RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (Full Version)

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Isphus -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/8/2007 11:20:20)

if he is good, why am i attacking him?


im full of these

i can upload all day

this one came while i uploaded the last one

xp o' doom

an extra 5

before u ask, no its not the same pic

u choose: 755 or 557

557 came into DF!!!

and unfortunatly 755 too!!!

the first lightbringer pic

no its not the same pic

this is the oposite of the last 2 ones

w00t i have more 12 to go waiting to get posted

zomg i have 755 hp


this is the proof that nightbane works for the devourer

557 invaded DF. AGAIN

pirrelvag works for the'galin

what should we expect from who sacrificed his humanity?

i think he can shift sides too

2 to go

umazen o' doom

now everybody's favourite: zorbak

even a worm?

the last one... for now

w00t a zard

edit: 25 27 pics JUST IN THIS POST

swordfighter -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/8/2007 20:23:10)

The 755th image of a Google image search defined by "755."
It is on page 42.

Velizeg -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/9/2007 17:28:37)

NOVA IS here!!!:

Is he NOVA leader?:

NOVA ¿food seller?:

UggaUgga2 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/9/2007 18:30:09)

does 775/755/557/577/575/757...
menas anything in AQ?

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/9/2007 18:38:18)

There is a Boeing 757 plane.

The number 755 is very focal to the Truth Saga, UggaUgga2.

Also, the Nova Group is a terrorist organization made up of some of the 4400 in the show 4400.

visectimo -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/15/2007 21:53:02)

This was after I battled carnax... is this a sign?

jeremy10 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/21/2007 18:23:30)

what is this thread about?

Pseudie -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/22/2007 13:36:15)

It is just about 7 pages long.... OMG

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/26/2007 1:20:07)

Track 557 on my playlist is Jack's Mannequin - Dark Blue.
Track 755 on my playlist is Muse - City of Delusion.

Coincidence? I think not.

A similar upside down triquetra logo used by NOVA also appears in the movie "The Omen" as the 666 symbol on Damien.

felic -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/31/2007 19:00:20)

what on earth is the meaning of 755?[&:]

Genoclysm -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (1/31/2007 19:01:49)

As far as it pertains to the game it means the trinity of the concepts equivelent to 0, -, and +.

Sir MaxiMo -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/2/2007 14:47:13)

when i saw AQ banner in Gamesheep for 1st time it was the 7/5/5 and it was 7:55 pm

Actionfrank -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/2/2007 21:36:31)

I start reading SPider-Man on the internet, (what can you NOT do on the internet, by the way), I found out that Peter's & Harry's (Spider-Man's and Venom's) fathers worked for a cure for Cancer under a company called Trask. I read that and though, "hmm... Where have I heard 'trask' before," and it hit me. In the Dark Jungle, there are monsters called Chrasks. THis has absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, but I kinda thought it was neat. Trask was a big-time company and Chrasks are little boar-things with weapons on their face.

Pertinence? None. I just like Spider-Man and AQ.

lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/3/2007 9:27:49)



when i saw AQ banner in Gamesheep for 1st time it was the 7/5/5 and it was 7:55 pm

You are the chosen one!

Shreix -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/3/2007 16:50:48)

Look at my HP

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/3/2007 17:18:23)

Heroes references?

1. The Alpha Gene. Similar to the Gene found in the 'heroes' that gives them their powers.

2. "Save the Baby, save the world". Similar to the message in Heroes of 'save the cheerleader, save the world.'

lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/3/2007 17:32:16)

Lost was ok but.... Heroes?

That started a month ago!

kingk00 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/4/2007 10:41:03)

hey don't knock it,besides maybe it's just a coincidence.

Lathomir -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/4/2007 14:28:55)

.....That this thread had exactly 117 replies before i posted. 117...117!!!
Do the SPARTAN-IIs have anything to do with this? Perhaps they are the only ones who can save us from NOVA....?

Mega Slayer -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/4/2007 15:23:50)

It is 7:55 where I am now...

lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/4/2007 17:44:12)


killerxemo -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/5/2007 21:10:55)

Fal has 755 posts..

Mageri14 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/8/2007 7:31:19)

heres a one that'll never happen again :)

rzx125 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/8/2007 7:34:17)

does anyone know what will happen when the clock hits zero at 5 pm?

lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/8/2007 7:35:03)


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