Grinder's Paw, The (Full Version)

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skeleten3 -> Grinder's Paw, The (10/30/2006 21:08:52)

[image][/image]The Grinder's Paw

Location: Grams' Pet Shop / Aria's Pet Shop (All Versions) -> Grams / Aria -> Pet Quests -> Click the seventh paw print -> (Redo) Quest
Level/Quest/Items required: Level 5, Dragon Amulet, Completion of Dementon's Treat, Dementon unlocked
Release Date: August 30th, 2006

Objective: Grinders are very dangerous animals, but once you have made a friend of one you have a friend for life.
Objective completed: Grinders are very dangerous animals, but once you have made a friend of one you have a friend for life.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(X) Arctic Wolf
(X) Snowball
(X) Yeti

Pit Grinder

Glowing Platinum Pumpkin
Shiny Gourd


*You are in an ice cave; after fighting your way through various monsters, you find the Pit Grinder.*

<Character>: Wow, you're one mean looking...insane wolf thing.
<Character>: But I'm going to set you free and then we'll be life-long friends, right?
Pit Grinder: *snarl* *slobber, drool*
<Character>: ...
<Character>: ...Or maybe you'll just chew my face off.

  • Roll! Push me! - rolls a value between 0 and 100, boosted by player's CHA and LUK.

    Tame PitGrinder
    Need 90 or better

    If you are successful:
  • Continue
    <Character>: WOOHOO! My very own Pit Grinder. I'm so happy that I could dance! But i know that if I make any sudden movements, you'll bite my legs off.

  • Complete Quest

    If you are unsuccessful:
  • Continue
    <Character>: RATS! I'll be back for you Pit Grinder. Remember my face. My delicious, juicy face.

  • Exit Quest

    Other information
  • Successful completion of this quest unlocks Pit Grinder temporary pet in Grams' Pet Shop / Aria's Pet Shop (All Versions).
  • Successful completion of this quest unlocks Pet Training Mastery badge.

    Thanks to
  • The 13th for initial entry reformat.
  • Highlord Sendai for rewards and corrections.
  • Zaramuth for successful dialogue.
  • Jay, Peachii, Slayer Zach, and Voodoo Master for corrections.

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