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10/26/2006 20:39:17   
Ninja Paladin
Lost, Wandering Goddess


Location: Pumpkin Pi Bomber, The Vampire Tower, Hot Plot, Friday The 13th III, Finale!, The Necromantress, The Gate Keeper, Artix vs. The Undead, Necropolis: Last Stand, Spy Saga: Beach War

Quests given

Shops owned

Pumpkin Pi Bomber

Necromantress: I must say <Class>,... I'm surprised that you and your friends defeated my army of Pumpkin golems.
Necromantress: Necromantress! With an... "ess".
Necromantress: Just a girl? Hmpph! I am the high Necromantress of the Shadowscythe.
Necromantress: As all will soon find out, the Darkness is inevitable. When the Darkness comes... the Shadowscythe will rule this world!
Necromantress: Hahahahaha! Said like a true hero. You and your little blue pet there...
Necromantress: Well, it has been nice chatting but I have souls to steal and a new army of undead to...
Necromantress: Excellent timing Jack. You know Jack makes the most excellent Pumpkin Pies. He can make pies as long as he has mana.
Necromantress: Oh my, this is going to get messy... I best leave you to your dessert. Enjoy!

The Vampire Tower

Necromantress: You'll need my help if you want to get to the castle, hero.

Necromantress: The situation has changed slightly since then. But nevermind that, if you want to save Amityvale and your little friend Thursday…
Necromantress: ... then you will have to help me.

Necromantress: No, you can't. The fog won't let you pass, but if you do as I ask then I will force the fog to let you go safely through to the castle.

Necromantress: A simple favor for a <Class> of your power. A number of the werewolves of Doomwood have gotten lost in the fog.
Necromantress: Stupid creatures that they are, they can't find their way out. They are attacking any that run across them.
Necromantress: I would just allow them to starve but time is of the essence. Go into the fog exactly where I tell you and destroy one of the miserable beasts.
Necromantress: Return to me when you are finished and I will fulfill my end of our bargain.

Necromantress: Well done hero. I am a Necromantress of my word. You may now pass through the fog. Goodbye <Character>... for now.

Hot Plot

Necromantress: Cleverly disguised? They're on fire... all of them are on fire. How is that "cleverly disguised"?

Necromantress: I have to admit, Xan, it takes an amazing amount of power to cast an illusion of an army of that size.
Necromantress: They really all seem to be aligned with Light instead of Fire. I'm impressed.

Necromantress: Don't lose your focus, Xan. Once we are done here you may return to your obsession with the blue mage...
Necromantress: ... and I will return to my plans in Amityvale. You know the plan. Your minions distract the heroes, drain their energy and resources...
Necromantress: ... then my undead army joins your forces and together they lay waste to Falconreach once and for all.
Necromantress: Finally, we retrieve the Hatchling for Lord Sepulchure and claim our rewards.

Necromantress: Do not fear. Even if our combined forces fall to <Character>, our new powerful servants will finish the job!
Necromantress: These pathetic heroes are too tired to put up any kind of fight. Falconreach is doomed!
Necromantress: ...
Necromantress: ... Any chance we can turn down the heat in here?

Necromantress: No I can't! I have terrible hood-hair right now. How about a glass of water?

Necromantress: *sigh* Nevermind.

Friday The 13th III, Finale!

Necromantress: Not quite all of them, <Character>.

Necromantress: Zorbak... hockey masks? That's just... silly.

Necromantress: I hoped that the combined armies would finish you and the other heroes, but I supposed that driving you mad is just as good.

Necromantress: Insane, or not, It is time to finish this. You've spend all of your time and energy defeating my army of the undead...
Necromantress: And XAN's minions, disguised as light monsters...

Necromantress: ... Yes, and Xan and I have each prepared a special challenge for you. ROTGUT, PRO PAIN, come finish off this fool.

Necromantress: Amazing, s/he defeated BOTH of them?!?! How did s/he find the strength?

Necromantress: Sepulchure will be... unhappy... with our faliure.

Necromantress: ...Very well. I don't know what you're up to Xan, but if you want to take the blame, be my guest.

The Necromantress

Necromantress: I must say <Class>… I’m surprised that you and your friend defeated my army of undead minions.
Necromantress: Necromantress! With an… “ess”.
Necromantress: …This girl’?!?? Hmph! I am the most powerful Necromantress in the entire Necropolis. I aced all my finals.
Necromantress: Yes. Necropolis is home to the largest school of necromancy on the face of Lore, and I was the top student.
Necromantress: Hahahaha! Said like a true hero. You and your little blue pet there….
Necromantress: Well, it has been nice chatting but I have souls to steal and a new army of undead to…
Necromantress: Excellent timing Alpha. hero, I’d like you to met my senior project… the Alpha Abomination! I made him myself!
Necromantress: I must run, heroes, good to see you. Alpha…. take them to school!

The Gate Keeper

Necromantress: As you desire... master.
Necromantress: (thinking) ... Just so long as you hold up your end of the bargain... and return my brother to me.

Artix vs. The Undead

Necromantress: This time I will finish these heroes.
Necromantress: ...
Necromantress: Edgar? But If I place his spirit in... the risk...
Necromantress: ...
Necromantress: ...Yes Master. It will be done.

Necropolis: Last Stand

Necromantress: Yes, Master Noxus?
Necromantress: The Strangeknight is the living embodiment of my HATRED of Artix and <Character>!
Necromantress: I will set my creations on them and get back to producing soldiers for as long as I can.
Necromantress: They will PAY!

Necromantress: Greetings, fools! Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the end of your lives.
Necromantress: Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about the army that we built for Sepulchure.
Necromantress: Once we destroy all of Falconreach's heroes, then we will have plenty of raw.. *ahem* materials... to build a new army even stronger than the last.
Necromantress: I should thank you all for saving us the trip and bringing your bodies straight to Necromancy University!
Necromantress: Through the generous donations of your lives...
Necromantress: ...this school of necromancy will be able to mold a new generation of young corruptible minds!

If you have not completed Artix vs. The Undead
Necromantress: THAT is where you are WRONG, <Character>!
Necromantress: The Strangeknight is my newest creation, forged of my own hatred for you!
Necromantress: You have the honor of being its first victims! I promise you, I'll use every last part of your bodies in my next creation!

If you have completed Artix vs. The Undead
Necromantress: It saves me having to hunt you two down like the dogs you are.
Necromantress: SILENCE!!!
Necromantress: You're not worthy to speak his name! You destroyed my brother now I'll destroy you with my Strangeknight.
Necromantress: You have the honor of being its first victims. I promise you, I'll use every last part of your bodies in my next creation.
Necromantress: I built it using all of my hatred for you two, and it will ensure that Noxus' plans continue.
Necromantress: ...Maybe he knows a way to summon my brother's spirit back from the other side. He PROMISED ME he would help me.
Necromantress: All I have to do is destroy you!

Spy Saga: Beach War

Necromantress: Amazing, s/he defeated BOTH of them?!?! How did s/he find the strength?
Necromantress: Sepulchure will be... unhappy... with our failure.
Necromantress: ...Very well. I don't know what you're up to Xan, but if you want to take the blame, be my guest.

Also See: Lady Vayle

Thanks to
  • Kay De and Windy for information.
  • margus20000 for the dialogue.
  • Stephen Nix for the rewrite.
  • Voodoo Master for dialogues, locations and image.
  • Azan for corrections.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 7/19/2024 21:18:40 >
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