Death snake1 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (2/9/2013 21:09:14)
Location: Void Monster: Oikea Hetki 150 Problem: When i start the battle, it stuns me, which is supposed to happen unless i get a saving roll, but then, before my guest an pet get to attack, it always hits me with i's "summoning skill" on avarage about 5 time, killing me in the first turn. Is this supposed to happen, where i can't even get in an attack edgewise befor i die. Also, i am able to fight this creature at my level, i just can't get in an attack edgewise. Also, after i die, and go back to the void, this monster appears again, and i have done this 5 times, why does this keep happening?Thank you for reading and reasponding to this problem, and if it woudn't be to much of a problem, could you PM me to tell me if it is a glitch, bug, or actually supposed to happen. Thanks again!!! That's intended. *PMs with more details* ~IMR