Optimization Academy of Lore: Builds, Combat Expectations, Tag System (Full Version)

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Legendary Ash -> Optimization Academy of Lore: Builds, Combat Expectations, Tag System (5/7/2020 20:02:22)

Optimization Academy of Lore: Builds, Combat Expectations, Tag System

Guide Objectives:
To present analytical, evaluative, mathematical, mechanical, statistical and structural information relevant to AdventureQuest, comprehension empowers players to make informed decisions for their characters consisting of construction of strategies derived from available equipment and interactions amongst themselves complementary with individualized builds. The depth of the information is sufficient to cover all aspects pertaining to equipment design, inclusive of historical, modern, upcoming and futuristic in the context of being based on current data, practices, trends and scenarios.

Two AQ forum advisory sections enables ask and reply AQ Questions and Answers, Equipment Comparison.

In adherence to Terms and Conditions of Service, the sole manager of Game accounts and characters are their singular creator, to whom accountability in management is attributed to in the contexts of legal matters and authoritative execution of decisions based on preferences, awareness of the components of decision-making processes and attentiveness to the possibility of uninformed or misinformed decisions, resolvable by pursuit of verifiable knowledge through resources in order of precedence: documents, individuals whose higher level knowledge are acquired, confirmed and reproducible in accordance to the Scientific Method, AQ Programmers of weekly releases and AE Server Administrators.


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[1] Definition of Builds, Playstyle and Stats
[1.0] Stat Formulas
[1.1] Pure Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Hybrid, Beastmaster
[1.2] Blood Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Hybrid, Beastmaster
[1.3] Beast Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Hybrid
[1.4] Ranged Mage

[2] Combat Expectations
[2.1] Etymology of Uber to Mastercraft
[2.2] Status Conditions are Magic: Tactical advantages
[2.3] Guardians: Elementalising No Drops
[2.4] Equipment Progression Pathways

[3] Tag System for Equipment in Optimization Academy of Lore
[3.1] Numerical Tags
[3.2] Property Tags
[3.3] Quantities Tags
[3.4] Unique Equipment Tags
[3.5] Universal Trait Tags
[3.6] Search Syntax and Structure of Tags


Definition of Builds, Playstyle and Stats

A build is the base of a character, it determines the style of delivery in the amount of damage, bonus to hit, defenses and health. New players have the dilemma of choosing a build, it is costly in terms of time and gold spent to change builds. The below information of melee damage percentages are calculated based on 200 stat points in Str/Dex/Int/Cha/Luk. For damage percentage values based on stat cap raise to 250 stat points and the upcoming 300 stat points see A Contriver's Nonpareil: Stat Caps.

A Warrior uses Melee weapons of base 50% melee +38.5% from Str +11.5% from Luk for 100% and may expend 100% melee of Sp to use standard skills +88.5% melee. The sub category of 100% weapon special proc rate Whips are designed for Defensive Warriors as the 80% output armor lean does not affect it.

A Ranger uses Ranged weapons of base 50% melee +38.5% from Dex +11.5% from Luk for 100% and may expend 100% melee of Sp to use standard skills +88.5% melee. The sub category of 100% weapon special proc rate Bows and Guns are designed for Defensive Rangers as the 80% output armor lean does not affect it.

A Mage uses Magic weapons of base 37.5% melee +28.875% from Int +11.5% from Luk for 77.875% for sixteen turns, expend 125% melee of mana as a given resource to cast standard spells +100.625% per turn for four turns and may expend 125% melee of Sp to use standard skills +100.625%. The sub category of 100% weapon special proc rate Wands or Tomes that compress a standard, efficient spell of base 75% melee +57.75% from Int +11.5% from Luk for 144.25% and a mana regeneration of 60% spell cost to reuse either of the two spells are designed for Defensive Mages as the 80% output armor lean does not affect it. Largely underdeveloped due to lack of recognition in its benefits which result in no demand, are quickcast spells, a no turn cost action that removes the assumption of a mage's 77.875% melee turn in a turn cost spell to eliminate casting spells in Offensive armor lean inefficiency.

A Hybrid uses Melee and/or Ranged weapons of 100% melee for twelve turns, expend 125% melee of mana as a given resource to cast standard spells +100.625% melee per turn for four turns and may expend 100% melee of Sp to use standard skills +88.5% melee. Largely underdeveloped due to lack of recognition in its benefits which result in no demand are quickcast spells, a no turn cost spell that removes a mage's 77.875% melee turn cost, this permits using the invested Str and Int for 22.125% melee each on every turn, Werepyre subrace has the same power as quickcast as it has mana cost skills along with a toggle split damage and accuracy between Str/Int in place of either Str or Int to pair with Dex.

A Beastmaster uses Melee, Ranged and/or Magic weapons that use Cha for stat damage of base 37.5% melee +28.875% from Cha +11.5% from Luk for 77.875%, pets deal +15.4% to their base 20% and expends 22.125% melee of Hp, Mp and Sp resources per turn to use guests of base 25% melee +22.125% from Cha +22.125% transferred to them from the weapon and a weapon+skill compression bonus of base 5% melee +4.425% from Cha for a total of +24.875% more than Warrior/Ranger/Mage, they may use standard Cha skills that are identical in damage and cost as a Mage's skill, although not recommended as it doesn't account for the Cha weapon's transferred power. Largely underdeveloped due to lack of recognition in its benefits which result in no demand and shortsightness of players who obssess over power and statuses MCs, Cha weapons that used a MC to remove the weapon penalty to be as strong as Melee/Ranged weapons were viewed negatively and thus were changed into Str/Dex/Int weapons that takes -5% melee to use Cha in place of Luck for Lucky Strikes, known as Ferocious Strikes.

Stat Formulas:
Strength (STR): The primary stat to Warriors granting Str /8 stat damage, *4/50 bonus to hit to Melee character attacks, contributes /4 to Initiative saves.
Dexterity (DEX): The primary stat to Rangers, granting Dex /8 stat damage, /50 blocking, *4/50 bonus to hit to Ranged character attacks, contributes /4 to Initiative saves. A secondary stat granting *3/40 bonus to hit to pet and guest, crucial to using Ranged as an alternative to Magic character attacks.
Intelligence (INT): The primary stat to Mages, granting Int *3/32 stat damage, 4/50 bonus to hit to Magic character attacks, contributes /4 to Initiative saves.
Endurance (END): The tertiary stat granting 23.8((5.25+0.5625*Level+0.00375*Level^2)+End(1+0.066*Level)/16)/1.4) Health, it can serve as a buffer against unfavourable random number variation and allow more risky strategies.
Charisma (CHA): The primary stat for Beastmasters granting Cha*3/32 stat damage to Cha MainStat character attacks, /15 stat damage *3/40 bonus to hit to pet and guest, increases attack rate for Pre-Sweep Standard of Beastmaster pets with Training Difficulty.
Luck (LUK): The tertiary stat granting Luk/50 blocking and bonus to hit, *3/8 Lucky Strike stat damage at a base 10% rate, contributes /2 to Initiative saves, the player or enemy that attains a higher Random number roll from 1 to 100 +Initiative earns the first turn in battle.
*Stat damage is distributed in 25% to Base and 50% to Random, Skill/Spell/Pet/Guest may be inefficient/increased or efficient/decreased stat damage determined by melee% cost.

The values for melee% damage that represents the described builds found below assume standard non MC equipment and a base accuracy of 85-Pure build's BtH, they can be adjusted according to output modifications namely Armor/BtH Lean, Proc, Boosts/Penalties and Elemental compensation, they are in the format of (Neutral Lean Weapon Attack(1-proc)+proc*.85(LukMod+.98125)(100+10/proc))/1.1, 100% melee Skill, 125% melee Spell/Skill, 40% melee Pet and 60% melee Guest.
LukMod refers a Weapon special's Base+Random+SpecialLukStat% being modified by a number that represents Luk stat's new potential value with the stat cap of 250 relative to the previous stat cap of 200, it is added to .98125 composed of base .5 and an assumed 250 Primary's .48125.

Pure Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Hybrid, Beastmaster
A maximized damage and blocking build, select among Str/Dex/Int/Cha as Primary MainStat, another MainStat/Luk as Secondary and End/Cha as Tertiary.

Luk Mod .14375 Weapon Luk 12.219%
Warrior/Ranger/Hybrid Weapon/Skill 83.406%
Mage/Beastmaster Weapon 62.555%
Hybrid/Mage/Beastmaster Spell 104.258%
Pet+Luk Warrior/Ranger/Mage 13.25+3.809% Hybrid 9.5+2.731% Beastmaster 33.353+4.888+Guest 50.044%

Lv Prime Second Tert
020 070 | 030 |
040 110 | 090 |
060 150 | 120 | 030
080 190 | 165 | 045
100 230 | 210 | 060
120 250 | 250 | 100
135 250 | 250 | 175
150 250 | 250 | 250

Blood Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Hybrid, Beastmaster
A moderate damage and blocking build with additional health to utilize health cost equipment with reduced repercussions if the attack does not connect, select among Str/Dex/Int as Primary MainStat, another MainStat/Luk as Secondary and End as Tertiary.

Luk Mod .12075 Weapon Luk 10.143%
Warrior/Ranger/Hybrid Weapon/Skill 82.425%
Mage/Beastmaster Weapon 61.819%
Hybrid/Mage/Beastmaster Spell 103.031%
Pet+Luk Warrior/Ranger/Mage 13.05+3.152% Hybrid 9.3+2.246% Beastmaster 32.87+4.057+Guest 49.455%

Lv Prime Second Tert
020 060 | 020 | 020
040 100 | 060 | 040
060 140 | 080 | 080
080 180 | 110 | 110
100 220 | 140 | 140
120 240 | 190 | 170
135 250 | 250 | 175
150 250 | 250 | 250

Beast Warrior, Ranger, Hybrid, Mage
A friendship and teamwork-centric build where the Character, Pet and Guest are equals, select among Str/Dex/Int to be paired with Cha as Primaries and Dex/Luk as Secondary.

Luk Mod .14375 Weapon Luk 9.523%
Warrior/Ranger/Hybrid Weapon/Skill Dex 77.273% Luk 65.008%
Mage/Beastmaster Weapon Dex 57.955% Luk 48.756%
Hybrid/Mage/Beastmaster Spell Dex 96.592% Luk 81.26%
Pet+Luk+Guest Warrior/Ranger/Mage 30.909+3.809+46.364% Hybrid 23.55+2.731+35.325%

Lv Prime Second
020 040 | 020
040 070 | 060
060 110 | 080
080 140 | 110
100 170 | 160
120 205 | 190
135 230 | 215
150 250 | 250

Ranged Mage
A caster equally trained in arts of a ranger build that has half Str to utilize Ranged weapons with as high proc as possible, as they surpass Magic weapons and have skill costs of a Warrior/Ranger, Dex/Int as Primary, Str as Secondary, Luck as Tertiary and End as Quaternary for additional health to utilize health cost equipment with reduced repercussions if the attack does not connect.

End Luk Mod .048875 Luk Luk Mod .071875
End 63.79+3.953+99.198+12.425+1.215%
Luk 64.579+5.885+100.425+12.625+1.815%

Lv Prime Second Tert Quat
020 040 | 020
040 080 | 040
060 120 | 060
080 160 | 080
100 200 | 100
120 240 | 120
135 250 | 125 | 010 | 40
150 250 | 125 | 085 | 40


Combat Expectations

Players are provided eight active slots to hold one weapon, armor, shield, skill, spell, pet and misc for each of the eight elements to attack the largest elemental weakness of the enemy and defend against the enemy's attack element, the options under Skill Point bar has a More button to select Ready Inv Before Battle setting to avoid a hard hit should the monster go first and its attack element does not match the defending equipment. Battles are slower if the player opts to attack at a lesser elemental weakness and monsters hit harder if resistance are lower than the values expected at their level.

At early levels multielemental monsters are easier to deal with as the range of what is considered good resistance for the other seven elements is only a few percentage of resistance off from the primary element. Resistance miscs allow players to fight against high level enemies that otherwise cannot be defeated, they become significant as secondary defense as the player levels since armor and shield resistances grow at a rate that leads to a widening of the ratio among the seven element resistance's spread to the primary element.

At times there are specially designed monsters that derive their power from stacks and present status conditions, they may require specific equipment and actions to offset that power. Be aware of unbeatable boss monsters, they are not mandatory to continue in quests, they may have stats and levels exceeding that of the player's cap, invulnerability to statuses, unique elements and actions that immobilize or inhibit the player to a high degree.

Etymology of Uber to Mastercraft

AdventureQuest has a tradition of an Annual Set of Equipment objectively higher in level and power, the original term was Ubers, the exclusive properties once associated with them soon became applicable to any individual and Set Equipment. The single component that differentiates from one of a standard power has an official term, Mastercraft defined by an increase in 10% price for a 5% power. Forms of expression include two categories, Power MC damage, bonus to hit, defenses, health, mana, spirit, bonus to saves and status conditions, or Compression where the 10% penalty is reduced by 5%, up to three additional components are allowed per Compression instance within each Equipment.

Mastercraft may attract the attention of players who desire the optimal tier of equipment, there is a proportional tradeoff for farming enemies specifically for their Reward ratios of Experience to Gold, disproportional farming of Exp Leaning enemies rewards relatively less Gold, that may incur a prohibitive effect on the feasibility of purchasing desired equipment.

Developers intend for Mastercrafts to be a form of luxury in the context of equipment, they are not conducive and mandatory for casual, complex and/or strategic gameplay. Equipment available for a Limited Time may require Gold, Z Tokens obtainable from Battles at a 10% chance for Adventurers, Summer and Winter Donation Competitions and as Bonuses from Token Packages in exchange for Artix Points. An evaluation of the motivations for each purchase is advisable, points to consider involve the desirability of the design, namely cosmetics and mechanics, which include compatibility, flexibility, synergy and usability as an occupant of the active inventory accessible in battle, the last is resiliency, whether it stands the test of time for the near future, the probability that it would be usurp by more complex objective and/or subjective design that the beholder perceives as superior.

Primary Divisions
Indefinite, whilst within the context of applicable and relevant constraints of data, financial and workforce resources, measurable and manageable by assessing Input to Output Ratio
Definite, in the context of the dates and duration being determined by legally authorized individuals

Secondary Divisions of Definite
Single Occurrence
Episodic, relevant instances inspired by Entertainment Media in the form of Film and Television Series

Tertiary Divisions of Periodic
Subjective: Operates on Individualized Preferences, Audience Spectrum of a Wide to Narrow range whose magnitude is indicated by the descriptive terms of Universal, Regional, Local and Individual.
Objective: Operates on Systems of Objective Structures, relevant instances are of these forms, Alignment of dates for Calendar Systems among Solar, Lunar and Lunisolar, relevant observances by date include Lunar New Year and Friday 13.

Status Conditions are Magic: Tactical advantages

Monsters have varying stat spreads, therefore a save advantage is established when it is lacking in the targeted Monster save stat, given that the player chooses items whose save Stats complements the character's build.

There are items whose triggers can be activated by the player through status conditions granting a 7.5% power bonus, while there is a downtrigger of -5% if not activated.

For the player and monster to successfully inflict status conditions, the value the random number generator from selects from 1 to 100, must be higher than the difficulty, that starts at 50, modified by (Monster Level - ItemLevel)/2, save potence/resistance/weakness, there are two selected stats involved as well, a minor stat most often Luck/20 capped at -+10, a major stat is SelectedStat/10 capped at -+20.
VirtualStat is a stat value expected of to an item's level, it may be used if the theme of the item do not associate to a particular stat, major VStat is MIN(2*Level+30,5*Level), minor VStat is 5*Level-Expected Primary-Expected Secondary) Expected Secondary is MIN(4*Level+32-Expected Primary,5*Level-Expected Primary) rounded to nearest 5, a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 250.

Afraid, blind, chi shield, choke, control, daze, dazzle, damage cap, defence boost, elemental shield, mana shield, panicked, paralysis, regeneration, stat reduction floored at -200 are Defensive and bleed, bonus damage, bonus to hit, burn, celerity, defence loss, disease, elemental vulnerability, poison, spiritual seed, stat boost capped at 500 are Offensive. Non damage associated Defensive status conditions involve attacking afterwards to reclaim the invested power, its multiplicative with Armor Lean. Burn, control's damage, poison and spiritual seeds are additive as they deal damage based on the applied power and level.

If the player can expect the monster to not act or be immobilized before the turn ends, armor and shield attacks locked to an element receive Elemental compensation from the expectation of using the attack's element against the monster's lower resistances while maintaining as good as possible resistances from the item may be used against the monster's highest resistance to take advantage of not receiving a punishing strike in poor resistances.

Guardians: Elementalising No Drops

Guardians purchased the privilege of elementalising their Guardian weapon, Weapon of Awe, UltraGuardian Scythe, Guardian Armor, Armor of Awe, UltraGuardian Robes, Guardian Shield, Shield of Awe, UltraGuardian Shield from the default of Neutral, which grants flat or even resistances for each element. Upon selection of an element you will notice alongside the focused element's resistance, there will be two other secondary resistances based on Elemental Wheel as allied elements. It is recommended to select an element based on filling the most lacking in performance of the elements for weapon, armor and shield.

The strategic choice is to elementalise the equipment to Earth for those seeking Power MC equipment since there are no weapon compatible with Staff Emblem below 10% proc, Mages have Seismic Righteous Claymore, a Melee/Magic Earth Sword in Golden Giftboxes compatible with Sword Emblem.

If a player has joined a modern standard subrace namely Werewolf, Vampire, Werepyre or Neko, Guardians have the default element of the subrace as a second no drop armor available in battle, which is Earth for wolves, Dark for vamps, Earth and Dark for Werepyres, Earth and Light for Sol Neko or Water and Dark for Luna Neko. Adventurers can only access the second no drop outside of battle by clicking options under the character's vitals bar, More settings and Adjust Armour/Weapon Between Battles. If the player is at least level 70, an additional final quest is unlocked after the subrace is level 10, that upon completion would update the no drop to level 70 and above like the Advanced purchasable versions in the subrace class shop.

Equipment Progression Pathways

The standard level tier interval of 15 and 20 correlates the level range of a serviceable Armor. However, with resistance miscellaneous items they can last up to 45 levels saving gold or tokens.

Arrows trailing a linked item indicate a purchase pathway progression through leveling. Certain items are linked at specific tiers with unique names as that is when the player should replace their current equipment with a new series. Arrows only correctly point to the item when the browser window is not restricted to a small area causing the furthest right words to appear on the next line under.

Items of Defensive and Offensive natures identify more closely with the nature on the left and less on the right, those on the lesser end are mixtures of both natures, the nature that constitutes the item the most by melee power determines the category it goes into. Items separated by commas and bounded by arrows (A, R > T, X) are on the same power tier, tiers are determined by the accuracy of the penalty for an equivalent status with respect to rounding and balance errors.

Guardian Account, Guardian, Seasonals, Z Token purchases, Package items and Heromart items are identified by the capital letters in this sentence.

Equipment progression pathways begin with items from basic shops in the hometown of Battleon and the Rip in the Sky, Elemental Plates and Shields are the first to be picked up, followed by weapons. There is at least one for most elements furthest to the left next to the Lean letters, items on the right are rewards upon quest completion, seasonal items, guardian account, guardian only, token or golden giftboxes whose exchange rate of 1 Ultra:10 Rare:25 Common is an equivalent of 4% U, 10% R, 86% C.

Item information entries from Game Developers are located within Info Submissions in their respective categories.


Tag System for Equipment within Optimization Academy of Lore


Numerical Tags
A Decimal System from 1 to 96 represents individual elements, format of the numbers are lowest to highest in the direction of left to right
Element combinations of Multielement: "." between numbers representing different elements
Consistently Determined elements:"/." between numbers representing different elements
Randomly and/or Simultaneous Determined elements: directly proceed to subsequent numbers representing different elements


Property Tags
Static Determinates
Player Properties: Paxian Clan, Class Armor, Class Title acquired from Class NPC Trainer, Customization awarded by Quest completion or aligning No Drop Element, Kingdoms of Knight Class, Subrace "Clan, Class, Custom, Title, Knight, Subrace"
Dynamic Determinates
Enemy Properties: Adapts to the first attack made on previous turn, Seeks the higher value among Element Resistances, where the Player manually clicks to toggle a Compression "Adapt, Seek, Comp"
Random Number Generator: prefixes "Battle, Hit, Turn or Obtain" include suffix "Shift"


Quantities Tags
Multiplicative Existence Tags: Multiples of Equal Quantities of Multielement "Dual, Tri, Quad, Quint, Hex, Hept, Oct"
Precedence Rank Tags: Ranking of Unequal Quantities of Multielement "Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary, Quinary, Senary, Septenary, Octonary"


Unique Equipment Tags
Weapons are presented in a spectrum among Defensive, Mid Defensive, Neutral, Mid Offensive, Offensive Lean to identify the range of procs best paired to an Armor Lean for maximum output, Neutral Lean Armors may use any proc with no variability from an average Output of 110% when Character's Stats are identical to Expected Stats, no proc +8% result in (110-2)%, as a Balance Standard measure sources of Attacks that are enabled to proc receive /1.1 to return to normalcy the contribution of +10%/Normal proc percent converted into decimals.
Expected Stat is based on a Pure Build's Mainstat Progression Standard, a Normal proc Weapon Special's BtH and Damage scale to Expected Neutral Armor Lean Normal Attack and Stat, however Special's Lucky Strikes use Character's Luck, Status Conditions' Major Save either use Character's or Expected Mainstat renamed as VStat, Minor Save use Character's Luck except for Guardian Dragon use Expected Luck in the calculation for Damage as a percentage of Enemy Hp.
For Builds that deviate from Expected Stat, in the overall rate composition between Neutral Armor Lean Normal Attack and Weapon Special, deficiency is compensated by a Special's comparatively higher BtH and Damage proportional to increasingly higher proc value, surplus when paired with no proc is compensated when paired with functions that scale to higher Stat in the form of damage and saves for status.
Standard proc value is 20% proc, other values are stated as presented, Weapons may have toggles among "Melee, Ranged, Magic" Attack Type Tags, a 100% proc Special has Output equal to a Normal Attack, if it has additional True Specials, their damage are identical to Normal procs.
Type "/" between toggles of different Attack Type Tags, "D, MD, N, MO, O", "D, N" prefix to a proc number identifies a True Special for 100% proc from a Normal Proc, D or O with a "No" suffix identifies a No True Special or No proc, Proc to Armor Lean Pairing Tags.

Armors are categorized as Defensive, Mid Defensive, Neutral, Mid Offensive, Offensive to identify their multiplicative Lean modifier respectively .8, .9, 1, 1.125, 1.25, for output where the Armor's Attack Animation occurs and intake.
Specialty Armor Leans use a standard output with additional intake to exchange for an equivalent power function, Block: Defences +15 Weapon Out .8 In 1, Health Regen: Heal .25 Weapon Out 1 In 1.25, Spellcaster: Weapon Out 1 Spell Out 1.375 In 1.25
Dual, Tri, Quad Primary element Armor/Shield are more effective than Single Primary element with Secondary resistances against multielement attacks.
Armor Lean Tags: "-" with "D, BK, MD, N, MO, O, HR, SC"

Skill/Spell/Guest/Pet/Misc are categorized by the Resources consumed, Base Resource costs of Calls are Sp, Summons are Mp and Contracts cost additional Gold.


Universal Trait Tags
Components of the Traits Structural Hierarchy are combinatory, belonging to internally similar and externally dissimilar categories of Trait Tags
Nature Tags: Defensive, Neutral, Offensive "D, N, O"
Functionality Tags: "Break, Block, BtH, Cure, Dmg, Heal, Imbue, LS, MindLock, Resist, Scramble, Stat, Status" if these are active, but are only functionally applicable by fulfillment of conditions, include prefix Element "Ele"
Object Tags: Character, Guest, Pet or collectively as Player, Enemy "Char, Guest, Pet, Player, Enemy"
Saves of Status Conditions Tags: MainStat, VirtualStat "Potence, SaveResist, Weakness, MStat, VStat"
Compensation Tags: "Block, Hit, Lucky Strike" include one of the two suffixes "Count, Rate"
Conditional Trigger Tags: Race, Attack Type, Element, Weapon, Armor, Skill, Spell, Stat, Status "Race, AtkType, Elem, Armr, Skill, Spell, Stat, Status"
Resource Tags: Charges awarded by fulfillment of conditions, Eats power from active Statuses, Health, Mana, Spirit, Gold, Mastercraft acquired by equipment price increase of 10% or as an alternative expression of the +3 Power Level to characters in accordance to the Terms of Guardians under the premise of adherence to the Terms and Conditions "Chrg, Eat, HP, MP, SP, Gold, MC, MCG, Turn"
Functionality Activation Tags: Automated and Passively Activated Costs, Manually Activated Toggles "Cost, Toggle"


Search Syntax and Structure of Tags
Between Tags, type '+' for combinations among Precedence, Trait Tags, where the order from left to right represents greatest to least in composition for each individual toggleable mode separated by '/'.
Weapon/Armor's Skill/Guest/Pet that switch to an alternative attack for the duration of their successfully inflicted status, determine the average turns of the alternative attack on the basis of the Status' Base Save difficulty, which reduces the portion a Status constitutes in the averaged composition, the order of toggleable modes is as presented from Info Submissions, the average of all modes' Natures determines the overall placement ordered from up to down representing the distribution among the three Natures.

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