RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (Full Version)

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lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/2/2007 5:01:11)

This is not a fact but...

The'Galin saga in the forums started about this week one year ago. So it's been about 365 days.
Falerin mentioned that this will end in 2008. That makes 2 years, 730 days minimum...
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

P.S: I think this saga will end 755 days after the Truth's appearence ingame/forums.

One thing too;

At the season finale of LOST, the repeting message(message of Rousseau ''Ils sont morts, tous sont morts..'') count was '' 1-7-5-5-(some numbers)'' before they shutted of the radio tower.
Creepy huh?

tonyh428 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/7/2007 0:05:40)

Lol Lost is the show

I think at the 775th Event something will happen

Hank Arron hit a record of 755 homeruns

SirCut -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/7/2007 15:38:19)

i found this

tonyh428 -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/7/2007 16:39:21)

Holy Zards I had an idea I went to the library near Falerin's entrance
I checked each book
On the
Red Book pg. 7 i found stuff about the Devourer and Drakel
Green Book pg. 5 i found stuff about the Drakel
Blue Book pg. 5 stuff about the Fisherman

I hope this helps lol

Blade_fighter -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/7/2007 17:19:40)

^well... the red book is about the Devourer and such, the green about has alot to do with Drakels, and the blue book is about the fisherman, so that nothing really strange...

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/8/2007 1:20:02)

Now that you mention Lost again, I remember driving through a city in New Mexico called Hatch.

Good spicy jalepenos, if you ever get the chance.

UZ -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/8/2007 4:04:28)

I have 755 Z-Tokens now...

jacost -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/8/2007 4:41:25)

Not anymore ya don't, ultra zorbak!

UZ -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/8/2007 7:56:18)

I know, I know,its bad thing.

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/8/2007 22:37:31)

Here's another Lost reference, perhaps. Charlie types this sequence into the Looking Glass computer in the season finale (the tune of Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys):


lightbringer lord -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (6/9/2007 6:07:09)

I was just going to say that...

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (7/2/2007 9:38:40)

Were you going to mention the two part "Exodus" episode in Lost as well? =P

haaki nuva -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (7/3/2007 6:43:42)

My DF character works for the devourer![:o]

xxxRavynxxx -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (7/6/2007 19:58:04)

This is from a google search. Maybe you guys are worrying about the wrong number

Results 1 - 10 of about 90,300,000 for 755.

Results 1 - 10 of about 160,000,000 for 347

Results 1 - 10 of about 76,200,000 for 756.

Genoclysm -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (7/7/2007 0:19:16)

755 has been one of the official "clues" and one of the recurring symbols in the saga from the very first point that the staff started giving us clues. Of course we have the right number! The saga is saturated in 755!

JuliusBlazehearth -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (7/14/2007 16:41:23)

mickey is evil

WelshDragon -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (7/18/2007 9:52:09)

Holy Crap! As I red the forum I was doing my summer holiday homework essay about the poems In my name and Ala by Grace Nichols, I did a word count a this appeared, Look what's in the ring 755 Ring

Puppy -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (7/24/2007 9:54:22)

Last time I looked on the Harry Potter poll, the poll option "I LOVE IT" has 755 votes. i have a picture saved.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (8/6/2007 10:46:34)

It was in the Austin American Statesmen. There, on the front page, were the numbers 755 in a large picture. They signified Barry Bonds hitting record, but still, I figured that something was up... it was calling to me... somehow...

Azerkail -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (9/3/2007 0:50:11)

Truth Seekers are not terrorists!

Clyde -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (9/11/2007 22:16:30)

Last week during a drive home we stopped at a red light. Near the red light was a Cemetary and I looked around and saw a grave with the Last Name: Galin

I was like holy Sh&^ and was angry because I didnt have a camera. After that I was all creeped out. xD

JuliusBlazehearth -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (9/17/2007 20:01:35)

chek this page

the person! -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (9/18/2007 1:20:48)

I woke up at 7:55 this morning. I was also pretty lucky today.

Atzi -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (9/26/2007 13:20:16) check this out... the start and the name of it...
and i thought maybe transferring the numbers into letters, and it got me this 755 = gee or 557 = eeg coincidence i think not

Puppy -> RE: LORE, STORY - Tales of the Bizzare?!?! (10/6/2007 23:19:52)

I read at school in my text books that the September 11th Attack happened at 7:55 A.M. I know the times differ from different sources but still something some people should know.

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