Kamui -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes (1/23/2025 14:23:18)
Adjustments to Exalted Unity - Autohit now only consumes 12 charges, worth 15% Melee. - Empower can now consume up to 28 charges for up to 35% Melee +DmgDlt, with each charge consumed giving 1.25% Melee in +DmgDlt. - The Autohit effect doesn't poof just from swapping weapons anymore. (To clarify, it still only autohits on this weapon itself, there was just a bork where you'd lose the buff if swapping off of the weapon for whatever reason) - Now properly has the damage boost for being a no-special weapon. Edit: Updated Exalted Unity's textbox so it is easier to read. Took a bit of fiddling and poking Hollow, but your eyes shouldn't bleed when looking at it anymore! Edit to the edit: If PlayerLv >= MonsterLv+20, then the weapon will no longer passively gain charges, and the Charge skill is disabled.