Character Advice - Level 150 BeastMage (Full Version)

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Wonderdude -> Character Advice - Level 150 BeastMage (5/13/2021 5:49:01)

Been away for a pretty long time and started playing again recently.

I could do with advice on what I should do at this point with what I have. Anything that I have can still be of good use? Or should I buy something else for weapons, armors, shields, etc ?

Char link:

Primate Murder -> RE: Character Advice - Level 150 BeastMage (5/13/2021 12:32:44)

Welcome back!

Are you going for an FO or FD build?

Wonderdude -> RE: Character Advice - Level 150 BeastMage (5/14/2021 3:00:07)

I am going for FD build.

Primate Murder -> RE: Character Advice - Level 150 BeastMage (5/14/2021 7:24:45)

Ok, let's see if I can help.

First of all I should mention that several subraces have been revamped. As an FD beastmaster, you'd benefit the most from Sol Neko, as it has a number of passive and togglable skills to boost your pets and guests.


For your no-drop, I would suggest fire, as D-Burst spell covers the element and it has no exceptional shields.

Healing Branch is a water tome with a damage and several healing spells.

Winds of Time is a wind tome.

There's no ice tome, so I would suggest either a Frostgale weapon for a chance to Freeze (synergy with D-Burst, pet, guest and misc) or one of the utility weapons mentioned below.

Loremaster's Tome is the only compression tome in the game, with light, earth and harm spells.

Lightning Rod remains the only energy staff.

Blackbones would boost the damage of your D-Burst spell.

And some useful utility options:

- Nightbane Clawstaff summons an earth guest with lifesteal, leaving you a free spell slot.

- Zardwards Wand summons a light guest, and can inflict a low-cost Control or Choke.

- Havarti Blade gives your pet and guest 50% chance of celerity.

- Ancient Mother Staff makes your pet and guest inflict EleVuln (earth).

- Sacred Paladin weapons restore a notable amount of hp every turn you're fighting undead - good for protracted boss battles.


Once you complete the advanced Neko quest, you'll gain a second no-drop in form of your racial transformation. That and 3 elemental variants cover all elements, providing for all your basic needs.

Paladin is our first (and so far only) endgame class, complete with 20+ skills. It has several guests, nukes, a beastmaster toggle as well as a variety of anti-undead effects. Arcanist is the best variant for mages.

Bard of War has toggles to give celerity to your pet and guest.


Celtic Wheel remains the best option for mages due to the Int drive.

Fujin has a Dex drive.

Pies and Mother's Growth (LTS) shields have Cha drives.

Umazen Aspis gives +20 Paralysis potence.

Scarab Shell has a toggle to lower monster MRM, increasing the accuracy of all your attacks (including spells and beasts).

Eclipsed Dragonlord's Will has a qc skill that grants a stackable Barrier. Has incredible synergy with Gandolphin, Purple Rain and Essence Orb, though you'll only need that much protection against the strongest of bosses.


Most of your spells will be covered by your tomes, so the only damage spell you need is Destruction Burst, which seeks between fire and darkness and deals +50% damage for an hp cost.

Purple Rain is a staple of the current meta. It acts as a save point - cast it once to save your (and monster's) current hp/mp/sp, cast all your buffs and debuffs, then cast Purple Rain to return everything to their prior values.

Gandolphin gives a qc Mana Shield. Powerful synergy with Eclipsed DL Will shield for tough bosses.

Fruitcake Zard returns to the Void in a few weeks. Its paralysis toggle has great synergy with Umazen Aspis shield and Frostgale's Remorse misc. Until then, an Undead Hydra (Daze toggle) or Gaiden (heal toggle) would serve you well.

Dekanor toggles between wind and darkness and does +50% damage for an increased cost.

Nezujimbo has an attack that inflicts Freeze. That's nice synergy with D-Burst spell, Frost Effigy pet and Frostgale's Remorse misc.

Doomquake Minions do 2x damage for 2x upkeep.

Mogdin is the best stun guest we have, but it'll take a while to return to the Void.

Finally, there are some utility spells and guests you may want to check out:

- Sizzler 'Splosion autohits, which can come in really useful against high-MRM wind mobs.

- Moonwalker's Grace boosts your Dex for increased accuracy. Qc, synergy with Purple Rain.

- Edoc Imanok boosts your MRM, giving some protection against monsters with Freedom. Qc, synergy with Purple Rain.

- Grimlord of Nulgath. Darkness guest that does 2x damage for an hp cost.

- Memet. The only Harm guest in the game.


Underwyrmling is the only pet in the game that can harm monster sp.

Pick up Mutant Egg pet for water (synergy with Fruitcake Zard, Umazen Aspis and Frostgale's Remorse) and energy (synergy with Mogdin) elements.

Keep Anemo Godmother for healing.

Frost Effigy has a toggle to Freeze the monster and a Freeze potency, giving it great synergy with Nezujimbo.

Woolzard (returns to the Void in a few months) toggles between inflicting EleVuln and inflicting Sleep. Both modes can be enhanced for an sp cost. Until then, you can use the Protean pet for EleVuln.

Protean variant also works rather nicely for light.

Model 294 toggles to inflict EleVuln.


Essence Orb can be clicked on to convert hp into sp - a basic misc for pretty much anything.

Rejuvenating Necklace restores mp based on damage dealt. Can be useful for an extra cast or guest upkeep.

Love Potion in your storage can inflict qc stackable Control - op when paired with Essence Orb and Purple Rain.

Grakma Warhorn summons a fire guest that can inflict EleVuln. It also can inflict you with Berserk, which boosts your damage (without /2 for spells), though at the expense of accuracy - one of the strongest spell-boosting miscs in the game.

Goggernaut Helm gives +10 bth to every attack on the field. This includes your pet and guest and doesn't have the usual /2 for spells.

Clever Disguise is a beastmaster misc that sacrifices your turn and some sp to give guaranteed celerity to your pet and guest.

Frostgale's Remorse toggles between giving +20 bonus to inflicting Freeze and Paralysis.

Finally, Prime Chaos Orb has a qc skill that scrambles monster resists, while also boosting all damage it takes and deals.

Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

Wonderdude -> RE: Character Advice - Level 150 BeastMage (5/15/2021 10:55:38)

Thank you for the information. I will start working on it. :)

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