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RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion

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11/19/2010 9:02:28   

^ I would never recommend selling a generic building to get Z-tokens.
Specific buildings like the Mountain Hunt Lodge, or the Fishing Pier that you will never be able to use again, maybe I would sell.

Unless you have a specific plan for upgrading your property....which you seem to have.

Once I had the maximum resources I could store, I might sell my house to realise any profit above 5000 Z-tokens, if I needed the tokens to buy the new buildings or guards that I wanted. The drawback is that all my other buildings would reduce by one level each.
But I usually have enough spare gold and resources to pay for upgrading any buildings back to the top level. The really problem for me would be restoring the two storage buildings to level 15. It takes weeks...
Your estate is much smaller and with the few buildings that you already have the cost of topping them out would not be too great.

AQ  Post #: 151
11/20/2010 18:52:15   
Nessa Ellensse

Sigmund, after buying the cornfield I sold the vegetable garden because I had no place to put it and no plans on moving up from the Frostvale estate
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 152
11/21/2010 9:28:15   

Is there actually a reason to buy the lvl 130 Nerfkitten when there are so many guards a few levels lower selling in around the 1000s? And is there any reason to buy specific guards? I remember the strength of a guard is basically squared, so if I can have one guard for 1000 then buying the alternative for 1600 looks fairly pointless.
AQ  Post #: 153
11/21/2010 10:15:49   
My Pain

It depends. The level 130 Nerfkitten is one of the best guards for keeping players out of your house, but they can't do any harm anyway. Most people think it's just a status symbol. It's probably the least cost effective guard.

For guarding your house from monsters (i.e. protecting resource production) it's best to buy the most cost effective guards first.

I like a mix of the two, I buy cost effective guards but also guards of monsters that I personally like, like the Banshee series.

Sugar made a guide to house guard purchases here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=16659668
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 154
11/21/2010 21:39:22   

Nessa I guess that might be true for a long time.
But eventually all estates may have more plots due to the planned underground and sky levels?

Then you will have somewhere to place that field.....
But by then you should have enough tokens to re-purchase the field.
AQ  Post #: 155
11/21/2010 22:19:05   
Nessa Ellensse

sigmund, maybe however with underground and sky levels I just don't see being able to put a vegetable garden in either place. I think something was said about the buildings having to make sense. Anyway that won't be fore a while if at all and I don't care to have items sitting in my inventory just in case. For now Nessa's estate is done time to turn my attention to other details, acquiring guards for nessa. Tending estates to get resources back up and saving up gold for giftboxes. I'm also trying to save up tokens for Eryn's estate trying to upgrade to a forest mansion estate, purchase buildings and guards
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 156
11/22/2010 8:41:57   

Okay Nessa.

I'm now looking forward to filling my storage buildings in a shorter time. But this will only be really useful if we have a War each week during Frostval.

The Extra food and Power of the Cornfield certainly enhanced by MWP army kills during the BURP war.
BC, Before Cornfields... 1500 Kills would have taken 5 - 6 days of war.
AC, After Cornfields... my characters managed 1500 kills in four days.
Now when is Cornfield 2 being released ?

Although when they arrive I expect that the new buildings for the underground and sky levels will require food and power to maintain some or all of them. Which may reduce things again.

AQ  Post #: 157
11/22/2010 9:11:46   

I had a theory that maybe the reason why results are worse with Guard Tower than MWP was because the low level guards most people have might be an inefficient use of resources. I thought perhaps low level guards cost a similar amount of resources to send to war as higher level ones but don't kill as many enemies. This seemed to me to make sense from a RP perspective.

To check it out I spent a fortune getting my Guard Tower up to level 15 and then, when the war started, I sold all my guards (I only had the gold ones) and bought the level 105 Drakel Bouncer.

I then used half my 28000 resources on MWP (level 10, 8 reputation, half armies) giving 592 wins

I used the other half of my resources on Guard Tower (level 15, Drakel Bouncer(105) as the only guard) giving a pitiful 466 wins.

My theory was shot down in flames, so I've sold the Drakel Bouncer and gone back to my small team of gold guards.
AQ  Post #: 158
11/22/2010 9:55:04   
Rai Spellfang
True evil needs no shirt!

The reason that the Guard Tower is less efficient than the Mega World Portal for killing war waves is very simple.

The primary function of the Guard Tower is to help protect your estate from being overrun by monsters. The secondary function is to permit you to spend resources to kill war waves.

On the other hand, the Mega World Portal's primary and entire function is to let you spend resources to kill war waves.

It's also worth noting that the Mega World Portal's more than 4x the Z-Token cost of the Guard Tower... and that's before you add in the extra cost of buying a small portal.

If the Guard Tower could viably compete with the efficiency of the Mega World Portal at killing war waves, it'd be a problem :p
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 159
11/22/2010 17:18:00   
Nessa Ellensse

Ah I see, I figured as much on the guard tower. However upgrading it to level 15 is still worth the resource cost especially with the corn field. THe better the guard tower and guards the less frequently your buildings get taken over. The less frequently your buildings get taken over the faster your storage gets filled up. reduced production beats no production and especially beats negative production

Given that there is probally not going to be a war this week anyone think they're going to get back to max storage before the first Frostval war? Also I'm at rep 11 is it worth it to tick off people or buy another portal and start over what's the ideal rep level to be at to get the most out of your resources?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 160
11/22/2010 19:17:09   

With Guard Tower at level 12 and no Museum or stat trainers to drain my resources I am now getting 129 resources per hour,
which means my estate will reach maximum storage in about 218 hours which is about 9 days. Three days less than previously...

I have enough guards to get no attacks. Unless the invasion equation has been changed again.
Even with one attack per day against the Cornfield I should still reach Maximum storage before Thursday next week.


With Guard tower at level 15 I would get 121 resources per hour which would give me maximum resources after 232 hours or about 9 and 3/4 days

If I had both lvl 10 Stat Trainers on my Estate that would give 12 less reources per hour, 109 resources per hour giving maximum resources after 257 hours or 10 days and 17 hours.

Add in a lvl 10 Museum for 5 less resources or 104 per hour and it would then take 270 hours to reach maximum resources or 11 days 6 hours.

< Message edited by SIGMUND -- 11/22/2010 19:33:47 >
AQ  Post #: 161
11/24/2010 20:38:41   
Nessa Ellensse

I have a level 14 guard house and some pretty strong guards. I hardly ever get attacked. Most of the item when buildings get taken over the MWP, trade hut and/or the storage sheds are the first to to be taken over

with all my buildings fully upgraded so with a level 12 trade hut it will take me 12 days to get to max storage not accounting for attacks which are very few, very far between and even less often a resource producer

food -----38----912
storage per resource 7000
total storage 280000
trade hut level 12

28000/ 2352=11.9

accounting for attacks round up to 12 days

http://www.battleon.com/aq-chars/aq-chars-estates.asp I'm now number 5 on the list

I haven't been on AQ in 20 hours
my character with level 15 guard house no attacks
level 10 guard house 4 attacks
level 7 guard house haven't checked yet

with your level 7 guard house you probably loose more production to attacks than I do, I'd wager you probably loose more production to attacks than I loose to my guard house

< Message edited by Nessa Ellensse -- 11/25/2010 17:59:24 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 162
11/25/2010 16:53:32   

i've kept my guard tower at level 7 and i don't regret it. at level 7, i lose only 2 resources per hour from the building, but i receive 7 levels of protection. at level 15, i'd get 8 more levels of protection, but i'd lose _16_ resources per hour (14 resources more than at level 7).

at level 15 guard tower, we lose (16 resources * 24 hours) 384 each day from the guard tower itself! that's right. count 'em: max guard tower COSTS 384 resources per day. would you lose that much to the attacks that you're trying to prevent? how many days would it pay off?

if i lose 3 basic production buildings each and every night when i go to sleep, i would lose (3 buildings * 10 resources * 8 hours) 240 resources. if the level 15 guard tower brought me from 100% to 0%, which it doesn't, i'd still be operating at a loss every single day.

at level 7 guard tower, i only need to offset a loss of (2 resources * 24 hours) 48, so that seems worth it to me for 7 levels of protection. those first 7 levels cost me (48/7) 6 resources per level per day, but the next 8 cost a whopping ([384-48=]336/8) 42 resources per level per day!


Progress is a comfortable disease
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 163
11/25/2010 19:39:14   

That may work for you, but people like me who only check in once in a while say twice a week, it is nice never having to worry about being attacked, and with wars as spread out as they are those few extra resources a day arn't going to change that I'll have full resources by the time it comes.


AQ AQW  Post #: 164
11/25/2010 20:47:01   

@above Agreed. For us casual players, it's nice not having to worry about the estate being attacked. I just got the Corn Field to compensate for the lost resources. I really only need the estate for wars. Until the Museum goes active, does it have any other purpose?
AQ MQ  Post #: 165
11/25/2010 23:23:27   
Rai Spellfang
True evil needs no shirt!

From what we've been told up to this point? We don't know :p

It seems like at one point, the Museum's intended concept was going to be to allow you to upgrade rare items... however that concept has since been pushed to the stat trainers. Possibly. It's not been implemented yet, so things could still change from there.

All we know is that the Museum will probably have some sort of purpose relating to items that are either going to be generated over time by the Museum itself, found while randomly battling, or both. We haven't a clue what those items will do or if the planned function will change again...

However we have been told that Museum owners will be compensated for the wait by some means. Z-Token items are tracked by when they're purchased, so it's totally possible for the staff to compensate based on how long you've had the Museum. So it's not like people that have put up with a structure that has been useless for quite some time will suffer.

Other than the hypothetical, though? See second sentence :p
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 166
11/26/2010 3:58:04   
  Captain Rhubarb


ORIGINAL: magicdog
However we have been told that Museum owners will be compensated for the wait by some means. Z-Token items are tracked by when they're purchased, so it's totally possible for the staff to compensate based on how long you've had the Museum.

That is still correct, and part of the plan.

However, someone needs to send me a new dictionary, because it's missing the word "soon"
That words means sometime between now and when the sun goes nova, right?

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 167
11/26/2010 17:13:27   
Nessa Ellensse


That words means sometime between now and when the sun goes nova, right?

I reallize the meaning of the word "soon" is slightly abstract and objective, however it's not that abstract or objective. As for a new dictionary may I recomend websters collegic?

On the subject of guard houses, my Frostvale with a level guard houe is filling up faster than my darkoiva mansion with a level 10 guard house and a higher resourse production rate. This is due to the number of attacks on the darkovia estate being 4-8 times higher. I'd up that guard house as well if I wasn't saving up for Frostvale

What is the most efficant rep level?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 168
11/26/2010 17:27:07   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

@Captain Rhubarb: Might I suggest you add some seasonal house guards* to keep us busy every single year until the sun goes nova?

You create it once and it remains somewhat "new" every year.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 169
11/26/2010 17:58:16   

I wouldn't mind a Storage Building 3 or a larger varient with more storage in anticipation of the sky and underground plots due to the long length of time it takes to upgrade...
Post #: 170
11/26/2010 19:39:38   
Nessa Ellensse

I would like more plots however I'd just put resourse producers there (fishing pond and vegitable garden and maybe the stat trainers)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 171
11/30/2010 19:09:46   

i would love another wood producing plot for darkovia estates, took down my stat trainers cause i never used them, put in cornfield and upgrading it, so still have room for something else .... guess i could start upgrading my museum that doesn't have a use yet
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 172
12/1/2010 9:54:24   
Dreiko Shadrack

I would love a mine for the underground plots...it would produce money and stone instead :p
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 173
12/1/2010 10:24:26   
Lives to Slay Dragons!

shouldn't the top two estates also a short have a themed mini quest such as the frostavle estates one? Capt & West, could this be considered down the road ( even added to the dreaded S.O.O.N. list)


Nessa Ellensse http://www.battleon.com/aq-chars/aq-chars-estates.asp

I'm now number 2 on the list. looks like a lot of people who were a head of me sold something for a corn field

hmm the list shows me that your Number #1 Nessa - congratulations !!! and yes I have inside info those 9 or 10 that were ahead of u - they did indeed buy a corns field for a future investment. the player(s) wanted you take over the top spot in celebration of Frostvale!!

Happy Frostvale Everyone !!!

< Message edited by Bigpepp -- 12/3/2010 22:44:49 >


[ image]http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/8835/beta4zd.png[/image]
[ image]http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/3986/nimet2yo.png[/image]
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 174
12/1/2010 11:52:09   
Sir BraveHeart

I added the time together and it takes 2544 hours to fully upgrade a storage house from 1>15 and to think the 2nd costs twice the Z-tokens, it would take 3,5 months (106 days) to finish upgrading, pretty absurd. And to get full production on Darkovia Mansion + x2 storage, portal, trade hut, portraits etc costs about 16k Z-Tokens.

< Message edited by Sir BraveHeart -- 12/1/2010 11:55:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 175
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