RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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SW7951 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/6/2013 8:10:29)

Young Light Dragons attack before the battle starts (i.e. before the "ready inventory before battle" option).

I'm not sure, but I think that this is intentional. ~IMR

sol1tud3 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/6/2013 8:54:43)

at first the level 75 Geldar and Forgotten Spawnling doesnt load
cleared my cache and then the level 105 Overlord Phoenix doesnt load
cleared again and now level 75 Jester doesnt load
cleared the third time and Geldar doesnt load again [:(]
I was using chrome
tried Internet Explorer and level 75 Salamander doesn't load firefox had McAfee installed and it said the game is unsafe and blocked it
had no problems when doing Taladosian quest
my theory is the problem only exists for mobs in a certain level range
not sure what else I can do

EDIT: beat the overlord quest on 6th try and got stuck on Twilight's 2nd boss

It's working for me. Try clearing your cache? ~IMR

Sir Perfect Socks -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/13/2013 17:12:03)

The level 144 Carnax's Abomination SP attack uses 376 SP instead of 456 SP.
He regenerates 82 SP, like he should, so that's fine.

I just tested it, and he's using 456.

1) Are you sure that you're fighting the right version?

2) Monsters regen SP at the beginning of their turn, and then they immediately spend it before you get the chance to see it go up. Are you including that in your calculations?


1) Yes, I'm sure it's the level 144 version.

2) Nope, I haven't included that. So that's probably it.

Problem solved.
Thanks alot, In Media Res! [:)]

Sir Real -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/15/2013 11:29:13)

I fought the monster ??? in the quest First Meeting with Maxwell and Morgan, and it was the level 120 version even though my character was only level 50. I got a huge pile of experience (almost 100000) and now I'm leveling up after every fight. I can't find any proof that this wasn't supposed to happen, but it's certainly very strange. That's also why I have so much gold.
Character page link:

Skyscrapping Toad -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/16/2013 9:21:20)


I fought the monster ??? in the quest First Meeting with Maxwell and Morgan, and it was the level 120 version even though my character was only level 50. I got a huge pile of experience (almost 100000) and now I'm leveling up after every fight. I can't find any proof that this wasn't supposed to happen, but it's certainly very strange. That's also why I have so much gold.
Character page link:

Actually, it is written that you get the level 120 monster. I read it a couple of days ago. However, my problem is that I sometimes(not always!) get the low-leveled one instead which is weaker than the random monsters before it. [8|]

Character page link:
Firefox, XP sp3, newest versions of everything.

Deus Irae -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/17/2013 2:11:41)

When you Decimate (Decimator armor skill) a group mob, things go crazy. I was Fighting a corrupted shadow wolf (4) (1500 hp each, 6000 total) and I decimated them, and their hp dropped, then went up (like normal) but it was divided weirdly between them, they had more hp than they said in the target chooser icons, one ended up with 1501 hp. Too many little issues to fully describe.

Fornever -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/17/2013 8:20:04)

Probably a minor thing and I don't know if this is intentional or not but the level 150 Navith in the Twilight Set Quest has 13% to darkness while and I have 12%. I have both the 150 armor and shield equipped, and all of Navith's other elemental modifiers and combat defenses are equal to mine.

Rhowena -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/29/2013 18:43:39)

BuzZard's standard poison attack is PLevel 8.94 and does Harm damage. I would guess that something about it is broken.

EDIT: Dracovamplantess has a similar issue (Up to PLevel 8 and Harm damage). Existing monsters with elemental poisons, such as Tytoa and Bored Buzzer, are still working.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/15/2013 7:14:38)


Eh, I'm not sure, but I think the Zzott monster (and the Zzzzzzzzott probably too) has somewhen lost one of its attacks. I recently found out about Zardwars, where I got to battle a Zzott, it had two different attacks: The two hit attack it has in AQ too, but also a 1-hit attack that I have, in AQ, not seen a Zzott deliver in quite a long time.

I assume I found another monster with that issue. Drakel Warrior had, I am sure of that, a two-hit attack, when it used its hammer to smack you from above. Which it doesn't do anymore, both of its attacks now only deal 1 hit.

Actually, that's intentional. Its two-hit attack was just "Attack#1 and Attack#2 combined" - there was some code missing so that it didn't stop at the end of Attack#1. ~IMR

edit: Heh, 'kay. Thanks for the explanation IMR!

zangetsu1141 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/19/2013 9:42:58)

The enemy p.t.a.d.o.s wont let me attack due to it useing the timestop abilty every turn , i think its an bug

The Carnax Dragon -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/20/2013 8:21:03)


BuzZard's standard poison attack is PLevel 8.94 and does Harm damage. I would guess that something about it is broken.

EDIT: Dracovamplantess has a similar issue (Up to PLevel 8 and Harm damage). Existing monsters with elemental poisons, such as Tytoa and Bored Buzzer, are still working.

I second that, when is that going to be fixed? I mean it was bearable with the Dracovamplantess since you could dodge a hit and lessen the poison, but this is just unberable. It's like one touch death practically. Players with lower endurance than mine for the sake of stronger stats in other fields are not going to be happy campers.

On top of that though, I notice that the BuzZard's death animation loops. Like it dies and then gets up and dies again. I've painstakingly killed 3 of these things already so I know it's not a one time thing.

MP -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/21/2013 15:18:16)

I can't get the Sweat of Usterik in the Lucretia's Apothecary quest. I battle him, I click all over him, when battleling him and after beating him and nothing happens. [:@]

Odd, it's working for me. You beat him and wait for him to fall to the ground; then click him pretty much anywhere.

Have you tried clearing your cache (Ctrl + Shift + Del)? ~IMR

Update: Thanks it helped.

DarkDevil -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/2/2013 14:04:24)

not sure wether this is a monster bug or equipment bug or typo but it apeared in this monster cus it has a stat effect
on brilliant sunray when twilight 135 pet done its blind effect it didn't put the word blind beneath it but instead beside it as you can see here

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Precept -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/2/2013 16:29:13)

I noticed the Ethereal Hydra's animation is bugged because its normal hydra color scheme shows through.

Apparently that's intended. ~IMR

dragonfire1423 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/31/2013 1:30:38)

I got into a fight with a Circle of Doom, and on the first turn it bombed and killed me.

1)Got into the fight
2)Equipped my armors using the "ready inv before battle" thing
4)the "turns remaining" numbers appeared at the top of the screen
5)I died in that first turn.

I know that you are supposed to have ~15 turns to kill it, and I'm almost certain that this has not changed, as doing 4000+ damage in one hit is just a little absurd :P

Also I know that it hits rather hard, but i was at ~900 health, so I thought something was wrong, as it didn't get an Lucky Strike :/

Oops. Sorry, it should be fixed now. Thanks! ~IMR

RASTAFARIAN -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/31/2013 21:15:14)

The plasma dragons backlash ability appears to be doing energy damage although it states that it does fire

It randomly switches between the two. ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/10/2013 9:46:30)

Honestly I'm not sure if this is graphical or a monster bug, but well... I know the Fire Drakel Warrior is supposed to equip a random Fire-element weapon everytime you meet him, but is it intentional it carries a WF weapon?

In this picture the Fire Drakel carries a weapon, that, IIRC (I really haven't played WF in a long time) is called Gathorax and not available in any AQ shop...

Edit: Scratch this, sorry. Thanks @battlesiege below.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/10/2013 9:49:26)


Fire Drakel Warrior
Fire Element


It equips one of four fire weapons for battle. They are (from left to right in the collage) Sariel's Vigil, Layard's Deception, Cizor (from WarpForce) and Fire Blade.

I think so according to the description

zippy2010 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/15/2013 11:59:13)

Enchanting Sphinx is not tagged as flying(it has huge wings). My Nightsever is not triggering.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

koalable -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/17/2013 1:32:49)

The game seems to freeze (it doesnt load) every time I encounter a Green Knight (lvl 20).

It freezes during the load screen; everything is 'Ready!' except for Monster, which says 'Loading...'

I have tried logging out and back in and clearing my cache, but I still get the same result.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/18/2013 11:29:24)

Is Retro Fire Drakel Wizard in 10th Anniversary -> Akriloth supposed to pop up

when using his Mana-Pyre attack? I can't seem to think it should...

Nope, so I've removed it. Thanks! ~IMR

Smc -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/27/2013 0:15:43)

I have 90 endurance and 85 intellect. Ok so my MP is 1396 ,but my HP is differend every day. The biggest problem is that it's ever less than it should be. At the moment is 1209. Please fix this problem.

This is intentional. We've updated the game engine a couple times. ~IMR

Disc Lorde -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (6/28/2013 0:22:46)

Queen Raychael the Sunray freezes when she uses her healing spell.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/5/2013 10:16:08)

I somehow made Sir Pwnsalot disappear while untraining...

In order:
1) Defeated a random Ice monster.
2) Went untraining via the Guardian Tower teleporter.
3) Stole his jaw.
4) Started battle.
5) Hid my Pet (Retro Twilly G, lvl 141)
6) Got killed and untrained my stat.
7) Clicked "Again".
8) This.

Char page: Under Avvy
Equipment used: Patriot Blade lvl 145, Horo-Show Void Vigilante+Vindicator lvl 148, no miscs.
Browser: Firefox 22.0
OS: Windows XP
Flash: Latest

SamaelMalkira -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/7/2013 20:26:05)

Some Monster (ArchDemon for example) do not take as much damage as it says they do. for example, i just hit it for 28 damage when it had 30hp yet it only went to 24 hp.

This is intentional. Read the monster's description. ~IMR

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