RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (Full Version)

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Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (8/26/2024 21:31:01)

Minor, via Ianthe:
- Healing spells are no longer unaffected by Spellcaster Lean.

Healing, END desirability, and monster stats, all need a thorough look so that we can address issues with them without disproportionately hurting the already delicate state of the early game. As it became clear that this will take a dedicated project, leaving a partial measure in place that would need to be revises later anyways felt needlessly restrictive

The Hollow Roaming -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (8/29/2024 17:33:37)

Ballyhoo's area in Battleon has been updated to fix various formatting errors and typos. The update also includes the addition of the following prize shops:

  • Prismstrike Arsenal
  • Willbreaker's Wares
  • Impaler's Emporium
  • Void Dragon Empress Armory
  • Warwolf Prime Set (empty)
  • Fungibushi Set (featuring an early release of 4 Fungibushi faces)

  • Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/4/2024 2:42:31)

    Star Sword: Doubled the power and halved the duration of the Burn.

    The Hollow -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/6/2024 12:48:29)

    System Update:
  • Fixed an issue where players' gold counts could overflow, resulting in negative balances.

  • Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/6/2024 18:33:18)

    Warwolf Prime: Pet Ferocious Strike boost is capped at +50%. Also, typos!

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/8/2024 1:57:18)

    Added a cap of 50% damage reduction to the Warwolf shield, also fixed the pet forgetting that you start from 0 Supercharge instead of an undefined value and its one braincell thinking that meant it was higher than 80 forever.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/8/2024 14:41:03)

    - Fixed/changed some names of Warwolf Prime items.
    - The shield now rounds EleShield to the nearest 0.1%, instead of the previous 1%.
    - Magic weapon: switched the Integration and Reactor Drain effects. Integration now grants bonus damage to Fire spells and Reactor Drain affects your weapon attacks.

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/9/2024 20:03:14)

    Fixed the Sharkicane spells having double the damage they were meant to due to hitting twice per intended hit.

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/14/2024 1:10:29)

    The Warwolf misc's Berserk-like effect now has a cap of -42.5 BtH lean, capping it at x2 damage. This prevents hitting -85 BtH lean (resulting in /0 borks, this way lies badness) and of course /-X which causes you to start dealing negative damage.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/17/2024 23:21:26)

    Minor: Warwolf Prime armours are out. Please refresh your client to get the latest version of the Status and Balance files.

    (Info subs will have to wait a bit, my dev notes are all over the place @_@)

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/19/2024 21:00:08)

    Fixed the Infested Deckhand pet erroneously being Water instead of Darkness.

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (9/20/2024 18:32:00)

    Fixed the Dead Sea Stinger Burning the player for daring to observe it in the shop. The Dead Sea Vengeance spell's cannon balls now hit twice each, so spell now has 6 hits.

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (10/6/2024 1:25:00)

    Fixed the healing on Nightmare Queen's Regalia's Boundless Horror spell not working.

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (10/11/2024 19:11:45)

    Fixed the 22nd anniversary cupcake misc not applying its Bleed effect properly with Ranged weapons, and bumped up the Blind base value from 7.06 to 7.14.
    Fixed the popup on the 22nd anniversary shield having a borked popup that I could've sworn I had edited.
    Fixed the 22nd anniversary Bleed weapons so they properly track hits and thus won't activate their Bleed-enhancing unless Bleed is already on the mob before the first hit in the turn.

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (10/18/2024 0:39:47)

    Fixed the Pumpkin Pixie armours all having the Earth resist focus. The Stinger Gourds skill now also has a baseline of 200% Melee of damage, charges a base of 100% Melee in SP, and still gets EleComp to cost.

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (10/22/2024 20:36:19)

    Forgot to post this before I headed out for lunch, derp:
    Fixed the EleVuln values on the Nightmare Queen's Regalia, it didn't have the /1.4 for it affecting all of the stuff on player's side. Passive version gives a +14.29% EleVuln, while the toggle gives a (25 x Hits / Attempts / 1.4 / 0.85)% EleVuln. Neither the Fear or Vuln on the toggle are affected by Spellcaster Lean anymore if triggered via a spell, that isn't really viable since you're not really paying damage (which would be boosted) to get the effect. Also fixed a couple instances where the values for one toggle were set at 60% Melee instead of the correct 80% Melee.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (10/22/2024 21:53:44)

    - Uploaded some fixes for the Warwolf Prime armours
    - Updated all the old Fungibushi/Spore items to use the new Spore numbers.
    - Wow, this should've gone live last month ^^; Updated the Ancestral Vengeance [The War Between Shadows Pt3] spell to include two "token" hits. These deal exactly 1 damage, modified by the monster's resistances (rounded randomly) and unaffected by most damage modifiers. It doesn't change the way the spell works, but it does add a way for it to interact with e.g. Necromancer class armour toggles. I've thrown the spells into Warlic's shop for the next week so that people can play around with them and report any bugs / suggest ways to improve it.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (10/23/2024 12:32:35)

    Flipped the Dark and Light resists on Fungibushi.

    Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (10/23/2024 21:25:41)

    One thing I missed when putting fixes for the Nightmare Queen's Regalia, the Fear from the toggle was erroneously lasting 4 turns rather than 2 turns, that got fixed and it's correctly lasting 2 turns now.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (10/24/2024 23:59:36)

    - Fixed Green Nasty and Legion to not explode when hit by Backlash / Blocklash / etc.
    - Ask Zorbak: fixed the scaling on Green Nasty.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (10/28/2024 0:10:19)

    - Updated the Fungibushi armour to have a pun. Oh, and a standard Wind spell, but c'mon, the pun is the best part.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (11/4/2024 9:57:16)

    - Updated the travel map with the new Alnaphar quest.
    - Reign Plate: Alnaphar's Glory (aka Al Glor) will only activate if the mob has HP>0.
    - Reminder: Celerity stacks duration, so if you call on Al Glor while you already got Celerity (+1 action, 1 turn) then it becomes (+1 action, 2 turns) and you'll get that 2nd bonus turn after the monster does its thing.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (11/5/2024 20:58:44)

    Reign Plate:
    - Fixed Phoenix Charge so that it properly gives a -25% damage penalty instead of a +25% boost.
    - Phoenix Charge now only applies its effects while the mob is Burnt. Doubled the amount of healing it gives.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (11/10/2024 15:46:54)

  • Phoenix Charge now checks for Burn and heals you at the start of the monster's turn.
  • Void Empress' Legacy / Voidpact weapon package: fixed Empress' Vengeance to disallow element-changing effects like Rainbow Twilly Surfboard.

  • Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (11/15/2024 10:43:56)

    - Properly tagged the Reign Plate and Reign Defender as Reign Set items, so that set bonuses should work.
    - Updated typos on Zfinity Gauntlet (thanks Lorekeeper!)
    - Bishop Finch and Ultimon should no longer have unfair attacks (thanks Lorekeeper!)
    - Fixed some math on Shattered Horizon misc so that it can't full heal you.
    - Updated the Dragonlord MC quest's Ghostly Pressure to Burn you instead of Daze. (thanks Lorekeeper!)
    - In Chessmaster: A Cavernous Chronicle, removed 'Evolved' Nightreign as a possible encounter. (thanks Lorekeeper!)

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