RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/1/2014 7:50:14)

Okay, I'm not entirely sure when Mondrogor got re-statted and stuff, but I think it's Void attack has been broken into all kinds of brokenness.

My level 84 quaternary found one in random adventure, and at full HP (which is 624), its Mandragora Scream hit me for 660 o_O
Exact battle sequence:
Attack from Mondrogor -> Blocked
Stone Cold Spear special triggers, hits Ice and 1 Light hit
Attack from Mondrogor -> Blocked
SCS special triggers again, hits all three hits
Attack from Mondrogor -> Blocked
Armor attack, hits 3 times, twice a Lucky Strike
Gets 1-hitted by Mandragora Scream
(>O_O>) (insert tableflip)

Equipment during the entire battle was Lord's armor+shield, level 68 Stone Cold Spear (which have all been equipped from the previous battle), Sniper's Scope
Firefox 27.0.1, latest Flash player, and here is my quaternary.

Unless I'm underestimating how Mondrogor's Scream was coded I don't think that it should be able to 1-hit a character at any time, given I don't think it has a higher lean than 1. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

This is intentional. The harder you hit it, the harder it hits back. ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/3/2014 8:15:14)

Okay, I really apologize for doubleposting, again, but yeah. =.=

Zombies of any type (except Mecha and Pygmy as far as I remember) should have both an initiative penalty and Bleeding immunity, right?
Well, it seems as if meeting them in a pack (In my case, a pack of 2 lvl 55 Big Zombie) removes both status effects :/

Whoops, that one monster wasn't updated to use the proper file. Fixed, thanks! ~IMR

DarkLore -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/3/2014 12:37:10)

I was playing Ghost Rusters. I had my legendary shadow crystal on hydra day. I fought a spectre. But the hydra skill still worked. I thought spectres had no blood?

Not really a bug, but I've fixed it. Thanks! ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/5/2014 3:36:08)

Uh, Imry? >.>;;

Now after fixing the Big Zombie (2) bug, after beating the pack, its initiative penalty (and only the penalty) carries over to every monster you fight afterwards ._.'
I confirmed it to trigger after specifically looking for monsters that usually go first against my measly 35 LUK. The penalty triggered every time, basically granting me the first attack in 100% of the battles.

Logging out and back in fixes the issue, but as long as you stay logged in after you beat the pack, the initiative penalty will carry over to every monster you battle afterward.
Used equipment is basically everything my character owns. Dx

Thank you for the quick fix Imry. Really appreciate that!

Ianthe -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/5/2014 4:35:13)

O.o Okay. Big Zombies can no longer be found in packs.

This is actually a bug in the status system (player init bonus/penalty carries over between battles, so monster init bonus/penalty carries over too), and I've fixed it locally. It should be fixed permanently the next time we update the status system. Hopefully this won't show up until then....

sol1tud3 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/5/2014 7:42:53)

I defeated Neberon but he was also dazed (22.5% of not acting) on the same turn. Then he did not act for 2 turns in a row and the "you have defeated me" message appeared after his third round. Not sure anything needs to be done to him or the other trainers, it's not a big deal really >.>

Yeah, probably not a big deal. ~IMR

darker999 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/12/2014 17:33:25)

The level 100 corpesicle shows the wrong headshot.
The headshot shown is for a green moglinster with a santa hat.
I cant say if this is the case with other level varients.
Thank you in advance.

Intended. That's Kabak, who created the Corpsicles. ~IMR

kors -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/13/2014 17:50:09)

The Lvl 100 Pirate in the new war inflicted me with a Plvl -3 poision after using Deadly Rodger. It also says that it inflicts 590 damage every turn, but it does no damage.

Should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

pure tppc -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/17/2014 15:40:00)

If you kill a monster but you die by a burn, you actually lose the battle. Shouldn't it be that you won because the monster died first?

Nope. Ties go to the monster. ~IMR

pure tppc -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/25/2014 14:14:27)

Adventurer Void: Only Queen Raychael, King Raymoond and Trigoras give exp and gold. The rest of the monsters give 0 exp and gold. I did not cap and whenever I encountered them, it showed 0 exp and 0 gold.

Ranloth -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/25/2014 14:44:22)

Not all monsters have to give Exp/Gold. Some are there for sake of challenge, or testing purposes.

pure tppc -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/25/2014 14:47:34)

Either way, you probably wouldn't want to be in this situation having to waste 150 SP to leave them. I don't believe it's for testing as I've seen a video of somebody killing them and he got about 1m in gold on one of the Shadow monsters.

Ranloth -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/25/2014 15:02:36)

You shouldn't be in the Void to farm either, when it's designed to be a testing place - not a farming spot. Not all monsters give rewards in the Void, and only because they did, there's no rule saying they must give Exp/Gold. Void is NOT a standard like RA or quests - it's purely for testing and difficult monsters, so normal rules do not apply. Shadow Storm was one of the examples - it had rewards at first, but Kamui zeroed them to prevent abuse.

pure tppc -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/25/2014 15:06:22)

It's pointless that way and a waste of coding in AQ. What's the point in testing monsters in the server? Why not just let the staff test them instead. You don't sound like somebody who wants them to give exp. What about other difficult monsters in there? Why do they give exp instead? And what abuse are you talking about? If people are good enough to kill them then they deserve the effort.

Ranloth -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/25/2014 15:13:12)

Werewolf Pack is in the Guardian Void to test the new Packs, and how they work. Why not let us test, if this means we get to have some fun + more bugs can be spotted + Staff spends less time on finding the bugs, but new releases instead?

You're arguing your opinion with hard facts from the Staff. There's no point, because it's your word against theirs, and Void is NOT a farming spot. It does NOT follow any rules in terms of difficulty, rewards, and whatever else there is. It's purely for testing + challenge. No, you shouldn't get rewarded for your effeort because it's completely optional, not a quest + it's The Void. If you want to argue it, I'm sure IMR, Kam or LB can explain it for you - but expect the same answer.

Don't keep this going, because it's not a bug nor a discussion thread. So, if you want more info on this, you know who to contact.

Ianthe -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (3/25/2014 21:41:35)

The Void is a place for us devs to have fun. We can introduce a new monster with new abilities, or to test out some new code, or whatever we feel like without having to write a quest around it. It is not meant for farming, unless we actively give a monster a heavy gold lean to make it farmable.

The Shadow monsters are there for bragging rights only. Take a screenshot of your victory, post it on your Tumblr, and show it off at every given opportunity (like I do with that time I got killed by a treasure chest [by the way, did I tell you that I got killed by a treasure chest?]). They don't give gold (1) because the reward would be ridiculously high, and we don't want it to become farmable (2) especially by hackers and (3) so that when you die (not IF, WHEN) your "times killed" count doesn't go up, because a lot of people care about their "times killed" counts.

Yozai -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/2/2014 16:33:44)

Not sure if it's a bug... Just that the Evil Tiki can get poisoned by the Chimera shield and bleeding because of Bloodthorn. They can do that to the non-living but I'm not sure if the Tiki is some kind of a golem?

Not a bug. It's an elemental. ~IMR

DarkDevil -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/4/2014 3:45:19)

tytoa doesn't trigger Nightsever flying trigger althought it doesn't touch the ground so it is flying.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (4/7/2014 8:27:33)

Killing Lord Arrgthas (Level 75, but I'm sure it applies to all versions) via Chimeran Shield series' inflicted poison causes Blue Scroll of Doom. Inability to access the Permafrost Scimitar shop.

Should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

tecreatoromega -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/3/2014 9:59:21)

The monster Archdemon appears to have his resistances inverted. It says he takes 200% damage from fire (his own element), and while your fire weapon will display the number of damage its doing as double, the health bar goes down for much less damage than appears on screen.

big E -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/3/2014 13:33:52)

@above: That's his "deadly trick". When you hit him with Fire, he does indeed take 200% damage, but then immediately heals 3/4 of it back. (See its 'Pedia page.) I tried killing him with Fire once - and you can (slowly) bring his HP down to a single digit, but no further. IIRC, if you scramble/randomize him, the effect applies to whatever element ends up with the 200%. So just stick with the 120's :)

Yndlnoot -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (5/9/2014 18:27:30)

The Bird of Prey in the new release, the Past Unraveled Part III, does not show the damage it takes in the form of an element symbol with the amount of damage.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Also, when Drakath attacks the player with his breath attack and inflicts Blind, the hit rate reduction has an excess of digits behind the decimal point. Screenshot of the status effect.

A_f1sh -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/3/2014 12:09:24)

Not entirely sure if it's a bug but...

Essence of Wind Dragon (110) with about 5000 hp left took 122 from guardian dragon.

Not a bug if it's the normal GD. (Only PWD/UGD get through its damage cap.) ~IMR

MDLM... Joey Howe! -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/1/2014 18:16:28)

I was battling a ScakkWolf (110) during the quest from Robina and it survived a PWD hit...

Aak -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/7/2014 6:29:42)

Well, just then I versed a Deadwood (lvl. 135) in RA and when it did a "Rain Dance" (to heal) it ended up committing suicide somehow.

By the way, I didn't inflict it with poison or anything.

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