lolerster -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (6/9/2019 20:46:30)
Alright, so this is a guide to doing the moderator challenge gauntlet (no heals) with no potions on a fully defensive, 0 Charisma mage using my default build. All the strats suggested and posted use some kind of nuke strat, so I thought this is a nice change of pace. Before starting the challenge, I spent some time building up about 300 Luna Neko charges.This is primarily used for DUM, but is not absolutely necessary. Also, start the fight with the option "Ready Inv Before Battle (AQ)" enabled. Proof Monster/Quest Name: Arena of Enthusiasts! VS. Staff -> Challenge Gauntlet Character Link: Urthemiel Guardian/Adventurer: X-Guardian Level Version of Monster: 150 Build: FD Mage, 250 Luck. Let's start with Afterlife X: Items Equipped: - Weapon: Zardwart Dragon-Frill Wand, Chamber of Eternity Love (any combination of Light/Ice or Harm will work in theory), Healing Branch.
- Armor: Whispering Raiment, Luna Neko Transformation (any 40%/39% FD Darkness Armor will do)
- Shield: Cerberus Ward (any 26% Darkness Shield will work)
- Spell: Call Twilly. I used Purple Rain with Zfinity Gauntlet: Time to help out a bit, but it really doesn't matter.
- Pet: Soluna, Tree Troll (any HP/MP healing pets will work)
- Misc: Head of Raydius Dragon. I also used Zfinity Gauntlet: Time, but it really doesn't matter.
Previously Used Strategies: - Notes: Start the fight in Whispering Raiment. Switch to your FD Darkness Armor/Shield and equip Head of Raydius Dragon with your MP heal pet. Use Call Twilly and cast Curative Waters using Healing Branch. Keep up the Curative Waters throughout the fight as it is a very mana-efficient way of healing. Switch to your HP healing pet wack him with your Light/Harm Weapon. Once he gets low, his resistances will switch. Switch to an Ice weapon (or keep using your Harm weapon) and attack until he dies. When he dies, he will do a bit of burst damage to you. Use your Healing Branch to get back to full mana/close to full hp. Next, DragonUltraMaster: Items Equipped: - Weapon: Ballon Baton, Zardwart Dragon-Frill Wand, Forgotten's Harrowing Totem, Healing Branch. This fight requires you to have 3 weapons of different elements, hopefully all single-hit weapons (I didn't have anything better than Ballon Baton for my third choice).
- Armor: Whispering Raiment, Fujin no Kiyosa, Luna Neko Transformation (any version will work), Insightful Armor of Awe
- Shield: Celtic Wheel. Spell Barrier is in theory better, but I do not carry that shield in my inventory typically. Any Shield with high magic defense will suffice.
- Spell: Call Twilly, Summon Poelala
- Pet: Soluna, Tree Troll (any HP/MP healing pets will work), Poelala
- Misc: Urn of Daryngord.
Previously Used Strategies: - Notes: Start the fight in Whispering Raiment. Switch to Insigtful Armor of Awe and cast Shield of Insight with double Poelala. Switch to Fujin no Kiyosa and activate activate Wall of Wind. Switch to your magic defense shield of choice. Call Twilly for the heal and use your HP/MP healing pet as needed (I usually use the MP healing pet). Cast Curative Water with Healing Branch. Cycle between your 3 weapons to deal damage to DUM. Use Urn pf Daryngord. Use Healing Branch to make your HP above 2100ish and MP topped up. Every 3 turns recast Wall of Wind. BEFORE you cast the skill, recast Shield of Insight with double Poelala if needed and if you feel like your SP is a bit low, swap to your Neko Transformation to use Feline Fine. I would also recommend keeping up Curative Waters throughout the fight with your Healing Branch, as it is a very mana-efficient heal. Throughout the fight you will be using Fountain of Life and Draw Mana a lot. As long as you have the SP for Wall of Wind, you can extend the fight almost indefinitely. If you are really tight on SP, you can dismiss Twilly. One thing to note - you can make the fight significantly shorter by stunlocking DUM and nuking him with 3 different Bloodmage armors in the beginning. I do not recommend continuing with it though, because of his ability to heal from your attacks. Also, if you have Book of Burns from the regular version of the challenge, you can charge it up beforehand to address any problems that you may have with mana and cast a more efficient mana Shield followed by a burn with it. The main thing to remember about this fight is that you need to end it with at least 60 mana and about 1500 hp (to be safe), which is fairly easy to achieve. Finally, Carandor, which is arguably the easiest fight: Items Equipped: - Weapon: Chamber of Eternity Love (any works), Healing Branch (optional)
- Armor: Whispering Raiment, Tiger Luna Neko (any 39%/40% FD Fire armor will work fine. I recommend Wicked King Plate, but I don't normally carry it in my inventory).
- Shield: Cerberus Ward (any 26% Fire shield works)
- Spell: Call Twilly (optional)
- Pet: Tree Troll/any HP healing pet (optional)
- Misc: Urn of Daryngord (any fire resist item with -10% fire resist will work).
Previously Used Strategies: - Notes: Start the fight in Whispering Raiment. Switch to your Fire resist armor, shield and misc. Use Tree Troll and Call Twilly to heal up a bit if needed. At 3%/4% fire resist, you can very easily survive his nuke even at low hp values. Then, use Chamber of Eternity Love (or your weapon/spell of choice) to kill him.