RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (Full Version)

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Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (1/17/2025 11:12:09)

- Fixed missing face from the Chessmaster: Checkmate shops. The base version of Chessmaster's Style should now be available from both the standard and challenge shops.
- Fixed the same issue for the base Centurion face on Gift Delivery '24.
- Added the First Centurion faces too.
- Fixed missing MRM costs on the Festive Legionary armor.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (1/17/2025 12:19:46)

Underworld Archfiend: The Archfiend's Betrayal skill is now spell-based and costs MP by default. If used with the Underworld Archfiend weapon in Melee or Ranged mode, then it becomes weapon-based and costs SP.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (1/19/2025 2:01:09)

Underworld Archfiend: Fixed the SP cost for Archfiend's Betrayal in Melee/Ranged mode.

Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (1/20/2025 18:40:31)

Fixed an arror in the Multimaul and Hubris weapons that made the accuracy lean toggles nonfunctional.

Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (1/23/2025 14:23:18)

Adjustments to Exalted Unity
- Autohit now only consumes 12 charges, worth 15% Melee.
- Empower can now consume up to 28 charges for up to 35% Melee +DmgDlt, with each charge consumed giving 1.25% Melee in +DmgDlt.
- The Autohit effect doesn't poof just from swapping weapons anymore. (To clarify, it still only autohits on this weapon itself, there was just a bork where you'd lose the buff if swapping off of the weapon for whatever reason)
- Now properly has the damage boost for being a no-special weapon.

Edit: Updated Exalted Unity's textbox so it is easier to read. Took a bit of fiddling and poking Hollow, but your eyes shouldn't bleed when looking at it anymore!

Edit to the edit: If PlayerLv >= MonsterLv+20, then the weapon will no longer passively gain charges, and the Charge skill is disabled.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (1/26/2025 11:21:10)

- GSS: Chilling Bite now shows the proper MP cost.
- GSS / RotSW: Fixed the Bite spell so that it properly Freezes/Eclipses the mob.
- Festive Legionary Spear: now takes the Ranged Adaptive Lean into account when it Panics the mob.
- Underworld Tome: Removed the downtrigger on the Skull Scream.
- Frostval '24: Gift Delivery war: The replay buttons at the end of the war now direct you to the proper quests.
- One Storm Armour: fixed some typos
- Essence of Carnage guest: In Defiant mode, you can no longer gain charges against foes 20+ levels lower than you. Capped the spell boost at 100 charges = +100% spell damage.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/3/2025 1:02:44)

- The level 135 Reaper of the Sunless Winter now correctly upgrades to the next level tier instead of a different item entirely.

Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/3/2025 19:35:22)

- Fixed the Sovereign's Horror Sceptre's built-in spell not actually connecting with its attacks.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/6/2025 11:02:10)

Gingerbrute Gumdrop Scepter:
- Bleed on spellcasts is now x4 as strong as it was before. NEVERMIND THIS
- The first and third modes now apply all their effects to Harm spells, not Earth. The second mode still affects Earth spells normally.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/8/2025 19:42:03)

Legendary Taxing Cutlass:
- All leveled versions can now be upgraded to a scaling one.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/11/2025 10:42:20)

- For seeking effects: if there's a tie, then it uses your equipped weapon's element as a tiebreaker. This only applies to more recently-coded seeking effects.
-- This can be overridden; if you're wielding the Gingerbrute Gumdrop Scepter then seeking defaults to Harm if the Scepter's doing its "extra hit of Harm damage" thing. These will have to be manually added.
-- Updated the Arctic Tornado, Cysero's Teleport Booth, Creation Burst, Volcanic Lightning, and Destruction Burst series of spells to work with this.
-- EDIT: Updated Legion's Violence too.
- Shentu Serpent guest should no longer leave the game hanging if you don't have enough MP/SP.
- Carnation-in-Full-Bloom: cleaned up its Control effect. It should be producing fewer NaNs now.

Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/15/2025 15:13:58)

- Fixed the Shentu Serpent pet and Forevermore weapons scaling when they weren't supposed to.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/18/2025 14:55:40)

Rolled some fixes to Cherub armours, and updated Bitter Storm skill:
- Berserk has been reduced from 10+level/10 (25 BTH at level 150) to a flat 10 BTH.
- The skill now also Blinds the mob (-15*[mob's resist] BTH, [hits connected] turns) subject to a save at a -20 penalty. This is a separate save from the Burn's. The Berserk only happens if the Blind is successful (regardless of the Burn).
- Increased the damage penalty from -50% to -75%.


Fixed some low-level ninja mobs that weren't loading.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/21/2025 8:35:50)

- Via Hollow: Head proportion and bow position in the Timeless Guardian armors bugs have been fixed.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/21/2025 22:39:02)

Gave the Amoria guest a quick update.

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/27/2025 11:56:58)

The following visual updates are now live:
  • Protean Predator Armors (resolved layering issues)
  • Timeless Guardian Armors and Timeless Guardian's Heart Miscs (resolved layering issues and fixed the Timeless Guardian Miscs, which now properly display on the armors when equipped)

  • Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (2/28/2025 10:07:09)

    - Snipped PWD reflection from the old War and War: Volatile Form.
    - Fixed Praetorian Slayers having the wrong description. I had the quest boss version erroneously labeled as the one to use.
    - Fixed erroneous tags on Praetorian Vanguard mobs: Juggernauts were tagged as Human instead of Giant, all were erroneously tagged as Primordial.

    Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (3/8/2025 21:12:59)

    - Rubicon March quest: Gnuvain will now properly copy your clan/subrace.
    - Knightmare armour: Fixed the once-per-battle armour lean change to persist between battles.
    - Infernal Angel armour: As above. Also fixed the 5 Potence so that it'll properly reappear on battle start.
    - Vector, the Betrayer's Bite weapon: Fixed the healing hit so that it's properly tagged as an "other" attack.

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