New smashers! It is very great to see you(if you are evil, anyways.). I would like to offer you evil people who cause ,the racket, the crime, and the theft, a very special oppurtinty. The Royal Evil Kingdom is accepting one who is strong(Level 10 at MIN), evil (Rank 3 MIN), and just loves to destroy and cause those awful sounds at night(to those of good). This oppurtunity could end at any moment, only because of interest. So, smashers, you choose who you would want to join.(Thats either me or no one) You shan't join Clown for on reason: He's crazy. Doc took him to the hospital years 'go and the hospital was never to be seen again.(and don't get me started on his carnies.) Everyone but Clown should be an open option to you. And do not forget, Clown and Drakkoniss, I am lurking in the shadows...