RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (Full Version)

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Drackalack -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (11/29/2006 18:53:30)


ORIGINAL: darckhawk
look at the hour i opened the computer

too bad you were 20 secs late

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/2/2006 1:58:40)

The new Mitsubishi Outlander, the only way to travel the Outlands.

Un67 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/2/2006 8:14:38)

Tornado Watch 755

Falerin -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/2/2006 9:27:21)

ooh and it was issued by NOOA just one letter off from NOVA.... coincidence?! YOU DECIDE!

Drackalack -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/2/2006 20:24:55)

i watched Donnie Darko and it ended at 7:55

DragonMaster#1 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/2/2006 22:03:51)



There is no such thing as coincidences. Saying woot first post makes you look like a foron so its good he did not.

Did you possibly mean moron? If you did, you're right. Saying W00T! First post!" doesn't make you sound like a moron though. Anyway, I found a 755 "coincidence". Look at the title of this thread. ZOMG! 755!

Falerin -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/2/2006 22:24:00)

Foron = Forum Moron

Fulcan Ryst -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/2/2006 22:28:35)

Kinda like me, eh Fal?

Anywho, I woke up at 7:55 this morning. No joke.

Well, I set my alarm, but hey, 755.

~Alastor Fulcan Ryst

DragonMaster#1 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/2/2006 22:42:24)



Foron = Forum Moron

Huh. Never heard that one before. Did you just now make it up?

Robertm -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/2/2006 22:58:05)

Striker The White -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/3/2006 14:28:30)

Look at Frost Titan's hp.

vi3t8oi -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/4/2006 19:01:49)


ORIGINAL: folken44

Look at Frost Titan's hp.

no offense but how possibly i can see the picture??

ADUGAN -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/4/2006 22:38:34)

heh thats pretty cool

Lord Barrius -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/5/2006 14:28:04)

Ninjas are the work of The`Galin.

lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/5/2006 14:32:27)

What can it mean, what can it mean....... a direction?
A puzzle?

Riyar -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/6/2006 10:59:26)



There is no such thing as coincidences. Saying woot first post makes you look like a foron so its good he did not.

No there isn't. just like there is no thing such as "Forons".

clover!!! -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/6/2006 11:24:31)

So who's the good and the bad guy here?[:-]
7 5 5 + - 0

Falerin -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/6/2006 21:26:54)


ORIGINAL: basher1200
No there isn't. just like there is no thing such as "Forons".

Suuuuuuuuuuure there is NO such thing as a Foron. We have absolutely none on this forum at all...

bluemanrocks -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/7/2006 17:27:36)

Well, I got an "informational" spam e-mail the other day from some one whose e-mail address was hopelove444, and in it, they mentioned the TV show LOST, which has been mentioned several times (OOC of course) during the "Truth Saga" and [I think] The Lost Experience (another "alternate reality game") was the basis for this type of set-up (interactive characters, web sites, hidden information, etc.)

Mobuis -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/7/2006 23:05:53)

I joined an IRC chat room called #755...

A coincident? I think not!

Lyoko1309 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/9/2006 10:33:45)

My sig. Fear it.

Deflagiratio -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/9/2006 23:41:27)

O_o we set this into motion the minute we killed Akriloth in the first dragon war. (sorry, I just watched two "final destination" movies. please don't trust what I say.)
We were supposed to raise Akriloth's child, but Tharg the Terrible recently went to smoke mountian, killed the dragons, and took over.
So remember that fire sentanal that said we'd be in great danger if we don't raise the dragon to become extremely powerful? I mean, come one. Tharg killed him.
The little blip in that movie showed the fireball lady warning about the inbalance? Why is there a huge ice war going to get a powerful ice orb right before the poeple who studied the clock's
deadling came?
I think we have sestimaticly (well, sort of. It was the moglin's fault) created a holiday that is going to destroy us. How very nice. (note the end of the first line)

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/9/2006 23:48:36)

The Hatch from LOST. I don't suppose Hollow's down there...


FeelNFine -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/12/2006 15:48:00)

The hompage has a add for z tokens Z looks like 7, followed by the 5 new clans add and the zorbak number 5


Mysterious Player -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/12/2006 19:09:53)

Well I think 755 refers to a christmas song, to find out if im right we'll need 7 swans a swimming and 2 sets of 5 golden rings, and a taco for me ;)

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