RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (Full Version)

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Mageri14 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/8/2007 7:44:00)

i cant find this clock does ne1 have a link?

Genoclysm -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/8/2007 12:09:22)

The clock is in the official role-playing chatroom Falerin made for the saga. Check the logs in the Truth Pedia. It should be one of the newest.

Sir MaxiMo -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/9/2007 18:08:19)


ORIGINAL: lightbringer lord



when i saw AQ banner in Gamesheep for 1st time it was the 7/5/5 and it was 7:55 pm

You are the chosen one!

OMG OMG OMG Like in Kung Pow Movie that i saw yesterday!!!

will i have a toungie??!![:D][:D]

Lord Barrius -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/13/2007 19:29:19)

Proof that my school is, in fact, evil as I knew all along. My school inbox:

SSJ5 Imperius -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/16/2007 19:08:10)

My father ate a meal that was $6.99, & at the place he was eating, the tax was 8%, so the cost was $7.55 or 7 dollars and 55 cents.

Eragonj -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/16/2007 19:16:48)

I've got a funny one my best friend has exactly 755 AR points this year also my 1 second 3 and 4 period classes equal 755 Oh no school is evil [sm=xb9yx3.gif][sm=xb9yx3.gif]

Silverdragon -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/20/2007 22:02:25)

When I bought my first Z-token item (Cryzta), I had 755 tokens.
And when I sold it, I was level 75, halfway to level 76, or level 75.5.
*evil organ music*

SplinterClaw -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/23/2007 0:04:49)

Yay, I finally got one!

Maegwyn -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/23/2007 8:21:37)

If A = 1, B =2, C =3, 755 = GEE!

#755 in the Arne-Thompson system of classifying folktales is called Sin and Grace

Genoclysm -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/23/2007 11:25:49)

I had Mai at 755 hp, but I didn't realise it until I hit the attack button, and I didn't have time to make a screen shot.

Maegwyn -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/23/2007 13:02:05)

The address for the Permissions Department of Scholastic Books is 557 Broadway. I noticed this while looking at the latest book in a series; on its first page, the word Void appears, and there is a reference to Nithlings. [:)] (No, I'm not suggesting that the architects/authors of the Saga have read this series.)

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/24/2007 1:09:42)


The Vagaran (level 84) in the Water Orb quest has 755 experience.

Coincidence? Or Easter Egg? =P

C0R5IX -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (2/24/2007 6:12:49)

WTF is all this NOVA stuff?? This is suposed to realy be somekind of underground organization with a totaly legal frontstaff? They are the propragators of the Endtime?! Kinda like Umbrella in R.E.? 'Cuz they shure have there hand in a BUNCH of cookie jars.
And I just dont get how the TV show Lost has ne thing to do with Endtime.....
Maby im just not on the same page as you conspiriters....755,557 wtf is it a referance too?

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/1/2007 19:22:40)

I searched the patent for a song up on eBay, and i got 755 different items. I knew AFI was evil!

The Extinguisher -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/4/2007 19:10:36)

My keyboard is messed up, so I can't get a screenshot, but there are exactly 557 posts in the "=AQ= Uncle AQ Wants You To Join "The Game" thread in General Game Discussion.

lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/10/2007 5:35:44)

Clan member Total is 755,549 right now.

twilight_dweller -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/10/2007 13:09:28)

I made it into the finals of the AQ contest. If there isn't some extremely good force behind that I don't know what it is.

lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/10/2007 17:07:04)

Meh, the faceless possesses the staff, everybody knows that.

twilight_dweller -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/10/2007 17:24:31)

Hopefully by the final judging the faceless will possess them again.

Atlas -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/10/2007 17:44:47)

The faceless also control the internet.

twilight_dweller -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/10/2007 18:04:09)

Will that have anything to do with the plot? Like the time Falerin backed up the theory that Tom Cruise is an agent of the Devourer.

Atlas -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/10/2007 18:14:25)

Tom turned his soul over to the dark side long ago I am afraid.

twilight_dweller -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/10/2007 19:08:52)

Proof of Tom's evil!

Foolsgold229 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/12/2007 15:01:31)

the fact that the Am-Bush creatures uses white rabbits as weapons...[sm=icon_question.gif]

twilight_dweller -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (3/12/2007 17:04:17)

I'm officially in the game! And my character I created is connected in the Devourer. I hope I show up as an NPC eventually though.

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