RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Hagen -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/2/2007 8:01:18)

As for the attack ratio of BD:

dragonknight1919: For level 80 version, with CHA=100, he attacks about 90% of the time for me.
Chiniese: lvl100 version doesn't seems to attack very often. Anyways, at 0 cha, it seems to attck something like 20%-30% of the time.
mysself: my level 110 version attack rate is about 3/4 for a 115CHA character.

If the formula rate=67%+(CHA-TD)*0.4% is right the exact numbers are:

level 80, TD 70, CHA 100 -> rate 79%
level 100, TD 85, CHA 0 -> rate 33%
level 110, TD 100, CHA 115 -> rate 73%

It seems that the general formula applies here.

Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/2/2007 9:59:12)

Hagen: By the Master List of Game Formula, the default rate for pets/guests is:

Attack Rate = 67% + (Cha - Training Difficulty)/2 + Special Modifer

In this case, the Special Modifier would be 0.

level 80, TD 70, CHA 100 -> rate 82%
level 100, TD 85, CHA 0 -> rate 24.5% (rounds to 24%)
level 110, TD 100, CHA 115 -> rate 74.5% (rounds to 74%)

These numbers are very similar ... has the 0.4 instead of 1/2 been verified?

Hagen -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/2/2007 12:15:39)

I've found the info that 5 cha is 2% somewhere on AQstats, it may be incorrect. It may well be 5 cha = 2.5%, the numbers don't differ much and the master game formulas list is reliable.

Reign Man -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/2/2007 18:23:20)

Hagen and Aelthai: I think that equation is close, but probably needs some "special modifier" as mentioned in Aelthai's equation. Neither 79% nor 82% are right for my BD, although they are close enough that I think the actual equation is close to what we've come up with.

Arjan0.1 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/3/2007 8:54:55)


ORIGINAL: dragonknight1919

Name: Bobble Devourer
Location: April Fool's Day 2007 Reward Shop
Level: 1/10/20/40/60/80/100/110
Price: 50/200/400/700/1200/2500/4000/8000
Sellback: ?/?/?/?/240/500/?/1600
Damage: 2-8/4-14/8-24/10-30/12-36/20-52/24-64/28-76
BtH%: 10/10/10/10/12/15/20/25
Training Difficulty: ?/?/25/35/55/70/85/100
Attack: 2 hits, 50% base and random, 50% base and random
Description: The Devourer does not destroy worlds by just blowing them up (though he probably could). No, he's much more subtle, unless things don't go quite as he plans...


Still need sellback prices for levels 1, 10, 20, 40, 100, plus any theories on his attack rate. For level 80 version, with CHA=100, he attacks about 90% of the time for me.

Sig removed; not permitted on this board. -Reyn

for lvl 40 is sellback 140

cornfield10 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/3/2007 12:04:42)

Mercuria can also be got on epic quest part 12. so non-guardians can get her

Atlam -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/3/2007 18:51:56)

Bobble devourer pets are now all rare

Wereragon3 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/5/2007 20:54:12)



description: What kind of sick,twisted intelligence could have created something astoundingly cute??? 2 attacks, energy and fire.

Attack:1 hit of energy:melee,then one hit of range:fire.

DK Eternity -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/6/2007 6:26:13)

The sellback of the level 100 version of Bobble Devourer is 800 gold.

Might as well add some info on the Robunny:



Location: Egghead Quest reward shop
Level: 15/60
Price: 580/7000
Sellback: ?/1400
Damage: 6-18/12-44
Training Difficulty: ?/45
Attack: 1 hit melee energy, followed by 1 hit ranged fire.
Description: What kind of sick,twisted intelligence could have created something astoundingly cute??? 2 attacks, energy and fire.


gordankid48 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/6/2007 20:41:18)


Big Clone

Type: Pet
Price: 25,000
Sellback: 5,000
Level: 70
Training Difficulty: 40
Location: Guardian Shop

Hits: 1
Damage: 8-26
Element: Your Weapon's Element
Attack Type: Your Weapon's Attack Type
BTH: BTH Of Your Weapon

Description: This clone is a freakishly large version of you, and does freakishly more damage per hit.

PIC. Clicky!

Motionless -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/6/2007 22:37:33)

gordankid: That is old news

gordankid48 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/6/2007 22:52:45)


ORIGINAL: Motionless

gordankid: That is old news

Yeah, but I didn't see it in the Encyclopedia...

Icemaster Yeti -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/6/2007 23:56:11)

You didn't look close enough. Try looking for Clones.

Edit: I have added Big Clone and Little Clone to the Pets/Guests Index, pointing to the Clones listing.

gordankid48 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/7/2007 9:48:20)


ORIGINAL: Icemaster Yeti

You didn't look close enough. Try looking for Clones.

Edit: I have added Big Clone and Little Clone to the Pets/Guests Index, pointing to the Clones listing.

Oh, sorry about that. Thanks for putting it in the Index though ICE.

vampire hunter -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/7/2007 11:43:03)


Name: Were-Bunny Helper
Location Grenwog Festival
Price: 3000 Eggs
Pic - nananananananana BATMAN

It does 1 hit of melee earth or 1 hit of ranged wind

How do I find out the Damage and BTH?

cornfield10 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/8/2007 8:35:28)

the light gatta costs 2400 and has a sellback of 480.

The Drifter -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/8/2007 10:10:04)

vampire hunter, that information has been on record for over two years now.

Shinseiki -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/8/2007 11:39:43)

Under the Pets & Guests index, there isn't any info on Baby Void Dragon under the Elemental X category

vampire hunter -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/8/2007 18:01:01)


The Drifter

vampire hunter, that information has been on record for over two years now.

How come I can't find it? Could you show me the link?

Also, Crikeydile's level requirement has been changed to lvl 40

The entry can be found right here. It's listed in the index under Were-Bunny, and is on the very last page of the Pets/Guests section of the 'Pedia.

cornfield10 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/12/2007 10:45:03)

Warlic can be got form te huntress chase aswell.




ORIGINAL: cornfield10

the light gatta costs 2400 and has a sellback of 480.

Old News

Its wrong in the encyclopedia.

Wereragon3 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/12/2007 19:27:11)

New guest

Attack:2 hit of wind

Dark_Eclipse -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/12/2007 21:13:58)


ORIGINAL: Wereragon3

New guest

Attack:2 hit of wind

Adding on:

Does the teleportation thing for one Magic hit of Wind.

She also throws a dagger for one Wind Ranged attack.

Dark_Eclipse -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/12/2007 21:17:07)

New guest : Yulgar

Where: Weapons of Salvation War


One hit of Melee Earth

Two hits of Ranged Earth.

Hagen -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/13/2007 3:15:10)

The Huntress (guest) has three different attacks:

From the left to the right: 1 hit magic wind, 1hit ranged wind, 2 hits melee wind

vampire hunter -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/14/2007 10:04:20)


ORIGINAL: vampire hunter


The Drifter

vampire hunter, that information has been on record for over two years now.

How come I can't find it? Could you show me the link?

Also, Crikeydile's level requirement has been changed to lvl 40

The entry can be found right here. It's listed in the index under Were-Bunny, and is on the very last page of the Pets/Guests section of the 'Pedia.

I think they're two different guests. Because the one you are showing me is from the Vampire vs Werewolf war and attacks with light. The one from the Grenwog festival attacks with one erth and one wind.

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