500 hp (to be safe), which is fairly easy to achieve.

Finally, Carandor, which is arguably the easiest fight:
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Chamber of Eternity Love (any works), Healing Branch (optional)
  • Armor: Whispering Raiment, Tiger Luna Neko (any 39%/40% FD Fire armor will work fine. I recommend Wicked King Plate, but I don't normally carry it in my inventory).
  • Shield: Cerberus Ward (any 26% Fire shield works)
  • Spell: Call Twilly (optional)
  • Pet: Tree Troll/any HP healing pet (optional)
  • Misc: Urn of Daryngord (any fire resist item with -10% fire resist will work).

Previously Used Strategies: -
Notes: Start the fight in Whispering Raiment. Switch to your Fire resist armor, shield and misc. Use Tree Troll and Call Twilly to heal up a bit if needed. At 3%/4% fire resist, you can very easily survive his nuke even at low hp values. Then, use Chamber of Eternity Love (or your weapon/spell of choice) to kill him.

togapika -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (6/20/2019 14:27:43)

Monster/Quest Name: Ultimon's Essence from Ultimon's Fortress Finale
Character Link:
Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian
Level Version of Monster: ? I'm level 132
Build:Mage (180 Dex/200 Int/50 End/200 Cha/30 Luk atm)
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Staff of Awe!!! (Tuned to wind)
  • Armor: Chalc Prof
  • Shield: Chalc Devotion
  • Spell: Biggest Fan
  • Pet: Star Babey or Fairy Godmother
  • Misc:

Previously Used Strategies: Tried my water armor and shield, and also tried my energy armor and shield (The Taladosian). I've been using the staff for chance for special procs and trying out different pets. Biggest fan does decent damage, but with no real chance to affect him with the special, it's just what I use because of his resistances
I've got 9.5 million gold right now

AliceShiki -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (6/20/2019 22:51:32)

First of all, there are 3 essences in that quest, I'm assuming you're talking about the Water/Energy one, right? Let's see..

Best way to handle those bosses is to either protect well against both elements at the same time, or to use armor/shield of one element and a misc to protect you for the opposite element.

I suggest using Taladosian Armor/Shield with the Layard's Loyalty Misc or any other one with a similar effect.

Similarly, for the Fire/Ice essence, using Emperor's Regime + Fur of Igneus with Void Visor might work out nicely.

And for the Earth/Wind one, you could use Horde's Ire + Shield of Sands + Polygalactase Process.

I'd also recommend bringing a Light/Dark Armor, Shield and Misc with you to fight the boss battle against Ultimon btw, you already have Shadow of Doubt, but bringing Paladin Guard and Crystal of Restless Shadows with you might make the fight a lot easier.

I hope this helps! ^^)/

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (7/6/2019 16:26:25)

Monster/Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts - VS Staff (DUM in particular)
Character Link: Kyoi
Guardian/Adventurer: Guardian
Level Version of Monster: 135
Build: Celtic Neko (FD Luna Neko Ranger)
Items Equipped:

Weapon: Swift Ultra!!!Guardian Scythe
Armor: Deft UltraGuardian Leathers
Shield: UltraGuardian Shield
Spell: Sisters of Mercy, Dragonguard Invocation
Pet: Void Drayk
Misc: Essence Orb, ZardAde, Bell Shell

Previously Used Strategies: I can beat ALX and I'm sure I could beat Carandor aswell... but DUM kind of brickwalls me. I was hoping there's a different way other than sitting in neutral no-drops and hoping for a few paralyze procs until UGD comes in and burninates him - or spamming Zorbak+Artix. That's cheese... and I was hoping I can kill DUM without cheesing. But whenever I try... I just end up losing 2k in one turn eventually and can't recover from that.

:shrug: I ended up cheesing DUM anyway (with UGD coming in on my 2nd turn) but unless somebody comes up with a strategy I'm not fighting that soul-sucking abomination again.

AliceShiki -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (7/7/2019 20:28:51)

@Rafiq DUM is plain impossible to be beaten without cheesing it.

Either bring Kindred and a weapon with random element and nuke him to death; or stack a bunch of extra block to the point he misses 90%+ of his attacks; or stun lock him... Or PWD him.

Pretty much any other strategy will always fail, he has too much HP and too much dmg output to let standard strategies beat him.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (7/8/2019 0:39:03)


I guess he's one for the "cheese it once and never go anywhere near it again" folder then. When UGD happened I sat in Solid Gold Neko + Shadowwalker shield with the dex/luk drives on (honestly through 300 dex/luk he doesn't hit nowhere near as much as in neutral ultraguardian) and just tried to hit him until burnination (which luckily came turn 2). I don't even think stacking neko bleed would work well because of his high END.

lolerster -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (7/13/2019 9:55:37)

See the strategy I posted above:


Items Equipped:

Weapon: Ballon Baton, Zardwart Dragon-Frill Wand, Forgotten's Harrowing Totem, Healing Branch. This fight requires you to have 3 weapons of different elements, hopefully all single-hit weapons (I didn't have anything better than Ballon Baton for my third choice).
Armor: Whispering Raiment, Fujin no Kiyosa, Luna Neko Transformation (any version will work), Insightful Armor of Awe
Shield: Celtic Wheel. Spell Barrier is in theory better, but I do not carry that shield in my inventory typically. Any Shield with high magic defense will suffice.
Spell: Call Twilly, Summon Poelala
Pet: Soluna, Tree Troll (any HP/MP healing pets will work), Poelala
Misc: Urn of Daryngord (any magic defense boosting item will work).

Previously Used Strategies: -
Notes: Start the fight in Whispering Raiment. Switch to Insigtful Armor of Awe and cast Shield of Insight with double Poelala. Switch to Fujin no Kiyosa and activate activate Wall of Wind. Switch to your magic defense shield of choice. Call Twilly for the heal and use your HP/MP healing pet as needed (I usually use the MP healing pet). Cast Curative Water with Healing Branch. Cycle between your 3 weapons to deal damage to DUM. Use Urn pf Daryngord. Use Healing Branch to make your HP above 2100ish and MP topped up. Every 3 turns recast Wall of Wind. BEFORE you cast the skill, recast Shield of Insight with double Poelala if needed and if you feel like your SP is a bit low, swap to your Neko Transformation to use Feline Fine. I would also recommend keeping up Curative Waters throughout the fight with your Healing Branch, as it is a very mana-efficient heal. Throughout the fight you will be using Fountain of Life and Draw Mana a lot. As long as you have the SP for Wall of Wind, you can extend the fight almost indefinitely. If you are really tight on SP, you can dismiss Twilly. One thing to note - you can make the fight significantly shorter by stunlocking DUM and nuking him with 3 different Bloodmage armors in the beginning. I do not recommend continuing with it though, because of his ability to heal from your attacks. Also, if you have Book of Burns from the regular version of the challenge, you can charge it up beforehand to address any problems that you may have with mana and cast a more efficient mana Shield followed by a burn with it. The main thing to remember about this fight is that you need to end it with at least 60 mana and about 1500 hp (to be safe), which is fairly easy to achieve.

EDIT: Just took a look at your build and I must say you need to fix that stat distribution. 95 strength and 0 int means you will do pitiful damage. Only a small fraction of damage coming from ranged weapons comes from dex - most of it is from strength.

I do not if the strategy above would work with a 0 int character. You do not have the flexibility of near infinite sustain with healing branch (or other combinations of health/mana gain) in a defensive setup.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (7/15/2019 2:44:07)

I do not need to fix my stat distribution, good sir.

My linked build is not supposed to be high damage from the get go. It's supposed to be a tanky defensive build that wins battles by attrition (and lots of Neko status stacking). It works perfectly fine to beat ALX and Cara, so I wondered about a low-cheese method to get past DUM.

If I want to nuke, I'm playing a different character.
If I want to stunlock, I play my Beastmasters, FD or not.
If I want to enjoy the game, I play my custom builds like celtic Neko.

lolerster -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (7/17/2019 13:11:52)

I think the only way an "honest" fight is going to work is by stacking lots of magic defense and then slowly wittle him down. In my case I used Fujin no Kiyosa's skill with a magic defense item/shield. However I did it as a FD mage, meaning I had the mana to almost infinitely sustain with healing spells/mana regen from spell tomes. I also had points in an offensive stat, meaning it takes me a lot less time to do it.

It is still possible with your build. However, I think you will need to stack a large number of Sol/Luna charges before the fight starts along with a SP healing spell, because your build means you are in for a very very long fight.

lolerster -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (8/16/2019 16:37:49)

Never mind, ignore this. You need 40 more bth to even hit him.I had thought that as long as you used every single bth boost item, you would be able to hit him. But nope.

Sorry for the double post, but I just thought of a possible strat against level 500 Nightbane (the 1 with 200k health and 500 all stats). Let me know if this is theoretically possible.

Weapon: Book of Burns
Shield: Celtic Wheel
Armor: Neko Transformation, Whispering Raiment
Pet: Poelala/Ramsssyy
Spells: Summon Poelala, Moonwalker's Grace, Arcane Amplification, Scrambler Beam, Purple Rain, 2019 New Year's Surprise.
Item: Guardian's Irt of Osiris, Zfinity Gauntlet: Time/Shadowfeeder Pendant
Others: Ambush Potion
Stats: 250 Dex/Int/Luck
  • Before the battle stack up A LOT of Book of Burn stacks and make sure battle ready inv is selected in options.
  • Start the battle in Whispering Raiment. There is a chance to go first as Whispering Raiment + Ambush Potion + 250 Luck gives you 460 initiative vs. Nightbane's 500, therefore not get 1 shotted.
  • Restarting the fight until you do go first
  • Use Purple Rain, Arcane Amplification, Moonwalker's Grace. Equip Pyromancer Wizard Robes, Summon Poelala, ramsssy/poelala, Guardian's Irt of Osiris, 2019 New Year's Surprise, Neko Transformation's Dex/Int Drive and Celtic Wheel.
  • Use Zfinity Gauntlet: Time's stun effect (guaranteed against enemies that are not immune. I'm not sure if they made him immune to stuns or not. If they did, then I guess this strat is impossible as any other stun effects will not land on a level 500 target with 500 stats. However I know Carnax 1on1 at least is not immune to stuns).
  • Use Scrambler Beam to get his weakest resist to be fire (luck based).
  • Kill him with your very very high amount of Book of Burn Stacks.

  • roobee -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (8/24/2019 17:29:20)

    Legendary Shadow Crystal v1 on Roc Day helps if you go the dodging strategy.
    If you have Mindlock Orb it seemed to prevent Carandor from casting spells. He still sacrifices almost all his health making it an easy finish.

    Dekoras -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (12/1/2019 15:02:41)

    Managed to beat the arena with no potions/kindred/cheesing!

    Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts VS Staff
    Character Link: under avvy
    Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian
    Level Version of Monster: 150, Challenge Gauntlet
    Build: Pure Hybrid 250 STR/INT/LUK
    Notes: Start each battle with Whispering Raiment. Going first is the key and is pretty much a guarantee at 250 LUK. Zfinity Power also helps in each of these battles, but isn't required. Essence Orb was used in each battle in conjunction with Purple Rain.

    Monster/Quest Name: Afterlifex

    Weapon: Zabura's Hammer, Horo-Show Void Vanquisher
    Armor: Werepyre (Dark), Whispering Raiment
    Shield: Cerberus Ward, Chieftain's Iron Thorn
    Spell: Purple Rain, Call Dunamis
    Pet: Dunamis
    Misc: Head of Raydius Dragon, Elahi Irt, Zfinity Time, Shadowfeeder Pendant

    Strategy: Purple Rain + Zfinity Time + Werepyre (boost) + Zabura's skill + CIT + Elahi Irt + double Dunamis to kill him once. Switch to werepyre (no boost) + HoRD + Cerberus Ward and tank his attack. Purple Rain to reset everything and switch back to Werepyre (boost) + HSVV + CIT + Elahi to kill him again.

    Monster/Quest Name: DragonUltraMaster

    Weapon: Prismatic Paintbrush
    Armor: Werepyre, Whispering Raiment, Angelic Robes
    Shield: Celtic Wheel, Chieftain's Ironthorn
    Spell: Summon Poelala, Purple Rain, Gandolphin
    Pet: Poelala
    Misc: Shadowfeeder Pendant, Elahi Irt of Osiris, Zfinity Time

    Strategy: Standard Purple Rain + status effects but also adding in Angelic Robes + Celtic Wheel + Gandolphin. Same setup as before, but with Paintbrush + double Poelala this time. You usually can't kill him in your free turns from Time + Pendant, so Gandolphin helps eat damage while you finish him off.

    Monster/Quest Name: Carandor

    Horo-Show Void Vanquisher
    Armor: Werepyre (fire)
    Shield: Chieftan's Iron Thorn
    Spell: Purple Rain, Call Dunamis
    Pet: Dunamis
    Misc: Elahi Irt of Osiris, Zfinity Time

    Strategy: Again, pretty standard Purple Rain + statuses + nuke. Only difference is this time you have 2 turns to kill him since Celerity doesn't work.

    Final Thoughts: Nothing too out of the ordinary. Only main differences is you need Whispering Raiment, a dedicated dark misc (like HoRD) to tank afterlifex's comeback and Prismatic Paintbrush to get around D.U.M.'s crazy effect. Otherwise everything you need should pretty much already be in your active inventory.

    Edit/Update: Managed to do the same with my secondary who's a mage with a pretty similar game plan.

    Dekoras -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/19/2020 21:14:25)

    Quest Name: Wicked King (Challenge Battle)
    Character Link: under avvy
    Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian
    Level Version of Monster: 150
    Build: Pure Hybrid 250 STR/INT/LUK
    Notes: Surprisingly easy to stun/nuke him, even with the burn damage...have other people had success with this?


    Weapons: doesn't matter, any appropriate weapons will do
    Armors: Malicious Werepyre (although you can nuke with your choice), Angelic Robes
    Shields: Chieftan's IronThorn, Celtic Wheel
    Spells: Gandolphin, Purple Rain
    Pets/Guests: Double Poelala
    Miscs: Love Potion #736, Shadowfeeder Pendant, Essence Orb, Pixel Ether, Crystal of Restless Shadows G (personally I think this item is heavily underrated)

    Pretty much your standard stun setup of Purple Rain & stun miscs, with the addition of Gandolphin + Angelic Robes + Celtic Wheel to tank the burn damage. Once applied, just attack with CIT + werepyre + CoRS for your free turns, then Essence Orb your SP up to stun again. CoRS provides more than enough health to continuously abuse, and just put up another mana shield with Gandolphin once the first one is gone.

    jimij770 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (5/28/2020 1:55:12)

    Another strategy for Arena without using Kindred or any promo items. This only really works for a lucky beastmage build, which isn't very common.

    Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts VS Staff
    Character Link: under avvy
    Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian
    Level Version of Monster: 135, Challenge Gauntlet
    Build: Lucky Beastmage 250 INT, 200 CHA, 50 DEX/END, 145 LUK
    Notes: The way I was able to beat DUM was stunlocking him. Hard to do with his stats. Also note that the strategy for Carandor requires Mindlock Orb which is rare.

    Monster/Quest Name: Afterlifex

    Weapon: Any light weapon
    Armor: Vampire, Whispering Raiment
    Shield: Any darkness shield, Chieftain's IronThorn
    Spell: Purple Rain, Summon Poelala, Moonwalker's Grace, Imanok Edoc
    Pet: Poelala
    Misc: Head of Raydius Dragon, Shadowfeeder Pendant, Pendant of The`Galin, Essence Orb

    Strategy: Purple Rain, Moonwalker, Shadowfeeder, then equip Pendent of The`Galin for more accuracy and attack with weapon + CIT + double Poe in Vampire evolved. Then switch shield to darkness shield and attack again (this part is tricky because you don't want to accidentally take the rest of his health, so play around with removing one of the Poes or stablilizing vampire first). Then he attacks, then use shadowfeeder again, moonwalker and imanok to block his big attack. Then attack to bring him to 1 health, then with your celerity you can equip HoRD and with low darkness and high blocking you should survive his big attack. Then shadowfeeder one more time if you still have enough mana then Purple Rain to reset the battle. Use shadowfeeder now if you couldn't before. Now two more attacks with vampire, CIT, etc. will do it.

    Monster/Quest Name: DragonUltraMaster

    Weapon: Prismatic Paintbrush
    Armor: Vampire, Whispering Raiment
    Shield: Celtic Wheel, Pies, Chieftain's Ironthorn
    Spell: Summon Poelala, Purple Rain, Runic Binding, Imanok Edoc, Moonwalker's Grace
    Pet: Poelala
    Misc: Shadowfeeder Pendant, Pendent of The`Galin, Love Potion, Essence Orb

    Strategy: Purple Rain, two rounds of moonwalker, shadowfeeder, equip love potion and pies for CHA boost and do 2 rounds of mesmerize (probably won't work) then keep using love potion as much as possible, refilling with essence orb as necessary. You should hopefully get 2-4 rounds of control in unless you're super unlucky. Then I like to use my turn of celerity to cast Runic Binding (with pendent of the`galin equipped) to potentially get a nice 26% boost for up to 4 turns. This part isn't super necessary tho. Then reset with Purple Rain and for the rest of the time, nuke with evolved vampire + prismatic paintbrush + CIT. If he comes out of stunlock before you've killed him (depends on your luck with the paintbrush), cast imok edoc to minimize the damage you take before you finish him off.

    Monster/Quest Name: Carandor

    Weapon: Any ice weapon
    Armor: Overlord Armor (not my favorite choice but that's what I had)
    Shield: Overlord Shield
    Spell: Purple Rain, Moonwalker's Grace, Imok Edoc
    Pet: Any healing pet
    Misc: Mindlock Orb

    Strategy: Hopefully you still have enough mana left to cast Imok and Moonwalker. If you have to you can just reset one with Purple Rain then cast the other. Just make sure you have at least 200 mana left to use mindlock orb. Now equip the orb, attack, and Carandor will go to work. He will eventually get some mana and attack, but just hope you can block enough of them to survive. He only gets a few off before he runs out of everything. Then one more attack will finish him off.

    jimij770 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (6/2/2020 1:38:16)

    Monster/Quest Name: Nemesis
    Character Link:
    Guardian/Adventurer: Guardian
    Level Version of Monster: 100
    Build: Hybrid
    Items Equipped:

    • Weapon: Axe of Agony Chains
    • Armor: Nemesis
    • Shield: Nemesis
    • Spell: Gandolphin
    • Pet: Overlord
    • Misc: Void Visor, Pendant of The`Galin, Osiris misc

    Previously Used Strategies: Boost INT for Gandolphin, then equip Void Visor and attack, switching to Pendant once I start bleeding to try to stop it
    Notes: His void attacks totally wreck me and as a hybrid out of werepyre, my accuracy is total crap without using Pendant. Also in the lvl 75 Nemesis gear trying to upgrade

    LadyEidolon10371 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (10/30/2020 22:04:53)

    Monster/Quest Name: Chimera/ Seekrat: Breaking point
    Character Link: here
    Guardian/Adventurer: Guardian
    Level Version of Monster: 150
    Build: Pure mage {fully offensive}
    Previously Used Strategies: Mowing it down with a mix of earth/ fire resist
    Notes: I am having trouble surviving either the fire damage, I run out of mana too quickly

    Guardswordian -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (12/17/2020 8:55:07)

    My usual strategy for tough monster is use Whispering Raiment for initiative, cast Purple rain, get Celerity with Shadowfeeder Pendant (or strawberry shield if you have it and enemy has high INT), spam Castellum barrier with Essence orb, use kindred to nuke once, Purple Rain, change to resistant armor and attack, and celerity, kindred nuke, repeat until victory.
    I do this with my full-offensive lucky beast warrior build, and I'm confident this works for almost every enemy.
    While some might not use the kindred nuke, I think Purple Rain, Castellum Barrier, Essence Orb combination is very useful, since it's simple, doesn't take a turn, and doesn't depend on the enemy stats, while reducing the damage of the enemies to less than 5% of their original damage for 8 rounds when starting with full HP and SP. That usually reduces most enemy attacks to 0 or at less than 100, meaning you have 8 rounds to dish out your strongest attacks (armor skills and whatnot) without fear of retaliation. I use it for my BeastRanger build as well, and I'm considering it for my Pure mage build as well.

    OG Ranger -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (1/5/2021 1:52:31)

    Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts VS Staff
    Character Link: under avvy
    Guardian/Adventurer: Guardian
    Level Version of Monster: 150, Challenge Gauntlet
    Build: Defensive Lucky Beast Ranger, 190 STR, 200 DEX, 190 CHA, 170 LUK
    Notes: I finally defeated DUM as an FD Ranger with no nuking. All it took was a little thinking outside the box.

    Monster/Quest Name: afterlifex
    Items Equipped:

    Weapon: Crusader's Shining Repeater (Any light bow will do)
    Armor: Solid Gold Neko
    Shield: Eternal Twilight, Strawberry Shieldcake
    Pet: Frost Effigy
    Misc: Head of Raydius Dragon, Shadow Pendent Feeder, Damage/Pet Boosting Misc
    Buff: Shadow Pendent Celerity, and Shield Cake crit bonus

    Previously Used Strategies: Cast purple rain and use celerity to do as much damage to him as possible also using to shieldcake for crits. If you freeze him, great. Once he's about to die get your darkness defense as low as possible to tank his revenge hits. Cast purple rain to reset everything. Kill him however you want as quickly as possible. He's easy.
    Notes: This setup put me at 2% Darkness modifier, enough to tank out the fight and the revive. I let the pet deal the killing blow on a turn where I Health Potion'd up to full.

    Monster/Quest Name: DragonUltraMaster
    Items Equipped:

    Weapon: 4 different bows of elements all single hits if you can.
    Armor: Ghost Costume
    Shield: Cryo Chrono shield (or any high magic defense shield), Strawberry Shieldcake
    Pet: Possessed Sword
    Misc: Shadow Feeder Pendent, Ebil Corp Logo
    Buff: Shadow Pendent Celerity, and Shield Cake crit bonus

    Previously Used Strategies: Don't let him hit you, while you get your damage from single hit bow crits and alternating between single hit guests (Sugar Gobbler does insane damage with candy). Use a healing guest to heal you if you need to heal. You can also use ally assists to add other elements into the mix if you need it.

    Monster/Quest Name: Carandor

    Weapon: Ice bow
    Armor: Defensive fire armor
    Shield: Fire shield. strawberry shield cake
    Pet: Any healing pet/guest
    Misc: unbound revelation

    Strategy: Make sure you go first. I froze him then nuked him with my armor skill (Jolly bard of war). He didn't get a turn.

    Final notes: For a defensive build like beast ranger the only hard monster is DUM. The only way we can beat him without cheese is making it so that he can't hit us. You can freeze the other two guys and make quick work of them. Strawberry Shield cake's CHA boost makes inflicting status much easier.

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