RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (1/19/2021 22:50:03)

Any strategies against Frostgale?

kamikazi008 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (1/26/2021 0:05:01)

The Paladin class armor + Zorbak Ally Assist is an easy cheesy way to negate Frostgale's element-seeking.

She's a dragon, so the Dragon Blade forms are effective against her. The soft damage cap makes the Bow an unattractive option, however.

I'll do some trials with Ice Armor of Awe and a 100%-proc Fire weapon.

llaa -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (1/26/2021 10:25:34)

Monster/Quest Name: Necro Ringleader (or something, the final (?) boss in Paladin)
Character Link:
Guardian/Adventurer: Guardian
Level Version of Monster: 150
Build: FO Warrior
Items Equipped:

Weapon: Lumenomancer's Bloodblade
Armor: Blazing Bloodzerker
Shield: Lunar Eclipse Shield
Spell: Call Dunamis/Purple Rain/Invincible Star
Pet: Fairy Godmother
Misc: SFP for celerity, Mecha knight to reduce dark damage

Previously Used Strategies: Tried going toe to toe, but always died fast. best record so far is killing first skeleton minion.

Help greatly appreciated. TIA!

kamikazi008 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (1/26/2021 18:40:55)

The Ringleader seeks between Fire/Dark, so the Paladin class armor's invisible shifting resistance is purpose-built for the fight.
Sit in FD Holy Armor with a Darkness shield and misc and whack away.
It's a level 70 armor, but I believe it scales up to tier-120 at the final class level.

The Blind on the first skill is effective, if difficult to apply.
The Shining Aura potion buff from Lucretia's Apothecary in Granemor is fully effective.
If you're not able to reliably stun the Ringleader after killing one of the minions, Artix Ally Assist has perfect accuracy for disrupting the channel.

EidolonNightblade -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/11/2021 5:04:55)

Monster/Quest Name: The War Within
Character Link: my character
Level Version of Monster: 150
Build:Fully Offensive mage (250 INT/DEX/LUK)
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon:
  • Armor:vampire transformation (no drop version i think? i didnt purchase it but my subrace level is maxed out)
  • Shield: dreamweavers contempt/celtic wheel
  • Spell: arcane amplification
  • Pet:poelala
  • Misc:warlics oblivion sphere

Previously Used Strategies:mainly trying to defend against the fire/dark damage while still dishing out enough myself, keeping in mind the soft dmg cap
Notes: im trying to beat him before the event ends tomorrow, sorry if im late D:

joac1144 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/11/2021 5:33:03)

The War Within cycles through 3 different SP attacks. First SP attack is a strong Fire attack. You can equip Fire armor and Fire shield against this attack.
The second SP attack is a Darkness skill - use Darkness armor/shield.
Last SP attack doesn't damage you, it instead inflicts Fear (I think).

Knowing how the SP attacks work greatly helps defeating him. You can just attack normally now. It's a good idea to have a Darkness resistance misc and maybe a Fire res misc for the SP attack.

Windstar -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/26/2021 16:07:45)

Monster/Quest name: Silk Screamer
Level version of monster: 150
Build: Annihilator Warrior (250 STR/DEX & Luck
can someone give me a strategy for defeating the Silk-Screamer, thanks.

Legendary Ash -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/28/2021 20:00:00)

Spend all resources for Celerity/skills prior to reducing Silk Screamer's Hp to 1/3 as it sets them to zero at that stage.
Use KuBrush or Moglin Fan from Arena of Enthusiasts to break the shield it sets up upon reducing Hp to 2/3.
If unable to keep up with the boosted damage it deals to the player at the third stage, quest for Kindred Spirit's Valiance and accumulate at least 400 charges before re-attempting this battle.

Firedice18 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/29/2021 14:58:33)

Hi guys.

I am having trouble how to beat Elli in Utgardloco

I tried using the usual strat using purple rain combo and buffs and as well the Kindred.

I tried using harm weapon as well.

But im not doing any major damage. This boss nerfs me until i can't defend myself anymore.

Can you give me tips?

joac1144 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/29/2021 17:00:33)

Elli is not meant to be killed. You're meant to survive 10 rounds to "win". If you survive 20 rounds, you also get access to a title.
Some players have beaten her, but they've all been using "cheese" methods.

Firedice18 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/29/2021 18:15:11)


How do I survive I have been trying to resist or trying to use misc that reduces dark damage but the nerfs kills my character

Is there a specific gear that I need to equip.

I really need an advice to this.

**i even used powerword die and this boss resisted it. Like it tickled him.

joac1144 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/30/2021 2:41:45)

Use potions, equip Darkness armor & shield, use Darkness res misc, healing pet/healing guest, etc.

Firedice18 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/30/2021 7:31:23)

What specific darkness misc should I use?

joac1144 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/30/2021 8:25:14)

It's not important, you can quite easily survive just by doing the other things.
...You can use items like Liquid Courage, 13th Mask, Shikyo Mask, and more...

korytarecz -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/30/2021 8:38:35)

I would recommend Dragonlord's shield (better than Shadowfeeder in this case), Dragonlord's weapon for SP regen, Paladin Armor has on time resurrection for Guardians but thats probably an overkill.
There is also Peace Zard which reduces DMG in the fight by 20% but im not sure how it will work with her boss boost and Doray Shield which will let you rewind one hit in Void DMG phase. Just gather as much defensive items as possible and try.

That's my strategy which allowed me to last ~25 turns, maybe you will find it useful:

-Any FD armor (with 0.8 lean, not an old one, you can buy Pirate armor form Blarney it has 3 hits for Dragonlord's weapons)
-Twillight armor (or any other FD/Neutral dark armor, FD is better ofc)
-Eclipsed Dragonlord's shield or Haunted Dragonlord's shield and some dark shield
-Dark misc (Liquid Courage is easy to get, I used it)
-Kindred shield
-Golem Guard shield
-SP regen pet (I used Scathing Dreamseer from christmas event)
-Sp regen weapon (I used Dreamweaver's Scourge from christmas event, other options I know: Dragonlord's weapons)
-25 HP potions (in case you fail first try)

Turns (her attacks):
-1. Stack some Kindred Charges (1k should be enough), try to start the fight with full SP
0. Equip Dark armor and shield, if you dont have full SP use Kindred shield (you can do it before the fight starts), take first hit
1. Purple Rain, spam Dragonlord's shield to build barrier, Purple Rain, spam Dragonlord's shield, use Kindred shield, equip Dark Misc, SP weapon, SP pet, attack
2-8. use Kindred shield, spam Dragonlord's shield, keep Dark resists and SP regen equipped, attack
9. use Kindred shield, spam Dragonlord's shield, her 10th attack deals Void damage, so equip FD armor, Golem Guard and activate it's 10% DMG reduction, unequip Dark misc to avoid wasting SP
10-until you have full HP. use Kindred shield, spam Dragonlord's shield, reequip Golem Guard, attack
when you start losing HP. use Kindred shield, spam Dragonlord's shield, reequip Golem Guard, drink potion

-Don't use guest unless you have a defenisive one that's worth the SP as DMG doesn't matter (I don't know such)
-Always have full dark resists before her turn until her 9th attack, her 10th+ attacks deal Void DMG so swap it with FD armor, Golem Guard and no misc
-This is Adventurer F2P set up, Guardians may have better options, for example Essence Orb you can use before second Purple Rain in 1st turn to build even stronger barrier

Firedice18 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/30/2021 10:00:23)


Thank u for the strategy and tips

How about the void damage? Is horowshow armor good? For reduced void damage

korytarecz -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/30/2021 11:39:21)

It should work but it's probably a little worse.

With shield, weapon and activated misc it gives 25% Void resist. But keep in mind you would be spending 94 SP per turn on misc and would have no SP regen from weapon, so less Dragonlord Shield uses during second phase.

With my set up you would get 20% from FD armor, 10% from shield so 30% in total plus only 50 SP cost for the shield and SP regen from weapon while you can't drink potions yet (so about 3 turns without Essence Orb).

Horo-Show is much easier to get so you can try. With Essence Orb you should last 20 turns easily.

Windstar -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/30/2021 16:30:00)

I Can't defeat the Silk-Screamer in the Void, especially in the third stage when it turns into tormenting mode, can someone help me please, I need a good strategy for defeating the Silk-Screamer, because I'm trying to unlock the shop for the Silk-Screamer Rider armor.

battlesiege15 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (3/30/2021 17:09:56)

Do you have something to inflict Prismatic burn? That or a guest and pet would be useful to speed up the barrier it has in the beginning

korytarecz -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (4/1/2021 4:16:39)

My strategy for Silk-Screamer:

Turn 1: Use Kindred skill to make him activate barrier
Turn 2.1: Get an additional turn with Shadowfeeder, Truffle pet for multi elemental attack (may not work for pure warrior), some guest, some weapon, attack
Turn 2.2: Truffle pet for multi elemental attack (may not work for pure warrior), remaining element guest, remaining element weapon, attack
Turn 3: Dark weapon, Kindred skill

Be sure to wear dark resist shield and misc. Also dark armor during turns 2.1 and 2.2 where you don't care about damage from Kinderd.

earth breather -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (8/27/2021 7:27:37)

Monster/Quest Name: Death Roller - Devourers Saga Pt. 7 - Dragonstone
Character Link: 80846281
Guardian/Adventurer: Guardian
Level Version of Monster: 72
Build: Warrior
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: Blade of Awe(!!!)
  • Armor: Emoran Knight Armor
  • Shield: Asgir shield
  • Spell: nil
  • Pet: Stripes
  • Misc: Demios' Helm

Previously Used Strategies: Bingo bango bongo, bish bash bosh.

shadow1531 -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (4/3/2022 5:21:42)

Monster/Quest Name: DragonBone Phylactery
Character Link:
Guardian/Adventurer: guardian
Level Version of Monster: 117
Build: hybrid
Items Equipped:

  • Weapon: bloodblade or bloodzerker
  • Armor: werepyre or obsidian
  • Shield: darkovian bulwark
  • Spell:
  • Pet:
  • Misc:

Previously Used Strategies: just blasting it with werepyre or cryomancer spell don't work
Notes: I have no idea why I can't beat this stupid level 117 monster? are you kidding me? Why is this a 117 monster? this is as strong as any level 150's i've ever seen, this guy is ridiculously annoying. Nvm I just nuked it with cryomancer after the dragon's shield went away. But any advice how to defeat this thing easily?

Lorekeeper -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (4/3/2022 9:57:42)

Dragonbone Phylactery's power isn't mismatched with its level, but completely ignoring its mechanics to attack with the same element will result in a disproportionally difficult fight. The same principle holds for any boss.

Here's a summary of the mechanics, for future reference:


The Dragonbone Phylactery is a construct (Dragon, construct, not undead).

Its base accuracy starts low, but it gains damage and BtH every turn. This stacking bonus resets when it would be affected by Fear, which it's otherwise immune to.

Its SP skill is a Harm attack that heals it as it hits.

Every time it takes a hit, it adds the element of that attack (Even Harm or Void) to a list displayed in its status window. It takes only 25% damage from elements that are in that list. Once all standard elements are in the list, this shield breaks for the remainder of the turn -- The list is cleared, and attacks aren't added to it until the next hit.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (4/3/2022 13:14:29)

I honestly play a different build but perhaps getting the Maker-Touched Zweihander (which is a common GGB item so I don't feel cheap for suggesting it) or any other random element weapon with a multi-hit armor that defends against darkness should work.

So with Werepyre and Darkovian Bulwark + Zweihander I feel like you can get it down. Get something like Liquid Courage to help with Dark resist, and be ready to chug some potions if need be.

In all honesty I cheesed it with Neko and stunlocking it (Stun Bow + Frostgale's Remorse). Only got 2 turns throughout the battle.

Windstar -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (10/8/2024 10:10:22)

I need a strategy for defeating the new Boss Monster in the quest called Encroaching Hunger, in the war between shadows saga, his name is Undead Scavenger, and there's another one that is in the quest named I Name You Deceit, he has two battles one is regular and one he keeps regenerating HP in it, so I coudn't defeat him, I need help with that please.

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