Pumpkin Pi Bomber (Full Version)

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Tolkienfanatic -> Pumpkin Pi Bomber (10/26/2006 20:27:18)

Pumpkin Pi Bomber

Location: Night Of The Living Pumpkin -> Boss Fight
Level/Quest/Items required: 100% War Meter
Release Date: October 20th, 2006

Objective: Finally the waves of monsters have finished attacking town, now you can finally see who is causing all the terror in Amityvale... and why.
Objective completed: Finally the waves of monsters have finished attacking town, now you can finally see who is causing all the terror in Amityvale... and why.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(1) Jack Strife, (2) Pumpkin Pi - Boss

Jack Strife

Defender's Medal

Opens Pumpkin Shop at the end of the quest

Necromantress: I must say <Class>... I'm surprised that you and your friends defeated my army of Pumpkin golems.
<Character>: So you are the Necromancer behind this!
Necromantress: Necromantress! With an... "ess".
Zorbak: Woah... you are a girl necromancer!?
Necromantress: Just a girl? Hmpph! I am the high Necromantress of the Shadowscythe.
<Character>: The Shadowscythe? Who or what is that?
Zorbak: She is so EBIL... I think I'm in love!
Necromantress: As all will soon find out, the Darkness is inevitable. When the Darkness comes... the Shadowscythe will rule this world!
Zorbak: She is... so... PERFECT!
<Character>: Your army has already been defeated, you are powerless. Surrender now... or else!
Necromantress: Hahahahaha! Said like a true hero. You and your little blue pet there...
Zorbak: PET!? Meh... you listen here! The only one who is going to take over the world is me! So you might as well quit that Shadowsuckah club right now and join me. Or... meh... at least give me your number.
<Character>: ZORBAK!
Zorbak: What... ? Meh, she is hot!
Necromantress: Well, it has been nice chatting but I have souls to steal and a new army of undead to...
Jack Strife: You called master?
Necromantress: Excellent timing Jack. You know Jack makes the most excellent Pumpkin Pies. He can make pies as long as he has mana.
Jack Strife: Time to make pie! Time to make pie! Time to make pie!
Necromantress: Oh my, this is going to get messy... I best leave you to your dessert. Enjoy!
Zorbak: Sorry <Character>... an ebil moglin's gotta do what an ebil moglin's gotta do! Hey Necro-girl! Wait for me!
<Character>: !

After you've defeated the boss:
Jack Strife: ... next year we should have a giant gecko pumpkin called Pumpkin Pae (You know, like that cool admin on the forums)

  • Treasure Chest - opens Pumpkin Shop
  • Done - complete quest

    Thanks to Highlord Sendai for rewrite.

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