Grace Xisthrith -> RE: =Q&A= Battle Strategy (10/12/2024 9:25:10)
Okay, I'll see what I can do: First off, your builds: You likely know this, but in general, it's better to have 250 in 3 stats rather than 200 in 4. Up to you of course, but you'll be ~80% of the output per turn of a build with 250 in its stats. (that's a big oversimplification, but generally true). Second, I'm not sure if you know this, but Dexterity no longer provides any extra accuracy component. STR is full accuracy and damage for melee, DEX is full accuracy and damage for ranged, INT is full accuracy and damage for magic, CHA is full damage and accuracy for pets and guests (assuming you also have trained STR or DEX or INT, it requires that as well). You "should" remove DEX from all your builds unless you use a lot of ranged gear, which I imagine you only do on the hybrid. Finally, if you're struggling with content, you could consider switching your LUK training to END. 250 LUK gives you ~15% bonus damage, ~20% better status inflictions, and the ability to randomly cleanse statuses. Meanwhile, Endurance grants you 2x HP, and 12.5% increased healing (there's other minor stuff for both stats I'm ignoring since it's irrelevant). If you aren't using Lucky strike boost items, and you're not entirely reliant on status inflictions, LUK will be much weaker for you than END, and END will probably make the game much easier for you. Shadow Scavenger: Use an elecomped skill or spell (a skill or spell that's the same element as an armor and comes from the armor) to damage him much higher than you normally could. For the bleed, if it's really a problem, use Barriers and or flat damage reduction (you'll want Haunted Dragonlord Shield for barriers and Baby Egg for flat damage reduction if you have it, dw if you don't it's easter seasonal). If you have a barrier, the boss does 0 damage, and doesn't inflict bleed. The Haunted Dragonlord Shield is quickcast, so use it with as many melee boosts and spell boosts as you can, including spellcaster lean if you run any, then swap back to your normal damage setup. For shadowscythe virophage, watch the youtube guide I linked. For avian trio, I'm quite busy but I'll edit in their important mechanics below in ~12 hours --- Here is the avian trio: I skipped some mechanics because they're mostly irrelevant. You'll notice thunderbird gets celerity, shadow rocky gives itself an elevuln, and phoenix has a choke and burn, don't worry about any of it just keep clicking attack. Energy Bird: Does energy damage, does a slow permanent elevuln, does a somewhat problematic blind. On its SP attack, it can imbue you to energy, so your attacks heal it. On these turns, don't attack (you can have a tome to draw mana, or skip your turn by drinking a potion, or use a spell type skill). I recommend a fully defensive energy armor (if you don't have one, Travel Map > Umazen Civil War > 3rd Quest has a shop available you can open without doing the quest, buy the energy armor), and any water weapon of your choice. I recommend a defensive pet (Baby Egg is optimal, any basic healing pet is fine), and a defensive energy misc (required to go into shadow rocky on full HP), use Mecha Knight's Power core since you already have it in your inventory. Shadow Rocky Bird: Randomly hits for light or dark damage. Has a predictable pattern, Turn 1: give self dodge boost, Turn 2-3-4: attack with a single hit attack, Turn 5: nuke with a 3 hit attack, repeat cycle. This guy hits like a truck in general, and more so if you don't know the random mechanic to weaken his nuke, which is to simply attack with a source of wind damage every turn (it doesn't even have to hit). The easiest way to do this is with a wind pet or guest, and keep attacking in your armor. You can use anything, I recommend the level 5 Call Windzard spell from the Zard Hunter's shop, because it's almost no SP per turn, and a wind guest isn't gonna do any damage to his 10% wind res anyway, and you can get it in 2 seconds. Your main setup should be Ultimon's Armor, Luminous Shield, and crystal of restless shadows. Your weapon should be Tarnished Garden's Edge, which is found in the Blarney shop (I see you have the painting), and is a Melee sword that toggles to autohit. Just use this the entire time, and his dodge boost won't inconvenience you. The key is using the shadow armor, shield, and misc, and using an autohit earth weapon, and most importantly using a wind guest / pet to weaken his nuke. This method should leave you above 1k HP finishing him, if not, you'll need to drink a potion or something (this method I've included also uses only ~70 SP per turn, so if you go into the fight with full SP, you can spend 1400 + 20 SP per turn on healing effects. A quickcast, low hassle, accessible effect is the water shield Starfish stalwart, found in Ballyhoo > Contests > Mermazon. Click it to fire off a quickcast regen) Phoenix: Does fire damage and heals with SP. Is extremely weak. Fire armor and shield of your choice, earth weapon of your choice, defensive pet of your choice, fire defensive misc of your choice, and heal up to at least 3/4 HP before the second phase, because it hits a little harder then, but just basic attack him down with an earth weapon. Separately, if you link me your three character pages, I will be able to give you specific items to use for each method. That would be very helpful