RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (Full Version)

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Shreix -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/13/2006 11:27:48)

I was listening to my Ipod, I had my library set on random and when I got song number 755 I got the song The Seer's Tower. I think its weird conciddering that the lyrics always made me think of AQ, if you dont believe me feel free to read them for yourself Here.

EDIT: I fixed a typo I ment to say 755 but in my infinite typing skills i said 775. Thanks to Tola for noticing that for me

Tola -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/14/2006 15:22:51)

Not 755, but I recently got a certain piece of spam in my Inbox. Apparently it was from 'Lies'. The content was standard junk, though. It just seemed....odd.

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/15/2006 1:01:44)

LOST references in the Truth Saga:

The Hatch both in the Truth Saga and LOST.

The Mural is similar in both LOST and Truth Saga.

Numbers Motifs

"Titles" Motifs

Hanso Foundation alike to NOVA


Locke's title "The Hunted", play on Locke's profession in LOST as "The Hunter"


Ben's title "The Traitor", a nod to Ben of LOST's betrayal of the survivors.

The resemblence of the "portal interface" and the LOST Hatch computer.

The Messenger is alike to The Speaker (not exactly LOST canon, but...)

"Crash Sites"


Use of codes (base 64, binary, hex, all codes used in the LOST ARG)

"The One True Way" seen on NOVA's MySpace, also a translation of "DHARMA" in LOST

The Speaker-like picture of a blacked out head and sunglasses, akin to Speaker of LOST.

Maxwell's avatars, including Eko vs. the Black Smoke and Ben.

Song found on the hacked NOVA site "Downtown" was in the Season 3 opener of LOST.

Maxwell's title "Stuck on the Eyeland", a song from LOST soundtrack

Use of IRC chats with "ingame" characters.

"Black Smoke" seen in one of the video clues like the Black Smoke monster from LOST.

References to the 23rd Psalm, both referenced to and an episode of LOST.

References to "White Rabbit", an episdode in LOST and appeared as a clue in season 3.

Countdowns to the end. In the Truth Saga, this was represented by the clock, in LOST it is represented by the Valenzetti Equation.

Giant Lasers. One of the LOST websites ( has a giant laser "fired" from somewhere in the island. In AQ, its the laser that summons "The'Galin".

The Sigma Directive sounds a lot like the DHARMA Initiative.

A possible Visual quote from LOST. At the beginning part of 577.html, a flash clue from Maxwell, faint pictures are overlaid quickly in rapid succession. If one were to watch when Eko met the black smoke monster in LOST as the camera paned through the smoke in slow motion, pictures would appear in the smoke as well.

The latest clue Maxwell said he obtained through the true portal has a striking resemblence to the Blast Door Map that was found by Locke in season 2.

Only proof that Maxwell is really "LOST". =P

Stations. Maxwell once said "The Index is the control station for the Great Door."

Prophecies. In AQ, it's the prophecies from people like Galrick. In LOST, it's the Valenzetti Equation.

"Man of Faith, Man of Science". Maxwell seems to play the part of a "man of science". A "man of faith" seems more like Falerin. "Man of science, man of faith" was an episode of LOST.

JTR5353 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/15/2006 17:16:47)

Today's C&H. (Check the URL).

Shadow Phoenix King -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/15/2006 19:57:07)



look at serlissa's hp
look at the candy
avalurch's hp
my mp
my hp

so much 755, the end must be very close

feel free to post ur own 755 images

Speaking of 755, look at this:

This is very strange indeed...

Kellehendros -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/16/2006 15:09:49)

That's Lies' character Shadow, he's part of this whole thing, just so you know.

Heh, just noticed today, my character in DragonFable has 755 hp total. Eep!

KHLOVER -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/18/2006 0:44:47)

Believeit, or Not!

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/19/2006 0:28:17)

Baoan Xian, China, area code is 755.

Lyoko1309 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/21/2006 16:28:37)

Some coincidences at school today. I got a card hand of 7 5 5, then I learn one of my classmates has a .755 grade average. Creepy.

SSJ5 Imperius -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/21/2006 16:30:38)

While playing Zardwars at school, I saw a Grandmother Zard that started with 755 health and after several attacks, its health was 557.

Drackalack -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/21/2006 16:49:31)

for me right now the movie Tombstone is playying on ch 755

blade of awe=BAD -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/23/2006 19:53:46)


PS: No forons! not that that will stop you -_-, although I like the idea of foron :P

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/25/2006 15:19:59)

Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is 5 minutes, 57 seconds long. (5:57)

LordXO -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/25/2006 18:22:56)


Agent Val -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/25/2006 19:37:02)

775 mana

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/26/2006 12:02:24)

Snooping around you tube, found this... uploaded it here for your enjoyment....

(It's a spoof video, not real)

twilight_dweller -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/26/2006 12:44:44)

Nice Azerkail. But might I suggest putting a scary face at the end?

lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/26/2006 12:57:25)

No, put one of the Dharma symbols.

term29 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/26/2006 19:50:01)



There is no such thing as coincidences. Saying woot first post makes you look like a foron so its good he did not.


Dalefanwill -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/27/2006 2:29:01)

Meh, woke up at 7:55.

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/27/2006 12:03:25)

During the opening sequence of Conan O'Brien for the 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, he spoofs the show 24. As he is walking in the alley, there is a truck parked behind him with the number 557.

darckhawk -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/27/2006 12:07:02)

my locker number is #557 and my 3 last ID numbers at school are 755

Hansuke -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/27/2006 12:08:01)

When I order pizza 755 comes written in the box...

twilight_dweller -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/27/2006 21:27:59)

Chimeras are helping the Devourer!

Isphus -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (12/28/2006 10:39:58)

so... he is the good guy?

he is also the good guy?

if he is so evil, why do the dogs like him

twillyght dweller is right, chimeras ARE working for the' galin

for a light monster he is quite evil

is 775 an important number?

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